Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 748 actually came out! (2 in 1)

Somewhere outside the town, behind a less tall sand dune, this is one of the nearest sand dunes to the Sand Snake stronghold, and then there's no place to hide.

Here, the tower waits, watching the movement over the town.

When they saw a stream of sand erupting outside the town, they knew that Shao Xuan had seen people and was ready to send them out. That was a signal that had long been promised.

The sandstorm was waiting for the sapphire to erupt there, while the distant sky chirped towards the town after seeing the sandstorm.

There are not many large raptors in the desert. If you are too close to the team, you will expose the team's whereabouts. Therefore, from the moment you enter the desert, you will most of the time move freely, not too close to the team, but not too far away, so that Shao Xuan can find it in time.

After being thrown out by Shao Xuan, the five industrial and nail family members were taken away. When flying out of the city, they did not fly to the place where the industrial and nail tough were located, but in the other direction. After dumping the sand snake chaser behind them, they folded back and rendezvous with the industrial and nail tough.

Gongzi explained to the five people about the Flaming Horn tribe. It was good to see that the five companions, although not in a good mental state, were still alive. There was no shortage of arms and legs. Give them enough rest time and food so that they could recover. It was no problem. Gongzi also relieved. It seems that the Flaming Horn tribe people were more powerful than he expected, and their choice was correct. If you leave safely this time, your manicure and nail toughness will help you cast your weapon at the corner in return for this rescue at the corner.

People have been saved, their worries have disappeared, and the next time they encounter a sandpiper, the people of Horn don't have to worry about anything. They are waiting for Shao Xuan to return.

However, after a while, the town has started to riot, but Shao Xuan did not come out immediately and did not send a signal for help.

“What do we do?” Tao looks toward the tower, "past?” Despite the presence of the beetles, after all, there are many people in the sand snake. Shao Xuan alone may not be able to resist the siege over there. Everything always happens unexpectedly.

“No, wait a minute.” The tower raised its hand to stop them, and they didn't get Shao Xuan's help signal, and something didn't seem right on the side of the town. Shao Xuan said that any variation would send a signal. Since Shao Xuan did not do so, they will continue to wait here. After all these years, Ta also knew that Shao Xuan was no longer the kid who knew nothing behind the team. Shao Xuan must have had a plan. They didn't need to do too much, just follow the plan.

“Watch your surroundings.” The tower tells everyone. They have now arrived where there are more pirates, and care must be taken at all times.

Over there, in the little town of Sarace.

In front of everyone, the blue beetle came out from beneath the sand, and the yellow sand slipped off the blue back, making a hissing noise.

The sapphire may only be medium tall among the many beasts in the desert, but it's a slightly flat oval that looks like a giant backward spoon, and there's not enough room for it.

As the beetle gradually emerged from beneath the sand, the low-lying sand house collapsed in a blast, and the winding doors of the desert vines made a fragile creak in the collapse, breaking its roots.

The people standing around had long seen a bad rush to retreat, away from this sudden giant beetle.

In general, desert beasts rarely appear in this area, after all, there is already an increasing presence of sand thieves, where there are more people, and desert beasts will be relatively few, unless they are more powerful. And the emergence of sapphires has been categorized in everyone's hearts as a beast behind them.

The garment reclaimer was actually going to take a quick glance behind him and then keep staring at Black Sand. He wanted to steal the sword from Black Sand while he was not paying attention. However, Clothes Reclamation did not expect to turn around to see such a scene, shocked to forget the original intention to attack Black Sand.

Whether it's the sand snake or the blueworm, you look at the picture on the blueworm, you look at the beetle on the picture, and you look at the new one, and all of a sudden it feels incredible.

The Sand Snake Man: "This pattern is real! ”

Blue Bug Man: “Is this true? ”

While every group of pirates has its own pattern, it's just a wish, a symbol, and it's not considered real, it's not a faith, so how can you easily believe a pattern?

Just like the sand snake people, when they really meet that kind of snake in the desert, the first thing they think about is killing that snake, and if there's such a giant snake in front of them, they're bound to piss.

Today, the people of Blue Worm are in such a mood.

The first group of Blue Bugs, who had experienced what had happened when they had fled, knew why the elders in the gardening and sand bandits had decided to take such a name. When the desert was in turmoil, they had fled. If the Blue Beetle had not scared off the pursuit of soldiers, they would have been cut to death, and the Blue Beetle had given them many good things, which was the beginning of the rise of their Blue Bug pirates.

