When the year was approaching and the cold was getting harsher, an unexpected person came to visit the previous period (originally).

"Can we lower the innocent (then) first? Please wait outside for the boneless who won't solve the wind. You can't leave one weapon here, you can't take a step behind me."

Long before I was surprised by an unexpected rare customer, I vomit poison with a smile. Visitors lowered those around them when they grinned niggardly without going through painful irony.

"Very sudden and sudden visit, Echigo's Dragon Palace."

"Phew, phew, no one would expect me to walk dressed in cloud water."

With the prank laughing like a successful child, Echigoku Ryu, Kenshin Uesugi answers a question from a long time ago.

As he thought, no one could have predicted, such as visiting Humble long before he was in Gifu. Nor did Takeda's ninjas suspect that Humble was in Haruhiyama Castle.

"It's a good moon tonight. One garden for lunar viewing."

"... let's be good. But now I'm leaning on the Oda family. Don't forget that."

After warning humbly, Mae Jiu leads him to the edge. Speaking of late December, in the middle of winter, Humility was born after the bitter cold that even outgrew Gifu, and he was used to this degree of cold.

But I felt a little chilly a long time ago, so I weave a square sleeve coat with double braided silk thread.

"It's cold tonight. Let it be a kan from the beginning."


Humility frowns at unfamiliar words. However, for a long time now, he does not answer his questions and orders the smallholder to prepare a hot meal. After a while, the small servant brought the sake (kanzaki), and a plate with the dish.

When you take the exact one, Mae Jiu pours the liquor into the cup and offers it humbly. A somewhat bewildered humility, but he receives the cup from a long time ago and drops his gaze.

It's a cup of white, except with a blue snake eye pattern on the bottom. See the color in the white area and see the transparency at the border between blue and white.

Humility can often be seen in the blue, brilliant (Kira) temper of the moonlight reflection. Eventually, when he smiles invincibly, he exchanges cups with a long time ago.

"To our reunion first."

"Oh, to our reunion."

Tilt each other's cups and hoist the liquor all at once. Regardless of the long before I was used to it, I am humbled by the flavor of my first sake (kanzaki), but I immediately regain my feelings and enjoy the flavor.

"That's good."

"It will be. This is a delicacy that is hard to come by even the Oda family minister. Suitable for swallowing on a day like today"

As I say, I turn my face to the garden. Humbleness likes him. I look at you.

The moon that floats in the darkness at night, the garden that is lit up with glitter, the sound of leaf rubbing that tickles your ears.

Strictly beautiful winter scenery was there. Humility understands why he hated escorts in the withering atmosphere that floats in the clear air characteristic of winter.

Humble thought it was something very luxurious to drink quietly, just silently overlooking the garden in front of you. And I thought that I would do nothing to trample and vandalize a beautiful place with earthfoot.

"What a beauty. Now I know why the Lord hated monkeys."

"This garden is my confidence piece. No need for the hot, bitter boneless."

Tilt the cup for a long time looking out into the garden. Humility overlaps the cup as well.

Two people who were enjoying their liquor while watching the garden silently, but humility opens their mouths to the pretense.

Don't you ask why I've come to visit?

"You can't ask and answer."

Answer the question of humility with a smile. I had little interest in what humility was all about, long before. I was just happy to have a drink with an old friend.

The two men who once made a pact with the Korean court to revive the authority of the Ancient Regime and broke down their ambitions by Takeda and Hojo, but did not even disappear to friendship.

"Pfft, they're going to think I just visited to crush my liver as it is. Right...... let's just ask straight in. The reason for my visit concerns the Lord's daughter."

"Daughter...? No way......"

At this time, for the first time, the face of Yangtian comes to mind. Humility with an invincible grin goes on to say that he drinks up a glass of booze.

"I've never been more surprised when I competed with Takeda. Use women in politics, etc. So we're all deceived. Neither Takeda's sneak nor Hojo's sneak notices. That's true, because it only looks like Oda or Mori is going."


"I laughed when I met her. But if you see that girl and talk to her, you'll know she's not calling you an idiot."

So I cut the words, and when I drink up the glass of booze, humility exhales.

"The foundation of the country is the people, and our samurai are only borrowing harvest instead of appeasing the territory from the people. Because I understand that, that girl makes the people flourish. And also gain and empower your own interests. I've got eyes open. That girl has a power comparable to 1.2 million stone men."

