Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 275: Important Things

Tribal ancestors, why are there so many boxes here? It's not just a day or two away from the tribe. Without the dangers among the mountain forests, it would not be a long distance, but how many mountain forests are in danger. Shao Xuan certainly came all the way here, even a thousand years ago, it would not be too different.

Shao Xuan walked past with a torch, and the boxes were tied with some grass rope, presumably to keep the lid from falling during transportation. However, if you look closely, it is obvious that several of these boxes use more sophisticated bundling techniques, even the straw rope used for bundling is different. The bundling straw rope also forms a single knot, which is applied with different pigments one by one, and the knot at the middle position is the symbol of the witch.

As for the others, the grass rope used is relatively ordinary, but it cannot be said that the contents of these boxes must be unimportant and can be transported here by the ancestors, and must have important preservation value.

Shao Xuan intends to look at the special boxes with knots first. However, he found that the ropes were difficult to untie, and the ropes were very sturdy, not like they had been in place for a long time, and resilience was still there.

Cut? Burn?

Nevertheless, if the tribesmen knew, they would definitely have an opinion that he disrespected his ancestors.

Leaving those complicated boxes of ropes aside, Shao Xuan turned to the other few tie methods that were fairly common. Lifting his hand to untie the rope, Shao Xuan simply touched it with his hand, and the grass rope tied to the box broke, breaking into powder.

Pinch the grass ropes elsewhere, as is the case, perhaps because of too long, these grass ropes also lose their original toughness and are no longer strong.

The secrecy in front was high and the ropes used were different. Now the secrecy is low, and Shao Xuan has no pressure to look at the contents of the box.

Opening the box, Shao Xuan saw the many animal leather rolls placed neatly inside.

Shao Xuan picked up one at random and stared at it. This is a record of some of the things that happened in the Flaming Horn tribe in a given year, such as harvests, disputes, etc.

Pick up another one, which records the wars of all sizes and sizes between the Flaming Horn tribe and other tribes in a given year. It also involves several familiar tribes such as the Thousand Faces tribe, the Non Eight tribes, etc., and several large central tribes known to Shao Xuan are basically documented.

Was the Horn Tribe so attractive to hatred?

But soon, after looking at other beast rolls, Shao Xuan discovered that his guess was wrong, not that Horn attracted the value of hatred, but that era, everyone was particularly susceptible to hatred. According to these animal scrolls, tribes are not as peaceful as they are now.

Perhaps for tourists, life out there is already very difficult, especially in the resting places around the markets, where tribal teams kill each other every day and then hit the pond fish.

But it's nothing compared to what's on the scroll. At best, it is a contradiction between the expedition teams, but what is documented on the skin of the beast is a massive contradiction between the tribe and the tribe. Three days a dozen, ten days a dozen, as usual as eating.

What's wrong with you? Fight!

Focus on someone? Rob!

See anything good? Rob again!

Everything is based on strength. If you can beat it, you can rob it. If you can't beat it, you can't rob it. If you can't rob it, you can only give up. If you don't give up, you will be beaten to death.

It can be said that in the past, the survival of small tribes was extremely difficult and, as documented above, a number of small tribes were wiped out.

The middle is more chaotic. Because of the large tribe, three days and two sides of the war, today you raided one of my teams, tomorrow I will destroy your entire outing!

Even Shao Xuan has always thought of himself as a good neighbor, and the reckless tribes and the under-eight tribes of intimate and cooperative partners, like the enemies before. Let's not say that there is a reckless tribe of bamboo on the border of the eight tribes. Even if there is a leek that does not belong to one's own tribe, the eight people will have to uproot it.

And all spiders and other things that the eight tribes entered the reckless tribe, as long as they were found, they were not released again, either killed or ate. Spiders aren't good? It's all right. As long as they don't like watching Miyako, they're happy to eat!

One of the volumes does not know which witch's own notebook, less solemn, much more interesting, and also wrote many other tribal scandals, such as who was dug in the corner of the wall, who was wearing a green hat, who was squeezed out of the position of leader by his own brother... the text is slightly exaggerated, through gossip and excitement. Witches aren't as serious as the old man is now.

A family revenge can easily become a tribal revenge. War is too easy for an era like that. On the other hand, the physique of the flamingos and the power value of dominance make a lot of popularity bite the teeth, giving the impression of others is also all kinds of brutality and brutality. However, Shao Xuan can see the pride and pride of the recorder from the text of these transcripts, most of them either. As one of the formerly strong, Flaming Horn does have a proud and barbaric capital.

It is hard to imagine that the chaotic environment that prevailed was now much more stable, and while it still seemed to be fraught with brutal violence and killing, it was quite a difference from what was recorded on these animal skins.

