Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 708: Wing Long?

In addition to those insects and beasts, the fleet will prepare some more ice before leaving. When I came back, although I had not yet reached the tribe, there was no feeling that the moment at sea was not solid.

After several days of repairs, the fleet set out again.

In the sky, people returning to the tribe escort mountain eagles all the way to avoid encountering some overly curious mountain eagles, those that are curious or too aggressive may cause a lot of trouble for the fleet, and people returning to the tribe reconcile in the middle, this situation will be much less.

“Wasn't that Eagle Mountain that used to go this way?” Shao Xuan asks Gula.

“I don't know, we can't follow the mountain eagles when they go to Eagle Mountain, but they do come in this direction.” Gula said.

Perhaps not at this entrance to the sea, when several mountain eagles were most likely to simply cross the mountain and bypass it. At that time, the heavens and the earth had not changed, and the dangerous river still existed, and they would not walk towards the river.

People who used to return to the tribe thought that Eagle Mountain was deep in the mountains, further afield, not here, but in the flaming horns of the land full of beasts.

When the fleet leaves the mountains and leaves the place where the mountain giant eagle lives, the people returning to the tribe need no longer follow. After goodbye, the fleet follows the river on the meadow, along the route of departure, and returns to the original route.

The people of the Thai River have been revamped and stimulated a lot. Plus, this place is no longer at sea, and their hearts are more solid. They look at the grassland tribes passing along the way, and they are curious.

People who are more sensitive can also perceive the smell of the primitive fire.

“Is that the original spark? It's amazing.” Yu Yu sighed.

The Thai tribes merged the sparks a long time ago. There were no more primitive sparks on the ocean side. I didn't expect to feel them after coming here.

“A great power. ”

Even if it were a spark of a small tribe, the power contained in the original spark could not be ignored.

“The smell of the spark can still be perceived, but in a few years it may be difficult to encounter it again.” Dokan tells Yo what's happening here.

With the successive fusions of several prominent tribes on the continent, many medium-sized tribes have begun to merge, and perhaps five or ten years from now, smaller tribes will begin to change similarly.

Dokang Xingchung told Thai River people about the Yanhe trading area, and now that he's back, there's no need to worry too much.

Life on the boat was monotonous, and there was no great danger when I got back, and there was a lot less trouble. Many people on the banks of the river were relieved when they saw a fleet of longboat tribes.

Why are you relieved?

Saw a boat the size of the Longboat tribe leave last year, but it never returned until winter, they thought something had happened to the Longboat tribe, not to say how worried they really were about the Longboat people, they were just used to watching the fleet go by and then watching the fleet return. And last year they only saw the departure, waited a winter and didn't see the return fleet, always felt that something was not done. Now it's finally true.

Others find it unfortunate that if the fleet of the Longboat tribe encounters an accident, it must be big news. After all, the Longboat tribe is called the strongest on the river and rarely sees them in accidents in the river.

Shao Xuan was in the cabin looking at the newly frozen ice cubes while Dokan told Yu about the flame river.

Anything else doesn't matter. It's just that Dokan feels fresh for a moment, goes out to sea, and takes it back to show it to people in the tribe who can't go out to sea. Look at it. It's just novel. After all, it was a long time ago. It is not possible to keep these sealed after seeing them, there is no condition to keep them as they are now, and Flaming Horn people do not spend so much time and energy to keep things that are not of practical use to them, so after seeing them, what happens to these sealed worms is probably to make fertilizer or be thrown directly into swamps or asphalt pits.

What worried Shao Xuan was the thing he caught.

After re-freezing, when carrying the crate, Shao Xuan hadn't noticed, but now when he was idle to take a closer look, he found that the bones of the thing seemed to have changed.

No, it's not entirely bone, and elsewhere, Shao Xuan feels a very weak breath of life. That hint of life is too nuanced. If you wait for the ice to melt and put it there, that tiny hint of life may disappear.

So now this thing, which doesn't know what it is, is in a state of near-death. Almost as good as death.

Shao Xuan wanted to figure it out immediately, but the place was wrong. This was on the boat. If an accident occurred, the boat might be damaged, which would hinder the return journey.

Wherever there was a sequence, it wasn't too urgent. Shao Xuan was just trying to test his speculation. When he returned to the Yanhe trading area, the conditions were better suited for him to quietly drum these things.

Looking at the ice cube, Shao Xuan sighed, put the wooden cover on, pulled out a light grey linen, and painted it with a carbon stick.

He paints the skeleton of the bones that he sees, he remembers the skeleton that he sees in a special field of view, he paints the skeleton onto the cloth, and he splits it little by little.

After splitting it up, he felt that it was not good enough, and he came back and cut the wood into a little stick with a knife, and then cut the little stick into the general shape of each bone.

Some small bones may be omitted, but the main skeleton, each one, is broken up into wooden bones.

When it was done, Shao Xuan started putting the wooden bones together, one by one.

First the head, this is the most obvious, then start with the head, a little stitching, not knowing which one to take, start with the other obvious characteristic “tail”, then stitching up from the tail, if both the head and tail encounter difficulties, start with the rear paw.

Once Shao Xuan has invested, it is easy to forget the time and rarely leaves on the way.

After talking to Yu Yu, Dokang searched for someone who hadn't seen Shao Xuan, asked the others, and learned that Shao Xuan had gone to the place where the ice was stored, so he went to look for it.

Dokan stood at the door and shouted, “Shao Xuan? Elder? ”

No one answered.

After a pause, Dokan raised his hand and knocked gently on the door panel, "Shao Xuan, are you in there? ”


Shao Xuan finally returned to his senses. He stared at the results of the compilation just now and stunned half a dozen times, so that when Dokan first shouted, he didn't hear them.

When Dokan got inside, the first thing he saw was a skeleton on the crate, which was strange, and when he first saw it, he thought it was a bat, but soon he realized it wasn't, it was a different skeleton than a bat, and it made people feel a little more crazy.

Hunting for so long, even if you just see a skeleton, Dokan can have a vague first judgment.

“What is this?” Dokan pointed to the strange skeleton and asked Shao Xuan, "I've never seen this before, not a bird, not a bat, what the hell is this? ”

Shao Xuan rubbed some sour and swollen eyes and said: "Wing Long! ”