And those who later joined the Blue Worm Sand Bandits, although they heard of it from other people, actually believed very little, and some felt that it was either bullshit or pure luck. And now... if those who told them the Blue Beetle story were here, they would yell: Bullshit! Didn't you say there was only one beetle tall? What's happening here now?

Associated with the words of Black Sand just now, the people of Blue Bug feel that it is the garment reclamation summoned to help, and no matter what the legend is no longer legendary, the eyes of the garment reclamation suddenly with infinite awe, came to the bottom. Turns out the leader retained a hand, not only summoned a big blue beetle, but bigger than the legendary one!

Conversely, the people of the serpent show fright. I didn't expect the blueworm to be ready! Even Black Sand thinks so.

Also shocked by the garment reclamation there: “…”

Of course, the garment reclamation found other people looking at him. He was also scared and scared. This one was not called up by him. He had seen a big blue beetle before, but it really wasn't that big! He didn't even dare to think that if this giant beetle appeared just by accident, and they attacked indiscriminately, would they change their prints later?

The appearance of the blue beetle instantly transformed the original atmosphere, like a piece of ice frozen in a hard state, suddenly thrown into boiling water and cracked. The same is true at this point in time when a situation of sudden turnaround brings feelings to people.

At a time when the sand snake and the blue bug were in different moods, the entire body of the blue beetle had been exposed, and the shovel-like head had turned slightly, sweeping around and gazing for a few seconds on the garment reclamation.

Clothes cultivation came to a tight heart, and he knew better than anyone else what the truth was and feared that the giant beetle would attack them.

Soon after, however, the garment reclamation found the giant beetle looking away at the black sand standing there with a sword.

Apart from the sound of the wind blowing the sand particles sliding around, a silence awaited the reaction of the giant beetle. Even if it turns out that the giant beetles are similar to the blueworm sand thieves, they still have a slight suspicion.

The next moment, the blue beetle moved.

Lifting a forelimb like a long-handled sickle and smashing it hard towards the sand, unlike when hunting a sand lizard, the forelimb at this time stretches further open, like a black lightning slash on the sand.

The burst airflow was like an invisible flying arrow, directed in a direction from where it had been chopped, past which sand on the sand was pushed to both sides.

Clothes reclamation stood still, and he knew that he was not the target of the attack. Turn around and look where the black sand is. That's where the blue beetle is attacking.

Only this blow relieved the clothes reclamation heart.

Luckily, he wasn't the one who attacked the beetle.

When the giant beetle appeared, the black sand was nervously guarded against it. As soon as the giant beetle lifted its claws, he was ready to avoid the air flow like an arrow.

The airflow struck the stone house behind the black sand and shook, shaking the whole house down the sand, scraps and stones. Fortunately, this sandstone house took a lot of effort to build, and it didn't collapse because of the blow, but if there were a few more, I wouldn't know.

Blacksand still cares about his mansion. He doesn't want to fight here, bite his teeth, step out and go the other way.

That's what the sapphire meant. Shao Xuan was still in the stone house. He regretted it when he threw it out. Nobody noticed the two contact angles on his head trembling a few times.

Because of previous mistakes, he almost ate the target person Shao Xuan was looking for. Sapphire wanted to do some work to atone for his sins, so now he will work harder and just stare at that target. As for the others, he didn't even look at it.

With six long legs swinging vigorously, the sapphire chased past towards the black sand, and the sand lifted by the long legs struck a sore spot on the body.

Nor did the garment reclamation chase the black sand past. He let the blueworm people avoid him and found some little beetles coming out of the sand. "Don't attack the beetles on the ground! Evasive! Evasive! ”

The blueworm people did it, and the sand snake people, someone stabbed the beetle under their feet in the sand with a stone spear, and soon two, three… ten or more beetles appeared around him.

The man's heart panicked more. He shouted and shook the stone spear in his hand. He poked the beetles down towards the ground. The more he poked, the more beetles around him gathered this way. Soon as a hill, he pushed the man up, he couldn't even see his head and eyes. At first, you can see the person waving the stone spear and hear the scream in the population, but soon, as the beetle continues to increase, you can no longer see anything else, and the scream is getting smaller and smaller.

