Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 666: Can't See Anything

Shao Xuan walked at the bottom of the pond, the speed was not fast, the same as when Jing Wu was at the bottom of the pond, and the trajectory was the same. He did intend, if he could not find the real eye, to grab a universal eye and walk at the bottom of the pool without injustice.

But when he was walking at the bottom of the pond, he suddenly had the feeling of being targeted by someone who seemed to be in the dark, and someone kept an eye on his whereabouts. This attention is neither musical nor crystal witch. Shao Xuan can tell the difference of sight between the two. Even he can sense that both muse and crystal witch look at him, but this third sight, not from above, is at the bottom of the tank!

Shao Xuan looked around him through his eyelids.

There are more and more lights in the area around him alone, there are no fewer than twenty eyes!

However, most of these brightnesses do not meet Shao Xuan's requirements, and those earths, cut at best, are just top-quality stones, without even universal eyes.

Shao Xuan could not see the whole situation of the central mud pond, said it was big, said it was small and not small. Say it's not big, it's not small compared to some big natural lakes, it's compared to manual excavation, which is nearly twice as big as the artificial lake at the foot of the mountain in the corner!

This is also why the crystal tribes are large but small on land, and mud ponds account for too much.

The further away Shao Xuan is, the blurrer the light point. In short, even if there is a brighter light point, if it is too far away from Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan cannot distinguish what kind of earth it is. Just like looking at the stars at night, a darker star does not mean that it is not bright in itself, just a distance away from the cause.

The sooner the ground swims in the mud, the faster it can reach.

The earth's eyes are a special animal, they can also sense the existence of human beings. Even as Shao Xuan walked, many noticed Shao Xuan, some would hastily avoid it, some would ignore it, but those eyes gave Shao Xuan a less intense feeling than the one in the dark.

No killing, no inclination, not even like any emotion. In the mud of the Crystal Tribe, there are no dangerous beasts of aggression other than the ground.

Shao Xuan is now wondering, if the sight in the mud is from one eye, what level has it reached?

He has already felt it, his gaze is stronger than it is...

Is that the eye?

If it's the eyes, why isn't the witch out there saying anything?

Can't you see where the Crystal Witch is?

With that in mind, Shao Xuan went in the direction of that line of sight.

The emission source of that line of sight varied with Shao Xuan's movement. Every time Shao Xuan approached it, it ran away quickly. The distance from Shao Xuan remained within a certain range. In this range, it was not easy for Shao Xuan to see its true face. After several tracks, Shao Xuan locked only one point, but because of the distance, Shao Xuan did not know how bright it was, and could only be judged by comparing the other eyes over there, which was at least the luminosity of the universal eye level. Just because there are more and more light points in the mud, that point is easily ignored.

Shao Xuan continued to chase that light point. If he lost it, he would judge the source of that line of sight by perception.

Walking around the mud pond, Shao Xuan stepped on the steps at the bottom of the pond and took his head out to breathe.

After the dullness in his chest disappeared, Shao Xuan said to Wei and others who had been following him along the mud pond: “I might run a little bigger later, you loosen the rope. ”

Although I don't understand Shao Xuan's words, the so-called running bigger, how big is this “big”, Wei they still loosened the rope.

Generally, the Crystal Tribes descend into a mud pit, with one end of the rope tied to the person descending into the mud pit, and the other end tied to a wooden stake. The wooden pile is stuck to the edge of the mud pond, and the area exposed to the ground is almost six meters, and the other end of the rope is a third above the wooden pile, with a basket and a large roll of grass rope in the basket.

There are ten such piles, distributed in ten places in the mud pond. In the past, if anyone goes down, they will only move in that position. Beyond the range, it is easy for people to draw ropes at the bottom of the pond. After all, the whole crystal tribe, except those with the third eye, must rely on the rope for traction. If the rope is tied, they will also have a lot of trouble.

But now, Shao Xuan is the only person in the lower mud pool. The reason he can move freely around Tan Ti is because the rope put on him is not fixed, but is held by Wei. When Shao Xuan walked around Tan Ti, they ran along.

Now, Shao Xuanwei stopped holding the rope, and he himself untied the rope. If he ran around the mud pool, maybe the rope would tie itself up. At the center of the central mud pond, is the real ground, like a small island in the lake, that position in the mud pond is piled up by stone, there are crystal tribe fire ponds, and the crystal tribe people in danger of force majeure will take refuge there. Therefore, if the rope is tied, Shao Xuan will be prevented from tracking the target.

