Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 603: The Bigger

Veterinary meat and hides are exchanged according to the amount of crystals brought by the tribe.

The animal meat transported, some of which were shortly slaughtered, because the fresh meat of the animal was kept longer, and now the temperature was not high, it could be placed for longer periods of time, and there was no odor when it was placed in the trading area. Some of the meat from time to time was dragged out of the cave where food was stored on the top of the flaming horn headquarters hill, and was cut in hard bonds.

Besides that, there is also marinated animal meat and dried meat, but that is more expensive because salt is involved.

The people of the tribe chose mainly fresh animal meat, and when they chose animal meat, they had quarreled in their ranks, some wanting this kind of animal meat, some wanting it, because they thought the kind they chose “looked delicious”.

The overwhelming majority of the people of the tribe have not eaten the meat of the fierce beast, not even the chief of the tribe, Abilene. And that's why they didn't think of the beast at first, living to this day, basically never seeing the beast, let alone eating it.

So, when I heard that what I could trade for was the meat of the fierce beast, the people of the tribe were shocked, and after shock, they were excited, overexcited, and they started to quarrel.

Shao Xuan asked people to cut a little like animal meat for them to taste. Although raw, for the tribesmen, raw meat was not eaten without any pressure. The tribesmen tasted raw meat without any pressure. Of course, only Abilene alone tasted it, and it was his chief who made the final decision.

After seeing it, Abilene did not deal directly outside, but went back to the warehouse, and then told Shao Xuan that he had caught sight of it, and then asked Shao Xuan to move everything to the warehouse here, not to put it outside.

Shao Xuan can understand that the people of the tribe are very careful. Outside, there are people of the Xuan tribe, the Rain tribe and the Xuan tribe walking around, and the people of the tribe are worried about being seen what they have got.

When both the animal meat and the animal hide are replaced, Abalone wraps the animal meat with the gifted leaves and places it in the vine basket. The animal hide is carefully folded and stacked. After the vine cover is put on, it is also tied with grass rope. Make sure that the vine basket does not open when running.

“Can we come here and trade in the future?” After packing, Abilene looked forward to asking.

“Sure, the trading area isn't perfect yet, just try it out this time and it will snow in the winter. But by the end of winter, it will be open for sure next year, and you can come whenever you want.” Shao Xuanton went on, "As for the crystals you brought out, if only they were bigger, there would be more to replace. ”

Abilene didn't say anything, but her long toes snapped to the ground for a moment, like wondering what was going on, and the tribal warriors behind him all lit up when they heard that the bigger the crystal could replace more.

Without further delay, the people of the tribe left after the transaction. When they came, they moved in almost in small steps. The flaming horn warriors who could see the guards rushed for them. They could not help but push a hand. However, after changing things, the people of the tribe, like a breeze at the bottom of their feet, slipped away after a moment.

In the trading area, they can only count as walking a little faster. After all, in the trading area, Flaming Horn promised that there would be no robbery. As soon as they left the trading area, a team of 80 people, their eyes would blink and they could see the guards at the front door of the trading area, Quinto and others gazed.

“Running fast is fine, safe.” Shao Xuan looked at the glittering shadows in the distant mountain forest and laughed.

There will be no robbery in the trading area because of the Flaming Horn people, but in the mountain forest outside the trading area, there are other people hidden with no purpose. They have nothing to exchange in the trading area, so they want to intercept some people who have exchanged goods on the road and rob them of goods.

However, the people of the tribe can't do anything else, but the ability to sneak away is strong, making the Flaming Horn people have to feel sorry for themselves. It's not useless to grow feet that big.

Not only do those people run fast, but they also move very flexibly in the woods, and their shadows flutter from time to time. There are rational, smaller tribes that exist, and there are reasons why they survive.

Hidden in the mountain forest, those who wanted to hijack, could only watch the group run away with the vine basket.

In exchange for something, this trip far exceeded their expectations. Abilene was so excited to fly, her feet were faster. When she flew over a bunch of thorny plants with her toes pulled together, she was also very excited to flip a few heels in the air, not worried about falling on the thorny bushes.

Tribes rarely used to hang out with outsiders, and most of the time hid in the mountain forest to live their own little lives, with great protection for people, because it takes care to live longer. When I saw the plank with the words on it, Abilene hesitated, but eventually decided to try it once, and it worked!

There was a lot of opposition in the tribe at the time, saying it must have been a Horn conspiracy, huh! Wait till those people see what's in the rattan basket, who's against it? The more Abilene wants to be proud, the more she feels she is wise and divine. She deserves to be the head of the tribe!

When the walkers finally returned to the tribe, they saw the entrance of the tribe, the crevices of the mountain, and many people were waiting with their necks stretched out, looking at them.

The first tribal warriors who discovered Abilene and others shouted. Soon, a large crowd of people burst out of the crack. They were waiting for news of Abilene.

The leader went out to trade with dozens of people, which was a big tribal event, and everyone wanted to know how it turned out.

“What do you say?" The Tribal Witch came out with a cane polished with purple crystals.

Abilene yanked her chin, holding the shelf, “No rush, go inside and talk. ”

Learn about Abilene's tribal witchcraft and know that things have worked out, and feel relaxed. Only when he got inside the tribe did he know that the deal was much more successful than they expected.

There are tribal warriors who are following the deal, can't help but begin to spit about the transaction. After all, they are the first people in the tribe to formally follow the deal, how can they not show up? Not to mention, this time they did open a new door.

Abilene ignored the flesh of the beasts, but shivered away the skin of the changed beasts, put it on her body, and turned a circle in front of everyone, "What do you say? Beast skin, beast skin! You haven't seen him? ”

Someone pulled over and touched the hide from the top to the bottom, and then touched it from the bottom to the top. It was pulled apart by a stick from Abilene.

“Can you really change?! ”

Those who did not follow now regret it in their hearts. I thought it was dangerous, and it would not bear any fruit. I didn't think...

The lookouts tangled up and thought of something, and turned to run toward their homes, something like crystal, the people of the tribe, there's a lot of them in every family.

However, in most people's homes, the crystals collected were about the same as those taken out by Abu Li, some smaller, and after Abu Li showed up, when the crowd dispersed, he came to a cave where he hid collections from generations of tribal leaders.

There's not only bigger crystal columns and even clusters of crystals, but there's also some that glow.