Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 663: Eyes Under the Moon

Shao Xuan knew that Jing's son must have seen something, but they just didn't want to say it.

Soon after the full moon, the day and the night are not much different. Even at night, the moon brightens.

The alternation of the day and the night, the rotation of the sun and the moon, everything about the sun and the moon will change on this day. Just as the tribesmen used to harvest water moonstones on this day, the Crystal tribesmen were particularly busy on this day, because the earth's eyes would be particularly active on this day and would even rise above the mudstone.

Crystal tribesmen have been waiting by the mud pond all morning, some with a meticulously knitted web, some with a keratoconus to make a deep mouth lady and other tools.

At first, they were just holding those long-handled tools and guarding by the mud pit, and if they found out there was an eye coming out, they would do it. Fast-paced people will scoop up with long handles of water as soon as their eyes come out of the water, and only one day will they be able to capture the ground in such a fast-paced manner.

Shao Xuan saw a crystal tribe warrior scoop up and shouted excitedly. He poured out what was in the deep lady away from the water pond. A shuttle with a long palm was poured out with the mud water. As it rotated, the mud water was quickly thrown out, revealing the dark grey shell on its body. That's the ground.

Seeing it drill underground, the Crystal Tribe warrior quickly pulled it with a bone knife, pulled it aside, and then hit it with a stone.

They were extremely precise, the place where the stone fell was close to one side, not in the middle of the body of the ground. If the force was wrong, the shuttle's eyes would fly out under this beat, and the force was right, and the force was right. When a stone went down, it would only let the rotating eye be shot half dead, and the rotation would stop. The ground had lost its ability to move, it could be put aside first, or it could be cut directly.

Shao Xuan saw the man cut open the ground he had just captured, and the meat was white under a muddy enclosure.

And you cut the flesh apart, and you see the sphere in the middle of the body of the ground, which is the stone of the ground.

Because there were too many people coming together, Shao Xuan did not see the quality of the ground stone in the ground cut open by the person, but listening to the high voices in the crowd could tell that it was a good quality ground stone.

At this time of year, the person with the highest quality of gripping eyes will be recorded in the tribal history of the Crystal Tribe, with the handwriting of the current generation of witches, left to later generations.

Such an honor is what every Crystal Tribe aspires to. For Crystal Tribes, it is a winner of life. Not only can it be named in history, but it will also improve its status within the Tribes. No wonder the whole Crystal tribe is so excited.

With the first person to catch the ground today, the others are also reluctant to fall behind. Around the outer circle, you can see the crystal tribesmen running around, and the children who have not yet been able to catch the ground look around. As soon as you hear which one is caught, you run upside down to watch the bustle, and guess who will get the headname this year.

In Crystal Witch's house, the two fathers and sons are talking about catching the ground eyes this full moon night.

Mu is now able to walk under the help of others, but for the time being he is not able to walk long distances, proper exercise can alleviate the sequelae of his paralysis in bed for a year, but it is too late, if he is in a hurry to achieve it, it is easy to do half the work, instead of quickly recovering, it will increase the burden on the body before it is healed.

Crystal Witch held Mu in the house for a few laps and sat down to rest.

“If you're not hurt, you'll definitely get the headline this year.” The Crystal Witch word carries with it regret.

Mu didn't feel sorry for anything, “Nothing, next year, just a year late. ”

“And yes, it's already a great fortune to be able to get better. ”

“By the way, Father, are you going to find the real eye for the man at Flaming Horn tonight?” Mu asked.

“Of course, if you can find the best, if you can't find me, you'll have to wait another year, after all, the chances of finding the real eye are too small at other times. Don't worry, if you can't find him this year, he won't blame me.” Crystal Witch consoled.

Mu did not loosen his eyebrows because of the words of the Jing Witch, “Dad, who is behind that man? Are you the ancestors of the Horn of Fire? ”

“… maybe. ”

“People with ancestral shelters are always lucky, maybe this year they will really meet the eyes. Speaking of, when I saw that, I almost opened my eyes.” Muse's heart was palpitated, "I felt a tingling pain in my eyes, and it's not quite right now. ”

When I heard that, Jing Wu suddenly got nervous, "Eyes hurt? Let me see!”

A totem pattern appeared on the muse, as the wound had not fully healed, and when using the force of totem, he carefully controlled that the force of totem only operated above the torso. The blue and black meridians raised high and high, mixed with the appearance of the totem pattern, looks terrifying. At the same time, a crack appeared in Mu's eyebrow, just as Jing Xuan opened his third eye when he was looking for Shao Xuan's true eye. The eyes appearing in Mu Xuan's eyebrow were also opened.

