Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 499: Glory Will End

The flaming horns of the team were too big and too eye-catching. Where they passed along the road, almost everyone in this team was seen, and their eyes were strange.

O. had chosen a different route than when they came, but such a large number was enough to outnumber most of the tribes, which was the same size as when they first crossed the river back to their homeland and could not be ignored.

In the eyes of others, the Flaming Horn tribe is migrating again!

This can't be concealed or concealed. When other tribes travel, they can tell when they talk.

“You know what? The Flaming Horn Tribes are migrating again!” A man in a distant trading team said.

“Migration? I've seen it for some time. I don't remember many people. Who did they think they were going to fight?” People in another distant trading team are very confused.

“Not many people? There are plenty of people, old people, children, women, all of them! I saw them with my own eyes. They came right in front of our tribe! ”

“And old children? I don't remember these. ”

“Yes! Why not? On my count, there are definitely 5,000 people, much more than our tribes. ”

“What, five to a thousand?! You must have counted it wrong! ”

“I can't be wrong in counting! ”

“I don't believe you. Do you swear by your tribe's totem? ”

“Swear it...”

Similar dialogues have appeared in many places, however, the Flaming Horn team is still moving along the planned route, they don't even know that they have started another heated debate, even if they do, they won't ignore it, they are busy, where is the time to talk to those who don't matter.

The closer you get to the mountain forest, the more familiar the walkers will feel, as if they were one of them. Although there are unfamiliar environments everywhere, that direction gives them a warm and safe familiarity. The power of the totem in the body is pouring over, like rushing past, and the bright totem flashes, as if they were in the mood at the moment.

Though I have seen their totem on several occasions in the desert, I can't help but see the emotions again, is this the expression of the fusion of sparks? They did not merge sparks, when they mobilized the power of totem, the totem lines were dark lines, not so bright, Shao Xuan was an exception, but now, when the bright totem lines flashed on these new people, OH et al. also looked envious, not envious of such bright totem lines, but the breath revealed on these people, really stronger than them, not necessarily much different, but enough to make many people change their original thoughts.

O. didn't want to merge the sparks before, but gradually he started to shake. After integration, the warriors will have greater potential and the spark will not continue to weaken... with more power, who doesn't want it?

Meanwhile, outside the Wesen Mountain Forest, the Banshi tribe gathered large numbers of people.

When O. left with people and several vicious beasts, Wanshi tribe got the news, and thought about whether to take advantage of this opportunity to attack towards the flaming horn tribe, those out can be the main force of the flaming horn. As for the remaining half of the main force in the mountain forest, Wanshi people still feel able to solve it.

After the fighting in the desert, some escaped, including slave owners who had originally worked with the Banshi tribe. The 10,000 stone tribes can grow to this size in hundreds of years, and the slave owners in the desert have a lot of motivation behind them.

Now, while the situation in the desert has not fully stabilized, intelligent people know that soon there will be only dominant rock mounds in the desert, and no other forces that will shake them will exist. There is no going back to the desert, so those who flee the desert strike the Banshi tribe with their ideas.

They were very fortunate that their forefathers raised the Banshi tribe, which showed them a way back. Since the desert could not stay and the other tribes did not trust the slave owners, but rather wanted to steal from the slave owners, the escaped slave owners had only one choice.

Now, the Banshi tribe is supported by some of the fleeing slave owners, and in addition to the Banshi warriors, there are many slaves that can be used as cannon ashes to fight the front lines.

However, the decision to attack Flaming Horn was opposed by some people, especially the slave owners, who did not want to go through any more turmoil for the time being and would certainly lose a lot of money by attacking Flaming Horn.

And the flaming horns, the tribes that live in the mountains and forests, are poor and bad places, even if the attack succeeds? You can still take the land inside? They don't want to live in mountainous forests full of beasts. If they want to fight, wait for them to take more slaves, or the slaves will be ashamed. Who will protect them, the slavers?