"... the reason you visited me is not the bullshit of talking to me. That girl is a Kingsguard treasure. It's not that easy to get to the margins. Besides, I'm letting you fully work under Lord Oda now. Unless she hates it, we can't pull her away from Lord Oda."

It's a tough story, and I thought about it a long time ago. Takeda and Kitajo are concerned with the military aspects of the Oda family, and remain elusive in agriculture, fishing, etc.

But humility is different. He thinks it is the samurai who keep the territory of the people. Unlike Takeda and Hojo, it is good to think of the emphasis on Shizuko's production techniques.

"Wait. You... I visited today for no reason"

Long before I thought about the thoughts of humility, I realize that the reason why humility has come to visit today is calculated not merely at random.

Humble told her long before she got to the answer with an absurd grin.

"What, I don't want to take it and eat it. I just want to talk to you again. My daughter, Shizuko Kinei."

In preparation for New Year's Eve, Mae Jiu had purchased a wide variety of products from Shizuko. The day those goods arrive is exactly the day after Humble visited.

Sometimes, although Nobunaga may respond, Shizuko basically responds to the previous period.

Shizuko herself would not visit if she only delivered the goods at regular intervals, but because of the relationship at the end of the year, she was also supposed to visit with greetings.

Even the Oda family minister, Humble Shizuko, obtained a meeting place with Shizuko that would be difficult to meet unless he was a senior warlord according to that current trend. I can't help but have a stomachache for a long time now than I can't kick you out easily.

"Shizuko is here"

"... let it pass"

As he falls in his stomach, Mae Jiu orders him to guide Shizuko. Next to it, Humble smiled joyfully and waited for Shizuko to come.

The more he seemed to enjoy himself, the more stomach aches he felt the longer before.

"(Don't do anything extra)"

"(Don't worry)"

That's the humility I tell you, but I wasn't at all relieved to see the look on my face of humility. Long before I had a feeling that a definite stuffiness would occur, I sigh so as to bring out the heavy stuff.

"Thank you for waiting"

The entrance can be opened quietly with the words. Shizuko, first dressed in thickness, then Kaiser and Kanich enter the room. Humility accidentally pulled back to seeing a giant beast without any setup.

Was that funny, chuckles a long time ago? Humility, whose head comprehension caught up, coughs and deceives as he blushes his cheeks.

"No, I'm sorry. These kids can't stay away... eh, you're not scared?

Shizuko laughs dry as she puts on the back of her head. When Humble corrects his residence, he sees Kaiser and Kanich once again.

He was so gigantic that he'd never seen it, but he never felt crude and had the beauty to be divine.

"I don't care. But at first, I was surprised, but the more I saw it, the more flawless it looked."

Shizuko laughs bitterly at the words of the monk (humility) in front of her. After Shiga's formation is over, the Vitmans won't leave Shizuko's place for an hour.

Conveniently, they wait all the way at the entrance, although they leave quietly where the beast does not enter. Especially Kaiser, whose sweet habits at the young beast came back to life, snagged all the way through 46: 00.

Shizuko thought about whether she felt a lack of love in relation to moving around, and decided to let them like it.

"Excuse me, Kingsguard. I'm checking the inventory... Are you sure?

Shizuko asks a long time ago, with two meanings: confirmation of the contents and whether it is okay to have an outsider. He nodded as he exhaled a heavy sigh after glancing at his humility.

Shizuko, who questioned her attitude a long time ago, thought he would have trouble going deep and didn't say any more questions. When Shizuko takes the documents out of the bathroom, she finally checks the contents before handing them over long ago.

"Salt, sugar, miso, soy sauce, flavored rice, liquor, green tea, oolong tea, tea, Gifu rice, Oozang rice...... and quite a bit. Somewhat, I think the kitchen will be narrower"

"I don't mind. At the beginning of the year, I invite myself to a banquet. After New Year's Eve, half will remain."

Individuals consume the amount of money they can live for months in a matter of days. I was a little curious as to how many people I would call, but I thought I didn't even need to snub and snake out, and Shizuko swallowed up the awkward question.

Then, when she tells Shizuko that she wants to check her luggage, Mae Jiu takes Shizuko out without waiting for her response. Humility was also taken aback by the quick move, but he laughed small as the understanding of his head caught up.

"Uh, do you mind?

Shizuko was somewhat anxious to leave her friend out in the room. But after long enough to arm her, I turn my back on her and cough her up.

