Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 627 Blood Fire Homology

How can we sacrifice without gathering tribal personnel and without the presence of a fire pond spark?

This is what everyone who stays in the room and probes their brains in front of the Veterinary Gate thinks.

Flaming Horn people joking?

Not like that.

Neither the atmosphere nor the position of the Horn Man is like saying a joke, they are serious.

Stepping forward, as the new witch, the sacrificial curse is sung by her.

The sound of return is not very loud, but the elusive witch spells, like undiminished sounds, are passed from inside the Flame River Castle to everywhere.

With the witchcraft chanted, flames suddenly appeared on the stone walls facing the flaming river downstairs without any sculpture.

As if there was an invisible pen, painted on that wall with flame as ink.

The Feast of the Flaming River began in the morning and lasted until the afternoon, when the sun had deflected, and then all the preparatory activities in the flaming corner, nearly an hour later, at this time, the clouds on the sky were red, as if there were fire burning, while in some places, the twilight had appeared.

The remnants of the sunset shone into the Flaming River Castle, passing over the bones of the giant beasts embedded on the walls surrounding the Flaming River Castle venue, over the stone table, on the ground, the golden copper, the stoneware of various colors, and the pottery that could not remain intact and broken in the trumpet sound.

That wall of the Flame River Building, just embraces the last rays of the sun throughout the day.

The shadows began to spread under the gradual convergence of the sunset, but the flames that emerged replaced the place where the sun disappeared and the shadows began to widen.

Gradually emerged a graphic composed of flames, becoming clearer and more complete, with flames forming a bottom end connected, curved upwards, one inner and one outer corner, flashing flames wrapped around the two corners.

That's a flaming horn totem!

The two predecessors, with their crutches, saw the ancient totem that appeared on the stone wall through the tears of obscurity, which lasted for millions of years.

Two corners, one mile and one outside, originate from one, one is a strong appearance, and one is a strong heart. Unyielding life, unchanging faith.

They two old men, another wish, done!

Flaming Horn, a historic tribe,

It is still not clear to them what the former horns were, simply through the documented and transcribed by generations. Too long ago, they can no longer see the glory of the past. But they will create the present, and the future.

An ancestor of Horn of Flames said in his notebook that the rise of a tribe was symbolic when it was able to hold a banquet openly, without any hesitation or compulsion.

Why was the Banshi tribe so secretly excluded from the great tribe? Even if they are capable of constantly bullying other small and medium-sized tribes, frequently attacking and robbing other tribes, frequently brushing their presence, have they never been truly recognized by the world? Sparks and history are not the main reasons.

The world does not see a tribe in the same way because of its glory. The eyes of the world always change.

Powerful is always accompanied by the word "rich”. Strength, and supplies.

With the power of foreign war alone, they do not have enough supplies, only to rob them every time they go out, and only to sustain their own lives. This kind of tribe, has always been something that many tribes have lost track of. Wanshi did not have the ability to host an open banquet, nor did they ever think of hosting an external banquet.

Flaming horn extinguished 10,000 stones, and more than once brushed the sense of existence, that is, in terms of strength, is actually recognized, especially the strange power of flaming horn people, has left a deep impression on those who have come into contact with flaming horn, but the world has never really compared flaming horn with several of today's major tribes.

As many people once saw the Banshi tribe, they would think, "What good is it to beat me?" Do you have any wealth? Do you have enough food?

People are real, and in their traditional way of thinking, adequate food is the yardstick against which everything is measured. Whether it is food obtained by other techniques or by hunting themselves, these are seen as important indicators of whether a tribe really belongs to a “big” tribe.

Strong tribes do not necessarily have enough food, and those who have enough wealth or even dare to “open their fortunes” are certainly large tribes. That is the view of the vast majority of tribes on the continent, which has lasted millions of years of traditional thinking.

Tribes don't come here to hug their thighs because they have the strength, but when they know that they have enough food, they don't have to say that they're upside down.

For example, there are a lot of people who think like a tribe. This is also why the Horn Tribes attach such importance to this exaggerated banquet-level banquet.

The sacrifice was also intended to provide a satisfactory response to the deceased ancestors and a significant commemoration of the Flaming Horn tribe today.

The sun hides at the end of the mountain, and the long disappeared horn can be heard in thin ears.