The entire Crystal Tribe, with the exception of the Crystal Witch, no third person knew that Mu had a third eye, the third eye that appeared the year he was awakened to the power of totem. At that time, Jing Wu was terrified. After questioning him, he analyzed the reason for this situation in Mu. It is possible that he had eaten a ground eye without a stone before awakening.

The ground was caught by Mu himself under a mud pond cloth net. The head was not small. It was also such a full moon day. Mu caught it and caused a lot of people's curiosity. He said that he might cut out a cardinal eye, but who knows, after the cut, there was nothing, not even the most basic ordinary groundstone!

Shortly thereafter, however, after the musical awakening of totem, a third eye appeared in the eyebrows.

Crystal Witch speculates that the ground that Mu ate may have a groundstone, but its groundstone is special, hidden, untouchable, invisible. Just like the third eye on the muse, unless he opens it on his own initiative, there's no trace of it, just like the rest of the tribe.

Jing Wu used to intend, when he was old, when Mu had grown to be able to take over, to grab another true eye to cover it up, and then let the tribesmen know the third eye of Mu. Who knows that last year the heavens and earth mutated, Muse almost died in that disaster, Jing Wu only felt all his hopes collapsed.


“This year, try harder to grab the eyes, even if you can't find the real eyes, grab a few more cardigan eyes, Kwon Dae Gil gave it away.” Jing Xuan still has a good heart with Shao Xuan. It has nothing to do with the flaming horn tribe, only because of the vague figure behind Shao Xuan.

Jing Wu looked closely at Mu's third eye and found no abnormality.

“Turn your eyes, or try to see what's out there. Can you see it?” Crystal Witch said.

“Yes.” Mu can see the blurry shadows under the floor through the cabin, those in the mud pond, those are the eyes, he can even see farther outside the house, outside the mud pond, busy living tribesmen, can see the flaming horns standing beside him...

He was looking at Shao Xuan, whose eyes were cut open, looking up in one direction.

“What's the matter?” The gyro next to him asked.

“Nothing." Shao Xuan retracted his gaze and continued to look at the cut eye, still an eye stone of acceptable quality.

And inside the crystal witch house, Mu eyes closed, cover the third eye, pale face, "I was found! ”

“Did you see Shao Xuan? Didn't I tell you not to test him again?” Crystal Witchcraft, though reproached, was worried about his expression. He quickly looked at Mu's eyes again and was sure that it only hurt a little, and no other strange circumstances made him feel relieved.

At night, the sun disappeared, the sky was still bright, and the silver moonlight made the earth daylight, above it, a huge disk hanging high.

At the time of the bi-month reunion, the Crystal Tribes, who had been only on the edge of the mud pond, began to walk into the mud pond.

The surrounding mud pools are not deep, adult Crystal tribesmen, most of whom go in, can still breathe on the mud pools, which they calculate when digging the mud pools.

There are more active eyes in the mud pond. Shao Xuan listens to Jing tribesmen say that it is the rest of the underground's eyes that enter the mud pond. After the full moon, most of the mud pond's eyes will leave, so they have to take advantage of this opportunity to grab more.

The nets that are thrown out are exchanged from the clan, more robust. They are customized rope nets specifically for fishing land. The smaller the holes, they belong to the mesh category. The tighter the drill, the more powerful the net is, the more trapped it will be.

Pulling the net in the mud requires a lot of strength. Sometimes a five-meter wide net takes a dozen people to pull together. The flaming horns are watching dry and rushed. The polarized tribes refuse their help. They have to do it themselves to catch the ground.

Shao Xuan has not been watching the peripheral mud pond, but has come to the central mud pond.

There are ripples on the surface of the mud pond, it never stops, and there's something moving underneath.

Shao Xuan heard some noises, as if someone had inserted a very thin straw into the cup and blew it quickly.

“It was sent to the eyes of all eyes, and it was only on this day that they would make such a sound. ”

Knowing that there are universal eyes beneath this muddy pool, Jing Witch's heart is slightly relieved. Even if she doesn't see the real eyes, grabbing universal eyes can comfort her.

Crystal Witch took off her coat, wrapped a few laps of grass rope around her hand, and walked into the mud.

The central mud pond is much deeper than the peripheral mud pond. When people get into it, they can't see a figure at all. However, there are some stone steps placed at the beginning of the construction under the mud pond, and when they can't hold it, they step on the stone to reveal their head for ventilation. But the steps placed at the bottom of the mud pool are not visible to the average person, even if they know where they are, once they enter the mud pool, they fall into a completely dark environment, lose sense of direction, and it is difficult to find the steps.

In the entire crystal tribe, there is probably only one witch who can accurately find the steps under the mud. Because they have eyes that can only see through the mud.