Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 767: Stupid! Stupid!

Horn is now seldom connected to the Lu tribe, one too far away for easy communication and the other unnecessary. The Flaming Horn tribe now has enough animals to feed, and more are hunting from the mountain forests without exchange with the Rwandan tribe, which has no ties to the Flaming Horn.

Shao Xuan had previously known that the Lu tribe was a tribe that did not like to fight. It had always been a good image of the elderly, and several large tribes in the middle had always protected them before. They were probably prepared for when the catastrophe became food scarce and could take care of the Lu tribe. Since the last catastrophe, the Lu tribe has provided them with a lot of food.

Although there is little contact, Shao Xuan has also been informed about the Lu tribe from the travelling Long Boat tribe, Yu tribe and other tribal populations, and the Lu tribe is said to be complaining about their flashbacks.

Why is that?

The reason still has to be connected to the fire.

The Lu tribe is probably one of the few large and medium-sized tribes over there that do not want to merge the sparks. Their main means of livelihood today is breeding, and they rarely clash with other tribes. They also endured provocations against the Banshi tribe once. To be frank, it was a bit absurd, but it was also a conservative and effective practice, and they knew how to survive safely.

But now, the horns have changed everything. Spark fusion is transmitted from the flaming horn, first by the large tribes, then by the other tribes in the centre, either voluntarily or under the temptation of coercion, one by one fused the spark, and all began a new goal, breaking the original situation, so that no one can effectively help the Lu tribe after it is in trouble.

The reckless and under-8 tribes are working with the Longboat tribes, who take some of them out to sea, while the rest help to watch the Longboat tribes in case someone tries to pick up the nest of the Longboat tribe while the fleet forces are away.

Now that the Longboat tribe has not completed its migration, it will surely move into the sea mouth in the future, and the mind has flown out and no longer wants to be trapped inland. Their goal is the ocean.

As for the Lu tribe? The three of them have no time to worry about it. At best, they can only help a little, and they won't help all the time.

The feather tribe keeps birds in circles, and it's busy getting a bunch of birds back from the mountain forest. The place where the Yu tribe is located is easy to defend, outsiders are not familiar with the terrain, it is also difficult to find trouble for the Yu tribe. Now the Feather tribe people just want to take care of their place, they don't want to take care of anything else, and the help they can provide is limited.

Thousands of tribes are gathering power and are said to learn to build a city in the Horn of Fire, but also to be prepared for external threats. They are equally busy and have no time to take into account the crisis of the Lu tribe.

As for the tribes on the grasslands, they are even less likely to take care of the Lu tribes, who have had little interaction with the Lu tribes before.

To think about it, the Lu tribe can only ask for help from the Flaming Horn.

“The situation of the Lu tribe may be worse than what was written above.” The conscription said.

Only the animal breeding within the Lu tribe is written on the skin of the animal, but since it can force the Lu tribe to turn to the flaming horn so far away, it is clear that the situation is critical.

“It also says later that they want to migrate tribes.” Shao Xuan focused on the next few sentences.

According to what has been written above, the Lu tribe is not sure if they really want to migrate, but rather has the idea of migrating.

“They want to be simple.” Dokan was very dissatisfied.

When the Lu tribe comes here, he is actually willing. After all, the Lu tribe is good at raising, and may be able to domesticate more animals. There are not many flaming horns, but the Lu tribe has a primitive spark, you want to bring the primitive spark here? There's no door!

Flaming Horn people don't want to see this.

After all, it is not the spark of one's own tribe. Even if it is a distance away, it will always have an impact on the Totem warriors. Can't you see that all the tribes close to the Horn of Flames are those that merge sparks?

Rain tribes, clans, Thai river tribes, which is not a fusion of sparks? The Lu tribe wanted to migrate and adhere to the Horn of Fire, which would be fine, provided that their original spark was destroyed, otherwise the diaphragms, not only the Horn of Fire, but also the other tribes around them, would not be happy.

“They have not chosen to merge the sparks, and so far, only the Lu tribe has not merged among the large and medium-sized tribes there.” The conscription said.