"Good Lord Shizuko. My second challenge is to make that my Yuko. But we've only discussed this with Lord Oda."

"Oh, yes, eh?

Shizuko overheard a hell of a bomb statement, but before she could think about it, Maeko continued her words with a chopped look when she looked back at Shizuko.

"The great villains who are worse off than the curious know why. It's about that man. I'm sure I'm up to something eventually. So, this is..."

"Don't tell me that's not true."

As soon as the voice flies from side to side in the middle of the conversation, the forebears consolidate themselves. But the person who spoke up doesn't seem to care much anymore, approaching the forebears in extremely natural footsteps.

"Excuse me, I just wanted to talk to you, but this guy is worried."

Humble bowed his head respectfully as he stood before Shizuko. Still a static child who can't swallow the situation, but bows his head conditionally reflexively.

Long before you say anything, but eventually when you sigh, you lower your back to the edge.

"Palace of Unknowns. This girl is busy, so I can't let her take up too much time. Just make it quick."

Long before he understood that even taking measures would be broken, he concluded that it was better to induce him to do what humility wanted, while monitoring him not to cross the line.

Having perceived the thoughts of a long time ago, humility turns once again to Shizuko, once he bows his head with gratitude and apology a long time ago.

"I've seen him before, but let's name him again. Awkward monks call themselves Unconscious Inns."

"Shizuko, it is. Um... that name, and Kingsguard's friend... are you the one they call Echigoku Ryu?

The expression of humility frightens me at the word Echigoku Ryu. Shizuko, who didn't even show himself before to see who he was, quickly broke through the identity of humility this time.

Humbleness turns only to those who are long in front of his face. He was grinning slightly at how pleasant the surprise of humility was. Humility, who turned his face to Shizuko again, coughs one up and speaks the words.

"Assuming I'm Echigoku's dragon, what would you do?

"I won't do anything. However, even if you come to Gifu with patience, it is a snowy season, so I thought it would be a lot of inconvenience."

Shizuko replied with humility and a long time ago. Kenshin Uesugi is a prestigious general alongside Takeda and Hojo, as the nicknames of Echigoku Ryu, the Holy Gentleman, and the military god become. The person who wants his neck is about the number of stars.

Before that opportunity of a thousand encounters that could kill that humility, I could not feel a single ambition to take the neck, and vice versa, for Shizuko worried about his way home, just before was an answer beyond my expectations.

Humility looks directly at Shizuko, who can't feel a single kill and sees the surprises of the humblers with a strange look. Humility understood intuitively that the earlier words were eyes that I could be sure were not false.

"Phew, phew, what a creepy thing to do"

"Ha, ha"

Shizuko is puzzled by the humility of laughing luxuriously. After a glimpse of laughter, Humble smiles like a person.

"I feel a wind that is not for those who seek interest only for that matter. What a refreshing, refreshing breeze."

Shizuko, who doesn't know the meaning of the word, puts her neck up. But she recalls that he is the owner of an idea that overturns the common sense of the Warring States many times.

When retrieving the guideline box, Shizuko did not realize that the person in front of her was humble. Though the name Unconscious Ann caught on, I didn't think that Humble, a posthumous country, would come to Gifu without an escort.

That's why everyone caught on to the thought of humility, and no one could see through who he was.

"If I may, I want you to stay put."

"Yes. Thank you, sir?

"Phew, it's been a while since I laughed from the bottom of my heart. I just wanted to say thank you, but I hear you don't like alcohol. So let's move on to a cup of tea, whether it's the Kingsguard style of tea ceremony he's spreading."

Kintetsu Fry Tea Ceremony is a type of tea ceremony that has been improved for a long time. Unlike Matcha Road, it would be nice to have four tools: sudden sushi, hot drinks, hot cooling, and tea leaves.

Although there are ways to recommend it for drinking, there is no strict practice. You can drink it face to face with a horseradish, you can sit in line on the edge and drink it, you can drink it standing up, there's not a single fine rule.

The only tea ceremony I've had in a long time is a philosophy of hospitality and recommended procedures.

Philosophy of mindset and hospitality is not very different from Matcha Road. Although there are a number of procedures, the following methods are recommended over time:

First, the Lord, who holds the Tea Party, serves warm tea for the purpose of moisturizing the throat to those who have come all the way. Next, serve some warm tea and sweets to those who have settled down after drinking tea.

Later, you can have a chat, relax and enjoy the view, and have some thoughtful time. At the end of the day, I served a cup of tea at a moderate temperature.