The black beetle looks like a wave of small waves that drag the man into the wave, leaving only a skeleton with broken clothes as the black wave fades.

The only suspicion is now crumbled by this scene. Someone shouted first at the sand snake: “Bug tide! ”

It's like pouring a ladle of water into a burning oil pan, and it pops and explodes.

“Bug tide! ”

“Here comes the bug tide! ”

“Run! ”

The sand snake people don't care what happens to the Blue Bug people. When they encounter the bug tide in the desert, they usually run away and avoid it. I didn't expect to encounter the bug tide here in their nest. No, the Blue Bug people brought the bug tide here!

Blue Bug people can actually start the bug tide?!

This cognition adds to the fear of the serpents.

“Let them go!” The serpent's men shouted at the garment reclamation.

Unfortunately, now that the head of the snake has been hunted down by the giant beetle, the people here are not rivals of the clay, are they attacking? But there are so many beetles around, they eat people!

Run or not?

Seeing as the garment reclamation chopped down the surrounding serpents one by one, the people killed were quickly devoured by the beetles on the ground.

There were also people bitten by blue bugs, but no need to say more, they were all gathered towards this side of the cultivation, including those who had waited outside the small town, and those who heard the noise rushed towards the cultivation also approached the other side.

Clothes reclamation looked at the dense, numb black beetle on the ground and panicked. He was not the elders. The elders believed in the pattern and the beetle gave them a chance to rebuild their lives. However, clothes reclamation had always been skeptical, except that a team needed a spiritual pillar and listened to the elders' advice when discussing the pattern and name. He doesn't really have a heart for these bugs.

When you see everyone coming your way, the reclamation can only come out with a hard scalp.

“Don't fight the beetles on the ground!” Clothes reclamation again.

The person who had just felt a bite on his leg was going to chop the beetle off. When he heard that, he could only shake his leg and shake the beetle off his leg.

To their surprise, the beetles ran away after a few steps this way and did not continue to approach this way.

It works!

A blueworm man turns to the garment reclamation, “Boss, is this... is this what you summoned? ”

The legendary catastrophe in the desert helped them even though they were so peaceful!

This is incredible!

They decided to make a good confession when they get back, or what if they get eaten by worm tides later?

The same thing was in the mind of garment reclamation, but there was still suspicion that they were slaves, that they had seen too much and experienced too much, and that he still did not dare to believe easily in everything that was before him.

There was a noise in the ear not far away, and that blue beetle was fighting black sand, but I didn't know what was going on.

“You wait here now, I'll go up there and see what happens.” The reclaimer wanted to jump to the sandstone roof behind him, and his feet were caught before he left the floor.

“No, no, no, chief, I'm coming with you!” The man holding the garment reclaimer's arm hurried.

“Yes, sir, we're with you!” Several others were also in a hurry.

“No, I'll do it alone, you wait here...”

The garment reclamation was not finished, and the others shouted, holding onto the garment reclamation: "No! Leader, don't leave us!” Howling so hard, it seemed that as soon as the clothes were reclaimed, these people would be eaten.

But this is true, once the garment is far away, the beetles, who have become more and more insane in their bloody appetite, start attacking indiscriminately, only not the garment.

As soon as they jumped onto the roof, the little beetles wandering around narrowed the perimeter and approached this way.

See, the people below waved hard at the garment reclamation: “Leader help!!” There are others who jump directly onto the roof.

Clothes cultivation jumped off the roof and the nearby beetles retreated.

Not only did the blueworm people see this scene, but so did the serpents.

The beetles, not eating their clothes, seemed to be avoiding him, and realizing this, some sand snakes began to think in their hearts. Everything is the biggest.

A serpent runs over to the garment farm and screams, “I'm in! I'm in the blue bug! ”

With the first, there is the second, the third...

They are worried that betrayal will piss off the black sand, but it is important to save their lives. Those who follow the blue bug will not be eaten by the bug tide. Besides, the black sand will not necessarily end well. The big beetle is not easy to deal with at first glance.

More and more sand snakes are screaming to join the blueworm, and the blueworm people are looking at the garment cultivation to let the leader make a decision. They all know that these serpents are driven by insect tides, but that's not a bad thing for them, at least for the current situation. Not to mention loyalty and disloyalty, now there are more bands than anyone else.

