Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 160: Don't Touch the Window

The roar of voodoo has made it clear that tonight's killing has begun.

Those on the perimeter have been killed with the intruders, shouting, collisions, screaming, etc.

At the same time, people on the banks of the water and moon channel have accelerated their speed.

At the beginning of the battle, the fighters there will naturally be strictly guarded, but no one knows if the line of defense will be broken, not to mention that this time it is the people of the tribe of the clan, who are simply driving away, completely insane.

“Get rid of all the water moonstones before they come! ”

Ping said that she felt that it was too slow for a person to sink in light. She looked at the bottom of the river in her own stream and looked at the families beside her. The other families had already been helped by the water, but only one in their own home. This year, their family has more water and moonstone than others. This way, the fishing time will definitely be longer.

Once the time has passed, the water moonstone will become darker and darker until it becomes a regular stone. So they have to speed up.

Looking at Shao Xuan next to him, Ping said: "Shao Xuan, I will go down and collect the water moonstone with the sunken armor, then throw it up, you pick it up here. ”

“Okay, no problem. ”

Ping jumped into the water, quickly swimmed to the bottom of the river, and dug the water moonstone with the sunken armor. Some of the most superficial water moonstones at the bottom of the river have been thrown ashore by the sunken armor, leaving some of the water moonstones buried in the mud.

Shao Xuan threw pings and sunken armor into the vine basket, which shined bright white light because of the water moonstone it contained. However, because the vine basket is surrounded by a layer of animal skin, the light comes out only from above the vine basket, but it is not visible around the basket.

Catch the ashore water moonstone and put it in the vine basket. Shao Xuan also watched the distant murders. There seems to be a lot of people here. However, because of the annual robbery or theft of water moonstones, the clans are well prepared and should not be a major problem.

As a piece of water moonstone was fished out, the light in the water moonstone runway grew darker and darker.

About half an hour later, the water moon runs out of light, and the shore is a shining vine basket. But now, instead of showing joy because of the water moonstone that was caught, people are worried.

“I can't seem to stop it.” An older man said.

“Someone will always come. ”

“Fortunately, they've already taken out all the water moonstones, otherwise they'll pick up the cheap ones again!” A woman is vicious and vicious. Similar events have occurred in the past, where the outer guards have not necessarily been able to stop all intruders, while some of those who rush into the tribe steal the unspoiled water moonstone from the aqueduct.

The totem on the elderly man who spoke before revealed himself, jumping into the water, swimming to the other side of the canal, leaning outward, slightly down.

For a few moments, he stepped out, his legs exploded instantly, leaving deep footprints on the ground, his body suddenly emptied, like lightning, and his broad leather coat hunted and sounded due to changes in air flow.

A figure that came out of the woods quickly, unresponsive, was punched, and the chest bone broke and crisp.

Those who have not yet broken their breath are still struggling, but at the next moment, a big swollen hand, fingers like claws, presses his heart position.


Straight through the hand, crushing the invader's heart.

It all happened in a very short time, from the older man's departure to the killing of the rushing intruder, although it seemed rather simple, almost like a unilateral massacre, but in fact it was not.

Shao Xuan found that after killing the invader, the older man gasped. The longer he couldn't kill the enemy in a photographic moment, the worse it would be for them. Even, apart from the moment when his feet started to burst, at other times, they were no faster than the invader. If the invader successfully grabbed the water moonstone and fled, the people here would not necessarily be able to catch up.

“Is someone here so soon?” Ping revealed his concern that some people have been able to rush here at this time in the past few years, but this year the tribe has made a lot of preparations and set up a lot of blockages on the periphery. He thought that it would take a little longer to prepare and resettle on this side of the water and moon canal, but now it seems that things are worse than they thought.

“Let's get the kids back with the water moonstone!” The elder said.

Actually, he doesn't have to say that other people can guess what's going on.

Putting the last water moonstone into the vine basket, Ping pushed the animal skin around the vine basket together and tied it with a grass rope, which was completely obscured when the bright white rays of light.

Passing the vine basket to the sunken armor, Ping said: “Bring the water moonstone back! ”

“Mm-hmm." Not a word more, something like that he's encountered since he was a kid.

“Madam...” She took a few steps in the vine basket, and then looked back at Ping and shouted.

“Go back! Be smart, hide it!” Ping ordered.