Now that it has been determined that Shao Xuan will have no problem walking at the bottom of the pond, the people of Flaming Horn don't have to worry about even letting go of the rope. They are even wondering if Shao Xuan can catch a universal eye.

Sitting there watching the lively Jing Wu, at this time he finally stood up, just now he did not see all the movement of Shao Xuan because he was just sitting there, but he felt that Shao Xuan must have found something, or that Shao Xuan had set a goal.

Is that the golden eye? No, not really, Shao Xuan just chased the direction, several times far from the fast-moving omni-directional eye, the orientation is not right, it can not be the omni-directional eye.

So, Shao Xuan found another universal eye?

Nor, as he has just seen, Shao Xuan also missed several other universal eyes.

What the hell is Shao Xuan after?

Jing Wu couldn't sit down because he didn't understand, he was going to follow.

When Jing Wu stood up, he heard that the Horn Man in the lower mud was about to start grasping the ground. The people of the Jing tribe came to rejoice. They were all behind Jing Wu and were going to see if the Horn Man could be successfully caught.

Shao Xuan took a few deep breaths before sinking to the bottom of the pond.

This time, without the rope pulling, he didn't have to worry about going around the center of the tank, so he went faster.

The night grew deeper and deeper, beyond the mud pit, because the reason for the moon was like daylight and everything on the ground was clear.

There are more and more eyes in the mud, the moon hangs high, they also seem excited, people standing beside the mud can often see some of the eyes rushing out of the water, because the body spinning at high speed, throwing mud water ashore, many people have splashed a little mud star on the body.

“I wish I had a long grip on the net.” Dory said.

“There are some on the net, but without the permission of the Crystal Witch, no one from the Crystal Tribe dares to do it.” The Jing tribesmen in the rear of the Tao made an effort.

Dory looked at the past, and it turns out that many Crystal Tribes were eager to try, but unfortunately they didn't dare to move until they got permission.

“Even with long-handled nets, you can't do that. They're too fast.” Powerful speech strikes. Those who rush out of the muddy ground, jump not high and fast, almost flash away, leaving only the muddy water thrown out to fall.

Dory, what else are they going to say? Will suddenly said, "Stop it and follow me! ”

Over there, Jing Wu has started to run, obviously, the people at the bottom of the pond have also moved. They could not detect the situation under the mud pool. Even after Shao Xuan went down, they could not even perceive Shao Xuan's breath. On shore, they could only judge Shao Xuan's position based on the movement of the Jing Witch.

So, a group of people who can't see the bottom of the pool can only follow the witch around the mud pool. Soon, there were also obvious fluctuations in the mud pit, because the people at the bottom of the pit were in rapid motion, driving the mud to follow.

Running in the mud is far less convenient than running on the ground, and sometimes even helpless, far from tracking on the ground. However, after a lap around the mud pond, Shao Xuan also felt the trick and started accelerating from the second lap.

Outside the mud pool, the flaming horns, and the Crystal Tribes, followed the Crystal Witch for a lap, then the second lap, the third lap...

The eyes of the crystal witch's eyebrows are wide open, like staring at something, the blues on the forehead are rooted up because they stare too hard, and the expression on the face is getting more and more complicated and more tangled.

After following the witch around the mud in the fourth lap, some people couldn't bear to see the crystal witch's eyes grudging, especially the people of Horn of Fire.

Three eyes, at least explain!

Didn't you see under the mud with your third eye? Can't you just say one more word? Why wrinkle and play deep!

If Jing Wu knew what everyone was thinking at this time, he would shout out, because he had no idea what Shao Xuan was chasing!

He could only see what Shao Xuan was chasing, but could not determine what it was. Shao Xuan pursued the direction, there are indeed a lot of ground eyes over there, but most of them are just ground eyes containing ground stone. On several occasions, when Jing Xuan thought Shao Xuan would strike at the nearest to him, Shao Xuan ran in another direction, completely ignoring the sounding of the universal eyes.

What are you chasing?

Is there anything else I can't see in my third eye? Crystal Witch is in doubt.

I shouldn't!

When Jing Wu was involved, in Jing Wu's house, Mu also opened his third eye to the movement under the mud, he could not go out and run, what he saw was not complete.

At first, Mu, like Jing Xuan, had no idea what Shao Xuan was chasing. Until the second lap, after the third lap, the surprise on Mu's face was getting stronger and stronger. He saw Shao Xuan's target, but he was not sure what it was.