Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 112 Accompanying Eligibility

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Fire Pond Sanchong 1st Chong, Chong Teng! Totem!

The power of totem in the body, in the absence of active mobilization, is activated, and the totem lines on each totem warrior's face are clearly visible.

Shao Xuan's head was blue and red, jumping with the flame.

I don't know if it's my own illusion. Shao Xuan feels that the flame in the fire pond is higher than last year's time, and the curl is more intense. It seems to float out without paying attention.

Standing next to the stake can't move, so Shao Xuan can't go to observe others' faces, don't know if others have the same thoughts, and can't hear any abnormality from the voice of the witch, Shao Xuan can only hold suspicion.

At this moment, those present are no longer thinking about other things, looking piously at the totem in the fire pond.

The surrounding area is bright and the entire hilltop is covered in fire.

The witch's chanting is getting higher and higher.

Knock, knock, knock!

A sound with a specific rhythm of drums, as well as the sound of bone banging and stone blowing, suddenly sounds, which also means Shao Xuan is about to jump.

As the witches sang, the people next to the stakes began to jump along the fire pond.

Shao Xuan underestimated it as an ancient dance that had flown from the very beginning of the tribe.

It's not hard to move, it's not embarrassing in front of so many people “washing dishes”, “digging dishes”, “shaving cloths”, but, when it jumps up, Shao Xuan really realizes the wonders of it, and the unwieldy feeling gradually disappears.

The sound of a foot on the floor, and the slight noise of fifty others waving their arms, gradually unified and integrated into the surrounding banging sound.

There were some strange sounds, and after joining the sounds made by these sacrificial dancers, they became harmonious, with a particular rhythm, one voice, and sounded the whole hilltop.

Shao Xuan has been practicing this sacrificial dance at home for a long time. Every action is well remembered. When to do any action is clear, and there is no frightening talk.

During the beating, Shao Xuan perceived the connection between the totems according to the ancient teachings of Tao, using the breath-tuning method dedicated to the sacrificial dance.

Gradually, Shao Xuan felt that he seemed to be connected to his surroundings.

The totem in the fire pond seems to be gradually synchronizing with the totem in the mind. I don't know if the former assimilates the latter, or if the latter affects the former. Shao Xuan doesn't know the totem situation in the minds of other sacrificial dancers, but he only perceives such a change in detail.

If it's different, it's just the blue flames in the totem of the mind, which is not in the pond.

Ancient training said, "Try to connect with the totem in the fire pond”. Shao Xuan felt that he had not fully connected with the totem in the fire pond, so he tried to mobilize those blue flames in his mind, and with the accumulation of blue flames in Shao Xuan's brain, the totem's overall flame height.

At the same time, the flames in the pond swept up violently, almost doubling instantly, scaring an old warrior with extensive sacrificial dance experience to the wrong end. After all, after all these years of dancing, he has never encountered anything like this. Good thing it's resilient, calm down quickly, keep jumping.

Everything around us goes on, except that when you look at 50 people jumping around the pond, you always feel a little different than in previous years.

It's like, these people, no longer sacrificial dancers waving their hands and feet around the pond, are no longer in this situation, but a warrior with a knife spear, ready to go hunting at all times!

Even the experienced sacrificial dancers who are dancing feel that this time is different from several times in previous years. There is a feeling of hot blood boiling, and it is too late to calm down.

Fifty in one, full of stiff power and an invincible grandeur.

If you want Shao Xuan to give you an example, even dishwashing can make you feel ambitious and incomparable.

At some point, the fire pond has entered the second, a group of fires from the inside of the pond towards the surrounding area, flying radially, because the original flame in the pond was raised and the group of fires appeared to be larger than in previous years.

Combined with breathing vomiting and meditation perception of totem, Shao Xuan can feel each flame flying towards him.

Contact, then absorb.

Some new energy is flowing through the body, brought about by these flowing flames, which converge along the meridians and into one place.

The flame of totem in your mind expands rapidly with these newly absorbed sparks.

If the energy absorbed by others from the spark is just a slow build-up of trickling streams, then these people jumping at the edge of the fire pond, what they get, they converge with the rivers into the sea. Perhaps this is the advantage of sacrificial dancers and the benefits they get, Shao Xuan thought.

Shao Xuan listened to Mac when they talked, the state of totem in his mind is closely related to the speed of strength improvement. In this way, the advantages of staying by the fire pond at the time of the sacrifice are conceivable, and it is no wonder that two big leaders struggle to get more people into their hunting team each year. But in any case, there are only 50 seats a year.

The sacrificial ceremony is still under way, and Shao Xuan cannot be distracted.

At the end of the third period, the ceremony is coming to an end.

Shao Xuan did not know the extent to which the third Xuan exhibition had reached, but the witch was a "big luck” and let the people at the top of the mountain cheer.

