Under special sight, Shao Xuan was even able to see the legs and long tails of quicksand beasts covered with scales beneath the sand.

In the past, this ability did not penetrate some blocked objects, but as the ability improved, Shao Xuan gradually became able to see through some blockages. In the house of the two thieves, Shao Xuan used this ability to see what was buried beneath the earth layer, but the thickness of penetration was limited.

The deeper down the ground, the blurrer Shao Xuan can see, so now even if he can see another part of the quicksand beast beneath the sand, he can't look carefully.

In previous hunting, Shao Xuan also used this way if he encountered strange or unfamiliar beasts, although he did not have so much leisure time to observe and study during previous hunting.

Shao Xuan can observe the habits of vicious beasts, battle habits, and blooms that can easily appear during battle, as long as there is enough time.

Shao Xuan's gaze shifted to the quicksand beasts who were struggling with the slaves on the edge of the oasis and constantly avoiding attacks.

Just moments later, five more people were swallowed up by quicksand beasts.

Shao Xuan, for the time being, has not been able to see the weakness of its body structure through the almost perfect defense of the quicksand beast. At least for now, it can only break its outer scalar armor through uninterrupted attacks and then inflict damage on it.

Suddenly, Shao Xuan glanced at him and found his powerful legs bent beneath the sand.

“Get away, it's going to jump!!” Shao Xuan shouted.

Shao Xuan's words just fell, the edge of the oasis, the place where the quicksand beast is located, countless sand grains were lifted, the huge body of the quicksand beast jumped out of the sand, the whole body was completely pulled out of the sand, the sand and dust brought up like a waterfall, but then fell after reaching the high point. While jumping into the air, the long tail of the quicksand beast is still swinging vigorously to make adjustments.

Without losing patience, Quicksand Beast did not intend to continue to fight those people there. It jumped out of the circle of battle, but rather jumped directly over the nearly five-metre high wall made of wood and stone on the outskirts of the oasis and fell into the oasis and began its wanton destruction.

Shao Xuan was quick to warn that Ray and Tao and the Ushi with Su Gu were once again avoiding each other, while Shao Xuan was about to leave, and he saw a “void” on the quicksand beast.

That void lies beneath the side of the quicksand beast's neck, beneath a cloak fold on its neck. Moreover, the gap does not always exist, but only opens when the quicksand beast yells. When the quicksand beast stops yelling, the “gap” disappears, like a door closes.

Quicksand beasts jumping into the oasis swung their long tails, and strong front claws and hind legs kept walking, like armored vehicles, directly crashing down a sandstone house.

The dust and sand splashed all around, as if they had abandoned a round of sandstorms, while the sandstorm maker moved freely within the oasis, taking sandstorms and destruction wherever he went.

Slaves' attacks became hasty and disorderly, and even slaves accidentally wounded their accomplices in crisis.

Akashi shouted, but the slaves originally stationed in the oasis, working with the people brought by Akashi, did not acquiesce, for a moment, in the oasis chaos.

Ushi raised Sogu to the oasis and watched the war there.

The house where Shao Xuan had just stood had been swept down by the tail of the quicksand beast, looking for a time. Shao Xuan ran onto a tree, blew a whistle, made a few gestures into the air, and then immediately jumped away, hiding from the main range of attack of the quicksand beast, but not far away.

“What does Xuan want to do?” Ray asked the gyro next to him, holding the knife wanted to rush over and be pulled by the gyro.

“I don't know how he planned it, but since Xuan didn't let us go, it would be nice to wait beside him first.” The Door said.

As the slaves in the oasis wrestled with the quicksand beast, a shadow flew rapidly through the sky, drawing claws on the back of the quicksand beast.

Eagle claws collide with the squamous armor on the back of the quicksand beast, making a "squeaky” chilling toothpick sound. Like metal cutting.

The squamous armor on the back is the hardest part of the whole body of the quicksand beast, however, the chirping eagle claw is not easy to bear, the hard left a deep mark on the back of the quicksand beast, although there is no bloodshed, but if you look carefully, the skin is almost broken.

Looking at the shadow of the eagle flying through the air, the golden light flashed in the eyes of the quicksand beast, sweeping away a house blocked in front of it, raising his head to the eagle's wrath in the air, and the wrinkles on his neck exploded as if he were an angry lion.

And the chirping in the air also seemed deliberately provocative, and cried out at quicksand beasts, looking for a chance to grab a claw.

Several times later, the quicksand beast raised its head again and roared into the air.

Right now!

Shao Xuan looked at the “cloak” blown up by the quicksand beast's neck and locked the cracked gap under the "cloak". His legs instantly burst into a powerful thrust, like a silent wind, rushing towards the place under the quicksand beast's neck cloak.

