Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 56: So Unfortunate

After a nap, the hunting team packed up early the next morning and began to cross the cave.

Shao Xuan slept well this evening and did not dream of anything terrible.

“Everyone must stay close, especially Xuan and Spear. If you leave for the first time, pay special attention. If you lose it, you may never come out again.” Mac said seriously.

He's not intimidating, he's telling the truth. Even the first generations of ancestors who opened this hunting route paid a heavy price before finally finding the right path, in this great maze, where no one could get in or out.

“Well, don't worry, we'll see.” Shao Xuan said.

The spear nodded, and in the hunting team, he always followed the rules, and he knew that listening to the elderly hunters was true.

It was getting darker and darker, and a few people in the hunting squad were carrying torches.

Gradually away from the cave, the cave was lit with only a torch, not bright enough to see the path underneath.

As Mac and the others said to Shao Xuan, the more the cave goes in, the more you will find it crossed and staggered. There are many forks. Sometimes a turn will reveal two or three holes, but the hunting team keeps walking, only one of them.

Even though there are many paths that connect with the outside world, those who do not know the path will soon lose their way, perhaps a few laps, back to where they were.

Probably because there are a lot of holes connected to the outside world, the holes are not suffocating, but there are always some unseen winds, and there's that downward rhythm, like the sound of some kind of big animal breathing.

No other more aggressive creatures have yet been seen in the cave, although some insect spiders and the like are said to be living there.

Not only do the tunnels in the cave bend a lot, but they are also high and low, and sometimes they slide down, and sometimes they have to climb steep slopes, and be careful not to fall off the team. In the hunting team, the ones most familiar with the road are basically old warriors with years of experience, younger ones like Langa, they don't necessarily remember such complex routes.

It's not that nobody wanted to mark the walls of the hole, but every time they were marked, they disappeared. Events have convinced the hunting team that, as ancestors speculated, there is a Stoneworm Kingworm in the mountain, but no one has seen it.

So later, the hunting team stopped marking the walls of the cave and tried not to make loud noises as they crossed the cave, and they were afraid to shock the giant thing in the mountain.

In the tribe, stoneworms do look harmless, but the stoneworm kings are different, otherwise how can you bear the word "king”?

Shao Xuan and Spear walked in the middle of the team, just as the hunting team had done before, so that they could be better protected.

Shao Xuan used his unique abilities to observe other parts of the cave, and sometimes met some relatively large insects, but those insects did not attack the hunting team, and the hunting team people would not provoke. One was that they did not know how many such insects there were. If they attracted a large group, it would be difficult for them to do so, and the other they did not want to make too much noise. If they accidentally surprised the big guys in the mountain, it would really be a disaster.

If the cave is straight, it won't take long to get out of the mountain, but the hunting team took almost half a day in the mountain to get the wheat saying: "Almost to the exit. ”

Turn around a corner and walk out. There are two intersections in front of you, one of which is the road to the exit, but at this point, both intersections are blocked by spider pickpockets.

It was an eyeless spider, probably because it lived for a long time in a cave that didn't see a glimmer of light, so the eyes slowly deteriorated. Their trunks are not relatively large, but their legs are long enough to cover the doorway directly like a cover.

Mae and the other two fighters, who walked in front of them, held the torch and the spear and silently intimidated the spiders blocked at the entrance, they could feel the burning heat of the flame and, as the torch swayed, they would retreat.

There are only two eyeless spiders on the road that leads out of the hole, compared to more on the other side, and because of the swinging torch, the spiders at both ends of the road move, swinging their cheeks at the person holding the torch, chewing their teeth together, like warning the hunting team.

“Leave them alone!” Over there, Mike has driven away the eyeless spiders clogged in the entrance, greeting the team behind him quickly. In his experience, eyeless spiders rarely stick around to fight people. Their food is the other insects in the hole, so just be careful not to provoke them, step back, they can still be avoided smoothly.

But it was at this time that the accident happened. Shao Xuan, protected in the middle, suddenly felt the back of his neck cool. He awoke and looked around at the eyeless spiders with their cheeks. No, it wasn't them!

Shao Xuan raised his head violently and saw only a black whiplash lightning bolt, while Shao Xuan could only block it with a knife, but the whole thing was tightened and pulled up.

It all happened in a flash, and most of the hunting team was busy guarding against the blind spiders, but they didn't think there was another one over their heads, but it didn't seem to be the blind spider. Those who have noticed have also been slow and unable to stop them.

“Xuan! ”

“Mike, Xuan's been towed! ”

“How come there's a hole up there! Never been here before! ”

“What was that?! ”

At this time, the crowd also couldn't give way. The strong blocked the nearby eyeless spider. The stab wound forced him to retreat a few times, but Shao Xuan was dragged from the top. It was a little difficult to go up. Mak made others deal with the nearby eyeless spider, and he climbed up the wall of the hole. Not long later, Mike came back and looked terrible.

The biological action of dragging Shao Xuan away was too fast. When Mai caught up with him, he was gone, and he could not hear Shao Xuan's cry. Moreover, there were forks not far up, up, down or straight. After several attempts, Mai could only go back and forth without merit.

In the mountains, creatures who have lived in the darkness for years do not know much more about the cave than they do.

Worried about the rest of the hunting team, Mac had to return first. After all, he was the leader of this hunting team, and he was responsible for more than thirty others.

Hate hammered a hole wall and Mike returned to deal with more and more eye free spiders with the rest of the team.

The situation is getting worse for them, and the hunting team can only rush out of the dock first, not far from the hole, and the blind spiders won't chase them outside, and they're not happy.

Hunting team broke people are a common thing, this time Shao Xuan, there will be other people, just Langa they are younger, not so sensible, want to keep looking, other people pulled away. Some veterans have long been used to such a separation.

A lot of hunting warriors still exclaim, Xuan, why is this child so unlucky? The first time he came out hunting, he ran into everything.

Soon after, the hunting team saw the light and the blind spiders behind them stopped.

On the other hand, Shao Xuan, who was dragged away, was not comfortable either.

What dragged him away was a bug that lived in a cave, slightly smaller than an eyeless spider, but the power and speed did not necessarily lose to an eyeless spider.

Shao Xuan was caught in the long contact angle of the insect. The front end of the contact angle had a serrated structure like a hook. If Shao Xuan had not reacted quickly, he would have blocked those serrations with a stone knife. He might have been cut when he was caught in the roll. The serrations at the anterior end of the contact angle make a roaring sound on the stone knife.

Hard earned, Shao Xuan also made a little loose, but couldn't break free. When the turn rapidly changed, Shao Xuan hit the stone wall at the corner, almost spit out all the food he ate in the morning.

After suffering the pain to loosen up a bit, Shao Xuan pulled out the knife that broke the tip of the knife and slashed it hard towards the contact angle.


The contact angle that wound Shao Xuan was cut off. After losing one of the contact angles, the insect also hurts to jump in place. Shao Xuan, who was dumped, rolled over and fell into a channel next to him. This channel was facing down. Shao Xuan did not have time to stand steady and slipped down the slope again.

I don't know how far I slipped. When my feet finally stopped, Shao Xuan fainted. He hit the walls several times and was dragged all the way, and now he's in pain.

After gasping, Shao Xuan also wanted to go back the way he was. The longer he stayed in there, the more dangerous it was.

Just about to climb up the steep slope, Shao Xuan heard a call coming from a channel behind him, like the wind blowing through, but with a rhythm.

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