Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 653 Cyberkillings

Shao Xuan remains in the battlefield.

It's not that Shao Xuan was meddling with his own business, but he was just going to help him at first, buy a breathing space for the people of the Xiao tribe, see the injured bones, and help him along. Of all the flamingos who came here, it can be said that Shao Xuan was least affected by the flames of the Xiao tribe, so he went deeper into the battlefield.

However, when he saw that the clan was able to breathe and prepare to fight again, he had intended to leave the battlefield for a while, but he had just withdrawn a few steps and a voice was heard in his ear.

“Wait! ”

Shao Xuan Zhou had no one else. The voice was not loud, but it was very clear, as if someone was speaking beside him.

Raw sounds are witches, which is a mystery of rumors, and the purpose is to keep Shao Xuan here to help them.

Perhaps it was seen that Shao Xuan was not greatly affected by the sparks of the clan, but also had strength, and after seeing the effects of those two spears, the Witch could even determine that only the Flaming Horn Man could injure the giant beast with his weapon alone.

The Witch even promised that if Shao Xuan helped them this time, the tribesmen would repay the Horn of Flames. As for what benefit was given, the situation was too dangerous, and it was not a good time to discuss it in detail.

Shao Xuan answered.

When to do it, the witch will tell Shao Xuan.

“Front paw! ”

Shao Xuan's body suddenly went down short, and the whole person slipped as if on the floor, rapidly sliding towards the beast claw supporting the ground.

The giant beast is looking in the other direction, taking advantage of this opportunity, Shao Xuan chopped a sword on the beast claw.

The golden light flashed through.


As if the metal clashed violently, the bursting sound of the stinging ears sounded, and the metallic shine of the squamous armor fragments disengaged from the palm of the beast and sputtered around it.

A rugged, armored scalloped armor with a trace. Shao Xuan held the sword's hand and felt only a fiery numbness attack, from the wrist along the arm to the shoulder.


This is Shao Xuan's first thought.

I didn't feel it when I threw the spear, but now the tremendous anti-seismic force coming from the handle of the sword makes Shao Xuan feel more deeply in the fierce defense of this giant beast. Whether it is a heavy blow or a sharp blade, hitting this hard scale will greatly weaken.

With such a strong defense, even if all 200 Horn men came to attack, this giant beast could only resist for a while.

This beast...

Whatever comes to mind, Shao Xuan's heart shocked violently.

Perhaps the size and speed of response are not obvious, but he feels that this only far surpasses the average ferocious beast, which is much less colorful than this one, even if it is the most colorful beast they have ever hunted for the Feast of Fire River.

This made Shao Xuan wonder about the Bat King he met back then. At that time, the bat was extremely fast, and the hunting team at Flaming Horn could not capture its figure at all, and the giant beast in front of it, it was not velocity type, inside the same level of beast, it was not agile, it could not fly, there were not many other methods of attack, even the argument was not necessarily comparable to some of the giant beasts that Flaming Horn had hunted, but deviated, the level of this giant beast, far beyond the ones that Flaming Horn had hunted!

Maybe it's close to the level of the bat Shaw Xuan met back then, but it's scary enough.

It's so defensive!

Generally speaking, an overly long neck can appear fragile, yet that dense piece of steel armor-like scales keeps it tight and firm!

It can only be said that it is a beast that has lived for a thousand years.

Xiao Xuan did not know what Shao Xuan thought. Although he focused his main energies on the giant beast and the warriors of the Xiao tribe who were busy making up the net, he also divided a little bit of attention on Shao Xuan's side. Shao Xuanggang's results, he also saw them.

What a sharp weapon!

The witch's eyes flashed in shock.

I don't know what the material is. Where did the Horn Man get it? Both the previous two spears and the very different weapon Shao Xuan had just used were too shocking to the witch.

When the truth hurts!

Unfortunately, however, the Flaming Horn's weapon is no longer sharp enough to truly subdue the beast. Or shall they come from the tribes, and the people of the Horn shall be but helpers.

The skin on the beast claw is too thick, much thicker than the skin on the beast's face. Even though Shao Xuan's sword caused a fair depth of wound, he could not achieve the result of a direct sword burst of blood, and did not even bring much pain to the giant beast. Compared with the size of the giant beast, such a wound that is not even visible in blood is really insignificant.

But even so, the giant beast was slightly distracted, and the beast's head skewed this way.

After a sword, Shao Xuan did not pay any attention to flashing aside. The next moment, the fierce airflow driven by the palm of the beast swept through, lifted up, and then stepped down again. Stones that fell on the ground were instantly crushed, the cracked ground recessed, the vibrations spread outward and the cracks widened again towards the distance.

The habitat of the original tribe, this time under the palm of the beast, has no face.

Outside the battle circle, A Guang held a strong bow almost as tall as her. The arrows pointed in the direction of the giant beast, but she did not dare to shoot arrows at will. She had intended to shoot several arrows with other people with bows, but soon they discovered that it was really bad to do it, and there were shadows of tribal people everywhere, and they feared accidental injuries.

