Chronicles of The Hardships of Komachi in The Sengoku Era

Mid October, one thousand five hundred and sixty-five.

There were five large potato holes and about three hundred kettles with dried potatoes lined the shelves.

This year's sweet potatoes were abundant.

With all this, I can assure you clearly that I won't have any trouble eating until next summer.

Besides, it's a sweet, hearty food. There's no need for the villagers to get their feelings up.

In the first place, the Warring States era was one in which they were treated as luxury ingredients simply because they were sweet.

"Oh, it's burning. It's burning."

Seeing the baked potatoes placed on a full plate, Shizuko raised her voice pleasantly.

A slightly drifting sweet smell irritates her stomach.

That was the same for the villagers, who had swallowed spit when they saw a pile of flickering and baked potatoes.

"It looks like we're all here, and we each have potatoes in our hands."

As far as I could see, the static seemed to be the last, and with their voices the villagers flock to a pile of roasted potatoes.

Less than a minute later, the pile of baked potatoes had completely disappeared.

"Mayor - I need a word with you -"

I thought I'd eat it as it was, and all the villagers were pointing toward Shizuko.

She understood that she wanted a tone head, but her back was pulled by the fact that she was simultaneously gazed at by thirty people on the boulder.

"Well, I won't say anything difficult or long."

Shizuko, who coughs one up with Cohon while saying so, was surprisingly norinoli.

"Good luck, everyone. Thanks to this, the sweet potatoes are abundant. Drink, eat and make a scene today! Hope for next year's abundance!?


When Shizuko raises the potato heavenly high, the villagers also poke the potato heavenly high as if to respond to it.

Surreal in a way, but motivation is more important than anything else. Doesn't start if you care about some things.

The voice was the signal at the beginning of the festival.

"Sa, beautiful golden potato. I wonder what you taste like."

Shizuko slowly peels off her satsumoto skin as she watches the villagers eat every peel or squeeze and clog her throat.

Every time I peeled off, I saw a beautiful golden body, and she felt like a coward without merit.

"Ho, that sure doesn't look like a delicious color."

At about a third of the time I peeled, people's voices flew from behind me on the lid.

I responded to my voice and tried to look back, but before that I was strongly pulled my hand with potatoes.

"Mm-hmm. It's sweet and delicious."

The person who pulled Shizuko's arm casually crammed into her sweet potato.

In an instant, about half of the peeled skin disappeared.

But she did not complain about the person, but rather was stunned and trembling.

"Oh, oh, dear Hall!?

The person who ate Shizuko's potatoes was her lord Nobunaga Oda.

"Dried potatoes? Nice tooth and sweetness."


Shizuko looked at Nobunaga, who was eating dried potatoes served on a plate, with a half-hearted look.

That should also be because I haven't been contacted in any way about visiting, it was really a sudden visit.

"Um, the hall. How may I help you with your visit today?

"To take advantage of the hot springs before we go out. And I wanted to help you."

(Getting out...... oh, it's time to attack Mino)

It is said that Nobunaga Oda became a great name with two countries, Ozawa and Mino, in the decade of Yonglu (1567).

It is written that Nobunaga's Generation, "Nobunaga", ruled Mino around August.

Although the exact timing is unknown, there is an indication that Emperor Makoto ordered Nobunaga to recover from what appears to be Mino Domestic to Nobunaga on November 9, 2010.

Considering them, it can be considered the year that the Ten Years of Yonglu (1567) ruled Mino.

Of course, there was a lot of skirmishing going on until then.

Shizuko understood that perhaps one of them would happen in the near future.

"... Huh? To me?"

I understood the war, but I didn't understand that it was for me.

Shizuko just had to lean her neck strangely because she didn't know what exactly the requirement was.

"Villagers here, and fifty new peasants to add. They don't take them to the battlefield. Instead, you use them to turn this place into a major production hub."


"Then I'll take this dried potato."

"Ha... that's not a problem. Why do you order me to create a production base?

Shizuko, who had originally thought about increasing production, was only thinking about increasing it herself, not because Nobunaga ordered it.

So all of a sudden it seemed strange that Nobunaga had ordered us to use this place as a production base.

"... what do you think of this country?

That was a sudden question.

