Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 811: Strategies as Wands (2 in 1)

In the woods outside the trading area, a group of people waited in the corridors opened up in the woods.

In the air, a hawk flies over.

The outgoing team looked at the Horn people curiously, wondering why they were here, but looking at the eagle in the sky, someone familiar with the trading area knew that the Horn must have something important to do, otherwise the eagle wouldn't be here.

The expedition team is curious, but they don't want to be affected. If anything happens, if they fight, they can't cry by mistake. So some teams just looked over there and walked away.

Shao Xuan sat on the eagle's back and looked in a distant direction.

On that day, when Iss and Eli were in conversation in the cave, he stood in the cave and heard it, and there was no one else in the cave, and he opened the man who had guarded the cave. Shao Xuan was curious about the original witch seal mentioned by Yi Xuan, because it was not left in the hands of the ancestors of Flaming Horn. Of course, it may also be that the Flaming Horn tribe has undergone several migrations, coupled with limited inheritance tools, so it cannot be circulated to this day.

Shao Xuan's own ability to come to this world is obviously related to the seal of the original wizard. However, Shao Xuan has not yet figured out why the original witch seal appeared on him. Perhaps it was the reason for the stone, perhaps, something else.

And now he's here waiting with a team of Horn Warriors, just to wait for the people that Easy has been waiting for.

On that day, after he had spoken to Ish, he said to Shao Xuan, "They are coming." Easy has been reluctant to say much, just to wait for the day.

Shao Xuan looked forward and gazed. He raised his hand and clapped, indicating that he was flying over.

Slightly away from the trading area, a tall figure is traveling through the woods because his body is much bigger than ordinary people, and the gap between the trees in the woods is not enough to provide a clearance for him to walk, so even if he has chosen some empty space to walk, he cannot avoid hitting branches or trunks.

However, the man did not care, directly smashing the tree in front of him, lifting his hand and moving some vines and forks apart, the whole man looked very clumsy, but he was not slow in action and was in a hurry. Some of the small animals around them have long been sniffing around.

In the woods, the man's gray skin had a lot of blood marks, sharp instruments and blunt instruments had a lot of injuries.

The man raised his hand and wiped sweat and blood off his face, his fierce eyes staring straight ahead and running fast. In the running room, that person would also intend to block the branches that had been opened and bounced back with his hands and not let them hit behind him.

Suddenly, the shadow of green gray suddenly burst into the air, his head looked up into the air, one hand to protect behind him.


A giant eagle flew through the sky, circled over the woods, and then a figure jumped from above, "bang” landed on the grass not far from the man, where the ground instantly recessed, forming a pit more than a meter in diameter, splashing grass chips.

Shao Xuan looked at a person not far away, the other party was an orc similar to Qing Xuan. Probably because of the long journey, his body was thinner than Qing Xuan. His shady eyes looked at him with vigilance, his muscles tightened like stones, and in some places the wounds were deep visible bones, but the other party seemed to feel nothing, and his movements were not obstructed.

Shao Xuan took a step forward.


Many bone pricks appeared behind each other, trembling and making noise, which was both a warning and a threat, and the look of the fierce appearance grew more and more frightening. The other side of the body, one hand with pointy claws blocked in front of you as a guard, the other hand behind your back.

“Gray?” Shao Xuan looked at the Orc slave not far away and called.

The grey crossbow stared closely at Shao Xuan's eyes, similar to those of a beast, moving and flashing beyond doubt.

Although the other party did not admit it, it should be that he was right to look at the other party's reaction. Shao Xuan's gaze shifted away from the grey crossbow and looked ten steps away from his side, where there was a slightly larger tree than the ancient trees of the hunting grounds, but one person was also thicker.


There was no reaction there. Shao Xuan was not in a hurry. He waited quietly. After a few breaths, after that tree, walked out a short, lean figure, and the bare skin had many spots, like a beast disguise, suitable for hiding in the woods.

The short slim shadow came out and the shadow flashed beside the gray beam, running quietly, like the insect fanned a few wings.

“Who are you?” 34688; asked.

Shao Xuan did not answer directly. Instead, he threw a jade stone over there with his hands raised. That was the jade stone used by Yi Xuan and the voucher he gave him before Shao Xuan came to pick him up.

The short figure catches the jade stone, takes a closer look, the alert face is slightly slower and reveals a bit of joy.

And the ashes next to do not hide their excitement, "Master's boulder! ”

Shao Xuan looked around again, "Just the two of you? What about eight more?” He was able to identify the two slaves according to the depiction by Yi Xuan, but, as Yi Xuan said, there were ten slaves he had sent to escort, and now he saw only Yi Xuan and u.

“Nothing.” faded on the face.

Ten slaves, living here, just the two of them. In a little while, I'm afraid the ashes won't survive. Along the way, there were too many crises, and they did not have the ability to predict the culprits as easily as their families, which was naturally much harder.

Even Ish, who did not know divination, could make judgments based on any environment, so in those days Ish and Qingyu were much easier than Ash and even though they had only two master servants. And gray and 34688;, totally strange to this continent, the language is incomprehensible, you don't know anything, it's more difficult.