Shao Xuan has finished reading the words on the beast roll, "Today the Lu tribe, like a broiler, stands there waiting for people to rob it. Good thing they didn't have a fusion spark. If they did, the animals in the circle would have been robbed long ago, and people would have been killed. ”

“What are you gonna do?” Ask Shao Xuan, "Without mentioning whether or not they have migrated, the Lu tribe has listed their rewards to Flaming Horn. As long as Flaming Horn helps, all of them will be given to Flaming Horn. ”

Thinking about the number of breeding animals listed in it, Dokan sighed: "They really deserve it. ”

The reward promised by the Lu tribe is nearly two-thirds of what their tribe raises beasts.

“Perhaps the Lu tribe would also like to take this opportunity to dispose of the surplus animal husbandry in order to facilitate their migration.” conjecture.

Shao Xuan thought about it and said, "I'm taking people over there to see it, not for their rewards, but for the others. ”

“You want to borrow this, Levi?” Think of this right away, "recently heard of people coming from across the ocean appearing around the Flame River, and we can really use this to beat it. ”

“There are not only those who come by the sea, there are not many who can safely cross the sea, and there are only a few who are targeting the Rwandan tribe, in addition to the outsiders, the tribes that have begun to change.” Shao Xuan sank his voice.

“Tribal? ”

“Well, after the fusion of the sparks, ambition was amplified, and people were no longer at peace. You don't have to stay in a fixed place, you'll naturally be looking elsewhere.” Shao Xuan said, "After all, there are still many tribes living on this land. ”

“What do you mean, in addition to deterring outsiders, do something to show those tribes who are beginning to have other thoughts?” The conscription has figured it out.

“Sometimes the name is not a bad thing. When the ancestors of the Horn of Flames made themselves famous, it was an intelligent choice.” Shao Xuan thought of other tribes' impressions of the Horn people of the past, and now the Horn of the Flame tribe, although famous, is not “vicious” enough.

In such a large environment, the murderer's name is a good shield, at least to discourage those who have distorted themselves from looking to the flaming corner.

“Shao Xuan, when are you leaving? I'll come with you!” Dokan rubbed his hand, and he had already started itching.

“You can't leave.” Shao Xuan vetoed.

“Why can't I? Last time the tower followed you to the desert, this time to the Lu tribe to kill... rescue, it is my turn.” Dokan remembers clearly that he and the tower are two big leaders, who have to keep one in the tribe.

“You have to keep an eye out for the conscription on this side of the trading zone. There are already outsiders in the vicinity, and some of them are mixed up in the expedition team, and they're probably looking into the trading zone.” Shao Xuan said.

Dokan is no longer obsessed with it, as opposed to the Lu tribe, it is still important on this side of the trading zone.

“Shao Xuan, did you take the guy from the basement too?” Dokan asked.

“I don't feel comfortable staying here if you don't take it out.” Shao Xuan said. Ganche is too special to mess up Flaming River Castle if an inadvertent and sudden outburst of rage occurs. It's better to take it out.

Dokang also thinks that only Shao Xuan can easily “kill” the puppets in the desert. Although Ganche is different from the slave puppets, in some ways, at least because Shao Xuan brought him back to life, maybe if something happens, Shao Xuan can think of a countermeasure?

“You can take it out, but Shao Xuan, have you noticed that the person is getting stuck.” Dolcomp whispered.

Ganche's emotional fluctuations are so small that he can keep the same facial expression all day long. Dokan is curious. How can people keep the same face all the time? Don't you feel bad?

He did not continue to stay here in Yanhe River Castle. Since he decided to take people to the Lu tribe, Shao Xuan had to talk to the people in his headquarters and pick up some more people to take out.

Out of the trading area, Shao Xuan did not cross the bridge directly, but walked far away. There is a suspended bridge on the artificial river. Shao Xuan continued to walk outward from the suspended bridge until he walked to a discreet place. There was no one else around him. Shao Xuan searched for it, walked to a place and stomped his foot down twice.

