Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 119 Smoking

Every day, five teams sent men to the mountain where the crater was located to look into the situation, and the three men who had been captured by their teams have so far received no information.

Investigators have been observing the situation far away, unable to get into the cave of the bat, surrounded by flying bats, much more than those in the crater around the stone seams.

Seven days have passed, and judging by everyone, the chances that those three people are still alive are very small. However, because it is about the Crystal, and now the five teams are united, it is not possible to act without readiness, so that the loss is not just three people, but probably three teams.

“But a lot of the prey was caught and nothing was thrown out.” A man who just came back from that side of the investigation said.

Those bats eat prey outside, they don't take it away, they don't eat it all, they tend to bleed more often, they run out of blood, they lose interest.

In the past seven days, Shao Xuan went to the heavenly pit again, accompanied by the top five team members, this time more cautious.

Shao Xuan carefully surveyed several places, only one closest to the surface, and several others required some deep digging.

The crystals closest to the surface were dug out, and of course the big bats in the stone seams were shocked and chased for a distance.

Strangely enough, they had gone a long way before, and if not for the Midway Hunting Team, they wouldn't have gotten rid of them, but this time, Shao Xuan found that the bats gave up earlier and chased a little longer, and it seemed to them that the Hunting Team's people were just small things and didn't have to worry about them.

It is assumed that the bats gathered slowly in the mountain where the crater was located, and all the bats in the area went there.

Fortunately, most of them are not very intelligent and can only be considered as powerful beasts.

Shao Xuan wanted to make some big nets to catch bats and gave up because he didn't have the right materials to make them. With those bats' claws and razor-like teeth, vines and grass nets, they break free.

Finally, the five leaders finalized the plan with smoke.

Five teams, together less than two hundred, but there are thousands of big bats in that mountain, and according to the information returned by the observers, new bats are constantly joining.

Well, not all of them are as big as the ones we met in the pit that day, and many of them are similar to the ones that attacked Caesar.

A single one is a good deal, but more is still a hassle.

Now the hunting team's goal is to dig up the crystals, find the missing, and minimize positive collisions with those bats. Either way, we need to get rid of the bats first. Smoking, no doubt, is a good idea.

For hunting team members, smoky plants are also often used in hunting, such as the removal of insects, the forced retreat of beasts, etc. And this time, you're going to try smoking first.

Smoking plants have to be carefully chosen, bats don't smoke, but they smoke their own people to death to live, then pit teammates.

Five little heads compared several plants that were often used for smoking, choosing one of the most obvious effects.

“Those things seemed to hate the smell so much that I threw a small group at them yesterday and they ran away.” Langa said proudly.

Yesterday, Langa met several bats that were hunting. They were already almost successful. Langa threw a smoky herd past and landed next to the prey. The prey had lost its mobility and could not run. Those bats who were eager to enjoy the meal, after the spread of smoke on the herd, they screamed and incited their wings to leave. They were very unhappy with the smell of the herd.

“That's great, so we have a better chance of succeeding.” Mike said.

In addition to choosing smoked plants, herbs must be available to protect against being bitten and fainted or smoked. The smell of smoked weed is not too bad for them, but it's long enough for people to smell it.

At Shao Xuan's suggestion, the hunting team braided an exhilarating vine grass into a mask and wore it as it entered the hole. The smell of vine grass was cooler and clearer for those who were smoked.

“Boss, when can we leave?” Someone in the cave asked. They're eating food every day with the bats, and there's an area around here where a lot of animals and beasts leave, and it's hard to find the right food, and they have to be prepared for the bats to do it first.

“Soon.” Narrator.

Stone tools, herbs, and all the other things you need are ready to go.

Shao Xuan sat beside him and listened to them talking about their upcoming actions and looking at their hands. In his hand, he held a small red crystal, which they dug the second time they went to the heavenly pit. There were two, not large, crystals close to the surface. One was taken away and the other was smaller. Shao Xuan held it himself.

This little crystal is slightly bigger than the rice grain. It is much smaller than the one that was first dug out. Therefore, the other leaders did not object to Shao Xuan holding the crystal himself. In their view, it is the heavenly pit where the head is.

