Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 465 Kill!

The people coming from Flaming Horn are divided into three teams, each headed from three directions towards the salt mine, led by experienced mine guards, who know where to go to hide more and avoid the sight of the people in the salt mine.

Though previously forcibly evicted, the traps they set up here, etc. have not been dismantled and have been induced, which are the remnants of others coming here after they were recruited.

Their advantage is that they know this strange place, and they can walk through their own land with their eyes closed.

And now, the three teams, all close to the salt mine, can be so smooth, one is their experience, the other is that the people in the salt mine focus most of their attention on the hole-breakers, and the third is the birds watched by the forest tribe in the sky, who are too frightened to come out today. And most importantly, of course, the Fox and Forest tribes had no idea that the flaming horn would arrive so quickly.

The anger of compression erupted, taking the lead, the pupil quickly magnified due to the emotional excitement, instantly moving the totem force all over the body, the muscles under the skin were held up, the totem pattern like a hot rock flow covered the body surface, let that angry face look brazen.

The back leg treads vigorously, the body ejects like a fired shell, the rough salt grains on the ground can be taken off, the eyes everywhere, is the land of slaughter, holding a broad copper knife and splitting it across, this sudden outbreak of momentum, like a fierce beast in the forest that finally opens its teeth!

The lightning of the forest cold blade suddenly descended, and the air was sharply cut open by the rapid blade, sounding like the friction of the storm when it brought up the rough salt grains on the monster stone.

The man closest to Jongluo was the one who was responsible for watching this side, because of the collapse of the salt hole, he changed places, stood against a large stone on the periphery, heard the movement behind him turn around, his legs slightly bent, and his body still did a dodging motion, but he still took a step too slow to avoid the swept offense.

A blade with the smell of salt grains, cut from his waist.


In the next moment, the knife body has protruded from the back of the person, a powerful and powerful attack, without any sense of retention and obstruction, the sharp knife blade with the smell of blood, the killing breath is diffuse.

The person whose waist was stopped was split in half, pounded on the ground, and when he fell, there was still fear and unbelief in his eyes.

Once the knife was broken, the sword was not received, but swept across it, sending the knife into the body of another person without stopping. Still cut without a stop, directly cut each other in half, this knife can be seen and the knife is strong.

Sprayed blood makes the red salt blocks on the ground brighter.

Blood spreads through the air, mixed with trembling killers.

This sudden change made those who were supposed to supervise there, or who were smashing salt holes, stand still for a moment. The careless supervisors were full of shock in their eyes, and those who smashed holes were frightened by the scene that had just happened.

Didn't you say the three Tribes of Horn arrive tomorrow?!

Who said that?!

Is it ghosts who are here now?!

Looking at them, a pair of killer eyes, like the hungry predators in the mountains, are in awe.

The man in the salt mine, under the tremendous earthquake of his heart, screamed hysterically, “The Horn Man, is the Horn Man!! ”

Sitting, standing, other tribes, fierce foxes and forest tribes are fighting with weapons.

Tokang rushed to the salt mine from the other side, holding an axe with the anger of the owner, the axe turned into a brutal electric light, pointing directly at the nearest forest tribesman, and just as the other party was preparing a sword block, Tokang wrist turned, the axe cut off the trajectory instantly offset, and moved away an angle, the sharp axe blade did not directly hit the other party's raised sword, but cut the other party's arm directly, which is still the result of the other party reacting so quickly, if the other party is a little slower, this rapid axe will directly cut him in half.

Holding the sword cut next to him, Dokan's arm lifted, his strength shook open, made up an ax for the man who had previously been cut off by him, ripped open his voice and shouted: “Whoever tribe you belong to, take our salt mine, kill, smash our salt hole, kill!” He was really blushed by the collapsed salt hole in front of him.


Then the other Horn men followed by a strange whistle and kept quietly hiding the diving Horn fighters. They no longer had to stop the anger in their hearts, raise their weapons in their hands and rush towards the salt mine!

Robbing our salt mines?!


Destroy our salt hole?!


It's not the Fox and the Forest tribe, it's just the Fox and the Forest tribe wandering around to help?

Being an idiot? What are those red and white crossings you got there? That's a salt mine! Maybe it's from our salt mine!

What are you guys doing? Mine for a duck egg. You think I'm gonna believe what a retard wouldn't do?

Kill! Kill!

The battle over the ground, the battle over resources, when the conflict erupts, it's never been you or me.