Tea is good with green tea, oolong tea, tea, broom tea and anything. The order and variety to be served may vary. It is also permissible to serve green tea first and oolong tea last.

It was a good way to drink what I think is right for each of us. This loose decision and the cheapness of tea tools led to a pandemic of Kingdom-style tea ceremonies to martial houses, public houses and mainly women.

For the record, green tea, oolong tea, and tea are all made up of a Tubacidae tea tree called Camelia sinensis. The three differences are the way tea leaves are made.

When the raw leaves of a tree are made dry and fermented, the unfermented tea is called green tea, the weakly fermented tea is called yellow tea and white tea, the strongly fermented tea is called oolong tea, and the fully fermented tea is called black tea. Post-fermented tea by Koji bacteria is called black tea.

Therefore, in modern times, there is domestic tea made from Japanese tea trees.

Though not enough for those who like Indian Sri Lankan tea, it features a fluffy sweet aroma, a refreshing mouthfeel with little tannins and a slightly sweet flavour.

"Oh, boy, you're not the same man who passes me by."

Long before the words of humility shrugged his shoulders with a clear expression.

Satisfaction was tilling the corner of Sakura Nobunoka while withstanding the winter cold.

The reason he is cultivating himself is because what he is going to grow is so dangerous that he doesn't want to leave it to people to say goodbye.

(If Shizuko finds out, she's going to get burned. as much as possible, try to delude them)

Planting is a long way from May, but when I have time because I don't know when I'm going to be busy, I thought satisfactorily about plowing it.

Satisfaction was over cultivated in less than a minute because it only used as much land as the cat's forehead. He sits on a nearby stone as he wets his forehead sweat.

(doing unusual things)

"What you grow in the spring is something special."

I can hear Kato's voice from nowhere. But Satisfaction answers with sweat, not caring yet. When he finishes plucking, he moves his body and relaxes his muscles.

(Does that have anything to do with what I used for Takeda Michima before?)

"... if you know too much, you'll lose your life, Kato. Well, good, because you were looking at where to use it. Let me tell you something special. I grow poisonous grass for brainwashing. It's called Angel Trumpet or Datura in Nanban."

Chosen Asagao (hereinafter referred to as Datsura), with multiple names such as Angel Trumpet, Datula, Datsura and Mandaraghe, is a year-old grass with a very dangerous poison, or Takagi.

Chidachosen Asagao and Chosen Asagao are present in Datsura. The difference between the two is whether it becomes a tree or a grass, and the way flowers are attached.

The genus Kidachosen Asagao is a tall tree or shrub, with downward flowers. In contrast, the genus Chosen Asagao is a year-round grass or perennial grass, with upward flowers.

The species commonly known as Angel Trumpet is the genus Kidachosen Asagao and the species Datsura is the genus Chosen Asagao.

The common denominator is that both plants are toxic and very dangerous.

For the record, Chosen Asagao's Chosen is not a word that refers to a particular region, it simply means something that came in from abroad.

In addition, although it bears the name Asagao, Datsura belongs to the Eggplant family and is a separate species from Asagao in the Hilgao family.

And the Datsura used by Qingzhou Huaooka, who performed breast cancer removal surgery under the world's first general anesthesia in 1804, is an Indian native grass-type Datsura called Metel.

(Is it homologous to poisonous grass made with hasillide coro)

"This is a good one to use for brainwashing"

Datsura, imported by Satisfaction, is a very dangerous poison grass.

In India, there was a criminal organization called Datsureas, which used Datsura to intoxicate their opponents and work robbers, but Datsura, which was said to have been used by that organization, is a satisfactory breeder.

Sometimes the effect of poison was too strong for the opponent to stand and lose his life, but the opponent is between Takeda and Hojo. Therefore, Satisfaction did not feel a trace or guilt.

Besides, for him, life other than Shizuko is not worth as much as a roadside stone.

"I couldn't solve the problem of not being able to control my thoughts as I think in Hashishi, but this one is easy to control, and I don't have to worry about leaking to the next"

(No way... the example thirty...)

"That's it, Kato. If you want to explore any more, prepare your neck."

When he unilaterally broke off the conversation, Satisfaction cleared the tools and left the scene. Kato, who had been silently watching the fields his contentment had plowed for a while, was eventually whining (crushing) to bring out the black stuff behind his chest.