“The elders told us not to fight for a while, just to help look after the wounded of the clan.” Quinto looked over there worried. Rather than worrying about the clan, all they care about is Shao Xuan, who went deep into the battlefield.

“Brother Xuan is not an impulsive person, he has a number in his heart. All we have to do is watch beside him. If Brother Xuan lets us do it, let's go back.” Ah Guang lowered the bow, but the arrow branch did not plug back into the arrow, always ready to get the signal and put down an arrow.

In the battlefield, Shao Xuan again, at the behest of the witch, left a sword mark in the area not covered by the rope net on the rear leg of the giant beast. There was a little blood this time, but it was only blood silk, and it still couldn't do any real damage to the giant beast.

Shao Xuan wanted to cut the skin of the giant beast thoroughly on the same wound several times, but one was that there was no time, the second giant beast was also guarded, and after each wound appeared, but after counting the time of rest, the split wound collapsed, the blood flow stopped, squamous armor was tight, like to cover the wound, Shao Xuan wanted to precisely do the same wound, it was very difficult, and now he was cooperating with the action of the clan, not focusing on him.

Abandoning the idea of deepening the wound, Shao Xuan, while waiting for the next hint of the Witch, carefully watched the tribesmen who were busy with the cloth and the netting.

Seriously, if you don't know anything about netting, socketing, setting traps, you really don't understand what they're doing.

Baiduo walked around the giant beast, and the grass rope was like a strange red serpent, staggered, converging, knotted, and then attached to the giant beast as if it were a seal. If the person filling the net is punched by a giant beast, there will soon be an alternate to come up and make amends.

With the emergence of each network knot, it was torn to pieces, connected to the remnants of the network, and then flames emerged from the rope, causing new burn marks on the giant beast.

Why did you promise to take the risk?

Shao Xuan actually has his own purpose.

This is the first time he has come in close contact with such a vast and complex layout situation, heard that it is one thing to see the finished product, while watching the whole process close together is another thing, the emotion of the mind is not achievable by the first two.

One rope, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire, one wire,

Although their bronze apparatus can barely tear apart the outer scales of the giant beast, it is still a web of clans that cannot inflict more damage on the giant beast in a short period of time and bind the giant beast. Because these nets, which are already wrapped around giant beasts, seem to have been sealed in a path that is increasingly blocking their movement.

Shao Xuan did not see the giant beast coming out of the river bank, but only imagine that the giant beast should have rushed from the river bank at first, and now the giant beast has slowed down a lot, as if all the muscles were stiffened by the fire on the net.

Steel-like scales, mesh fires everywhere, have burned so dark that it is difficult to break through the defense of the instrument, but there is a tendency to collapse beneath the flames.

This is just a broken net, but it's not complete. If the whole network under the Tribal Plan is completed, is this the moment when this giant beast survived for a thousand years?

A long time ago, when Shao Xuan and Old Ke were learning to trap the rope, Old Ke said a must-kill technique. Once, Shao Xuan thought he had touched the door, but now, he realizes that the previous understanding was too restrictive. These from the clan are the real kills that can bring down the massive fierce beast!

Rather than a must-kill set, it's a must-kill network, which is more sophisticated, complex, and powerful!

But all the premise is, this net is complete!

Boom, boom!

The giant beast stood up in the front half, two foreclaws stretched out to the neck, and when he yelled angrily, the beast claw also tore the unfinished net off the neck.

The tribal warrior who controlled it was also shaken by the vibration of the rope in his hand, which detached from his hand and his body flied out.

The broken rope net flew down with a still unextinguished fire.

A small cut of rope flew with a flame towards Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan lifted his hand and grabbed the rope. The flame made the rope redder, making a murmuring noise in Shao Xuan's hand.

The burning pain sensed, the smell of a different tribal spark, followed his arm into the body, Shao Xuan grabbed the rope and his palm was burned. Soon, however, the sense of rejection of the different tribal sparks subsided, and the rope in Shao Xuan's hand was still carrying the light, although the light was diminishing, it could still persist.

However, the burning in the hands no longer continued, as if the rejection of Shao Xuan by the fire of these different tribes had ceased.

In Shao Xuan's mind, the Totem Flame was very active when it first came into contact with the truncated rope, which belonged to the natural exclusion and confrontation of sparks and sparks. But soon, the active became the outer mask, and with the light of the mask, the flaming horn spark on Shao Xuan's body, and the power of the clan spark with the rope in his hand, became gentle, as if both agitated parties had calmed down.

Shao Xuan looked closely at the rope in his hand, which was still flaming. The red on the rope quickly faded and the flame faded.

Red on the rope, it's blood.

Blood fires are homogeneous, guided by blood, mediated by rope, and leveraged by the power of fire to confront more powerful enemies.

So that's it!