Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 579 Goodbye

In fact, just one exact conclusion is a very good appeasement.

Shao Xuan gave the result, undoubtedly let everyone take a heartbeat pill. But what follows is a complex mood. After all, that direction is not the direction of the homeland.

Can't you go back after you've left your place? Are they abandoning their land?

Four years!

Four years of cultivation and construction, all gone.

The glorious home of the Horn, after all, is a frustrating fact that they were unable to stay there.

In fact, people were prepared long before the disaster began, and they might, like their ancestors back then, stay away from their ancestors, find a new place to live temporarily, and wait until one day, their future generations will go back to their place of origin... right?

But at the same time, there are other thoughts in people's minds. After all, the reason why the land was so attractive and so cohesive at the beginning, in addition to the place where the flame horns are located, there is also a very important reason, which is the spark!

The fires of the spark are in the original place, and the spark of the year is not complete. If you want the spark to be complete, you must return to the original place!

But now, not only is the spark complete, but it has also changed dramatically, and it has been integrated into the blood of the Horn, and it will be passed down from generation to generation with the Horn.

Without a spark, the meaning of the land remains special, but it is no longer a must-have land. Such an outcome was determined from the moment they chose to integrate the spark.

Moving beneath the darkness is still taking place, as if the earth were carrying out some kind of plan, and beneath the darkness, small people, have no way of knowing the truth. Unless the darkness falls apart and the earth is stable, it can be explored.

Three days later, after a loud bang and a violent shake, the turmoil began to slow down and become less frequent.

At the end of that dramatic wave, the casualties increased again, and there were casualties in the team, so that the treatment was timely and the number of deaths was small.

The dark soot of the sky begins to fade after the ground slows down., it's not changing fast, but obviously, after a while, even without the water moonstone, you can see some activity people.

This is a good phenomenon.

The team began to adjust, statisticians, although this change was astonishingly confusing, the vast majority of people survived, even the travelers who had been following the Flaming Horn team.

In a small tent, Shao Xuan and his wizards, chiefs and leaders were crowded there to decide on the next plan.

Until now, it is almost like Shao Xuan Bu, so there is no doubt about the direction Shao Xuan said should go after this. However, the hearts still think about the original land, especially OH them. The reconstruction of the original land was almost built under their hands, little by little, but now, it may be all destroyed.

“How about this," Shao Xuan thought afterwards, “wait and rest, the sun is getting brighter, send some people to the place to see, whether or not you can continue living in the place, there has to be a mental number. ”

And the witch nodded in favor, "That's for sure. ”

If he can't keep up with his body, the witch also wants to go and see it. It's just the current situation. It's still good to hurry up. His elderly family won't be delayed, just let the more powerful warriors rush over. You get a result, good or bad, and you get a heart that's hanging.

A day later, although the sky was still gray, it was much more reassuring than the total darkness of the previous few days, at least now we know when it was day and when it was night. The previous movement had made people faint, blurred consciousness, no sense of direction and no concept of time, and now everything is finally coming back.

Everything has stabilized, and Shao Xuan will have to act first. They go to the place to see it. As the witch said, they always think about it, and they do not look at it.

Perhaps even less so when you look inside. Shao Xuan thought.

The team is here, and not all of them can return, so just over 20 individuals were chosen to go there.

In terms of feelings for the homeland, nature is deeper for those who first set foot in the homeland, so when selecting people, the main choice is to O. The people on their side, although they also want to see it, are not deeply obsessed, and secondly, there are more Flaming Horn people, who need to stay here and guard.

More than 20 individuals ran in the direction of their homeland, and a thick layer of ash was lifted on the ground, where they were traveling, all the way to the smoke and dust.

The dust in the sky hasn't dissipated, it's covered in haze, and the sun isn't clear, but it's enough to make people see everything around them.

Had it not been for the sun's blurred light point in the sky, it would have been difficult for them to identify the orientation. Everything has changed, the ground has fluctuated, the previously low places may have turned into high rock walls, several hills passing along the road, some still, others have disappeared. No living creatures can be seen on the ground, perhaps beneath thick dust, buried with bones or survived a robbery.

It's a little confusing to see some birds flying from time to time in the sky.

At this time, the people in need did not have the courage to come out immediately until Shao Xuan returned to their place of origin and did not see anyone else.

“Here it is.” Shao Xuan stopped and looked forward and said.

“Here? You say this is where we live in Flaming Horn?! How is that possible?! ”

Ooh almost jumped up, the color of shock in his eyes appeared, trembling on his face, pushing himself to turn his head and look directly at everything in front of him.

In the front, as elsewhere they pass, even more “flat”, except for the colour of dust on the ground, which is somewhat like the desert. But Shao Xuan actually said this is the place?!

Oz is starting to tremble.

Shao Xuan walked forward for two steps, then drew his sword and swept away the thick dust under his feet.

Beneath the dust are many pieces of rubble that cannot be seen as they are, some with brown bloodstains on them, perhaps from the beasts who fled from the woods to this point, or perhaps from the travellers who did not leave.

Shao Xuan can see through that layer of ash a little bit below.

Ground rises, some with stones piled up in collapsed buildings, and some with bodies of dead giant beasts.

Once arrogant beasts in the mountainous forests could not escape the robbery. Under the power of the heavens and the earth, everything was covered with ants.

Perhaps in the depths of the Wesen Mountains there are creatures that have escaped this ordeal, but at present the Horn people are concerned only with this ruined land. Even if there are other places left in the mountain forest that can continue to live, it is no longer a place of destination, meaning differently in the hearts of the Horn people.

The dark dust under his feet smelled like a pungent nose. Shao Xuan hugged the stone and pulled it up quickly. It was just a fragment of less than half a meter's residue. If it wasn't for the pattern above, Shao Xuan wouldn't recognize it.

This was the stone column that he had personally engraved, and now the stone column has fallen and broken worse than the one that was destroyed by 10,000 stones. On this piece of wreckage, there are already many pits that have been smashed out, destroying the original pattern. It is conceivable to know what happened at that time.

This is much more terrifying than what happened to our ancestors back then!

When the ancestors left, although the land changed dramatically, a lot of things were preserved, and the mountains and forests were still there, but now, everywhere we look, in one word, it's —— destruction!

Totally devastating!

Four years down, all traces of life, all gone.

Lush forests, high mountains, all gone!

Left behind, just a piece of junk!

Even O., the chief who has been calm and steady, cannot help but swallow. And the warriors cry.

Tap, tap, tap!

The sky, a drop of rain fell, quickly became rushed.

The raindrops hit the waste soil, spilling a lot of dust, surrounded by an aftermath of destruction.

As the rain washed down, it also began to wash the haze in the sky, and some grey and black rain fell on Shao Xuan, leaving a muddy mark.

More than twenty individuals in a row stood silently in the rain for almost an hour, then knelt down to the land, performing tribal supreme gifts, offerings, farewell. Perhaps, in their lifetime, they will no longer be able to live here. Perhaps, at some point in the future, their descendants will return with their tribes to this revitalized homeland. Even though there are still destabilizing factors hidden here, the homeland is still the homeland, and this is the tribal obsession.

The more rain it rains, the dust on the ground becomes mud, and the people on their knees after kneeling on the ground are covered in black mud, but by this time nobody cares anymore.

And when they rose, the colour of sorrow was dispersed in the eyes of men, and the rest was perseverance. Behind them is a road, but they walk only half way, and the rest of the tribe awaits them.

Looking again at the land on that piece of junk, more than 20 people in a row, turned around and left.