Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 501: Change

After Shao Xuan woke up, Old Ke told him that Shao Xuan had been sent by a witch to find him. He just saw Shao Xuan sleeping well, so he didn't disturb him. Let Shao Xuan wake up before going over there.

Setting aside the bowl, Shao Xuan also intended to help brush a pottery pan or something, and was kicked out by Old Ke. "The witches and chiefs on both sides are waiting for you. Don't delay here. Go quickly. ”

Shao Xuan smiled and patted the wolf head of Caesar, who was grinding his teeth while lying at the door, and went over to the witch.

Warriors from both sides can be seen standing side by side on the road, not knowing what they are talking about, there are brick houses being built not far away, and both sides are helping.

In fact, Shao Xuan knows why the witch is so anxious to find him. The most important thing at the moment is not the grinding of the two teams, nor the use of nuclear species, but the issue of sparks.

In that year, the tribe was divided, because of the spark, the two sides disagreed, which led to the division. It cannot be said who was wrong. Each side had its own reasons, and the starting point was also for the flaming horn tribe. However, the separation of a thousand years scared both sides. If there was another disagreement now, even if they were here, they could still divide. Although the two sides are not excluded, genuine integration also requires time and the impetus of decision-making. If there is controversy over the spark issue, integration is likely to be much more difficult.

As a key figure on both sides of the coalition, Shao Xuan must be consulted on such an important matter as the most special status of the entire Flaming Horn tribe.

Someone outside the witch's house guarded him. He saw Shao Xuan come over and let him out of the way.

When Shao Xuan went in, the atmosphere in the house was a little strange.

“In any case, it is extremely unwise for you to send out half your forces directly, despite the safety and security of your home! ”

“I didn't know you guys would be like this. I thought Xuan would bring the spark. What if people can't protect the spark? It's too dangerous in the desert, from there to the fierce mountain forest, so far away, not to mention the slave owners, the people of other tribes, if there are any ideas, what about the poisoner? ”

“Joke, don't say if there is a spark, even if we come with a spark, our warriors can protect it! ”

“You went ashore and got down...”

The two witches were arguing with their faces, two groups of leaders sitting on either side of the house, looking at the roof, staring at the floor, and playing with their fingers boringly, no one was interfering and minimizing their presence. Sitting next to the witch's face is blushing, I can't even persuade the witch.

When Shao Xuan came in, the others in the house, whether looking at the roof or the floor, swept their gaze like they saw a savior.

“Ah Xuan, you're here! ”

“Shao Xuan, are you awake? ”

Because of the appearance of Shao Xuan, the two witches rarely stopped. Although the face is still not very good, it has eased a lot more than just now. At the same time, they pointed a little towards the innermost seat, indicating that Shao Xuan went to sit.

Shao Xuan discovered that there was a position at the top of the middle, where there used to be two, one belonging to the chief and one belonging to the witch, but now the seats have changed, and the leaders of the two teams sit on both sides, leaving only one seat in the front middle.

Everyone looked at themselves. No one was dissatisfied. It should have been decided a long time ago. Shao Xuan also did not make amends. He walked over and sat down.

On returning that day, the witch gave Shao Xuan the remaining two bone ornaments, because the reason for the team crossing the sea, I wonder if the power of the bone ornaments was too drained, the circles on the bone ornaments appeared quite bleak, until the witch gave Shao Xuan the remaining two pieces, the six bone ornaments were stringed together, the feeling of dimness did not fade away.

Now, Shao Xuan wore six bone ornaments each as the only elders on both sides, and was a very special elder. When the seats were put on, no one objected, thinking that they should be. Just as the boss and the big bosses who watched Shao Xuan grow up, his mood was very complicated. The kid who came out of the cave near the foot of the mountain actually grew to the extent he is now.

“What was everyone talking about?” Shao Xuan asked.

He obviously did not ask what the two witches were arguing about, but the others.

Ooh, hurry up and get scared of the two witches fighting again. He also did not know what was going on. After talking, the two witches quarreled. He came down for two days and had quarreled several times.

“Everyone is discussing how to deal with people who left the previous few days.” O.

Some panicked and fled because of internal rumours, including tourists and Horn warriors, because they knew that Masons was going to attack the Horn. None of the warriors who had originally followed the tribe fled, but some travellers who later returned to the tribe gained strength from the tribe but fled.

Only those who are rich but do not want to suffer together are not rare, so after counting the list, it was unanimously decided to blacklist them and expel them from the tribe and no longer accept them.

When the tribe migrated to the fierce mountain forest, some fled, but then some came back to beg the tribe to give them a chance. The tribe, for the same reason as the Flaming Horn bloodline, gave it a chance, but now, if those people betray each other again, don't blame the tribe for being heartless. If there is a real war with the Banshi tribe in the future, and these people ran away before the war, it would affect morale, adding blockage to the goods, kicking the good morning peace of mind.

“There is also the decision to… spark.” O. Speaking of which, it goes without saying. For the more traditional conservative people on their side, without sparks, many people will be uneasy. It is impossible to imagine a day without sparks. But across the street, these people are following their ancestors. The growth environment on both sides was different, and OH could not make a decision on how to choose, which was very confusing at the moment.

Not only is it OH, but other big leaders and leaders are equally disturbed. Some are worried about the future without sparks, others are afraid of losing spark restraint and cohesion, everyone will disperse, the situation over the sea, both days we all know that they did not hide it.