(Soldier who gave up his life...? Don't get rough around the Miscellaneous People here for a while)

One day in December, the Arijuku Award in the formation of Shiga was to be held at Shinko's residence and Gifu Castle.

In Shiga's formation, which is arguably Nobunaga's biggest crisis, he was spared the crisis of annihilation because his work was fully accomplished.

"First feat! Morisan Left Guard!

It is a difficult situation to rank the work, but if you dare to take first place, there is nothing but Kasei Mori. Because by his work Nobunaga was not deprived of Kyou, nor was he subjected to further raids from behind.

It is also obvious that whoever sees him did the best job in Shiga's formation, such as abbreviating some of the anti-Oda coalition in networking diplomacy, even if he did not stand on the battlefield.

"Kesei, worked beyond the crisis in the diaspora, was sincerely great"


Kasei was given two famous tea utensils, gold, and a place of knowledge. Afterwards, rewards were also awarded to Shibata and Sasaki, Rika Maeda, Hideyoshi Kishita Fujiro, Nagayu Tanyu, Mitsuyuki Akechi and many warlords.

"(Hey, do we have any signs of no reward?

Celebration next door speaks quietly to Shizuko.

"(That would be so. This time, we ignored the order. Isn't that offset by the Uzayama Castle fall prevention?

"(... well, I can't help but join Noda and Fukushima)"

Celebrations were also shrugging their shoulders, convinced that they were never interested in rewards.

Shizuko was less interested in the Argumentative Merit Award than he was originally. What is given is treasures, tea utensils, swords and horses, but for Shizuko it is hard to handle, and even if given, it falls to give it to others as it is.

I was more interested in finishing early and going home and checking the wasabi cultivation status.

"That's it. And this time, there are two other special martial arts besides them."

Shizuko thought the Argumentation Award was over, but Shizuko made it easy for the facilitator to say that there was still more to be done.

"The first is the soldiers who defended Uzayama Castle. Without the work of their lion struggle, it will not come true to defend Uzayama Castle. The samurai who gave up their lives and fought should be engraved in special martial arts."

Nobunaga speaks in an atmosphere of silence. Does he speak of special martial arts himself, and the facilitator kept his mouth shut? Nobunaga glanced at him and continued his words as he made a crease between his brows.

"Sleep in peace, the Spirit who has made his life the foundation of his country."

The ministers who heard Nobunaga's words prayed together without anyone having to tell them. To comfort the spirits of the soldiers who slept in uncharted soil.

Eventually, when everyone's applause was over, Nobunaga opened his eyes and spoke about the second special martial arts.

"The second also concerns Uzayama Castle. The men fought through all their dying power at Uzayama Castle, thoroughly crushing the rebellious hexagon to contribute to the stability of Omi and to facilitate the adjustment of the Koga crowd. I would like to give a second special martial arts to those who did not take the stage and did not seek martial arts, but merely worked in the shadows"

(Oh, I have a bad feeling about that)

"Shizuko Army General/Shizuko! Keizo Maeda, Katsuzo Koko, Katsuzo Mori! The work of the LORD was truly daunting."

I have a headache, Shizuko, but I can't just not go forward when they call me by my name. Malice such as the admirable glance from the Oda family minister and the jealousy and disgust that follow at the same time.

Whether receiving positive and negative emotions at the same time became successful (by chance) in numerous matches, or mentally sluggish, Shizuko moves into the sight of Nobunaga with a gentle reception of the ministers' malice.

"Ho... how much do you make people grow so successfully? The baby that started walking turned into a face full of makeup."

Not to tell anyone, Nobunaga muttered to himself and smiled invincibly. Nobunaga squeezes his expression as Shizuko sits in front of him.

"Shizuko, Keiji Maeda, Kagoshizo, Katsuzo Mori, their work, they were dauntless"

Salaries were all given knives, horses and gold in common, but only Shizuko was given one famous tea vessel and an extra perpetual coin print flag.

The perpetual coin print flag was used by Nobunaga as a flag print. However, to the extent that this flagprint was received by Mr. Mizuno, Mr. Kuroda and Mr. Senishi, it is rarely given to ministers and is therefore a great honor.

"That concludes the Arbitrage Award, but I just need to let everyone know one thing"

When Nobunaga gently touched his hand and sent a signal to his last name, the entrance was quietly opened. It was a long time before Kingsguard came into the room from there.

The moment I saw him, Shizuko understood what would happen next. The headache increased in intensity, but I thought Nobunaga was acting after thinking about it, and I applied the back of my head to distract my mood.