The situation is the same in several surrounding houses, where the children return with the water moonstone and the adults stay here. Ping, like several households around him, adults, both men and women, will stay here, bordered by the water and moon runway. This is the second defense, and after this, it is some of the houses of the tribe.

“I'll stay and help you.” Shao Xuan said.

“No, Shao Xuan, you take their armor back, be sure to hide it. There must be a lot of people from the Xiao tribe this time. They won't let go of any chance. If someone rushes inside the tribe, whether it's water moonstone or children, it's hard to survive. Even if the water moonstone is robbed, don't fight them hard. There will be help in the tribe, just hide it and wait for the rest of the tribe. ”

If Shao Xuan is around, she can rest assured. The duplicant is disobedient, he likes to run around too much, and nobody stares at her but her heart. When this is over, divide some more water moonstones for Shao Xuan. After coming down these days, Ping felt that Shao Xuan should be reliable.

Shao Xuan thought about it and nodded: "Okay, I'll go back with the sunken armor. ”

The surrounding people and Ping's place of residence are also very close, so several children went back with them, Shao Xuan with them.

Holding a large basket of water moonstone, the children were not slow on their feet, probably used to this kind of thing, not panicking, and when they returned to their place of residence, they each went towards their home.

The place where the water moonstone is hidden is actually in the water.

In the house where Volkswagen and Ping slept, the sunken armor lifted several planks and carefully lowered the vine basket.

Just below is the pool, where the water can escape the vine basket, turbid water and hide the vine basket well.

I put the vine basket down and the sunken armor reminded me of it. There was an outsider here who looked up carefully and found that Shao Xuan was not paying attention to this side, but was busy living by the window.

“What are you doing?” Deep Armor asks.

“Just in case, add a layer of protection.” Shao Xuando.

By the time the armor came, Shao Xuan had finished handling it.

The windows of the tribe are relatively large, and each bedroom has a large window, and in many cases they use the windows as doors to enter and exit directly from the windows.

So after closing the door, the window is the only way in and out now.

The armor looked at the window and didn't find anything special. I was trying to reach out and touch the window frame. Shao Xuan stopped me.

“Your mother told you to hide.” Shao Xuando.

Armored bites his hand irritably, "No need to hide, I haven't hidden before, just wait here. ”

I wanted to lay down at the window and look out, thinking about Shao Xuan's behavior, I still held on, sat there and continued to bite my hand. I heard it would be even more dangerous this time. I wonder if Daddy and Grandma will be okay. His grandmother and grandfather were killed in such an invasion.

Shao Xuan glanced at the sunken armor.

“Will you hide in the sink too? ”

“Well, there's a hole in the sink where you can hide. ”

There's no air in the hole beneath the sink, and only the watery people of the tribe can hold it a little longer, and the others can't do that.

There's a little crocodile out there, a little crocodile in another pool, who probably feels disturbed, so he keeps screaming. Including the little crocodile with the black brown eyes in the sinker's pool.

Shao Xuan glanced out, did not see the intruder, not even a walking person, everyone stayed in their own house, the door closed, nobody went out.

“You wait here now, I'll go out and see.” Shao Xuan said, taking two steps and turning around: “Don't touch the window, if you want to hide, you can go down from the wooden slab into the pool. Remember, no one comes to you, don't go out the window, stay away from the window! ”

“I know.” Ask.

Shao Xuan jumped out of the window without touching the frame of the window.

It's a lot quieter in the neighborhood than in the periphery of the tribe, provided, of course, there's no crocodile screaming. But just because the little crocodiles in these pools are screaming, it also makes people more nervous and full of crisis.

The “mute” crocodile has now climbed out of the pool, along with his fellow reservoirs, and when he senses Shao Xuan coming, he leaves this small group and heads towards Shao Xuan.

This way, the sunken armor left in the house was worried about the situation on the parents' side, and suddenly he heard someone outside calling his name.

“Sunken Armor, are you home? ”

Sounds familiar, sounds like a tribal person, but at the same time steps up the stairs and the boards squeak, step by step.

“Who?” Sinking Armor tried to look through the window, but thinking of Shao Xuan's instructions before leaving, he stopped again, standing only two steps away from the window, looking out the window.

A man heard a sunken voice, walked to the window and looked into the room.

It is a tribal costume, has an impression on its face, and is one of the warriors guarded by the tribe.

It's just... there's always a weird feeling about the sunken armor.