Previously, there was only one chief of 10,000 stones in the tribe who decided that there was no objection to his slapping, but now, the accession of these slave masters diluted the influence of 10,000 stones, the chief was no longer absolute authority, and any decision had to be made with the consent of those slave masters, otherwise they would not support it, and would not provide manpower or anything else.

Chief Wanshi also wanted to rebel, but these slave masters were too cunning to take risks and hold their breath.

Now, Wanshi is going to attack the Horn, these people jumped out against it, and said that there are so many people out there with the Horn's tie, something must have happened, maybe to lure them into play, then a front and rear clip, this is the cover for Wanshi tribe!

Put a stone on you!

Chief Wanshi could not help but hold his breath, having to take into account the intentions of the slave owners.

But day after day, when they realized that the sparks in the pond were getting weaker, like being suppressed by more and more powerful forces, the new 10,000 stone witches persuaded the slave owners.

There are only flaming horns nearby that can suppress them directly.

Finally, the internal unity, the slave owners provided some slaves, the masonry chiefs gathered the tribal warriors, and the domesticated masonry beasts were also brought out, and after a few days of preparation, they were finally ready to go.

Looking at the green mountain forest in the distance, the madness appeared in the eyes of the masonry chief, who remembered that the flaming horns stood at the edge of the mountain forest to speak.

Dead in the woods?

I'm going in, what do you say? I'm not only going in, I'm going into your flaming corner, and I'm going to steal all my belongings, all my women!

The sun is gradually skewing, and this time, 10,000 stone men intend to attack at night. During the day, Horn people are familiar with the woods and dominate, but at night they are different, and they have heard that Horn people rarely come out at night.

And this side of the masonry stone, the dragged out masonry stone beast, all have very good night vision! Moreover, the robbery of the Banshi tribe at night is not too much, the business is skilled, just pay more attention into the mountain forest, just be prepared.

The Horn of Fire is gone, even now there are still some in the mountain forest, but you can't block all the more than 400,000 stone beasts they carry this time around!

Great, great plan!

“On my orders...”

Masonry's chief lifted his knife and was about to give the order to hear a sharp, long bird scream from the sky.

There was a white bird flying through the sky, like a white lightning bolt.

“That's the Flaming Horn! Didn't he leave with you? Is it possible...” someone on the team said.

Then there was another wolf howling and other beasts roaring.

Not from the direction of the mountain forest.

“Then that's...”

“The Flaming Horn team is back! ”

Man Shi's leader shouted, “What's your name?! If they come back, fight!” How could you give up so easily when you brought the slave owners here? It's just hundreds of people coming back. You can't miss it!

It's just that very quickly, they realized, they didn't just come in as much as they knew. 2,000? 3,000? Seems like more than that.

Even far away, all stone people can feel the ferocity of rushing in, too harsh, too strong, and they don't want to fight it at all.

“No, we're not going!” One of the senior slaves immediately decided. Though they followed the leader of Masashi, they also had a private order from their master. If they found something wrong, they went back immediately, and they didn't want to follow Masashi's men in to die. It's hard to come up with a desert, and they don't want to do anything about it until they're absolutely sure. The fighting in the desert has frightened them.

Along with that senior slave, some other senior slaves also made statements.

Temporary rehydration, while the situation is unexpected, occurs in such a situation, where the leader of Masonry almost suffocates his internal injuries.

Chieftain Wanshi opened his mouth a few times. If he wanted to order an attack, he turned around in his mouth a few times. The stiffness was holding him back. The outside momentum was forcibly retracted. He retracted too quickly. A bite of blood sprayed out. The expression on his face became stubborn. His eyes were full of struggle. He grabbed the stone knife's arm and burst.


The main force out of Flaming Horn has returned, not only with reinforcements! If they attack, it will never be good, and their people temporarily counterwater, how can this war be fought?!

No battle? Where's the prestige?!

