Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 789: Catch the Fat Man

One full-bodied snow-white star butterfly larvae is drilled from beneath the soil, although of varying body size, and does not differ by as much as one metre and the other by more than five metres.

The more he sees these, the more he smells the bloody hungry beast. The excitement in his eyes is real. He can't help but directly catch all the white worms that have emerged and bleed. He seems to see a golden and glorious road filled with glory.

The chance to turn around, right ahead!

- Whoa!

As the sword sheaths, the manicure rushes straight towards the nearest white worm.

“Grab them! ”

At this time, Moo also reverted from the excitement and greeted his people to start the action, and the ultimate purpose of their trip was these white worms!

The sharp sword blade was scratched on the white insect without the cracking sound of Lisso. The sword gripper felt like it had been cut into a tree full of dry and hard resin. The blade was blocked, leaving only a non-deep trace on the skin of the insect. Even the mu dish did not cut the insect body directly as he had expected.

He was able to break a giant eagle's toe with a single sword, and now he keeps cutting even this little white bug.

However, although he was not able to cut the white worm in half, he also broke the skin.

White liquid flows out of the wounds on the white worm all the way to the ground and into the soil. As Mooch was preparing to continue to cut the pieces he had just cut, the white worm rolled agile over to the side, avoiding the sword on Mooch's hand.

There are some white marks on the ground. That's the blood from the wounds on the Starfly larvae. However, these bleeds soon penetrated into the soil after they bled out, and just cut off the dishes of the Starfly larvae. A few rolling Starfly larvae were found. The wounds on the body are no longer bleeding and are recovering at a rate that is visible to the naked eye!

They're recovering too fast!

Skin is hard to break, recovers quickly, and dodges quickly, although these star butterfly larvae do not have a large blood-bottom mouth or sharp long horns, they are tricky.

A man not far from the dish also noticed the situation, except what he was about to say to the dish, a white shadow flashed in front of him, lightning fast!

The star butterfly larvae he had just cut, the front end of his body firmly on the ground, and nearly two-thirds of his body turned into a thick white whip, and the fierce offense swept towards the man with exhaling power.

The person had no idea that there didn't seem to be any aggressive white bugs, but suddenly came here, unable to react, and the intense pain spread from the swept abdomen to the brain.

The star butterfly larvae, with three pairs of chest and foot hooks, twisted at an almost incredible angle and took out the blow just now.

The person who was pumped flew 30 meters straight out and slipped back a distance after landing on the ground before stopping. If the grass and trees were not blocked on the ground, he would most likely have flown further.

When he landed, he also curled his body into shrimp rice, sprayed blood in his mouth and moaned painfully that he could not rise again.

Moo avoids the swept "white whips”, which are not easy to deal with, but if you cut a few more, they will definitely kill you.

The manicure squatted and touched the white marks on the ground with his hand, which was a white bug that he had just cut down. Fingers crushed the soil stained with white blood, and suddenly three words appeared in his brain: "Not working”!

The more the manicure suddenly shouted, "Not blood! ”

“What do you mean?” Mu Cuisine asked.

“It's not insect blood that can be used to forge!” The more the manicure says.

Mu Cuisine has been fooled by the words of Gongjia. Didn't we say it was worm blood? Are you kidding me? Say hello to your ancestors!

“It's not blood, but it must have something to do with these butterflies!” The more manicure, the more, "he said," with a net! Catch him first! ”

Catch the bugs, then slowly study what's on these butterflies.

The more I listened to Gongjia, the more anger the dish rose to calm down. As long as it was these bugs, the blood was not blood, and I left it to the Gongjia family to think about.

Gongjia Vietnam said that the net is not the type of vine or grass rope often used by tribal people, but the more before the arrival of Gongjia, it was built by hand.

Every wire on the net is specially treated gold, more flexible, but not easy to tear off, the thickness of the wire is less than a tenth of the pinky finger, and lighter than the same volume of gold! This was a sigh of sight for the Mu and Yi families.

Gongjia people, who can be called “masters”, hide a lot of good things, but they won't show them to others on weekdays. The more the armor is, the more the star butterfly larvae are, the more it is necessary to take out its own treasure. This was invented and created by him, so far no second person has ever known how to forge this mesh wire, which was once the more the ICA planned to compete with several other craftsmen during the ICA rally for the Ace of the ICA's best craftsmen!