Without much congress, Shao Xuan's original standing place was lifted. A short, fat man with a beard showed his head from below. He was probably sleeping just now. His eyes were narrower than usual. He looked out and beat Hao, a subtribal man.

When he saw Shao Xuan, the other party immediately became enthusiastic, “What's the matter with the elder? ”

“Tell the others to look out for outsiders.” Shao Xuan left only one sentence behind.

The subtribe nodded, and he would definitely bring it, and he would bring it as soon as possible. Shao Xuan means that there are dangerous figures coming from further afield, not only from other tribes living along the Flame River, but also from their subtribes.

Reminding the subtribesmen that Shao Xuan was going back again, he sensed that the wing dragon was moving again where he poured the fish. In the past, I saw the dragon tearing up a piranha and throwing the fish into the river, screaming as I threw it.

The guards around Shiqiao told Shao Xuan that the winged dragon had done this once before, which was the second trip.

Shao Xuan also saw more than a dozen shuttle-shaped figures swimming on the surface of the river, seemingly grabbing food. Those are the fish he poured in.

“Elder, will you stop it in the future?” The bridgeguard asked.

“No, just keep an eye on it. ”

Shao Xuan doesn't know what that wing dragon is like, but now it seems that those fish are fed by wing dragons, at least they won't starve to death.

Returning to the tribe to consult with the chief and the witch, Shao Xuan took 500 people out the next day. Wearing a hood and a cape, Ganche also left with Shao Xuan. As Shao Xuan said, he can go out and take a good look at the changes in the world. He can also contact more people coming from the sea, and he can ask more people.

After Shao Xuan took people away, some people also left the Yanhe trading area, such as Changle's lack of peace and others.

Wuhe wanted to get out of here and play somewhere else. He just happened to see Shao Xuan taking people out. Five hundred people, most of the tribes were already very quiet.

Something happened at first sight!

Chang Le's curiosity was hung up again, so Wuhe and others flew with Shao Xuan's team out of the trading area, intending to go see the lively.

Where the Lu tribe is located.

The Lu tribe has been on this side of the country since the Flaming Cape relocation. Technically, they can't be central, more biased, because they need a lot of land to raise all kinds of animals, and the central territory is too competitive to fight without paying attention and is not suitable for breeding.

The Lu have lived here for a long time and, as traditional tribesmen, if they had a choice, they did not want to leave. Today, however, the situation has changed, and they have become the flesh and blood of many people.

In the second year of the catastrophe, they began to lose animal husbandry in their circles, initially only in marginal areas. Later, the frequency of animal husbandry loss increased, and casualties occurred among the people who guarded the circles in their tribes, which is now becoming more and more serious. They are also fortunate to have sparks that will deter those who steal, but this will not solve the problem fundamentally, which is still being lost in the circle of beasts, and the number of casualties among their tribes continues to increase.

Some are even beginning to worry about what happens if those people gather to attack the sparks of their tribe? The sparks of their tribes are still primitive, and the sparks are gone, and the tribes are gone.

Three choices, one is to go to the grasslands, there are more tribes that raise animals on the grasslands, there are more grasses, there are more water sources, but there is already a good place on the grasslands, if they used to, they would have to fight the tribes over there and take over the land. This is something that the Lu do not want, and they really do not want to start a war now, because the people in the tribe have gradually diminished under external threats, and the number of people in the war will plunge again, and they will not.

The second option, the Thousand Faced Tribe. Thousands of tribes were also aware of the situation of the Lu tribe today, but they did not lend their help, but made a request after a period of cold eyes. They were willing to host the Lu tribe, provided that the Lu tribe integrated the sparks, in addition to other conditionalities, such as the distribution of animal husbandry. Either way, the Lu people could not agree immediately.

The third option is the Flaming Horn Tribe.

“I'm still in favor of going to Flaming Horn.” Iwabuki looked at the others in the room and said. He touched the Horn more often, and he believed in the Horn more than the Thousand Faced Tribes.

“If you have to blend sparks, the angle of fire is definitely better than a thousand faceted tribes.” Rock toad is sure.