However, in the face of reality, measuring gains and losses, the masonry leader had to stop the plan.

“Go back," Chief Manshi said, tasting the blood in his mouth and suppressing his anger.

However, because Chieftain Wanshi was not loud, the attention of the other Chieftains was mostly focused on the newly emerging team and did not hear the chief's words. Even if it heard clearly, it didn't react for a moment.

“What... what? Chief, what did you just... say?” A man standing next to Chief Mason asked.

“I said go back!!” Chiefs of Masonry bark almost. Anger and depression in my heart, I don't know how to vent it, yelling and then another blood erupted.

Others didn't dare to ask too many questions. Although they were unwilling to miss the best opportunity, it was obviously not appropriate to continue in this situation, and they were at a loss.

As a result, the plan collapsed when Wanshi sharpened his knife and Ho Ho intends to take advantage of the weakness of the inner battle power of Horn, after careful reflection on the final decision to attack Horn.

Vicious Beast Mountain Forest, inside the Flaming Horn Tribe.

The tower has received information of the movement of the Banshi tribe. Although the tribe has sparks as a defense, it cannot rely entirely on sparks, which have a limited range of powers and have a limited role to play, and they have to fight for themselves. In fact, when the witch sent so many people out, he had different opinions in his heart, but the witch decided, and he had no objection.

Let your men prepare for battle. Tower intends to consult with the witch. Shall we transfer tribesmen first? After all, the main battle force is halfway away, and it will be difficult for them to fight, and no one can predict what will happen.

However, after questioning him, the witch still stood by the fire pond, silent and half-witted: “No need. ”


What else does the tower want to say, but the witch says: “No one needs to prepare, this war will be fought sooner or later, but it can't be fought today! ”

The tower looked at the witch in confusion and did not understand what that meant. Instead of explaining it, the witch has been staring at the flames that are active in the pond.

The flames in the fire pond have been pouring over, they have not stopped since the fire suddenly swept up in here before, and now the higher the flame is pulled out, the more the fire is.

The witch stood by the fire pond, watching the flames burning in the fire pond, in the muddy eyes, tears, flashing under the fire. Although he did not go out with them, he was aware of what might have happened.

“A thousand years.” The witch sighed.

A thousand years ago, from the height of the past, the unknown Flaming Horn tribe fell into the forgotten corner.

Natural disasters, divisions, spark debris, people's hearts shaking, misery, so much so that they can only curl in small corners away from the forces of the continent, forced isolation. Although we do not know what the mood was like when the ancestors carved those murals in the stone cave, from the words left by the ancestors "praise”, we also know from the inheritance of a scroll of animals, that generations of flaming horns are hopeful, hope that one day, the glory of the year will be restored —— one day, we will return to the land, the glory will remain, the flaming horn fire, never extinguished.

“The glory of the Horn of Fire will be restored!” Tears finally rolled out of the witch's eyes, leaving two rows of water on that old face covered in wrinkled bark.

“Ha-ha-ha!” With tears, the witch stares at the flames in the pond and makes a hissing laugh, like a hysterical exhalation, excited to the utmost madness.

Stand next to the tower, silly. Always a calm, steady witch.

The flames in the pond rolled over, shouting in the wind, and the totems in both corners slowly appeared.

The totem on the tower also appears spontaneously.

The tower looks in one direction in the mountain forest. Earlier he heard birds and beasts roar, his familiar voice, but at this moment, what he thought had nothing to do with these beasts roar, set his eyes in that direction, as if waiting for something.

It's not just the tower, all the flamingos, have a strange feeling. Whatever they're doing, everyone stops at the moment and looks in the same direction.

The sky dimmed, the sun's light gradually converged, and the flame's brightness became more prominent, and even the silver light cast by the moon could not diminish it.

In the dense woods that cover the sun, in the darkness, as the sound of footsteps approached, some spark colored light spots appeared, dense and numb.