Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 665: Moved

Because Shao Xuan saved his son, he was very special. As a tribal witch, some caution and caution were thrown aside!

Too careless!

Even if he felt that Shao Xuan was not such a person, but involved in the spark, he should not act solely on his own personal opinion.

Crystal Witch was silent for a moment. Although not visible on her face, her mind was already anxious. Keep your eyes straight in the mud, and as soon as anything moves down there, he does it.

The muse in the house has slowed down and although it is still a little blurry when you open your eyes to see things, it is not a major obstacle. He didn't want to be treated again, but he still couldn't help but continue soaring curiosity. If Shao Xuan couldn't get through the mud pool, he wouldn't mess with Shao Xuan again, but now Shao Xuan has gone down the mud pool, Mu also wants to know what an outsider can do in the mud pool, don't get lost in Tan Ti and let people save him.

Fortunately, Shao Xuan didn't look at it again this time. This gave a big sigh of relief to Muse. Shao Xuan's eyes were too scary.

At this time, Shao Xuan has focused all his attention on perceiving the movement around him. Crystal Witch's third eye is able to open normally in the mud pool, and can be free from muddy water interference without obstructing vision in the Tandi.

But Shao Xuan couldn't. Jing Xuan's third eye was special. He couldn't compare it. The mud water would damage his eyes, so Shao Xuan kept his eyes closed after being dragged into Tan Di by that force.

Fortunately, under special sight, Shao Xuan can still see the surrounding situation through his eyelids even if he closes his eyes. That's something no one else knows.

After sinking into Tandy, Shao Xuan did not immediately move, but stood still and looked around.

Under the mud pond, the mud water around you is more than twice as big as the average river and lake water, which is still the pressure felt in the stationary situation. If you want to lift your feet under the mud pond, you need to consume more strength, which is why the Jing Witch only slowly took off one lap in the Tandi, you must be tired to go ashore to rest.

The surrounding area of the earth shows a light point in Shao Xuan's field of view. The bright and dark, are all the ground eyes, those light points, are actually the ground stones in the body of the earth's eyes. Ordinary groundstones are gray and dark in Shao Xuan's field of view. Premium groundstones and omni-directional eyes will only be brighter, especially omni-directional eyes, and the brightness of the light is particularly noticeable. When that universal eye passed from Shao Xuan's side, a light “line” with shadows appeared in Shao Xuan's field of view.

According to this pattern, Shao Xuan just needs to find the brightest spot.

Shao Xuan doesn't know how long the eyes really are, but the brightness of the universal eye he already knows, what needs to be done now is to look for, see if there are brighter light points in the mud pond than the two previous universal eyes, and then grab it.

I don't know if I can use my real eyes on Caesar, but I have to try. Caesar still goes out hunting with the hunting team in the tribe today, but his mobility is a little worse than ever, especially in mountainous forests full of crisis and beasts. Every time he sees Caesar's wounds, he thinks about whether or not to let Caesar move around, like pulling a car in the Flame River trading area, unfortunately Caesar doesn't want to, pulling a car is only part-time, he prefers to hunt, and now he is hungry and goes out to feed himself in the mountain forest, and brings food to old man.

If you can put an eye on that guy, even if he can't get back to his old peak level, it's worth a visit if he's better than he is now.

By the mud pond, everyone saw Shao Xuan go down, then there was no movement, and the rope tied to Shao Xuan's body also remained in the position just now, motionless.

“He won't get stuck in the mud in Tandy, so can't he walk?” Someone whispered.

“Bullshit, how powerful is mud in the mud? Trying to trap us Horners is impossible! It's just a walk in the mud. How can such a small thing be difficult for our elders?” Dorri did not hesitate to refute. But they didn't understand why Shao Xuan didn't move after he went down.

“Hey, it's moving!” Someone suddenly screamed.

The people heard that the rope tied to Shao Xuan's body had indeed begun to move, indicating that Shao Xuan had begun to move in Tandi and confirming what Dori had just said.

The surrounding Crystal Tribes didn't say it anymore, but they didn't think it was true to Dori.

Just walking in the mud? Little things like that? If it were that simple, the Crystal Tribes wouldn't have so many restrictions on the Central Muddy Pond. Others do not know, but many elderly people of the Crystal tribe know that when the central mud pond was first excavated, it was dug as the second line of defense of the Crystal tribe. In case of danger, the Crystal tribe people would withdraw to the central mud pond to take refuge. This mud pond does not know how many beasts were swallowed. However, the beasts that were “swallowed” into the mud have become part of it, leaving no bone residue behind.

Shao Xuan also found that after sinking into the bottom of the mud pool, the acute sense of direction was like being shielded. If it wasn't for the special field of view to see the layout of Tandi, Shao Xuan could really be lost in this mud pool.

Standing in Tandem for some time, he was accustomed to the pressure and resistance of Tandem, and generally had a preliminary understanding of the environment, but now Shao Xuan needed to breathe fresh air, so he walked towards the steps of Tandem not far away.