The awakening ceremony of the eighty children closest to the fire pond was completed.

Shao Xuan stopped and looked at it. The kids had totem marks on their faces. Take a closer look. There really isn't a single one missing.

Every child who came here in the past always had so many awakening failures and needed to wait another year, but this year, they all woke up successfully!

Not only did Shao Xuanyi surprise, but even the witches didn't expect such a result. Four of them, at the time of the pre-election, the witch felt that it would delay awakening for a year, but did not want to, but woke up this time as well.

The witch's gaze glanced at Shao Xuan's departing back and let her eyelids drop, listening to the thought of this sacrificial ceremony, O. Prepared for the next thing.

At the end of the ceremony, the people who came to the sacrifice also went down the mountain to celebrate, but the witch said "Dae Ji”.

Shao Xuan used to talk to the butchers and stutters and then decided to go down the mountain with Old Ke.

Turning around, Shao Xuan met the buckwheat couple who had just finished talking to the Sunshine brothers and sisters.

“Xuan, about Caesar, you still have twenty days.” Mac said, "But since you can be among the 50, Caesar's business will be easier to solve. ”

Last year's first hunt was the hunting team of the tower, which took turns, and the first hunt of the year came to the end, followed by the hunting team of the tower. So, after the sacrifice ceremony, Shao Xuan had twenty days to convince the rest of the hunting team, and the tower had to say something, and the big head tower was the final one.

Well, the witch's gonna say that too.

Shao Xuan intends to take Caesar on a hunt this year. He has spent nearly a year in the hunting team and has also done hazard and pros and cons analysis. Of course, theory is still a theory. In the mountain forest, any accident can happen. No one can say that it is absolutely safe, it is always good to be cautious.

So Shao Xuan intended that if Caesar did not perform well after taking him out, he and Caesar would stop at the first hunting position and not delay the hunting behind the others.

Over the next few days, Shao Xuan took Caesar to the witch and said his thoughts. As Shao Xuan expected, the witch did not object, but rather had some expectations. Something was particularly wrong, and Shao Xuan could wait with Caesar at the first position.

Since the witch has spoken, the tower has not said any more, and he has actually been remembering Shao Xuan's "good dog is the hunter's ear and eye” last year. He also wants to see how this wolf, who has been raised in the tribe by Shao Xuan since childhood, is thought to have lost its sharpness long ago, will behave. If he does well, he doesn't mind giving it more convenience.

After solving the witch and the tower, Shao Xuan asked the men of the wheat hunting team to go to the training ground together to show them a Caesar training to understand Caesar's performance.

The people thought that since the witches, the big leaders and Mai had agreed, they could not oppose it, and Shao Xuan was among the fifty, they did not want to be offended.

After watching a Caesar training, some people still yelled, saying that they wanted to pick up a little wolf son to feed back. Anyway, there was often a fight between the wolves in the mountain forest, and the wolves in the losing party's wolf nest would be killed out. They met several times, maybe they could pick up a few more.

After taking care of the hunting team, Shao Xuan began to prepare for the hunting. The stoneware is ready in the winter, no more polishing is required, Caesar's training continues every day, and Shao Xuan deepens the difficulty of some of the traps to see how it reacts.

Caesar was very clever, except for some too complicated, and Shaw Xuan taught him many skills that he could learn.

“Have you ever wondered what to do after a chirp?” Old man asked.

“It's not as honest as Caesar is, and maybe it's been a few times since we flew out of the tribe.” Shao Xuan said. Once he found some grass crumbs on the fur next to his mouth, not owned by the tribe, but close to the hunting mountain forest.

That time Shao Xuan taught it a lesson. After being honest for a while, I guess I can't help it now. Now that Shao Xuan has grown a lot, Shao Xuan's arms will probably not lift enough for him to rest, but according to the witch, the goods are still young, there is curiosity, can't control it, it has to fly in the sky, nobody can do anything about it.

Now, chirping has flown to play on the river, sometimes flying rapidly from the water, catching fish moving on the water, tearing them up and throwing them into the water, watching the piranhas in the water rob them.

This bird is not tame. It needs to be tamed to the point where it can be taken out with the hunting team. I don't know when.

Twenty days later, the returning hunting team had not yet returned, but the tower had set a spot for the upcoming hunt, notifying them from the top down.

Looking closely behind Shao Xuan, Caesar climbed the mountain, and suddenly Old Ke felt, quite reluctant. In a blink of an eye, the little werewolf brought back by Langa two years ago, has grown so much. (Great activity of dropping pies in the sky, cool phone waiting for you! Follow ~ Chinese Official Account (WeChat Add Friends - Add Official Account - Enter qdread) and join now! Everyone has a prize. Follow the qdread WeChat account now!