Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 74: Small

These giant dragonflies have a good temper or they won't let the advance team hitchhike.

Depending on the style of action of the advance team, this is not the first time they have come down this way, and these giant dragonflies do not necessarily impress them, but according to the tower, as long as they do not proactively provoke them and do not attack, they are not concerned with hitchhikers and willing to give them a lift.

From the top down of the dragonfly, the forest below looks very peaceful, and of course, it's just a surface, and the land below is more dangerous than the mountain forest that passed on the last hunting route.

Weak meat eating rules also apply here, some trees are too dense, in order to absorb nutrients can also create great competition, Shao Xuan can occasionally see some withered trees, the trees are large, looks century-old, the roots are wrong. It was such a tree, but it withered, no wormholes, and the trunk didn't crack, but the tower told Shao Xuan that it had been “wiped out” by other trees around it.

The battlefield of a plant, possibly on the ground, possibly underground, can be seen by digging up the ground, and the dead tree, the underlying root system, is all strangled by the roots of the other trees around it.

“Attention, ready to go!” The tower reminds Shao Xuan.

It is unlikely that they will follow these dragonflies to different destinations and after a short ride they will split up.

The dragonfly herd is huge, and not all of the advance team's 40 people are gathered together. Even if the first dragonfly is next to it, it will soon be invisible as the dragonfly herd flies and their formation changes.


Shao Xuan jumped with the tower without any force.

The landing site chosen by the tower was a plant that stood there like a tall building, falling on a giant leaf near the top, the buffer of the leaves removed some of the force, plus the tower jumped down when the dragonflies were slightly lower, so it wouldn't fall.

He landed safely and Shao Xuan was also dropped.

The blades under your feet are a bit cold and not smooth.

There are other positions in the air where the team continues to find suitable landing points to jump down.

“Let's go. ”

The tower greeted Shao Xuan. He didn't carry Shao Xuan this time, but he promised that the witch would bring Shao Xuan back with him. He had to keep an eye on him.

“Be alert and react quickly.” Tower ordered.

“Mmm.” Shao Xuan followed the tower, jumping from the leaves on the top of the plant to the leaves below, and had to be careful not to roll off the leaves.

The plant has leaves just a third of the way to the top, and then down, it's just the thick stem.

The tower deliberately slowed down, and Shao Xuan followed him closely down the stem.

In the bushes close to the ground, not as bright as above, the plants are too dense, the branches cover up too much sunlight, and only a small fraction is projected from the gap. It's obviously cooler down there, but those lights are enough for Shao Xuan to see what's around him.

Here, Shao Xuan has a feeling that he has become smaller or that the world has become bigger.

The last time I went out hunting, I saw many ancient trees and massive beasts, but I didn't feel as small as I do now.

Even mushrooms are the size of a cabin, don't they feel small?

Close to the rootstock of that tall plant, the tower blew a whistle and gathered the others who had landed.

The whistle is lower and heavier than the whistle of other hunting squads such as bird deer. This is used exclusively in this area.

The slightest noise rang from a distance, and if you don't listen carefully, it's hard to see.

Shao Xuan looked over and found several fine, grassy vines spreading fast this way.

Shao Xuan and the tower were both in the direction of the vine, but Shao Xuan felt that the target of these vines seemed to be himself.


A pebble knife was nailed to the ground and cut off the tip of the vine that was stretching this way.

The decapitated vines immediately stopped extending this way, but retracted quickly, seemingly frightened.

The tower retrieved the stone knife and said to Shao Xuan: "Don't treat them as dead, or you will die. And many of them know how to get weaker and stronger, and you're the weakest on our team. ”

Turns out, it's a target again.

Wesen animals in the mountains will attack pups of other races if they find a chance, and here, even these plants can find soft pinches, too strong to pinch.

Shao Xuan has heard people say in his previous life that plants also have five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, but many people just didn't pay attention. And now, Shao Xuan is deeply aware of the five senses of these plants magnifying.

Shortly thereafter, other fighters from all over the land gathered this way and counted the numbers before proceeding. This time, however, it was divided into two divisions, each looking for a task emanating from a witch.

As a result, Shao Xuan's team has 20 people.

For this vast green area, it is impossible for the advance team to be familiar with every inch of land, but they can identify the direction, as long as there is sunlight, they will not get lost, and their route will remain essentially unchanged.

In the woods you can hear birds screaming insects, and some plants make all kinds of noises, sometimes like knocking on doors, resounding solid sounds in the woods, sometimes coming back to remind Shao Xuan of the sound of the iron head of the mast spinning.

Following the tower, they ran in the woods, and Shao Xuan saw all kinds of plant murder weapons. One moment it was quiet and peaceful, and the next it became a bloody storm.

Shao Xuan had seen a plant that could instantly turn smooth blades into saws or cutters, shredding surrounding animals or other plants, and then burying them in the ground around which they grew to nourish them.

Some of the direct meat eaters are similar to the pastry dishes, pork cage grass, etc., others are more fierce, they are aggressive, the average type, the advance team people will avoid, that type of plant is generally not easy to mess with.

“Take a break, Tao and go get water.” After a half-day drive in a row, the tower spoke to each other.

What the witches are looking for, it's not here, they have to run a little longer to meet.

There are no rivers around here, not even a stream. Shao Xuanzheng wondered. He saw the gyro and the junkie come under a plant with thick leaves. He split the surface layer of the stem with a stone knife. A few knives in a row could break a stitch. If only one knife was used, the walls were too thick to cut, even if the cracks were cut, they would meet quickly.

Clear green liquid flows out of the cut gap with a hint of sweetness. Toad and the junkie took the kettle and collected the liquid out of it.

Those liquids also attract other insects, so with the exception of the dragon and the junk and Shao Xuan, everyone else is around to guard against them and kill one bug. Some guard against the sky, some guard against other directions of the forest, and when they are allocated, they can only empty two people to fetch water.

“Xuan, throw the kettle!” said the gyro who was fetching water over there.

Shao Xuan did not let Shao Xuan near the plant, and Shao Xuan stood ten meters away. When he heard Tao's words, Shao Xuan threw the empty gourd over him.

When the water was full, the gyro threw the gourd over and continued shouting for a teammate to throw the kettle.

Those crystal green liquids attract a lot of insects, and they're quite large, almost a meter away from any beetle.

“Come on!” The tower over there hurried.

There's a bunch of bugs flying this way, and they can't hold that bunch of bugs.

By the end of the last pot, the bugs were about 200 meters from here, enough for them to leave.


Once the water has been taken, it is natural to leave immediately.

“What are those?” Shao Xuan asked as he stood at rest on a plant leaf after leaving a certain distance.

“We call it the Ripper, the plant that we just took water from, and after we get it, it recovers quickly, the incision heals, and the water that comes out is reabsorbed by it, and protected by thick walls, and a lot of insects can't take it, or leave after they can't smell it, but the Ripper is different, and when they meet the Ripper, that plant will probably die.” The Door said.

The insect called the Ripper, as its name suggests, has a blade like forelimb for bite cutting. Rippers are not obnoxious, they suck vegetable juice, they suck animal blood, and they often fly in groups.

The advance team doesn't want to fight the rippers. One is that the ripper bug is too lethal. The other is that the bug stinks too much and if it smells like that, it won't be eliminated when the hunt returns.