Shizuko was stuck with the answer, but Nobunaga didn't expect the answer, she simply seemed to want to tell herself.

So even if Shizuko was stuck in the answer, she spoke with no concern at all.

"There are still skirmishes between adults. The country and the people will no longer be exhausted. We must bring the country together as soon as possible. If we don't, we can't catch up with Nanban or Ming."

After a often contemplative look, Nobunaga said Potsuri.

"So, first of all, I felt I needed what you said about the 'rich country strong'. It's impossible to bring a country together without a foundation."

After saying that much, Nobunaga took a big breath and threw up slowly.

"Shizuko, no one will understand the merits of your Lord. But I know. The difficulty of mass production in small numbers."

"Thank you"

"That's why I order mass production of rice next. I want you to do your part."

Shizuko responded to Nobunaga's words with a thin grin by bowing her head deeply.

Shizuko thought it was a strange feeling.

What you are saying is an order, and there is no guarantee that you will reward me where I have fulfilled it.

But I didn't feel strange and unpleasant.

Rather, I wanted to know how far Nobunaga would go.

"Once we unify this country, we will develop into a country beyond Ming or Nambarn next. And then..."

Shizuko knows. Nobunaga, who talks about his dreams now, can never unify the heavens.

That in the middle of my dreams, I would end my life in conspiracy.

Still wanted to know. how far he will continue to run down the road.

Shizuko sincerely wanted to know about Nobunaga running through life itself in an instant.

(Not Nobunaga as documented by history. I want to know Nobunaga right now in front of me)

In the end, Nobunaga brought back most of the dried potatoes made.

But you don't have to go to the battlefield instead, so I can say it's still good.

Normally, after the harvest is collected as a tax, we take all the peasants who are workers to the battlefield.

"Follow Shizuko to increase yield. That's what you do!

From the horse, Nobunaga told the villagers so.

Shizuko understood intuitively. That Nobunaga is willing to strengthen the foundations of his country.

(In the years leading up to Upper Lo, are you looking to create a national foundation that goes beyond common sense?

During the Warring States era, rice and crop yields had varied according to the number of peasants and the land.

There is no mass production, no effective agricultural technology, nothing.

It failed to maintain the lowest yield, as it is in modern times, and was almost at the mercy of luck every year.

"Stay tuned, Master Hall. This time next year, harvest a surprising amount of rice."

But Shizuko is different.

In her head there is a method of nurturing that was created between warring times and modernity.

If cultivated using modern knowledge, that alone makes the yield extraordinarily different.

"Ho ho, that's something to look forward to."

Nobunaga grinned when she saw Shizuko looking straight at herself.

That nearly made some of the villagers scream, but only Shizuko laughed small.

I'm not absolutely confident.

In modern times, there is no common sense machine at all in warring times.

No matter what modern technology you bring in during a time slip, it's not versatile enough to clean anything up with it.

If it breaks, I have to use a substitute, so I can't even use it to crush it.

Still, she was laughing.

That's because it's fun and fun and I can't help it.

She can't help but enjoy cultivating vast plots of farmland and using them to create massive crops.

"Use my knowledge to see the stone height that no country can imitate more than any other."

"That's a lot of confidence. I didn't know you could slap that big mouth."

"I can't say this much by myself. But I have people who have been following me for the past six months. If you join forces with them, you will always succeed."

Shizuko turns her gaze toward the villagers as she says so.

Nor has she succeeded in her previous harvest by herself.

Thanks to the cooperation of the villagers, so many potatoes and corn were harvested.

They followed me in silence, even though I was younger than twenty.

At first they were threatened and disliked each other, but now they are all bound by a strong bond.

That's why I was convinced Shizuko would not fail again next time.

"I'm looking forward to it!

When I finish saying that, Nobunaga flips the horse's neck when he says this is over.

Shizuko, who saw it, bowed his head deeply, and the villagers, who saw that Shizuko, bowed their heads in haste.

I had heard the horse's hoof for a while, but when I eventually stopped hearing it, Shizuko slowly raised her head.

Naturally there was no sign of Nobunaga there.

"Huh, it's gonna be a lot harder."

The voice was somewhat mixed with ease, unlike the person who had confidently spoken to Nobunaga earlier.