Speaking of which, everyone in the room is silent.

The old witch looked at the old woman who was trying to speak across the street and said, “Xuan, tell me what you think. ”

Seeing him mention Shao Xuan, the old lady sitting on the other side, even holding her breath, did not squeak, but looked at Shao Xuan and waited for Shao Xuan's reply. Shao Xuan's attitude is very important because he can draw on the power of his ancestors, who must also be trusted by his ancestors.

The issue of sparks must be resolved, and there is no use in putting it on hold. If it is not resolved, there can be no complete fusion of the sparks. Sparks can be fused to everyone or can be withdrawn. The method is stated in the ancestor's handbook. After the extraction, the spark fusion is complete. Will the complete spark be integrated into everyone's body again, or will the original spark be maintained?

After Shao Xuan thought about it, he did not immediately say his decision, but said: "The Rain Tribe, I'm sure most of you here know. ”

Those who have been to the Rain Tribes nod their heads, and those who have not, have heard of it, nod their heads.

Shao Xuan continued, "Rain tribes, they live in drylands close to the desert. Without enough water, their survival will be difficult, and the rain-clan witch's ability to seek rain was once a major support for the rain-clan boom. Rain tribes may have existed much longer than some of today's famous large tribes. ”

It is true that many people have heard of the rain-clan witch's ability to seek rain, but the long history of the rain-clan is not clear to everyone.

“Rain tribe witches were able to seek rain by leveraging the power of their tribal sparks, but then they gradually lost their ability to seek rain. Since when, the rainstorm has become difficult and the number of failures has increased until it is completely unsuccessful. In the last hundred or even thousands of years, the ‘rainstorm' of the rainstorm tribe has become a legend. It was not until two years ago that the new witches of the rainstorm tribe finally sought rain, but it is still very difficult today. ”

Aware of what Shao Xuan said, O. and others also jumped in their hearts.

Sparks are born between the heavens and the earth, and sparks will be extinguished like torches. And the way to keep the spark burning forever is to pay for the blood, to inherit the constant blood, the firewood for the spark burning.

If one day the spark fades away and the rainfall tribe loses its ability to seek rain, what does the Horn Man lose?


If the Horns gradually lose their power superiority, how can they survive in the tribes of the powerful? How do you hunt in the hills where the beasts roam?

The Rain Tribe is a precursor!

Even if they can't feel it now, in the future, tens of millions of years from now, will the descendants of Horn blame them? Will they become the sinners of the Horn?

Shao Xuan looked at the people present and continued: “I know what everyone is worried about. The ancestors wrote a saying in their hands that was left behind by their ancestors' incandescent ’. ”

Shao Xuan introduced the “incandescent” ancestors to the uninformed. When the Flaming Horn disaster hit, three generations of witches existed. The old witches retreated and took over the new wizards, while the old witches carried the “history” of the Flaming Horn into the mountain forest, guarding in the stone cave, waiting for the Flaming Horn people to return one day to take those precious “histories” out. And those “histories" have long been brought back by Shao Xuan, and the people of this place know it.

At the time of the catastrophe, the new wizard, and the next successor he trained, "Burning”, together with the then chief, took people away from the catastrophe of heaven and earth. However, there was disagreement along the way, when the then chief left with half the "blazing” to find a new way out, while the witch continued to walk away with the rest of the people until the earth cracked open and a giant river separated them from the world.

Those who conscript their side, can blend the sparks, which is the credit of "incendiary”. “Incandescent” is the pioneer.

Speaking of the words left behind by “incandescent”, Shao Xuan looked at the two witches. Those were in the ancestors' hand records. Not everyone could easily see them. Many of them were still hidden. They could not be easily said without permission. Shao Xuan continued only after seeing the two witches nod their heads.

“In the hand book, the ancestors‘ incandescent ’once said,' The spark has not disappeared, it is still present in the blood of the Horn, and will continue with the blood of the Horn. ’” After a pause, Shao Xuan continued, "In addition to that, there is a saying,' Man, spark in, man heart in, tribe in. ’ ”

If the human heart is the same, no other thoughts are generated, it doesn't matter if there is spark agglomeration, but if the heart is not here, not towards the flaming horn, even if there is a spark, how binding can it be? Sparks can restrain people, but not their hearts, such as the once traitor knife, such as the flaming horn tourists who gave up their lives here, such as the flaming horn warriors who gained power but fled when they heard strong enemies coming.

Recruiting one of them, the sparks were fused a thousand years ago, but without the cohesion of the original sparks, they remained united, the Flaming Horn tribes, still spelled out over there, and there was no need to worry about the sparks being contrived. Even if someone leaves the tribe, as long as their heart goes toward the tribe, even if they go far, long, tired, they can come back.

This is a transformation, and no matter which path you choose, you need to give up something.

Outside the Wesen Mountain Forest, in the Banshi tribe.

The young Wanshi witch stood by the fire pond and looked at the sparks that sparkled in the fire pond, her eyes gloomy and agitated.

“It's scared.” The Magic Witch said.

“What?” Standing not far away, the leader of Masonry was upset, unable to hear clearly, and asked.

“Spark, it's scared.” Once again, "said the Magic Witch," something is about to happen. ”