In dense mountain forests, the trees that cover the sky have not experienced a single depression in winter, and powerful branches are stretching out every moment.

The past winter has not affected the grass and trees, which remain vibrant.

This is not within the territory of the Flaming Horn tribe, nor on any of the hunting routes of the Flaming Horn. No one can be heard around but the birds and animals.

Ezhao looked at a small slope that slightly protruded from the ground in front of him. More than two decades later, the stones placed there had been covered with dirt and flowers, and he could not see what had just been put down.

This is where the easy father buried his bones.

“It's time. ”

Easy touched a jade stone falling on his neck. This is one of the jade stones that Easy used to divine. Except for this jade stone left to Easy, other jade stones have been buried underground with Easy.

Looking at the sky, he turned around and left.

After about half an hour, Easy came to a stop, and soon he heard the sound coming from deep into the mountain forest.

The sound comes from far and close, toward where Ease is.

Click, click, click, click.

Among the voices, there was the sound of trees being smashed.

A wolf taller than man rushed in like a wind, and there was a 15-16 year old girl in hunting clothes with a painted tribal pattern on her back.

Without looking at the beast that rushed straight towards him, Easy smiled on his face and raised his hand to say hello to the girl on the wolf's back.

But before he could make a sound, the shadow on the wolf's back shook, and the next moment, Easy was grabbed by the collar and dumped on the wolf's back.

“Shodo, the hunting team is back?” Easy, grab the wolf hair, ask.

Shao Doo, is the second child of Shao Xuan and Jinze.

Shodo had a brother, Shao Cheng, who was two years older than her. At this time, he followed Shao Cheng to see the head of Eagle Mountain. He had not returned yet, so he did not participate in the hunt.

Shao Doo also has a younger brother, Shao Xuxu, three years younger than her. It's just that Shao Xuxu doesn't have much interest in hunting. Compared to that, he prefers to follow Kazawa's research materials and drum up other novel things, such as explosives.

Shodo briefly replied after hearing Easy's query, "I answered. ”

“This hunt...”

Yitzhao still has to ask about the hunting team's harvest, and he listens to Shodo in front: “Don't talk nonsense, put down the pig in the back! ”

Ezhao looked behind him, and not far away, another figure was approaching this way, while he could hear some branches being broken. Even if the blockade of the woods makes it impossible for Easy to see the figure behind him, the audible quiet can tell who's after him. The beast's teeth, and Uncle Spear's boy.

Easy grabbed the fur on the wolf's back with one hand and swept his other hand over the bushes passing beside him, and then threw what he grabbed at him, seemingly casually, somewhere on the ground.

A fierce beast with fangs, like a four-toothed boar, rammed straight into the woods, riding a young man in a hunting suit on his back.

Without the cover of the woods, the two sides are not too far apart. The teenagers can see the wolves and people in front of them. They are about to catch up with each other. Yet the teenagers see the easy way on the wolves' backs. Yet they turn their heads and smile at themselves. When their hearts snap, they don't have time to shout “beware". They hear a strange scream from four teeth. The hooves slip and the whole beast falls to the ground.

The teenager on the back of the beast reacted quickly, lifting his arm to snap a branch and leap over the tree.

“Shodo! Easy, wait for me! ”

How do four teeth usually run steadily on a slippery fruit?

Forget a fruit, even if you step on a pile, you don't have to slip easily unless you're just in the right position to step on the hoof at the time.

Bias, just stepped on.

This has happened a lot of times, no one else can do this except Easy-The Elder is probably one. But the elders don't care about them.

The fallen four teeth climb up and grunt on the floor, taking the berries off the floor to exhale. This level of slip and fall is just itchy for it, nothing, it's pure exasperation.

“Stop kicking and chase! ”

The teenager rolled over and rode on the back of the beast, suggesting that four teeth should not waste time stepping on the fruit, catching up quickly is the real thing, he is going to argue with Shado who was the first to arrive in the tribe.

During this period, a few similarly-aged boys and girls, dressed in hunting uniforms, armed, riding terror cranes, cave lions and other fierce beasts, saw each falling beast in front of them, happily laughing and running.

Shadow, who had already run away, rode Caesar, ignored the popular curse behind him, the other party had made the first moves, and Caesar still had many traces of berries, the fruit pulp dried up, and the wolf hair was united.

Shaw rode Caesar all the way back to the tribal hills, threw Ezra at the top of the hill, and went to the creek to brush Caesar's hair.

Dropped at the top of the hill, he tidied up his clothes and walked into the stone house in front. This is where Shao Xuan, Elder of Flame Point, works.

Shao Xuan was writing a beast scroll as he entered. Shao Xuan, who has become the father of the wife, has not changed much in appearance, but just gives people a more stable feeling, as if the unrest caused elsewhere in the tribe, will naturally precipitate in front of Shao Xuan.

Flaming Horn people, as well as other belligerent tribesmen who joined the Alliance in the Flaming River Basin, always liked to compare the two sides when they met the strong, but since Ease remembered, few people have seen Shao Xuan compare, even the head of the water tiger tribe, who roared like a thunder and barked without a word, was quiet as a chicken in front of Shao Xuan.

After he entered the house, he sat down and waited. He looked out the window and did not go to the curiosity of what was written on the skin roll. This beast roll needs to be documented by inheritance and cannot be easily disturbed, so what Easy does is wait quietly.

After more than ten minutes, Shao Xuan carefully curled the skin of the beast that he had finished, which made him look easy.

“Have you decided to go?” Shao Xuan asked.

“Yes.” Easy rose to salute Shao Xuan.

Although Shao Xuan did not officially take the trading strategy as an apprentice, Yi Xuan followed Shao Xuan in learning a lot, and has always treated Yi Xuan as a teacher.

