Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 821 Exchange Conditions

Long ago, when productivity was low, tribes did not possess that much technology, and they used something similar to locking keys, made of bones, stones, and grass ropes, called bone errors and stone errors, which some still use today, such as the “" organization. "

“The leader's bones are wrong?” People don't know about this, but they guess it should be something similar to Xuan, and quite special, as can be seen by the word "chief”.

“Yes.” The seven-sided thieves are brilliant, "that's a symbol and proof of the identity of each leader, who, when old and new alternate, gives it to his new successor. Rumor has it that it's made of the toughest bone on a beast that doesn't exist anymore. ”

The slave owners of the organization, in addition to the tokens they use to untie the rope, have a token of identity, similar to an identity token.

Within the organization, high-ranking people possess a complex structure, but that complexity is not the kind of complexity that nobility uses as an ornament to focus on appearance, but the complexity of practicality. When you tie a knot, you can draw a harder knot, and when you untie it, you need to use a knot to untie it more quickly.

If the unlocking of the knot on the general human body is a medium key, then the more complex knot owned by the person in the “" high position is * * * * * * *, which combines the functions of many shapes, every radius, every hollow place has its usefulness, in the skilled hand, the knot can become a knot artifact.

Stolen by Stealing Seven is the thing that symbolizes the identity of the chief. It is a significant “* * * * * * * *". Without it, when organizing the old and new alternation, one step is missing. Although it is not as serious as passing on the seal of kingdom “obtaining orders from heaven, losing the number of breaths has been exhausted", no one is willing to become a white version of the chief. It always feels like there is something missing and the bottom gas is insufficient.

This thing was stolen, and nobody could stand it.

“Did you really steal the chief's bones from him?” Others questioned.

“Of course, I stole it from the leader.” In the face of everyone's suspicions, the Thief Seven is very dissatisfied. How powerful is he? These people are suspicious!

“Are you hiding in the slave corps to avoid the hunt?” Shao Xuan asked.

“Yes." Instead of feeling shy about how to escape, Stealing Seven thought he was really smart, and certainly wouldn't expect him to hide in the team that organized the escort of slaves.

Thief 7 was planted twice on Shao Xuan's hand and even demoted. If the people in front of him didn't have braids later, he would have kept the ranking of “seven”, otherwise he would have been slammed to “eight”. Shame on you!

Later, when the heavens and the earth became calamitous, the two continents drew closer, and the "thieves" moved their targets this way, turning their backs on the nobles. Stealing Seven also because of previous failures, carefully analyzed, tried to improve, made some details more perfect, he even learned to change the smell of sweat, that is, he can perfectly simulate the smell of others, which is why he can avoid the smell-sensitive tracking of insects.

However, it is not known what method is used to trace it, even if there is no trace of the smell, it can still be traced, but it is only a little slower.

Theft itself is good at costuming. In escaping the hunt, Theft 7 decided to infiltrate this slave army, thus also successfully avoiding the search of several waves of dispatched people. I was reluctant to disclose this, so all the people sent were relatives, and the positions within were relatively high. The leader of this team had to nod his head and waist to see those people. Unfortunately, the lights were dark, not unreasonable. Every time I looked at the person I was looking for, I was so proud that I felt like a genius.

The old slave died of illness in one night, and the thief 7 took a chance, drugged the other slaves around him, and then God inadvertently removed the body of the old slave and dressed himself as him.

According to the plan of Theft 7, he intends to escape after sneaking into Autumn City and then hide in the sea, the more people he has, the better for him. He just didn't think it would happen to the Horn Man again.

The Seven Thieves could not believe that they had fooled the royal palace and the leader of the First Slave Trade Organization, the experienced slave owners who could not see anything on him, but three times fell into the same hands! He decided that if he saw Shao Xuan in the future, he would slip away without any luck.

And the reason why Stolen Seven chose to tell the truth directly was to hope that Flaming Horn would spread this glorious story, and the other was that he had figured out how to get out: first take Flaming Horn people out to find them, then find a chance to escape.