Moving to Shizuko's side with a soft grin before, he lowered his hips on the spot.

"Everyone will care, and it's time to reveal who Shizuko is"

Surrounding the words. Shizuko's last name is Ayatra, but no matter how much I look into it, there is no evidence that Shizuko was born in the Ayatra family.

Even after Uehiro, Nobunaga hid and had Takigawa look into it, but not a single piece of information came out about her.

All I know is that one day, suddenly Nobunaga picked it up from nowhere and now it's a treasure.

"The beginning of this was when General Kenho, the brother of the current general, and Lord Oda held a close meeting. After I found out about the Uesugi family, I was looking for a martial artist who could entrust my dreams to me. There's the meeting between Lord Oda and General Kenhao. I saw this as an opportunity, and I was forced to take part in the talks, where I promised to lend my strength to Lord Oda. That's her."

(How dare you flat out say that hand lie... I can't do that)

Mae Jiu speaks without clogging up a lie 800. For those who do not know the truth, the old saying is a fact.

"As I'm sure you all feel, she was forbidden to use the Kingsguard's name. One was countermeasures and the other was more convenient to show talent because the unidentified person was more convenient."

(I already like it...)

Still, 90% of the time ago, the story of lies continues. In contrast, Shizuko gave up thinking.

Shizuko Ayakoji is her real name, but Shizuko Kinei's name settled as a fact among the Oda family ministers. The warlords were surprised that Shizuko was a Kingsguard, and feared her for a certain amount.

However, celebrations, talents, and chanceries have not changed their attitudes, leading up to the celebrations: "People can live a day if the rice is tripled. I want to swallow alcohol more than that," said Shizuko's surname.

In the end, it wasn't a big deal for her surroundings, whether Shizuko was a Kingsguard person or not, but rather just a story that convinced her of her knowledge and out of place courage.

The turmoil was so promptly remitted a few days after the Argument Award, Shizuko was given a hundred footsteps more urgently than Nobunaga.

She haunts her head over the treatment of soldiers. The increase or decrease in soldiers has always been good, because this is the first time we have been given about a hundred men.

"Uh yeah, I don't know what to do. Maybe we should train the recruits for a while."

"As usual, it's from a physical measurement."

A longevity sticks into a static child that haunts his head.

The Shizuko Army used a sieve named Physical Measurement against the soldiers at first. Human beings who have fallen off on physical fitness measures will be trained in static planning for the garrison, while those who pass physical fitness measures will be subject to special training experienced by the chief himself.

Either way, he will be trained under the supervision of the chief officer, but his training is well received by other armies and some occasionally participate in training from outside.

The Shizuko Army is divided into two armies: the combatants involved in the matches and the garrison army, which is responsible for backward support.

In addition to the Kuroshima people who carry out civil works, the garrison army includes kitchen people who are responsible for warlords' meals, golden sores doctors who treat wounded soldiers, hygiene and epidemic prevention, hygiene people who treat diseases, logistics people who guard and transport weapons and food, scouts who are responsible for scouts, communications people who are responsible for communications relationships such as orders and early horses, and guards who handle military dogs.

Improving backward support is paramount to the smooth conduct of military operations, but they were often called backwards and lightened by people who risked their lives to fight.

But the strength of the Roman army lies in the barracks, which are so important to the army that they say they are. Also in Liu Bang, Xiao He, Cao Cao Cao, and famous figures, there was always an expert in charge of the soldier station.

Nobunaga doesn't say anything either, but the match thinks it's important what he did to get to it. Therefore, I was satisfied that Shizuko was enriching her backward support, and sometimes she snuck up on her proposal.

If available, even employ tactics and strategies, theories, that the enemy specializes in. This thoughtful goodness was also Nobunaga's strength.

Shizuko turned to him and mouthed the conclusion after hearing Nagako's opinion and giving it a little thought.

"I'll run this time. I've been so busy lately, I've been practicing."

"Right. I wonder how many will survive this time."

The two of you get ready while we have that conversation. When you finish the ranks, you travel to the square where 100 soldiers wait.

Thanks to the pre-alignment, Shizuko and Nagako stand in front of a hundred people without much effort.

"Uh, yes, attention. I don't have anything to say from me because I think I've heard the story beforehand. Now, I'm going to ask you all to take a physical exam."

On a wooden footbed, using a wooden megaphone, Shizuko speaks to a hundred soldiers. After all, the recruits take an insulting attitude towards Shizuko as it is becoming the earliest possible decision.