Why was it that a tribe that was unfamiliar to each other now coexists peacefully? Shao Xuan, while traveling with the team, also asked. For a longer time, I don't know. In the last two or three hundred years, there has been no major war. Apart from Wanshi tribes always harassing those small tribes, none of the other large tribes in the center has really fought each other.

Speaking of Manshi tribes, to date, Shao Xuan has only seen the names of Manshi tribes on two animal skins, and the recorded witch prophesied that their tribes would disappear within 500 years, but in fact, this brutally aggressive tribe, more unreasonable than the former Flaming Horn tribe, survived to this day and became one of the great tribes in the middle.

Shao Xuan only thought of one of the most likely answers - they had common enemies, who frightened them, not to mention peaceful coexistence - to what seemed to be a cooperative relationship that would allow them to make such a difference.

Flaming Horn Tribes? Not to mention, even if the Flaming Horn tribes were once strong, they were not strong enough to hold them hostage for so long.

There's another one that makes Shao Xuan strange, and there's no record of the slave owner. There were also prisoners at that time, and those who lost the war would be dragged back to work, but there was certainly no record of the slave owners, none of them.

In addition to these, Shao Xuan flipped through several other boxes of grass ropes and learned a lot of information, not exclusively inter-tribal warfare, but encompassing various aspects, such as farming and livestock related records.

Thousands of years ago, the Flaming Horn tribe was also predominantly hunting. After all, it was close to the mountain forest, and most of the food was taken directly from the mountain forest, but it was also planted, as Shao Xuan had seen in the murals, there was planting, farming, picking... These records, they were all on this, and probably some of them are now in the hands of the tribe's witches, but Shao Xuan believes that the records here are much more detailed than those in the hands of the witches.

Think of it, when the ancestors of the Horn left the land, mainly to flee. Naturally, there was not much documentation of cultivation on them. Perhaps when they left, they did not bring it at all, because when the ancestors left, they did not expect to leave for so long. The records on the witch's hands, perhaps only those who left later, were written on their own experience.

There were too many animal leather rolls in the box. Shao Xuan was inconvenient to see with the torch inside, and worried that the torch would damage these animal leather rolls, so he moved the box to the hole, and then the light of the hole flipped open.

Shao Xuan does not doubt the authenticity of these. These are all witches. On some of the beast leather rolls that document important things, there are some seemingly meaningless words at the beginning. These are actually witch languages. Whether something needs to be recorded, if there is a contradiction within the tribe, the decision will be given to the spark and to the totem. These seemingly meaningless words are, in fact, a more solemn tone, indicating that they are decided together or through sacrifice, without any falsification.

In addition to farming, fishing, hunting, animal husbandry, there are also artisanal, meteorological, architectural, medical, war, political and daily life. Although many of these records are vague and not detailed, it can be seen that the tribe was not familiar with them at the time. For example, there are many records in the weather and in the hand, which can only be considered juvenile, but seeing so many aspects of the records still shocked Shao Xuan.

What is important to the Flaming Horn Tribes?

Crystal, all kinds of crystal bell coins as property? Or other precious stones?

No, not at all! To be honest, these are all behind us.

The more you know, the more Shao Xuan understands what is important to the witches of this tribe.

Among the tribes, the first thing must be to find out about their own people, their origins, their totems, etc.; the second must also include customizing ethnic rules, important marriage funerals, embracing chiefs, deliberation, etc. Major events are activities such as production, war, sacrifice and so on, which undoubtedly need to be documented by witches and passed on to future generations.

And what they say, commonly, is -- “history”!

In the values of the witch, the longer the "history”, the longer the tribe has existed, the stronger the tribe will be. As to why the “history” of Flaming Horn was preserved here, perhaps, because it could not be taken away at that time, put it in the original place and worried about suffering, it was brought here to hide, after all, few other tribes dared to rush directly into the fierce mountain forest.

People in the cave have been dead for a long time, and the only thing left is the kind of power Shao Xuan felt before. It is a destructive force for the intruder, but for this cave, like a guardian, it remains unchanged for thousands of years, quietly sitting here, guarding the “history” of the Horn of Fire, waiting for the later generations to return.

However, Shao Xuan regretted that there was no detailed description of the spark in what he had seen, and perhaps even more distant things were sealed in boxes that could not be opened.

Forget it, when it's time to take it back, let the witch open and grind with the witch. As long as it's not a secret, the witch should let him see it.

Shao Xuan thought about whether to take the boxes and the seven ancestors back now and say to the tribesmen, "Look, I've found the ancestors again.