Unfortunately, he couldn't wait for the rally, but he waited for Wang Cheng to change, and the Konga family was divided into several factions, and he was expelled.

According to Gongjia, one of his slaves opened the large wooden box behind him, carrying a roll of what was wrapped in the skin of the animal, opening the skin of the animal and revealing a silver-white glowing net inside.

Moo also wasted no time throwing nets at others.

Unlike fishing nets, which are built specifically for insect catches, the more unnecessary parts are eliminated, saving transportation space and weight.

The open net covers the front end of the white worm, the mesh is tightened, the head of the white worm and a section of the back of the head are covered, and a wire connecting the mesh is extended and held in the hands of the person who threw the mesh, they hold the tension of the mesh.

The white worm that was pulled over didn't stop, even after a few rolls, still climbed to the side of the mountain.

One can't pull a whiteworm at all, so each net is pulled together by six or seven or more people, or tied to a nearby tree or stone, which saves a lot of energy.

“Go, go, go, go! There's more! Catch as many as you can!” The harder the manicure screamed. Because he found out that the white worms that drilled out of the ground had no intention of interfering with them, but had gone straight to the mountain wall, and even many of them had climbed the mountain wall and quickly climbed up.

The more I don't know about insects, the more I know about them, the more obvious it is that star butterflies behave on such a scale, there must be some reason!

They didn't come here to see anything unexpected!

Seven star butterfly larvae have been caught, some people go to find vines and so on. After the star butterfly larvae are tired of struggling with metal nets, they replace them with vines so that they can free up the metal nets to catch more insects.

Some people also need to attract the attention of star butterfly larvae, so that the person holding the net can get off the net easily, otherwise they won't even get up right away if they get their tail smoked, or they may never get up.

In this way, there are only a few people who can use it. The more the manicure turned to look away from the battlefield, the easier and easier it was to watch. They were all surrounded by four or five slaves. The manicure wanted them to free up a few slaves, but look at the two people who were completely uninterested in catching insects, both frowned and stared at the dial in their hand, ignoring the war situation here. In this situation, the more the industrial and nail is about to break off, the more he swallows it back. Forget it, don't count on them.

Isn't it too urgent to find a better weapon before you come here? How come when we get here, it's like we don't care anymore?

“Too few people! ”

But because I wasn't sure if I could really find what I was looking for on this trip, and to avoid the sight of others, I didn't bring too many people. I thought I would only find one or two. Now that I regret it, I knew I would meet so many star butterfly larvae, he should have brought an army!

Although there are many star butterfly larvae, they are not all in the same place, dispersed more widely, which is one of the reasons why they are not catching insects efficiently.

“Come on, come on! Come on!”

Seeing all the white worms coming out ran to the mountain wall, the nails couldn't stand, took the sword into the sheath and climbed to the steep mountain wall.

The same is true of Mooch et al., who intend to take down the whiteworms that climb up and have them covered by those who carry the nets below.

Soon, however, they discovered that the mountain walls here were not so good to climb, harder than those elsewhere, and that the more they went up, the harder they felt, the more they seemed to have a force to push back any creature that climbed up.

However, the white bugs climbing to the mountain wall, like they can't feel the pressure, arch their backs into "Ω” and climb up, pull them into “Ω” and arch them into “Ω”. There are three pairs of feet each in the chest, abdomen, and tail. The insect feet with hooks allow these seemingly clumsy white bugs to climb up against the mountain wall.

By contrast, people like Moo, who chase up the back, look much worse.

This won't work!

Those bugs climb faster than they do, keep going like this, and they'll still be thrown away.

The more the nail realizes this problem, the more he looks at the mountain walls on both sides, the more his gaze is set in one place.

“The fat one! ”

Mooch looked at the past, not far away, a white worm, although similar in length, was clearly thicker than the rest of the worm, which arched into circles and it arched into balls. There's a lot of flesh and blood climbing slower than the rest of the bugs. Maybe a sword can roll it down the hill!

That's it!

