Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 550: Pull Back

Before walking to the hole, Shao Xuan looked at the clump that was blocked there, and just now he felt that the hole seemed smaller, and this one was so fat, trying to squeeze it in seemed almost close, unless it was soft and stretchy.

It's blocked, isn't it?

It's still going so fast, it's jammed harder, it's stuck there, and if nobody pulls it out, I don't know when I'm going to get stuck, unless I'm hungry.

It is said that the blue-faced fangs are very thick. However, Shao Xuan looked at most of the places on them without long hairs. The blue-green interlacement between the shades is very confusing. However, such colors in the mountain forest are indeed an excellent protective color, coupled with the speed of reaction and aggression completely inconsistent with their shape, not to mention they must be able to dominate this place, at least rarely have enemies.

I don't know if this blue-faced fang has ever touched the trap of the rock and tribal people. The only thing Shao Xuan can be sure of is, what he saw in his dream, this is the Nine Achievements.

The blue-faced fangs stuck there for a moment, shrugged forward for a moment, unfortunately, still useless, unable to pull out and squeeze in, it's moving its tail faster and faster, it's probably really hard.

“I wouldn't have bothered to know that.” Shao Xuan said.

He also studied the trap made by the Rock Man in the past few days, thinking that he would catch it with the same trap, I didn't expect to encounter this scene.

Looking around, Shao Xuan intends to find Vine to tie this one up. Such a good opportunity, unfortunately, not to seize it.

Sho Xuan stopped for two steps, turned back to the hole and pulled the white worm wire out of the leather bag. He was going to set the trap with white worm wire, but now he's changed his mind. Normal vines, Shao Xuan doesn't know if he can tie them up or use white worm filament for more peace of mind.

The front hoof is already stuck inside and cannot be tied. Shao Xuan can only tie the back hoof first to prevent it from pulling it out before it escapes. Green fangs run too fast, too hard to chase.

He couldn't run, he couldn't compare his strength to Shao Xuan. How could Ren Qingfang push his hooves? Shao Xuan circled the white worm silk in his hand, folded his two back hooves together with his torso.

After tying it up, Shao Xuan reached out and poked the skin of the beast with blue fangs. He could really feel its thick skin, but there was a strange place. In addition to the thickness of the skin, there was something wrong with the touch. When tying it up, there was a strange feeling.

Reach down and press.

Without a single stab, Shao Xuan continued to force himself and his fingers fell inside.

He has just seen with a special vision that the bone on this blue-faced fang has no problems, nor is he carrying an animal. It should be very familiar with it. If it had never been able to squeeze in before, it wouldn't have rushed so fast and it wouldn't have been fat.

The only way to think about it is that it eats too much.

But after eating too much, it's also rare to be like this. Shao Xuan has not seen many like this in years of hunting. And other animals, even if they eat too much, can change so much, it's not that soft. This blue-faced fang is like full of air.

The blue-faced Fang Beast, which was poked a few times, earned more, but now, no matter how hard it struggled, it cannot be pulled out of the hole.

Shao Xuan can hear the sound coming from the hole. It should be the blue fangs roaring. It sounds like the wind scraped hard.

No more waiting, Shao Xuan decided to tie it up and then extended his arms. With your arms like a clip, snap the trunk of your blue fangs out of the hole, step on the wall of the hole, and pull your arms out.


The blue-faced fangs stuck in the hole were finally pulled out. The first reaction it took out of the hole was to twist its neck and tie it with its fangs towards Shao Xuan.

Unfortunately, Shao Xuan died and snapped his torso. Before he stuck it with his fangs, he pressed one hand on the ground, his face facing down.

Shao Xuan moved his hand to the back of his neck and held it, releasing his other hand. He tied it to his front leg with white worm wire, and even tied his mouth.

The back leg can't move, can't run, can't force, the whole thing is pressed to the ground, it can't compare to Shao Xuan, can only let Shao Xuan tie it.

After the front and rear legs were tied, the blue-faced fangs also lost their ability to move. At most, they could only roll in place and jet out of their nostrils. The entire face of the beast appeared to be more gloomy.

“Why aren't you here yet?” Shao Xuan blew the wooden whistle and still did not hear Dokan's response, nor did he return to the tribes in the sky.

Didn't catch up?

Or did something else get in the way?

Since Dokan and the others are not here, Shao Xuan can only return with the blue fangs caught.

Looking at the sky, Shao Xuan will lift his tied blue fangs, his head facing out, so that his fangs will not have a chance to be tied.

Shao Xuan suddenly stopped before entering the woods, intending to return along the same path.

In the dark woods, the sound of grass waves swinging with the wind and leaves rubbing, apart from that, there seemed to be no other movement, but Shao Xuan did not step into the woods again, but backed off fiercely.

Just as Shao Xuan retreated, the woods suddenly burst into a few noises, three fingers thick bone spurs, suddenly coming from a tree, one stuck into the position where Shao Xuan had just stood, the other two shot into Shao Xuan's body, and finally hit the mountain wall, making two bursts of crisp noise.

The images of the two men suddenly emerged from the tree, and the two spearheaded bone darts flew towards Shao Xuan. When they threw out the bone darts, they did not stop, and people approached Shao Xuan's side.

Although the two men could not fly directly on the grass like a blue-faced fang, the movement was also quite light, the sound of jumping on the trunk was minimal and not necessarily audible to those with poor ears.

Shao Xuan avoided the two darts and the approaching person quickly magnified in his pupil. He threw the blue-faced fang beast up and swept out with his sword in his other hand. The sword broke through the air and sounded like a flood that had caused a surge and rush.

Shao Xuan had so much refreshment to spare when he fanned blue, but his attitude towards these people was different.

When Shao Xuan made a move, they changed their feet, one jumped up, the other still pointed at Shao Xuan, blocking the sword Shao Xuan paddled past.


In the thrill of a metal strike, the trembling sword's body will cast sunlight over it, reflecting countless rays of light, like a group of light suddenly blowing up on the sword.

The next person to take Shao Xuan's sword has also heard of the fierce strength of the Horn Man before, heard of the Horn Man's style of action, but really faced it before feeling it clearly. This sharp sword brings with it a powerful, barbaric enough impact that the knife on your hand feels shocked off your hand.

But the man reacted fairly quickly, and by the time he blocked the sword, he was ready to retreat, retreating with the force of countershock.

After waving a sword, Shao Xuan did not look at each other, but raised his hand and grabbed it, as if it had already been counted, and grabbed the tail of the blue-faced fang beast. When he threw it, he made it head up and tail down.

Above, the person who had already encountered the blue-faced fangs suddenly found the thrown target and was pulled back.