The quicksand beast, howling up at the eagle in the sky, felt something wrong, almost instinctively stopping screaming between the flint stones, moving the neck bone and closing the gap.

However, it is still a step behind.

Shao Xuan, who rushed out quickly, held the knife handle of the stone knife and stabbed the knife into the narrow gap about to close, a second before closing the gap.

That gap, in the eyes of others, cannot be distinguished, because it is a colour with scales covered elsewhere, but that layer of scales is sparsely distributed, just because the colour of the skin affects it and there are often folds that block it, making it difficult to see.

At the moment of the stone knife, Shao Xuan only felt that the stone knife in his hand seemed to have penetrated a densely stacked superior stone aggregate, with great resistance, and the sound of the scraping knife could be heard every minute, which was the bone beneath the cortex.

Fortunately, it's just a "stone mass”, not an "entire slab”, so there's always a gap where the blade can find a way forward, even if those voids are just tiny stitches that the naked eye can't recognize.


Unlike the roar that was just warned, the thunderous tsunami was a more intolerable sound wave.

This is not a deliberate attack, but a physiological response and a cry of pain that followed the blow.

The quicksand beast swayed its head, trying to bite off the little roller that threatened its neck, but there, it was a dead end, and the quicksand beast could not bite that place in any way, and its foreclaws could not be scratched.

After several successive unsuccessful attempts, the quicksand beast rushed towards the remaining stone and earth houses in the oasis.


The rest of the stone houses were knocked down in succession, and every time they hit, the quicksand beasts intentionally ran their necks against those stone houses.

Shao Xuan, who stabbed the knife into the neck of the quicksand beast, grabbed the handle of the knife, clamped the scales of the quicksand beast with one hand and prevented himself from falling, and the self-inflicted crash of the quicksand beast, did cause Shao Xuan a lot of trouble.

Back to back collides with the stone soil, Shao Xuan can even hear skeletal misalignment clicking in the body, good for his strength, can temporarily withstand such pressure.

“Xuan! ”

Ray and Tao wanted to help in the past, but Shao Xuan stopped them.

“Out of the way! Stay away from me!”

At a time like this, Ray and Tao can't do much to help. At this moment, the quicksand beast has completely gone from frenzy to anger. It doesn't know why such a small guy can pose a huge threat to himself, and it is precisely where it is fragile.

Hit the house against the tree, successively hit a large piece, did not hit Shao Xuan down, but the quicksand beast itself screamed several times. Each time, Shao Xuan could send the knife back inside. The quicksand beast would exhale because of the pain, Shao Xuan seized the opportunity to send the knife again.

The quicksand beast, who had to roll over the ground, tried to escape into the ground, and just halfway through his head, his tail was dragged backwards by eagle claws.

This giant beast cannot be truly caught, but it is perfectly possible to obstruct it. At first sight the quicksand beast wants to drill the ground, it grabs its tail and drags it in the opposite direction.

Shao Xuan was slapped by the neck wrinkles of the quicksand beast, which felt like a heavy object slapping.

Looking at the stone knife that was no longer in the meat, Shao Xuan shrunk his fist, the force of totem gathered into his arm, in the veins, blood seemed to be squeezed, Shao Xuan could even hear the musculoskeletal burst in his arm due to the convergence of the flow of totem force, a blue muscular convex burst.

The fist opened a stitch again under the knife handle because of the scream of the quicksand beast. After accumulation, the whole arm burst forward and bombarded. The strong force suddenly hit, where it was struck, the ripples of shock spread.

Beneath the outer skin, such as the air pores, which connect the gut crevices, fate wants to concentrate beneath the bones on the convergence, the hard flesh seems to be shaken by the harsh tofu and scattered.


A more sharp thrill roared.

Blood of almost the same colour as the dunes erupted from the mouth of the quicksand beast, while Shao Xuan herself was drained from the place where the bombardment was carried out.

The blood of a quicksand beast is not as burning as its colour, but as cool as it is.


Shao Xuan couldn't even take a break and hit him again, punching him in the face where he had just bombed.

And the quicksand beast collapsed, collapsed, and collapsed under such a single bombardment.

The collision was ineffective and the wrinkles on the neck, even if squeezed tightly, could not prevent Shao Xuan from this attack.

The sound of the tsunami continued, and the dust raised by the rolling sand cloaked the entire oasis.

The others around, including Sogu, protected by the rocks, looked shocked at the rolling figure in the sand curtain.

In the end, what happened?

Why do quicksand animals suddenly react like this?

Was it the tribe that rushed over? And after that? What did he do?

They couldn't know, it was just, looking at that giant shadow screaming and rolling, the slaves who were just wrestling with the quicksand beast couldn't help but swallow and spit, what the hell is going on here?