“Get that fat man! ”

There are too many targets, they are limited, and these star butterfly larvae are not so easy to grab, they can only come one at a time.

I wonder if they perceived Moo's intentions, the fat bug that was being watched, and the speed of arching up, made Moo's food stunned and couldn't catch up.

Later, they didn't obsess about chasing that fat bug, and when they met the right place to rest, they stopped for a while, replenished some food and water, recovered strength, and continued to climb the mountain. From time to time, steep hillsides encounter cliff-like mountain walls that can be climbed directly and cannot be bypassed to find places that are less steep.

Moo's head looked up, they had been climbing for a long time, and then up, the mountain walls began to be covered with ice and snow, no green, and the mountains still did not reach the top, and only the clouds surrounding them could be seen above.

A cold air poured into his lungs, almost choking him off. The wind is stronger and colder, but even the mountain waist is not counted here. If you continue to chase up, you will encounter colder conditions.

The more Mu looked at the manicure, the more he knew that the manicure would not give up, and he didn't want to. Once again, even if you can't catch more star butterflies, it's worth knowing why they climb up, maybe discover more secrets, find some treasure or something! Didn't you say there were more treasures in this mysterious and dangerous place?

Think about it, the food is hot. Of course, the others who followed Moo's cooking thought of it, and no one complained, though cold, but looked up with enthusiasm.


What kind of treasure would that be?

On their way here, they hunted a lot of fierce animals, and the fur they were wearing was the fur of the prey, but gradually, the thick animal skins on them began to be covered by white frost, and, as they climbed up, the frost coverage would continue to expand, and their hair and beard would not be spared.

“How tall is the top? ”

Moulin 'sentiment.

Imagine that Moo suddenly felt a strong gaze, looking over his side, resting on a mountain wall close to 100 meters from him, the very one he had chopped on the ground.

However, now that Moo's target was the white bugs, he was temporarily not interested in the eagle. He glanced that way and continued to climb up. But the eagle's gaze was too strong and he stared at Moo's cooking.

“Look at what? And cut off all your eagles!” Mu Cuisine roared that way.

Closed, the eagle's gaze at the dish became sharper.

Mu suffocated his stomach, so they were hungry. Why don't we kill a hawk on the way, eat something, and then climb up.

Preparing to instruct his men to move and suddenly hear an eagle in the air.


A strong gust of wind blew up and down, lifting some tiny crushed rocks down the mountain wall.

Mu Cuisine and others were blown up and looked up, only a hawk stopped on the mountain wall not far above them and grabbed the wall firmly. It was much smaller than the hawk, but bigger than the man. It's not an eagle. It looks young. The beak is not as bent as the eagle. The eagle claws are sharp and powerful.

However, Moo's attention was not on the eagle, and he looked up at a rock rising out of the mountain wall, where a man stood.

“Tribals?!” Mu Cuisine asked.

“The Horn Man?” The more the manicure feels that the more familiar the people on it are.

Thinking of what Yi family said, Mu's eyes glistened, “Are you Shao Xuan of the Flaming Horn Tribe?! ”

When he pursued the Horn of Fire tribe, Mu was not in the main army, so he did not see Shao Xuan. He merely speculated on the account of Yi's family. Yee Qi and Yee Qi said that someone was following them, and Yee Qi also said with great certainty that the person who came after them was Shao Xuan of Horn.

Shao Xuan did not answer them directly, but said: "How dare you do this here? ”

In preparation for Shao Xuan's dish, he shook his eyebrows. “Can't you? ”

Shao Xuan swept away his eyes, “This is the ‘place of faith' of the giant eagle. ”

Moo et al., who heard this answer, looked at Shao Xuan with disgrace, and did not lie to them like bullshit.

A giant eagle?

What the hell is a place of faith?

Aren't they Starbugs' land? A giant eagle? How old is a giant eagle? Just like that one?

Just thinking of the eagle, Mu Cui found the eagle resting on the mountain wall, vibrating his wings to fly up. Before flying up, he deliberately looked at Mu Cui. The eagle claw with two broken toes moved, and then he retracted his gaze and looked up, without lowering his head.

Moo thought that at the moment when he looked at the eagle, he seemed to understand the eagle's eyes, and he said, "You, his mother, wait for me!