Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 84 Return

“Bitter Sagan, Living Blood Leaf, Seven Forks Palm, Blood Flower...”

Ta and Tao are counting the results of these days, Shao Xuan is counting the time, counting, the hunting time is expected to have reached, we are going back.

A few days after getting the thieves, people on the team put on a few sets every night, but it didn't work very well, and they didn't get anything else that worked, and that night was just luck by accident.

In the past few days, Shao Xuan followed them everyday. Although he could not help much with his fighting power, he did not have to bother others. Shao Xuan was able to take care of himself and was the biggest helper for others.

Shao Xuan has also known a lot of wonderful things in the past few days. Once, in order to find the plant with the seven forks, he almost matched the ripper directly.

When the plant feels dangerous, the thick bark-like leaves are brought together, wrapping the core of the body into a solid object like a pine tower, and secreting a liquid that attracts the ripper. If the hunting team hadn't moved quickly, they'd have been surrounded by a bunch of rippers who followed the scent.

Over there, Tao has finished counting.

“Two fewer than the last hunt, but this time we found balls and thieves with more merit than ever before.” Dao smiled.

The tower also revealed a relaxed look, and this time it was more rewarding than ever, "We'll see when they meet up with Arvi, and maybe they find two more. ”

Wei is a senior Totem warrior, about the age of a tower, who leads another twenty separate operations from towers and others.

The tower said to the others, “Rest today and prepare to return tomorrow. ”

“All right, boss!” Everyone should speak up. They can't wait to go back and look forward to sharing their experiences with peers or predecessors of other advance teams.

Shao Xuan also looked forward to going back, but not because of the thief, but because of the eggs in his animal leather bag.

More than a dozen eggs were not eaten that day. The others in the advance team were not very interested in the eggs. They were thrown out as bait when they met the rippers that day. The rippers also ate the eggs. Shao Xuan also threw it away, but some of the bird eggs were left in the tree cave, which is what's left of it now.

Now the place where people are staying is not the previous tree cave, but another place, and in search of a goal, their resting place is constantly changing, and one night they sleep in the leaves, rolling themselves into a cylinder with the leaves and sleeping all night. That night, around a plant that looked like ham, the wrapped layer of leaves were supposed to stand up, but 21 leaves were rolled into cylinders and hung there, and each cylinder fell asleep.

Gho said that the plant had repellent effects and was one of the targets they had collected, and when they had nowhere to sleep, they wrapped themselves up with the big leaves of the plant and were not attacked by insects that came out at night. But not during the day, the leaves of the plant became particularly hard during the day and could not be rolled at all.

It was a very novel experience for Shao Xuan. As for the eggs in the animal leather bag, he wanted to take them out for a try.

Most plants die when they leave here. What about the eggs?

The plants here are unusual. Are insects eating the plants here unusual? What's more, can you speculate that birds that eat fruit or insects here are more nutritious or medicinal than birds elsewhere? Bird eggs, too.

Raw eggs have a longer shelf life than cooked eggs. I don't know if this works on these weird-looking eggs as well. Shao Xuan didn't cook them.

The next day, the tower took the crowd back and met the other 20 people where it had long been arranged. Someone was injured there, so that the injury was not serious.

After hearing about the thief, the other 20 people had straightened their eyes and stared at the stone box wrapped in leaves. They were eager to break it up and take a look, but they also knew it was not the right time.

When you arrive, you glide down the mountain through the dragonflies, and when you return, you borrow them.

When the sun was about to set, everyone in the advance team waited in one place, and someone climbed a tall plant to explore the position of the dragonfly army, after all, their route was not absolutely the same every time they returned.

“Over there! Get over there!”

“Go, go, go! If it's too late, we'll have to wait for tomorrow! ”

Shao Xuan didn't have to carry those boxes with plants, he only carried a leather bag, much lighter than the others.

At this time, in order to catch up with the dragonfly army's flight, everyone rushed to that side. Shao Xuan suddenly had the illusion of rushing the bus for the rest of his life. Shh!

Quickly climb to the tall plants, put a cord in your hand with a grass rope, as the dragonfly army flies over, throw it out to cover their feet, after being pulled up, if there are dragonfly flying below in the air, it will jump on the back of the dragonfly below. The rope is too long and hanging in the air can easily be swept by the wings of a dragonfly.

Soon after that mountain, the dragonflies began to flap their wings high. The ground is getting farther and farther away, and the objects below are rapidly becoming smaller.

Behind that green earth, the tall plants will gather the expanded leaves, and the open flowers will gather the petals, and the sounds of the evening will come.

“Be careful when you jump, don't get pulled off!” The tower shouted at Shao Xuan.

“Got it! ”

At the moment the dragonfly flew up the cliff, Shao Xuan quickly ran towards the end of the dragonfly, looking at the gap, the stone knife penetrated the mountain wall, slowly sliding along the mountain wall until it stood steady in a slightly flat place.

“Out of the way! Move! Move! ”


The dragonfly on which he was sitting flew a little higher. He jumped over the mountain wall and rolled a few laps before landing. Even though it hit him, he protected the box of herbs in his arms well. He stood up and rubbed his painful back and grinned his teeth.

As everyone jumped, the dragonfly army also crossed the mountain and went to the pool where they rested.

“Let's go, let's get some rest and we'll be busy for a few days.” The tower said.

It's just that when people talk about thieves at night, they're too excited to sleep for long.

After leaving the mountain the next day, Shao Xuan saw what they meant by “a lot of things can't be taken here”.

The green earth is no longer visible, and the big leaves, fragrant and fragrant, wrapped in thief stone boxes, wither, turn yellow and fall into debris in visible trends.

Mud wrapped outside the stone box alone does not completely obscure the smell of thieves, and it is depressing that many ferocious beasts seem to be very interested in thieves.

The advance team thought of pointing out Shao Xuan on the way back, while helping him hunt some food, so everyone was too busy to even say a few words.

In order to protect the thieves, the advance team killed them all the way, and in order to hurry back, they did not bring their prey, the longer they stayed, the harder the situation.

At first, the people came to kill one, to kill two pairs, to kill a platoon.

Robbing a thief? No way! Dead! Dead!

But gradually, the strategy changed.

What? Another vicious beast who came to rob a thief?! How many? Run! Run!

Everyone in the advance team feels like they've never been this lousy before. On their return trip, they can also bring back some prey or cut souvenirs from the beast, but this time they don't have that kung fu, let alone that mind.

Everyone has a strong bloody smell. It is still the blood of the senior vicious beast. There is no time to wash the blood stains all over his face. His hair is messy. He is dirtier than the children in the tribal cave. He already has clots of coagulated leather on his body. After he dries, he can rub the blood powder off the ground.

Even at night, they are attacked from time to time. Bitter.

Sleep deprived, tired along the way, fighting more than enough, running all the way to kill, killing all the way to run, also losing the average strength of the advance team, if other hunting squads are replaced, how can they fold their hands here?

Therefore, Shao Xuan, who took a nap and was able to tremble in spirit, became one of the different species.

Others looked at Shao Xuan's eyes as if they were unseen.

Shao Xuan looked at the leather bag of the beast. The bird eggs in it were fine. He put some dead leaves and hay in it. From leaving to now, only one was broken.

The rules of the team, except for the target object, are all their own, so the people with Shao Xuan will not say anything, they are not interested in bird eggs, when looking for the target object, they all eat a lot of bird eggs, and a variety of fruits, they haven't eaten roasted meat for days, naturally they won't eat bird eggs anymore. But when people bite the flesh of the beast, they are like enemies, chewing and squeaking, and dreaming is probably cursing the beast that keeps gathering up.