“If the Horn of Fire can accept us to bring the Spark, it's not a bad idea to choose them.” An old man also made a noise, although others disagreed with that statement, including the rock pigeon.

“Forget it, Flamingos won't allow it. Do you know why the big tribes in the middle fuse the sparks with the other tribes around them? Because the spark upsets them!” The roar of the rocks. Under the influence of successive tribal events, now he no longer cares, even if the other side is elderly, but when the other side speaks of such childish thoughts, he has to wake up.

Can't see the situation, grinding and dragging to the present. So much so that the more difficult the tribes are today, even if they want to merge the sparks, because there are so many people spying around, who knows if they will put a cold arrow at a critical time?

Give Horn some letters of help or Rock Horn line the House of Representatives, urging the new leader to write.

Yes, former leaders of the Lu tribe were killed in a battle with outsiders, and a new leader was recently elected by the tribe to worship. Baixing's strength can be said to be the strongest in the Lu tribe. Otherwise, no one would have chosen him at this time. But this man's strength is strong, but he has no vision of the incumbent chief in the long term. Good thing this man can hear the persuasion. Under the persuasion of Iwako, he wrote a letter of help to Horn Yan.

Looking at other people in the Eye Tribe who continue to be silent, the Rock Toad is in a headache and walks away, "You keep talking! Call me when you have a result! ”

Out of the chief's house, the rock toad looked at the person walking outside his eyes, an agnostic, tranced look.

“Vigilance!” The dove roared that way.

Someone who didn't know what to think was shocked by the words of the rock dove. He looked around nervously and found no abnormality before taking a long breath. In fact, they weren't so cowardly before, but a string of things, especially the killing of a former chief, has hit their confidence hard.

Iwabuki looked at the state of those people, took a deep breath, tried to curse something, opened his mouth, and finally sighed a long time and left.

When faced with the Banshi tribe, they were able to remain calm because they stood behind several other tribes in the middle, and the Banshi tribe did not dare to do anything to them. But the situation is different now, not to escape that can solve the problem, those who are outsiders, and perhaps there are other outsiders who want to rob while the fire is still looming, but in the eyes of the rocks, those are predators, and they, the Lu tribe, like the stupid-bred bird that rears them, fantasize about continuing to stabilize in the face of the surrounding threats.

No wonder the Horn people call the birds they keep “stupid birds," empty flesh, no strength, no brains, who is to blame now?

The rule of survival in the mountains is to catch a dumb, seemingly weak one.

“Boss!” A young warrior came running from the beast ring, gasping heavily, expressing anger on his face, "Boss, another stupid bird missing! ”

They are now learning that the Horn people call the birds they raise stupid, because, you know, the rock pigeons think they're just too stupid to be annoying.

“Got hooked again?” The pigeon felt tired.

The overall number of animals in the beast ring is still large. Although there are guards around, there will always be room, and those who wander around the Lu tribe will catch the void, destroy the beast circle, and then use food to snatch away the animals in it, which, in turn, are dominated by stupid birds.

“Traces on the edge of the beast circle, yes.” The young man who came here was angry and helpless.

“What a fool! Stupid!” The pigeons had to cut off the heads of those stupid birds to see where they were so wrong that a fruit could snap them away.

The ancestors of the tribe domesticated these birds from the wild into birds suitable for breeding, but in terms of breeding, they did succeed, as did the rock pigeons before, but now, every time they hear a stupid bird being snatched away, they just feel helpless rising.

If these birds were a little smarter, they wouldn't be thrown so fast. But this is how things are in the world, and since they were chosen when they were domesticated, they cannot be blamed for being so easy to fall for.

Without thinking about it, Iwabuki asked, "Is anyone hurt? ”

“Not this one. ”

“I hope not, as for the stupid birds... throw them away. ”

At the same time, not far from the Lu tribe, somewhere in the woods, two dozen people gathered in a circle, lit a fire pile in the middle, and what was burning inside was the stupid bird that had just come out of the Lu tribe.

These people laughed so loudly that what they said was not the language commonly spoken by the tribes on this side.