Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 719: I'm From The Sea

The river is getting closer and closer to completion, Shao Xuan is almost there to see where else needs to be changed, and should be added as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the river is watered down, it will be much harder to change.

As for the movement of the wing dragon, as long as it does not climb the mountain and attack those who flame horns, Shao Xuan will not ignore it for the time being, after all, his time is tight.

At a time when you don't pay attention, the dead leaf birds are starting to get weird every day out of their original mood.

But Shao Xuan didn't know. All he knew was the movements of the pterosaurs. The dead leafbirds. Shao Xuan thought that the people with flaming horns would stare and nothing would happen.

Just two days before the completion of the river course, Shao Xuan was drawing some defense tools that needed to be built, and someone came looking for him.

Shao Xuan thought something was going on with Yilong's side, but he didn't expect to see it. The person who came to him said, "A stranger came over. The chief said that if you are interested in being an elder, you can come and see it. ”

“Strangers?” This stranger means either a stranger from a strange tribe or from the sea, but since he is asked to come to him, it is certainly not unusual.

Shao Xuan temporarily let go of this matter and go towards the headquarters. As he crossed the stone bridge, he discovered that there were some logging next to the stone bridge to make the logging wood. Shao Xuan had never seen it here. There was something similar to a sail on the raft, but not cloth, but some leaves were staggered.

There were some ornaments on the logging. When he saw one of them, Shao Xuan gazed at him and took a closer look, and he probably knew why he was looking for him.

The ornament on the logging, it's a small spiral, and the growth lines and colors of that spiral don't look like what's in the river, more like, what's in the ocean!

Someone from the beach?

Looking at where the logging stops, Shao Xuan asked the people beside him, "They come from downstream? ”

“Yes. Listen to the people over at Stone Bridge.” The warrior looked around, and he whispered, "It's like those guys are bringing a lot of stuff, and there's Becoins. ”


Because of the pharmaceutical properties of some shells on the seaside and their scarcity, in many places that type of shell is also used as one of the currencies for trading.

If those people came from around the desert, Shao Xuan would not be so surprised. Most of the inland popular bell coins came from there. The rainy tribes were able to own so many bell coins as intermediaries.

However, after the situation changed on the desert side, combined with the effects of the heavenly and earthly disasters, there are now fewer and fewer inland bell coins, and there have been distant teams coming to the trading area to speculate that the tribes on the other side of the sea have either been extinguished or have been relocated. Anyway, they listen to whoever says they have taken the team that way, they have not seen anyone by the sea, and there are no new bell coins flowing from that side.

However, after all, the sea is not only in one direction. Shao Xuan had already said that the Yanhe River is going straight down, you can definitely see the sea. Only the last time he went out with his fleet, he wanted to see the sea and come back. I didn't expect to return early because of Caesar's eyes, he couldn't continue to walk down,

Now you can actually see tribes coming from the downstream seaside.

Shao Xuan did not directly tell others about his guess. The people from the sea, with the beijing coin, this information will inspire the distant team.

“How many of them have come? Where is it now?” Shao Xuan asked.

“Around fifty of them, their rafts didn't stop until they were on the stone bridge, and they were taken ashore by our men, but after disembarkation, half of them passed out and are now taken to the mountains. ”


I'm afraid the rest of them are all on their way here because of an accident.

When Shao Xuan went up the mountain, he also heard people in the tribe talking about it. Every time he met someone from a new tribe, the tribe would always start a discussion for a while. Everyone had different beliefs, different customs, different costumes… too many different things were the subject of their discussion.

“I hear they have long horns on their heads! ”

“What a long horn, that's a horn! ”

“Is that a horn? How come I've never seen a horn like that? Doesn't look like a horn...”

Shao Xuan listened to the flaming horns and wondered.


Arrangements were made to accommodate the outsiders on the hills, larger, with rooms and beds, etc., where the feather tribesmen had been arranged before.

When Shao Xuan went in, he found that they were both returning and returning. The two retired old witches were also there. The returning witches were talking to a man who was lying in bed. The man looked excited and looked very tired. He was just holding on and not falling down. He was thin and thin. He had many injuries on his body. Moreover, his accent was heavy. He was probably too far from the center of the sea. There were no tribes there. The language also began to have its own characteristics, so it was difficult to communicate there, and he spoke slowly.

There's something like a horn on a table next to it, and that's supposed to be the horn that people in the tribe are talking about, but it's not a horn, it's a spiral in the ocean.

When Shao Xuan came in, he let the wounded rest first, then walked out of the room and told Shao Xuan to follow him.

Those people occupy six rooms, but there's a lot of rooms here, and they bring Shao Xuan to a room a little further away.

“Which tribe are they from?” Shao Xuan asked.

The complexity of his face made him look at Shao Xuan, helpless: “I don't know. ”

Seeing Shao Xuan confused, he explained, "I didn't hear what they said. ”

In one sentence, even listening and guessing, can only hear a little rough meaning. When those people get excited, the speed of speech gets faster and they don't understand what they are talking about.

“However, there should be someone in their team who speaks better, except that most of them are now in a coma, and the rest of them are just holding on because they are alert and not closing their eyes. However, their attitude is clearly much better when they are given medication, and it seems that there is something else they have not said, their emotions are complicated, say excitement and joy, and they are very guarded. I know this is supposed to be a normal reaction, but Xuan, you don't know, they look at us in the eyes, and it's strange that people from other tribes have never shown it. ”

Whatever comes to mind, pull out a shell, "They bring a lot of things, beautiful stones, and this very rare berry coin. No, it's not like those bagels, it's not polished, it's even stuck to rotten meat. ”

Shao Xuan took a closer look. He and Yang Xuan had previously learned how to distinguish between valuable beijing coins. Some shells looked beautiful and seemed valuable, but there was actually no medicinal value at all. He could not act as a beijing coin and could not fool insiders. And some of them look disdainful, but they can swap more with some of the people who know the goods.

At this time, the shell that was taken out of the shell, not only is the pattern very bright, it suits the preference of some people who care more about color textures, but also this shell, belongs to the kind of medicinal value.

“These things are good enough to be Bell Coins, even better quality than the previous ones.” Shao Xuan said.

“That is true, but strangely, those people do not seem to take these very seriously. You know, if you need to trade in goods, you're sure to protect them well, but those people don't. They value a large shell. ”

“Big shell? ”

“Yes, I've had that big shell moved into a room, and the people in that team who haven't fallen down are standing next to that big shell. I can feel it in that big shell, somebody! ”