Inside the Flame River Castle, in the large venue, there is already a huge shadow, and that is why the totem fire is so bright.

“That's... that's...”

“Totem! ”

“I feel it, it's a flaming horn fire! ”

“How is that possible? How is that possible? ”

Those who insist on staying in the field look at all this with shock, this is the first time they have seen this peculiar way of sacrificing Flaming Horn, a sacrifice without a fire pond and invisible to the spark!

This is unbelievable!

Flaming Horn, in the absence of a fire pond, without seeing a spark, began to sacrifice! And it worked!

Is that the secret that Flaming Horn has always had?

But even with their own eyes, they still don't understand. Why is this really happening?

Just when people couldn't figure it out, the field changed again.

If there was any spark just now, it suddenly became clear and was still climbing fast!

On the wall of the venue, the ferocious atmosphere belonging to the ferocious beast that remained on the beast bone was vividly suppressed. Even when the venue was arranged at that time, the ferocious atmosphere added by the blood they deliberately left on the beast bone embellishment disappeared without a trace!

It was obviously the same room just now, and in the blink of an eye, everything seemed different.

For people who are not Horn Tribes, the smell of Horn Sparkling gives them a bad feeling.

All of a sudden, this extremely dangerous atmosphere of alien tribal spark, not directed against them, is actually filled with this venue, no, not only this venue, but also outside the Flame River Castle, in the Flame River trading area, there is this scent everywhere!

This keeps their sweat roots upright, and their hair is like a silk burst. It looks like an icy current is spreading, and a lot of people beat several shivers.

In front of the Veterinary Gate, the probe looked inside, and at the moment when the flaming flame flames suddenly intensified, the totem pattern of the body surface also appeared, almost as long as the finger suddenly popped out of the finger, on the large palm of the toe, as long as the toe, like a knife, also grew. Some of the fine plush on the face grew longer and thicker, Abilene bowed her back, her legs staggered, her arms front and back, a strange posture.

It's not what he wants to do, it's a conditional reflex. He's not in a fight, he's ready to slip away.

Not only Abilene, but other tribes have changed similarly. Stimulated by this heterogeneous spark, they can only mobilize their own totems to resist.

At one time, all kinds of totem pattern, all kinds of specialties, all kinds of external changes brought about by the force of totem, all appeared, completely without the appearance of talent.

Unlike these people, the Flaming Horn people feel very good.

The boiling blood, the exhilarating emotions, the mind seemed to have infinite emotions, a few attempts to rush out of the chest, yet no one made a sound, replacing it with a flame that suddenly appeared in the body with those totem lines.

The flames gradually become larger and wider, wrapping almost the entire body of the human being.

If people were surprised by the successful sacrifice of Totem just now, they are now shocked by the collapse of the world view.

“Burn... it's really burning!” Someone stared over there and mumbled.

No fire pond, no spark, no hands, how can you sacrifice?

But now, the flaming horn is a success!

What animal skins, meat, spices, grains, etc., all Tamar is secondary!

For them, the real significance of the Horn of Fire is the sacrifice that is arranged today at the end of the Feast of Fire River!

At this moment, some of the people present seemed to have a hidden speculation. Although this speculation had previously emerged when the flaming spark had just disappeared, at that time they had not always been involved, and then even had the mood to watch the play, but now this speculation makes them sit still.

What is the ultimate form of the spark?

Perhaps the purpose of Horn inviting them is not just to promote the Flame River trading area to reveal themselves, but also for other reasons!

“Blood fire is homologous! ”

The reckless tribe leader, who cannot help but think of such a word in his heart, is also a hypothesis that was put forward by the reckless tribal witches in their analysis of the flaming flames.

Outside the Veterinary Gate, Abilene looked at the flaming Horns inside and turned her head to see the Flaming Horns outside the Flaming River Castle.

There's a fire!

“Wait, that! Look at that man! He's burning!” Abilene's wife shouted.

“Bullshit! I know it's burning. All the horns are burning!” Abilene couldn't help but close her painful chin.

“Not those. Look!” Abilene's wife stretched out two slaps and clamped Abilene's face, breaking into the Flame River Castle.

This look, Abilene's eyeballs were coming out, her chin just closed, and she just fell off.


Abilene looked up from the ground up and slowly looked up. Finally, she lifted her neck and looked into the air, holding out two words: "Joe! ”