“Where's the stuff?” Ask, “where is the chief's bone wrong? ”

Here we are! The thief must be in the heart of seven. He was just about to answer. He listened to Shao Xuan next door: "Don't listen to him bullshit. A few men, take him off first. ”

Thief 7: "…” Wait! Shouldn't he have told the Horn Man to hide something somewhere, and then the Horn Man would show him the way, and he would take the Horn Man everywhere to look, and finally find a chance to get away? But right now, this isn't going the right way!

The surrounding people held back the seven thieves, and even if he had three heads and six arms, he could not escape.

Stealing Qi was trying to argue cunningly, he saw Shao Xuan come with a knife, and the sun reflected by the knife blade with a thrilling cold, scared to steal seven or one spirits.

“Wait! You can't kill me!” The seven hearts of the thief spinned and shouted.

“Then you do it yourself, take out what's hidden in your stomach.” Shao Xuando.

The ghost idea of stealing seven full brains, there was no way out at once, Shao Xuan's words let him jam the shell at once.

“What... what?” Stealing seven is rare to stutter.

Shao Xuan pointed at the belly of seven thieves with a knife, “Here's something, take it out, you're still hiding raw eggs? ”

Thief Seven Bites Tooth Cut: “… How do you know? ”

The others around him were blind, and then they reacted. Thief Seven, this is hiding something!

Everyone around you looks at the abdomen of Thief Seven.

I knew it was inevitable, but Stealing Seven didn't have any idle thoughts anymore. His face was gloomy and he moved his arm, “Let go, I'll do it myself. ”

The person who grabbed the seven of theft loosened his hand and saw the seven of theft fingers move. A piece of nail cover size bone appeared in his finger. The edge of the bone piece was sharp. The person who grabbed the seven of theft just now had a hard time. If the seven of theft is really desperate, it must be him who died first. Outrageous!

Stolen Seven doesn't care what anyone else thinks, he just figured out how to keep his trophy.

Theft seven used the small piece of bone to draw a finger-length line in the abdomen, very shallow, people thought they couldn't even break the skin, but found that the shallow mouth became bigger and bigger, theft seven fingered, a skin that looked like human skin was unraveled.


The “thieves", in order to increase the success rate of each shot, have mastered an increasing number of disguise techniques, today not only physical changes, but also aided by external objects.

That layer of fake leather was unraveled, and there was a depression in the seven abdomens of the thief, and the depression hid something with a large slap shaped like a veterinary tooth.

“Phew?! ”

“Is this... the leader's bones wrong?” Guess. Something that can protect the Seven Thieves so well is definitely not an ordinary item, plus the Seven Thieves just said, he stole the leader's bones from the leader of the organization, so that's likely.

“It was hidden there. No wonder he was bending over and not afraid of getting hurt?” O'Hara. Even if it is not as sharp as the blade, there are curved pointed corners, it is not safe to wrap things around it. If the abdominal organs are injured because of what is hidden, it is dangerous. After all, there is not always a witch outside to rescue them.

Bullshit, bullshit. In the view of others, the Seven Thieves also spelled out to hide things, but Shao Xuan can see through special vision, the thief, the body structure is different from others, when the Seven Thieves are hiding things, the abdomen is four more bones than others, protect the organs, and the Seven Thieves dare to take things into account, naturally, multiple factors.

People who can't think about thieves, whose body structure, almost everywhere, is better disguised, can also protect themselves, even if bones are misaligned throughout the body, muscle compression, organ movement, doesn't affect them at all.

Many of these organizations are brought together by people of different origins, but the thieves have a common ancestor, their descent gives them a natural advantage in disguise. But there are also differences between different individuals, like the 11 thieves and 12 thieves Shao Xuan has seen before. Compared to the 7 thieves, the body structure advantages of the 7 thieves are less colorful. In the future, it is really possible that he will be rushed into the top 3 rankings of the thieves.

