Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 54: Wolves in the Mountain Forest

A group of big horn deer move along the grass by the stream, and next to them, there are some predators who are disturbing them.

A few hundred meters away from the herd, on tall trees, Shao Xuan hid his shadow through dense branches, his eyes looking in the direction of the herd from the gap between the leaves.

This is the fifth day of hunting out and the hunting harvest at the first position is almost over, and Mac intends to take the hunting team to the second position.

The second position was on the other side of the basin, and they had to pass through the basin before they could reach it. Because of Shao Xuan and the spear, Mai also did not intend to go directly along the straight line, but along the edge. Although the route was a little longer, the victory was less dangerous than crossing the straight line.

Along the way, the hunting team saw a large horn herd of deer and also saw the trail of wolves. Mai told everyone to hide first and then show Shao Xuan the wolves in the mountain forest. Shao Xuan also raised a wolf. Mac worried that Shao Xuan had never seen a real wolf. Caesar was no longer a real wolf in the eyes of many warriors. He could not let Shao Xuan's impression of the wolf stay on Caesar's face.

In fact, Mai and the others were worried. Shao Xuan naturally knew what a wild wolf looked like. Otherwise, he would not have treated Caesar as a dog.

However, the wolves here are much stronger, more muscular and more lethal than the wolves Shao Xuan has seen in his last life. If you look at the heads and jaws of wolves, they have more bite power, and in their recipes, they have a lot of prey that is several times bigger than them.

Now the wolves are just wandering around, and before they do, they do a risk assessment.

“They avoid those with big horns. Look, that's it.” Mike showed Shao Xuan.

In the large horn herd, there are many large antlers, and a few of them are quite special. The antlers of those deers do not open to either side of the head like the other deer, but instead extend backward, almost wrapping themselves around, such deer are very difficult to deal with.

Such antlers have been seen by Shao Xuan in the tribe, and people carry such antlers during the sacrifice.

“Here we go!” The langa on the tree next to him whispered excitedly. In fact, every time you see the wolves hunting, Langa is excited, and the way the wolves fight and hunting skills are worth learning.

“For herd prey like Big Horn Deer, the best way is to get them running.” Mike whispered.

Shao Xuan looked at the past and saw a group of wolves who had been watching a walk in the distance before. Now they had gradually spread away and slowly approached the large horn herd. Several wolves also tried to intimidate the big horn deer beside them.

Because of the proximity of the wolves, the great horn herd also began to panic, and soon there was a mass disturbance under threat from the wolves, starting to run, and some fled from the herd in different directions.

The wolves scattered and ran, searching for the right prey in those panicked and fleeing big antlers.

“The little deer are guarded in the middle of the herd, and there are powerful individuals guarding them. Generally, the wolves rarely go down that way. As for those who panic and escape from the herd, the wolves will soon be able to identify the injured, sick, weak or old deer. Once such deer are discovered, the other wolves in the herd will give up chasing other deer and turn this way.” Mike pointed at the wolves who started running and said to Shao Xuan. And he paused, adding, "So even if you get hurt, don't show weakness in front of them. And don't let the wolves get behind you. It's dangerous. ”

Shao Xuan didn't know which of the deer injuries and illnesses, but saw a wolf chase a deer quickly, and soon another six or seven wolves joined the chase, gradually more wolves joined.

The biggest and strongest wolf in the wolf pack should be the head wolf in the wolf pack, and the first wolf to stand up at the time of the attack.

It's a shame, however, that their prey slipped away thanks to the help of several other deer.

“Without the prey, they will not give up.” Langa said with great certainty.

Over there, after failing, the wolves quickly gathered together, probably because of this unsuccessful situation, there was a disturbance in the wolves, but soon they were suppressed by the head wolves. The wolf screamed. Shao Xuan felt that it should be a morale reshuffle.

Soon, the wolves again attacked the great horn herd.

One wolf caught sight of an old antler, and the other wolves quickly joined.

The lesson learned this time was that they drove the deer into the open space and separated it from the rest of the deer, leaving it in isolation.

That kind of crazy chase, even if it's so far apart, Shao Xuan sees surprise even if he's psychologically prepared. Perhaps the scariest thing about the prey is to see such predators with a tight plan of action, chasing themselves behind them in groups with brutal eyes.

The wolf rushed to the front of the head very fast, approaching the big horn deer and then jumped up, with his mouth wide open, his sharp teeth dying to bite the prey, and his body, bigger than the rest of the wolf herd, hit him directly.

The old antler, although several times bigger than a wolf, was bitten by a wolf and crushed and almost fell. And that was just the beginning, and soon after the head wolf, the rest of the wolves rushed up to bite the prey, and their teeth pierced the skin of the big antler and stabbed it into their muscles.

The big horn deer so surrounded were almost full of wolves, slowing down, and then falling down until they finally couldn't move and were completely pharyngeal.

A single wolf may not pose a great threat, but dozens of these horrific predators, taken together, are dangerous. It is precisely because of this hunting method that they are able to discourage most predators in the area.

“Sometimes I'd rather meet a fierce beast like the thorny black wind than face those guys.” Someone on the hunting team said.

“Good thing the thorny black wind likes to work alone, even temporarily, it won't work that hard. ”

Happy to live alone, unhappy to cooperate, those two thorny black winds can combine to clog people is rare enough, but they will never fight the hunting team together.

“After all, I still haven't found where the wolves hide the wolves.” Langa looked around and said. It was a complete coincidence that Caesar was picked up, only a little boy like Caesar.

Many herds of animals tend their cubs well, like the big antlers over there and the wolves on the other side who are ready to devour their prey. But like the thorny black wind, even if adult individuals arrogance, if they don't look after the cubs, the cubs will be the food of other fierce beasts, even if there is no Afei, there may be other predators, tigers, leopards, wolves, etc.

“After all, in the world of beasts, the wounded, the sick, the elderly are the best hunting targets, especially the cubs.” Mike said.

There are countless animal skeletons, big, small, old, young, beneath the pubic, thorny, dark wind of life.

The world in the mountains is so cruel and full of killing.

“Grow up quickly.” Buckwheat looked at Shao Xuan and the spear and smiled.

Pack up your gear and the hunting team will continue to the second position.

As he jumped on the trunk of the tree as he ran, Shao Xuan looked back at the wolves that were starting to eat there.

Strong head wolves howl and bite the other wolves who eat their prey, defending their dominance in this way in the family. Other wolves eat their prey quickly without being bitten by a head wolf, as if the prey was gone slowly.

By contrast, what is Caesar doing now, raised as a dog? Easy eating bones?

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A few minutes ago the computer opened a web page and it was dead!! I'm falling asleep...