Shao Xuan was confused when he felt the warm flow coming from his palms. Mac said that the energy in the crystal can only be absorbed after the spark burns, but Shao Xuan absorbed a little energy from the crystal from the first time he grabbed it, but it was obvious. And this time, he wanted to keep one for himself, just to be sure.

In the sea of consciousness, you can see a tiny red “line” converging on the totem, merging with the totem. Even though the crystal is small, it contains far more energy than Shao Xuan expected.

If Shao Xuan is able to see the crystal on his palm "burning” using another capability field of view, and the red energy released from the burning, he bends in the air, then enters the palm, arms, or other parts of his body, and finally converges into the totem.


Two days later, five hunting teams began operations.

Assigned work has been done and functions have been carried out.

Shao Xuan followed several people to a bat hole. He had intended to enter directly through the crack on the side of the crater, but after discussion, he rejected it. The crater side, it was difficult to hide around, and the bats moving there were much bigger and easier to spot. Bat holes are easier than elsewhere on the mountain, where bats are better solved and there's room for them to hide.

“Stone seams on the mountain and holes elsewhere should be connected, and we'll go in through one of the holes first.” Mike said to his men.

Everyone wears a vine-shaped mask, which is not very comfortable, but just practical, and the cool smell of grass vines calms their impatience.

Looking at the direction of the wind, MacGruber tells everyone to move on.

Some are hiding in the grass, covered with grass, while others, with smoky grass, approach the hole.

They carry elongated spears, all wooden, with a bunch of smoky weed strapped to their heads.

Light the fire, wait for it to burn almost, extinguish the fire, the spear head suddenly floats with smoke.


Elongated spears, such as off-string arrows, are thrown into the Batcave in front of them.

One by one, dozens of spears tied to smoked weed in each hand, all accurately projected into the Batcave between breaths.

Soon there was smoke in the Batcave.

Choosing Batcave also looks at the direction of the wind, which is blowing into the cave at this moment.

A small fraction of the smoke in the hole is blown out, and more is blown deeper into the hole.


Sharp voices come from the cave, and these langa and others can hear them.

Seeing the smoke coming out of the hole proves that the bats inside are flapping their wings out of the hole.

The thrower was also immediately prepared.


A bat flew out of the hole quickly, winking hundreds.

Bats that were forced out of the cave flew out of the cave, some yelled angrily, looked around, and saw a pedestrian standing there.


A sharp scream sounded, a bunch of bats forced out of the hole, flying towards the man who had just thrown the spear.

“Run! ”

These spears were all fast running in the hunting team, and when they saw the bats coming after them, they threw their legs.

They ran in the direction, there was a gray area, a former hunting team walked by once, knowing there was a huge group of spiders in the woods over there, and that the gray area wasn't on their hunting route, so hunting teams don't usually go that way. But now, they're going to take advantage of those big spiders.

Bring the bats in and let them fight with the big spiders!

When a large bat group chases away, those hiding outside the cave come out and walk into the cave. Don't forget to throw some more smoke in the hole.

If, as usual, it's a sunny day like today, when the sun is right, those bats should be hiding in the hole, but that's not the case.

Some bats have gone out a long time ago, some have just gone out, some have gone deeper into the cave, and there are not many left in the cave at this moment.

These bats are easy to deal with, and the wheat carries people, with it a torch, and the coming bats hunt each other down. These bats have big eyes, but in this dark cave, they don't do much, much more with sensitive smell and hearing.

Hunting team members were wearing thick leather shoes and many were not used to them and were forced to wear them before the operation.

Bat shit in the hole has accumulated a thick layer, and some of these bat shit is crawling.


Langa stabbed a climbing insect in half with a spear and frowned: “This place stinks. ”

Mike didn't talk, took the torch, and kept walking inward with people. Cleaning bats also throws out some smoke.

Four other hunting squads, like Mac, are now in the cave in case things change.

Everyone was quick to walk in with the smell in the hole and the smell of tobacco. The cave was not flat, the raised rocks were everywhere, some were very sharp, and they could hardly walk without the light of the torch.

There was speculation before that the stone seams on the mountain were connected to the other bat caves, and not so long ago, all five hunting teams heard the voices of others.

“Sure, it works. ”