At the bottom of the mud pond there are stairs stacked with stones that can rise out of the mud pond.

Standing outside the mud pool, Jing Wu was going to point out where the people in the flaming corner pulled the rope to remind Shao Xuan. He looked at the rope tied to Shao Xuan. When the people in the flaming corner did not pull, he went towards the position with the stairs.

When he saw the situation, Jing Wu had to open his three eyes. He looked at Tan Di again and saw only the bottom of the mud pond. Shao Xuan was walking towards the staircase. There was no point in trying. The footsteps were stable, as if he was convinced that there were steps there.

How is that possible?

Jing Xuan didn't have a third eye. How did he find the steps accurately in Tandy? Although he had pointed out the position of the steps to Shao Xuan before Shao Xuan went down the mud pond, everyone in each crystal tribe knew that the position clearly identifiable outside the mud pond, after descending into the mud pond, the memory was like being disturbed and always walked wrong.

Watching Shao Xuan emerge from the mud pool, the people in Horn of Fire also relieved, the people with the tight face of the prestige also smiled, Dori looked proudly at the surrounding Crystal tribesman, his eyes seemed to be telling those of the Crystal tribe: See? Am I lying?

Shao Xuan raised his head from the mud pool and wiped the mud from his face. "Throw me a rope and I'll tie your hands. ”

Jing Xuan looked at Shao Xuan strangely: “Do you want to catch it yourself?! ”

“Well, I just had a suspected omni-directional eye pass by me, and the one you said made a sound, if I couldn't find the real eye, I'd grab one first.” Shao Xuan catches the rope thrown at him, which is often used by the Crystal Tribes to wrap their hands. After wrapping around their hands, when grasping their eyes, even if the ground is rotated quickly, with rope protection, they will not directly injure their hands. These ropes act as gloves.

Jing Wu opened his mouth. He was not distressed by Shao Xuan's eyes in the pain. He promised Shao Xuan to go down, and he didn't see how heavy those eyes were in the mud pond. He was surprised now, but Shao Xuan didn't lose his sense of direction in Tan Di. Not only was he able to walk comfortably, he had more than a swimming blade, but he was going to grab the eyes in the mud pond.

“Well, be careful.” Jing Xuan did not say much more. He felt that Shao Xuan could find the omni-directional eye, but only listened to the voice recognition. If only this way, he could continue to sit beside the mud pond to watch the play. If the other party caught the omni-directional eye, even if he could not find the true eye this time, the other party would not be angry, and the harvest would always be better than confiscation. If the other party can't catch the universal eye, just wait until you rest, then go get them for him.

The more Jing Wu thought about it, the better, he continued to sit beside him and watch Shao Xuan take a deep breath before sinking into the mud again. As for the true eye, in Jing Xuan's view, Shao Xuan can definitely not be caught, let alone caught, even if one true eye was next to Shao Xuan, he would not necessarily find that the true eye would not make such a sound. Everything still depends on the Crystal Clan!

To determine that Shao Xuan did not encounter any difficulties, the people in Flame Point also had joking thoughts. He also talked to the Crystal Tribe about who is most likely to get the first performance this year. When talking, he did not forget to promote the Flame River trading area, so that they would lack food or animal hides in the future, so he went there to exchange land stones.

In Tandi, Shao Xuan has begun to learn to look like a crystal witch, walking along the mud pond.

As a Jing tribe witch, he is naturally more experienced. Shao Xuan follows Jing's route and should be the safest, the least likely to miss the target's search route.

The resistance of Tandi mud makes Shao Xuan feel like he is walking against the wind, or facing the wind. It's just different from the wind, even if he stops, he won't be blown upside down. If he is tired, he can still rest. He just can't breathe fresh air. Some of it is just boring. He needs to find steps to ventilate.

When Shao Xuan walked in the mud pond, the moon circle was just empty, and he found that there were more and more eyes in the central mud pond. Some of the eyes were drilled from the wall beside the mud pond or directly from the carpet floor. Elsewhere in the earth, the eyes are gathering this way, and the sparks of the Crystal Tribes are particularly appealing to them on this day, as moths burst into flames in the night, racing towards this side.

So, in Shao Xuan's view, there are also more and more light points, one more eye in all directions, and the night is still long. Next, there may be more eyes in all directions. Jing Wu has said that tonight is the most active time of the year for the eyes to see the true eyes.

With his third eye wide open, Jing Xuan saw Shao Xuan walking by the eyes of a million eyes suspended in a muddy pool. He couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, the kid was just judging by his voice.

Next, the policeman saw the swiftly spinning eyes in the mud pool, passing from Shao Xuan several times, but Shao Xuan was indifferent. Jing Wu wondered, you can say that the kid didn't react once or twice, he couldn't do it in time, but three times, four times, five times still like this, what the hell is the kid thinking?