“Where's your little master?” Shao Xuan looked at the ashes.

Gray looked at Shao Xuan and looked again at , still. He's not smart enough to make decisions between the two of them. If there is an irresistible danger, it is definitely gray, not 34688; if it is alive, it can take the little master further away, but if it is gray, he will probably be killed in the pit soon. This is also why there are more injuries on the gray corpus.

“The little master is well.” did not withdraw his guard against Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan didn't care either. He felt that there was still a breath of life behind the ashes, as long as he was sure he was alive.

“Follow me.” Shao Xuan turned back towards the tribe.

Grey looked at , see Lift his heel up, and he followed.

Behind the gray cane, carrying a thing woven from vines, like a back shell, and inside, there's a basket with a baby in it.

That is the son of Ezhao, only six months old.

It is also quite difficult to bring a half year-old baby here alive from the Royal City.

Shao Xuan took Grey and to the cave where Yi Xuan was confined. For a few days, Yi Xuan had been divinating. No one knew what he had done, but watched Yi Xuan's white hair grow more and more.

Easy red her eyes and trembled to take over her son. Because there are secret formulas that specialize in long journeys, feeding babies and allowing them to eat and sleep without affecting their journey, by the time they arrive in front of Easy, the slave babies are still sleeping peacefully.

When Eli left Yi's house, his son was not yet born, but he had once before the trip and made several plans after consulting with his wife. If something happens to Yi Jia, the child is sent out.

Others in the Yi family do not know that divination encountered bottlenecks of Yi Yi once before leaving the Yi family, and that time was very successful. Others think that Easy Going Out is just about breaking the bottleneck, but only relatives know that Easy has other plans.

Today, young children are secretly sent out. As for Yijia, Yiyi's youngest son, “disappeared” during the Yijia unrest.

However, Yiyi did not decide where to send the child at the time, but only after the end of the war with Yiyi. He has been searching for the safest place to let his youngest child escape the unrest of the Ejia family. After all, it is difficult for such a young child to survive the unrest of the Ejia family. It's just that, in the end, the safest place would actually be here.

At the beginning of the period, they did not know where to send the little master. They could only walk in the direction indicated by the conscious master until they met Shao Xuan.

This is also why Easy Talks to Flaming Horn “for Life”.

He was the only one involved in the hunt, the innocent child, but for many people, regardless of the innocence of your child, the eradication of grass is what they always insist on. In order for Horn to truly accommodate young children, Yiyi decides on overdraft life, draining his life's vitality almost in advance to plan for Horn's expansion!

This is also his biggest sincerity to Flaming Horn, a condition that makes it difficult for every senior member of the Flaming Horn tribe to refuse!

The Elders, Chiefs and Witches of Horn have agreed to the terms of Easy Horn, so long as they do nothing to the detriment of Horn, they allow Easy Son to live on Horn's soil.

Easy gave his son to Iss standing next to him, "Please! ”

The only person in Flaming Horn's territory who can truly reassure Ezra is Ezra. Even if Iss leaves Yi Jia, Iss is still Yi Jia's family and is Yi Jia's master!

Iss helplessly took over the “baggage”, and he felt that his life would not be too lazy in the future. Being a grandfather, you have to take care of eight more slaves.

“Didn't you say you haven't named him yet? Have you thought of a name?” Ise asked.

A light flashed in his eyes, as if it were the fireworks that appeared in the night, one word at a time: “Tse, my son's name is Tse! ”

Ise's eyelids jumped and stared at Ezhao.

In the dictionary of Easy's family, Tse, for the wand.

What does it mean to take that name?

Who wants the wand, and who owns it?

Iss feels that Easy played a big game of chess, not for Flaming Horn, but for Yijia!

What exactly did Easy see in the divination of these few days? Iss has never been able to get an answer from Yiyi.

With Easy-Through and eight slaves in place, Easy-Through began to fulfil his promise to Flaming Horn. Ezhao knew that the more benefits he brought to Horn, the better Ezhao lived in Horn afterwards, and, like Ezhao, became an “ordinary person” living in Horn territory.

Easy didn't understand why he trusted the promise of the Horn Man so much. Perhaps Shao Xuan's original ancestral witch stamp erased all his worries.

Rumor has it that the ancestors of the Yi family were the first to be taught how to control the spark by the "ancestors". The spark of the Yi family is the second spark in the world to be controlled by humans! So, in the spark flame of the Yi family, there will be the same white as the spark of the original ancestors!

Ten days after that, Yiyi never stopped.

Where to drill wells, where to build tall buildings, where to dig cellars, and even where severe natural disasters may occur at some point in the future, Yiyi tells Flaming Horn. Sleepless, ten days and nights, even the Horn of Fire persuaded him to rest first. Unfortunately, Easy did not stop. He was like a torch that emitted the last light, trying to do what he wanted to do before the fire burned out.

But when manpower was finally exhausted, ten days later, Easy had gone from a young man with a temper to an elderly man with a candle age. Full of white hair with bark face.