“When I get back, will I go to the desert, will you come with me or will you cross the sea with the Longboaters as planned?” Shao Xuan asked. Yesterday he received a letter from the desert, written by the owner of Iwagi City himself. A whole scroll of animal hide complained to Shao Xuan about the sapphire's desert evil deeds: what about the promised non-interference? Get over here and take care of your bugs!

At that time, Yixiang left, the rocky landscape converged a lot, and gave way a lot. He left the desert to personally negotiate with Shao Xuan and sign a contract with Flaming Point. Flaming Horn is the only tribe that can cut straight through the desert shortcut to the other continent, and it is certainly much more convenient not to take a long detour from the unstable sea. As for the other tribesmen of the Flame River basin, they will not safely pass through the desert unless proven by Shao Xuan's lead.

This time, the newly upgraded sapphire smashed a rocky field in the desert, seized an oasis belonging to the rocky field, which is a military important place for the rocky field to suppress scattered forces along the desert edge, how could it just give up so easily?

So the Rock Man is in a hurry.


Not that it can't be fought. Although Yixiang is gone, some of the secret weapons left behind by Yixiang can still be used. However, they are afraid to fight. That is the worm of Shaoxuan the Flaming Horn. They do not want to compete with Shaoxuan yet.

So this time he hastily wrote to Shao Xuan to mediate, otherwise a human worm war will take place in the desert.

Shao Xuan promised to pass. He said it was mediation, in fact, he went to see if the sapphire was in its current state and whether he was losing money.

Etsu also decided to take a trip to another continent to visit Etsu headquarters in Wangcheng. Easy sent him to Horn in order to make him live better. At that time, Easy's family was in chaos and many of those who stayed in the headquarters were reduced to cannon dust. Today, Yi Jia's power is not the same as back then. Yi Jia and his family stay in Yi Jia. He wants to go and see.

Easy-type skills are not under easy control. As Easy-type talents are extremely high, and Easy-type can naturally reach the point where most of his relatives, including his biological mother, are still alive, but in a bad position.

Shao Xuan asked if he needed a companion, since it was easier to go on the other side and walk from the desert. If Yiche wants to go from the desert, following Shao Xuan will naturally save time. After all, the people of Iwamo are looking at Shao Xuan's face, not Yijia blood.

“No, I still travel with the longboat fleet as planned.” Easy to answer.

Shao Xuan nodded, “Yes. Three days from now, the men of the Longboat will come to transport the timber, and you will leave with them. ”


Yiche heard Shao Xuan talk about the situation on the side of Wangcheng before coming out of the stone house.

Down the hill, follow the stone bridge on the Flame River to the trading area.

The Yanhe Trading Area, also known as "Yanhe City”, is the largest trading area on the continent.

After the fusion of the sparks, forces from all over the continent reshuffled their cards, and some from different tribes followed the example of another continent to form new tribes.

Expeditionary teams from all over the continent, whether they have been here or not, have definitely heard the fame of "Yanhe City”. This trading area brings together items from different tribes and continents. Rumor has it that nothing can be bought here. If you pay enough, even if you can't buy what you want at the time, you can find someone to ask for useful information.

Etsu often sees expeditions, merchants and organizations from another continent in the trading area, and whenever those people hear Etsu's name, the expression is subtle.

The name "Yi" is basically only used by Yi family members, and the easy family identity is not a secret here, just that few people know which one he belongs to.

People from the other continent have long lost their awe of Yijia, and the glory of Yijia has long passed and is no longer a great nobleman. The royal city was second only to the royal nobility of the royal clan, so it fell. Pity, ridiculous.

Previously, he heard from other people about Yi Jia, and now he wants to see it himself.

Easy told Iss about his plans to go back.

Yizi was brought up by Yizi. He knew from a very young age that he was not Flaming Horn. He was a family like Yizi. However, Yizi had separated from Yizi's family, and he did not. Yizi also told Yizi before he was born. He hoped that Yizi would grow up and have the ability to protect himself and go back to Yizi's family.

“The day has finally come.” Iss looked at the face in front of him and sighed.

Yijia has been gone for years, and the people in power are unreliable. Anyway, he feels that Yijia is now in a beach of mud and water. Those who fled because of Yijia's civil war did not want to go back, anyway, it is not good to go back.

However, thinking about the ability to be easy, Ise is a little relieved. Etsu, but grew up in Flaming Horn. Although Etsu was bleeding from Etsu's family, he brought some flaming horn style to his personality, but he usually hid better. Moreover, Yitzhao is also half Shao Xuan's student. Even if he can't learn everything from Shao Xuan, he won't lose to the bastards of Yijia today.

Yes, Iss calls the people who are now in power in the Ejia a piece of shit. The once glorious Ejia, like a burning firewood, has only some poor Mars left, and a storm can wipe it out.

Yizi said before he was born that Yizi was the key to the rebirth of Yijianehui, and Yizi looked forward to it.

Three days later, a fleet of Longboat tribes arrived to carry firewood in Flaming Horn.

The fleet consists of 30 vessels, 20 of which are used for the transport of materials, and 10 other vessels arranged separately, such as the carrying of expeditionary teams.

Some of the distant teams disembarked from the boat and headed towards the Flame River trading area, while others came out of the trading area towards the boat.

Easy took his eight slaves with him and followed those aboard.

In the flotilla, a younger man looked curiously at some of the slaves around him and asked, "Hey, man, are you a slave owner? Gonna cross the ocean with the Long Boat? My name is Dongmei, and I'm coming to Yanhe City with people from a small business group in Autumn City, and I'm going back on a boat with them this time. ”

Yizai revealed a friendly smile to the other party, "Hello, my name is Yizai, Yanhe Yizai. ”

Born in the Royal City, he grew up in the Flame River.