He shifted his gaze away from the seven thieves. Shao Xuan wrongly handed over the chief bone from the seven thieves. The seven thieves still had to let go. He grabbed the chief bone and made it hurt all over his face.

This collar bone is incorrectly worn by another slave leader team, roughly the shape does not look too different, just some more hollow pattern, a few more curved arcs along the edges, the tip of the tip still retains the shape of the tooth tip of the beast, and the blunt end engraves the shape of an animal head. When you look at those clearly engraved and blurred animal eyes, you can feel the obvious oppression from bone error. Even if the creature is already dead, the bone is artificially engraved, but the person who sees it can still feel the ancient majesty at first sight.

Shao Xuan's ability to recognize the seven thieves at a glance was due to this chief's bone error. In his special vision, this thing was bright. The skeleton of that group of slaves and slave masters was darkened by its contrast, like the only star in the hazy night sky, Shao Xuan wanted to ignore it all.

And of course, it's confusing to see that this thing exists on an old slave who seems to be losing his breath.

In fact, the disguise of the Seven Thieves really wanted to improve a lot more than before. At first glance, Shao Xuan didn't recognize him from the group, but with this chief's bones wrong, Shao Xuan looked at it carefully again, and only then did he see a little.

Ever since he came out of that strange world of spiritual consciousness, Shao Xuan has discovered that he can see different kinds of fused sparks in all kinds of people, each carrying a spark that is different, like a fingerprint. The Seven Thieves concealed better, but after Shao Xuan's seriousness, he also identified them.

Others wonder how Thief 7 stole this chief's bones from his hands, but thief 7 will never answer this technology-related question.

“Xuan, what are you going to do with this thing?” He took the chief bone from Shao Xuan's hand and studied it wrong, asked.

“Take it and talk to them about the terms. If you can't come up with a satisfactory condition, they won't want to go back.” Shao Xuan said.

He nodded, and he thought the same thing. This chief's bone error is a good thing, the hardness of which, even new bronze, does not necessarily leave obvious traces on it. Moreover, the greatest use for others is to tie knots and reconcile knots, and even more important for others. Instead of taking it for yourself, let's use its best value to negotiate terms with the people you talk to.

“" and “theft," in the eyes of everyone, is like mosquitoes and bugs, nobody likes them. It would be better to grab something from the thief and talk to him about the terms.

Seeing that the Horn Man really doesn't intend to return the things, the Seven Thieves truly exude from the inside out a heartless emotion. His plan for the first three is to be postponed, I'm afraid.

You can't give up so easily!

Stealing the Seven Brains suddenly turned, thinking about how to get things back from Flaming Horn. When he was first captured by Shao Xuan in a beat, Flaming Horn also talked to him about the conditions before letting him go...


Thief 7 called Shao Xuan and Jianzhen. He stared at the chief bone in Jianzhen's hand and looked at it wrongly. Then he turned to Shao Xuan. "I'll exchange a message for you. ”

“What news?” Ask with interest. He'd like to hear what the Seven Thieves can do in return for the chief's bones.

“Absolutely worth it to you! If I tell you this, you give it back to me. It's useless to keep it anyway, but it can cause trouble.” Seven ways to steal.

“Speak first.” Shao Xuan looked at the seven thieves.

“No, you promise first, I'll tell you later. ”

“Forget it. ”

“Wait, what's the hurry?” The thief said Shao Xuan while he was in a hurry, afraid to slow down Shao Xuan's departure, "I know you came this time for the lost tribesmen. I could trade you for an important piece of information about the" "and perhaps help you negotiate with the" "and the Imperial City. ”

“and the King's Town?” Both Shao Xuan and Jiao Zheng were acutely aware of the hidden meaning of this statement.

“How do you know such important news?” Ask.

Stealing the Seven Consciences in their fortitude with their indelible pride, "I heard it when I stole something. ”

Stealing Life Values - Stealing isn't wrong, it's glory.

When he heard the silence, he glanced at Shao Xuan and nodded. He waved his hand up, indicating that the others around him would withdraw first, leaving only the three of them, Shao Xuan and O.