“Will you keep your promises?” Easy sat in a wooden house on a mountain arranged for him by the Horn Man and asked the Horn People inside.

“Yes.” I don't say much, I just take it seriously. He doesn't like this guy, but he has to say, he admires him.

He looked at Shao Xuan, and after seeing Shao Xuan nod his head, he seemed to completely relax.

Easy didn't have much time. He wanted to talk to Iss at the end of the day.

When the Horn of Fire people left the cabin, they said, "I've learned a little bit about the easy way. ”

Suddenly I heard this sentence, and Ishmael looked at the past with surprise. I don't understand how Ishmael could have such an idea.

“Yi Jia, already sick. Sick from the roots.” Easy old voice slows down. Yijia is sick, it is no longer the peak of Yijia, so it is easy to be rare, not pay attention, even want to destroy, irrelevant to the resentment that everyone has always thought. Since it's a bunch of junk, why not destroy it? This is probably an easy idea. As to why Yixiang waited until now to do it, perhaps he was waiting for an opportunity as well.

Yi Jia, the main vein and branch, have gradually become distant, the ideological gap is widening. This time, the main vein is severely traumatized, the people of the branch will not let go of this opportunity, will enter the civil war, will be destabilized by external forces.

Before leaving Yijia, Yiyi arrived at a turbulent crisis. He is easy, even if he is stuck in the bottleneck, that is the best of the Easy family of his life!

However, between returning to Yijia to participate in easing civil unrest and resettlement strategies, Yijia chose the latter.

“Ridiculous! Pathetic!”

Yiyi himself did not expect, the last place found, the safest place, the final retreat, is actually the flaming horn tribe that Yiyi family has always looked down on!

Yi Families, who have always been well known for their eyesight, are so awkward!

I don't know when, Yi family, has been blinded by floating eyes! Do some shitty calculations with ancestral techniques for the little flyhead profit!

And Iss, the man who was incapacitated, was actually the smartest man in the family. He avoided the storm circle at the earliest, and when the storm formed, he was detached and found the safest place.


How awkward!

“Were the ancestors able to measure the heavens and the earth? I know that there is no breaking, no breaking, no breaking, no breaking, no breaking, no breaking, no breaking, no breaking. ”

Today, Yijia is like an old house that has been out of repair for a long time. It doesn't shield the storm and collapses at any time. Instead of taking the trouble to repair it a little, why not push it back!

Easy to lift your finger like a dead branch and grasp a small, easy-to-grace hand.

“The eyes of the Yi family should not just be a royal city in the district, nor should they stop on a piece of land. When, like the former glorious Yi ancestors, they read all the seas of Mountain River Lake, observed the clouds of life and death of the grasshopper, and observed the emptiness of the heavens and the earth! Easy family should see it, it's the world! It's the world! ”

Every effort was made to howl, which was the last exhalation before Easy Die, like words with blood.

Iss also heartbroken. How could he not know what Yi Jia looks like? If he wasn't too disappointed, how could he leave the tribe and come all the way here to seek survival?

It leaves two lines of cloudy tears on an easily withered face.

And if He could awaken a greater number of people with a scepter, He would not have wronged him in all that he had done. The only thing he regretted was that he couldn't see the day.

He looked at Iss, “If possible, I hope he can follow that man. ”

“It's hard.” Isaac understands that Isaac is trying to keep Yizhao Xuan company, as documented in Yijia's inheritance, the closest people to the original ancestors, like Yijia ancestors who first followed the original ancestors and mastered the power of fire, will always be the most profitable people. Unless the ancestors of the Easy Family had a dominant heart, the throne of King's City would not necessarily belong to his family!

“Do your best.” The tone is clear.

“If an easy gift is ordinary, how can he do what you expect?” Iss said. It is not his curse, but the gift book of Yi's family is very different. Even if I am strong, my son is not necessarily strong. Just as his grandfather and grandfather are strong, but unfortunately his whole life is less than a lifetime. His father, Yi Shi, is a talented and ordinary person. When he arrived at Yi Shi, he did not even have the ability to blubber at all. If he had not had some other skills, he would have starved to die. Ezhao is a genius of their lifetime, but the talent of Ezhao is not necessarily there. It is not clear what the future will be. Even if Ezhao's ability to deduce is strong, he will not know the future of Ezhao.

“He can!” Easy-eyed.

Ish did not know why he was so sure, maybe what he saw in the divination, or what he was obsessed with, he could not see clearly or guess exactly.

The better each Easy Family is, the more capable they are, the more difficult it is to figure out. This is also why outsiders look at Yi Families and feel that Yi Fa is more psychotic.

Without further ado, he pulled his dead, woody fingers out of Easy White's little hand and walked towards the wooden door, rejecting and the gray help, sitting against the door frame, looking at Shao Xuan standing not far away.

He saw the figure behind Shao Xuan, the white figure that appeared with the seal of the original ancestor during the battle against Yixiang.

He closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

In the distance, the sun falls, the birds return to their nest.