And being used as an umbrella by all as a garment reclamation in the middle, the mood is rather delicate.

There are more surprises in clothes reclamation than anyone else.

I can't believe it!

Is it true what the elders say about shelter?

When I realized what was going on, I turned my head and looked over at the sandstone house. I looked through the door and swept through several windows. I didn't see anyone else. I saw a lot of black beetles pouring in through the windows, allowing people who wanted to hide in the house to change their minds.

“Chief, what are you looking at?” One of the blueworms asked about the garment reclamation.

Clothes reclamation shook his head, "Nothing.” He just felt like someone was watching them, but he didn't find anything when he looked past.

Shao Xuan, who was originally in the sandstone house, has gone to the sapphire side.


The sand on the sand splattered like a waterfall, and the black sand held a sword and cut the rushing sand waterfall.

The sand rubs against the body of the sword, making a thrilling sound, like sharp gravel scratching the heart, stinging the eardrum with pain.

The pulse swells in the black sand, and after breaking free from the bondage, every time you use the strength of your body, in addition to the strength of your body, your strength rises again, just as the Totem warriors mobilize the power of Totem. However, unlike the Totem warrior, he has taken power for himself, but has not completely absorbed it. Every time he uses that power, his emotions are easily manic, good that he controls it every time, without losing his mind.

While there are side effects, the increase in strength is also true. Black sand dodges the long claws of the big beetle, the muscles on the arm are huge again, the power even climbs, in the eyes of black sand, the whole eyeball becomes red, protruding outward, as if to bleed, looking at the huge blue figure not far away.

Ten fingers gripping the handle of the sword, feet earthquake, legs bent, squatting, arched back can see vertebrae raised, joints flutter constantly, a burst of roaring sound, the next moment, the whole person rushed towards the big beetle like a shell, musculoskeletal force mixed with the cohesive force in the body, chopped out sword wind with a "woo” call.

Seeing the two forelimbs of the great beetle lift up again with the intention of blocking the sword with sand waterfall, the feet of the two long handled sickles were about to touch the sand, the sand suddenly spinning under the feet, the sand was shoveled up, the twisting force led the body to turn instantly, flashing past the raised sand waterfall, while the black sand itself appeared on the side of the big beetle, brushing to kill the great beetle.

Black sand knew that he was no better than this giant beetle, but he didn't want to just give up his land and run away. He wanted to chop off the giant beetle with his sword, but every time he rushed past, he was blocked by the giant beetle with the raised sand waterfall, so he decided to change his strategy.

The beetle must have done this because it was afraid of the sword in its hand!

Blacksand has more confidence in his heart. His goal is the head of that giant beetle! How can this giant beetle survive without its head? It's not those monsters built in the rocks!


Hard forces collide, making crisp noises like metal staggering. The vibrating force travels into the hand bone of the sword, making a cracking breaking sound, and the two arms of black sand bounce apart because of this brutal anti-seismic force.

Black sand pupils wrinkle.

Didn't cut!

His goal was the head of the big beetle, but at the time of the chopping, the beetle seemed ready, using the other two pairs of feet, like a gyroscope, instantly turned an angle, originally facing the blade, from the head to the back armor, and the back armor, is the hard mouth on this beetle!

Blacksand's sword, the sword blade cut on the back of its back, just left a not-depth trace!

After being blocked by the force of the countershock, Black Sand couldn't do anything, and the back armor had hit it.


Black sand was pounded out, the strength inside the original body was unstable, under this collision, suddenly the blood poured out, a breath of blood sprayed out, and blood seeped out in both eyes.

The failure of the raid, coupled with traces on the back armor, has shaken Black Sand's confidence.

The two rear legs of the sapphire that crashed the man out of the room, seemingly clumsy as an armored car, moved quickly forward on the sand, and one forelimb had been lifted like a whip.

Black sand is still in the air, he has not yet landed, he has no wings, can't even try to hide, there is no other way but to fight hard with a sword.


With a toothed forelimb like a heavy axe swept across, it shook open the air barrier and slapped heavily on the sword.

Strong force goes straight into the arm as the black sand holds the handle of the sword.


After a broken finger bone, the brachial bone also makes a crisp sound, even the vertebrae of the entire back spine exploding like they can't support it.

Black sand itself, under this beating, fell into the sand, and the shaking sand flow spread like a splash.