Some small grains of salt stone powder scattered across the ground, depending on the impurities in them, ranging from white, powdered, to red, and at this point they were stained with blood.

From the outbreak to the whiteheat, it's just a blink in the eye.

People who are smashing holes on the other two sides also hear movement here, hesitate to go help, if past, Thai river and mountain wind people come, what should we do? Anyway, there are still a lot of people in the salt hole over there at the Fox and Forest tribes who don't have to go.

The Forest tribe chiefs are amazed. Aren't the flaming horns all in tune with the steps on the Thai River?

They seldom send birds to watch the Horn, unless they are able to fly high, they are easily shot down by the Horn's weirdos, however, it is much easier to watch the Thai River, as long as they know about the Thai tribe, the Horn side also understands.

But what happens now?

The mountain wind people didn't see it, the Thai River people are probably still on the salt land, how could the flaming horn people arrive so soon?!

With that in mind, the leaders of the Mori tribe could not help but regret that birds should be kept under surveillance of the Horned Man, otherwise they would not be so helpless now.

The Sen chief wanted to send backup over there, but soon he stopped because he didn't act when he saw the Fox clan.

There's a problem!

And look at the bird shrinking in the corner, the head of the forest tribe looking at the sky.

The day has changed!

So soon?

According to his original expectations, it will happen within three days. Yesterday, the day after yesterday, the day after tomorrow, the woman of the fierce fox said, it will happen within two days today. I didn't feel like anything had changed in the morning. I didn't think it was going to happen until tomorrow. A lot of action was arranged, but now, everything is messed up.

Their forest tribes were able to see what might happen from the surrounding plants, and just the day before yesterday a group of forest tribe fighters arrived, saying that the changes in the plants in the mountain forests were extraordinary, and I'm afraid there were enormous changes. Perhaps a crisis they have never encountered. Look at the birds in the corner with the rocks. They don't even want to fly out. So what? How strong can you be?

Now that the heavens have changed, then no more people will be sent out. The people on the flaming salt hole will definitely not be able to stop the flaming horn attack... For the sake of the crystal, we can only give them up harshly.

Though a mistake was made, as planned, the forest tribe leaders led people to the salt hole of the fierce fox tribe, headed deep and warmer in the hole.

Outside the hole.

A snowflake drifts.

Unexpectedly, temperatures have begun to plummet too fast to provide a buffer at all.

Soon more snowflakes fell from the sky.

When the wind rose, the snoring wind rolled, and the drifting snowflake took off and smashed heavily on the ground, Shao Xuan could even hear a snowflake smashing gently on the rock.

Sprayed warm blood, quickly cooled in the air, frozen into ice, fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and the snow is drifting in the air like thick gauze curtains, spinning as the wind whirls, blocking the distant scenery.

Shao Xuan's ankle and wrist flashed towards the side, avoiding a knife that attacked him behind his back. The sword in his hand turned into a shadow, such as an unfolding folding fan sweeping past, wiping each other's neck.

Instead of staying in place, Shao Xuan bent his knee back and flew away, leaving the knife that split next to him empty.

After resolving one person again, Shao Xuan quickly looked at the sky and was uncertain.

Something's wrong! Something's wrong!

There is always a feeling of coolness, not because of the sudden drop in the weather, but because of something else.

The sudden drop in the weather is indeed distressing, but it does not make Shao Xuan feel that way. Something else seems to be happening.

Snow is still getting bigger, the wind is rolling with snow, the eyes are blowing, the heavens and the earth are like rendered by these wildly floating white spots, on the ground, the snow and salt are already indistinguishable. Temperatures have not stopped falling.

On the vast salt land, the water in the shallow talk is freezing fast, and the salt flowers seem to have come across another spring, going up wildly, getting bigger. If Shao Xuan was still on the salt field, he would surely see hundreds of “flowers” fighting.

At the salt hole of the flaming horn, some of the outside tribes found by the fierce fox and the forest tribe have retreated. If it were for the past, they would also continue to struggle here for salt, but the weather like this, they have never encountered, the mind panicked, a distraction, the action on their hands naturally also blossomed, a number of people were chopped.

And the people of the fierce fox and forest tribe, who did not wait for reinforcements, were anxious, and under the pressure of the number and strength of the flaming horns, it was not good.

“Quick! Quick! Hurry!!” Shao Xuan shouted.

Just now, Shao Xuan had a feeling of numbness in her scalp, a bad feeling.