But the far-sighted celebrations and talents, as well as the chancery beside Shizuko, giggled damned how long their attitude was looking forward to Bao (also).

That's roughly fifty minutes for the longest man I've ever kept. Others turn up the sound (well) with prep exercises before entering the physical measurement, generally you should keep it for 20 minutes.

"It's supposed to be a moveable outfit, I'd just like to say, but this time, please dress as you are."

Then about ten minutes later, a physical measurement, originally a simple run, began. Needless to say, the lead is Shizuko, just a hundred recruits running in line behind it.

The rules are simple, either they run until Shizuko reaches the limits of her health, everyone gibs up, or people who can run are gone except Shizuko.

"Oh, I'll do my best. Maybe half of it will fall off within two circles."

It was a celebration I watched in faraway windings, but at some point I stood next to Long Ke for what I thought would be more interesting to see up close.

In response to the celebration, which looks fun with his hands crossed, Changke has the look of not being funny.

"Half of it would be better if we could go around. Running on the sand drains a lot of health against appearance. I bet it's tough for recruits who've never been trained in this hand."

The chief executive was right. I just run 500 meters of lane around, but I can't kick the ground hard because of the sand. Inevitably use more force than hard ground.

If it's just one step, it's a small difference, but if it stacks up, it's not a story. Nearly 80% of them were exhausted and dragging their feet by the end of the roundabout.

"Two weeks complete -. Look, if you look down, you'll get extra tired."

In contrast, Shizuko still has the look of spare time. Maintain the same pace as the first and enter the third week. Seventy percent of them stopped their legs complaining about their health limits before finishing their run.

Only one person arrived at the goal for the third week, except for Shizuko. The person didn't look like he could run the fourth week either, so Shizuko stopped measuring his strength there.

"It's like they're all falling off, so it's over"

The recruits bow their hearts to Shizuko's declaration of termination. But soon they will find out about despair.

"Then we'll take a 10-minute break, and then we'll do the hanging."

The recruits, who found out there was a continuation of the physical measurement, literally darkened in front of them.

There was someone watching them faraway like that.

"If you're not used to boulders, is your brother-in-law tough?"

It is Nobunaga. When he was consulted by Chang Zheng to "start over with recruits," he first came up with throwing them into the Shizuko Army.

Other troublesome things can arise from your identity. In that regard, the Shizuko Army is an army with a bunch of creeps, so I wouldn't be particularly concerned if some people came in.

And the Shizuko Army doesn't judge people by their identity or blood. With talent and luck I can rise to the top position.

"Fight your fate, brother-in-law. If you have the power to succumb to your destiny, you will be able to return."

Nobunaga thinks the time it takes to destroy the Asai family is about two years.

Kotani Castle is a robust castle. But it is impossible for any castle to survive alone. If you crush all the water and food supply routes, it's self-evident that you start to collapse from the inside.

"Two years more than now, and by then, give us strength."

Nobunaga whines small, not telling anyone. Nobunaga returned the horse's head before the horse crowd reacted, leaving the scene behind.

Kasei Mori, who finished her therapy, visited Shizuko's house with a year-end greeting. It itself was not particularly problematic and ended up in a calm atmosphere.

But I don't know what I thought, but I said that I wanted to align Kosei with Kosei.

Shizuko thought it might be a little harsh in Kaseiko, who still has a disability in his left arm and still has a slight numbness. However, knowing that Nagaka is motivated, I realize that Shizuko cannot be stopped.

If the stone was slaughtered by spear alignment, everyone had to take responsibility, so it was aligned with a long rod. Kasei shakes the stick several times to make sure he feels it, and then turns to Kasei.

"I don't need to hesitate. Think of me as an enemy and come for real."

At the same time as he snorts at the words, the longevity runs towards the attainment.

At first, Shizuko, Kyung-seong, and Jitsuo, who watched the game far away, thought that Kasei would be disadvantaged. But if I opened the lid, it was a complete defeat for the length.

The two surroundings are full of footprints they made when they stepped in, but most of them are traces of longevity. Kasei was gaining momentum and attacking Kasei as he flushed his longable attack with minimal movement.

Fifty roads ahead, that was also a move that I didn't think was a human with a disability in my left arm.

"Damn! Damn!"

The length can wield a long stick as he roughs his voice. It was either from a rush and a frustration that I could never meet, or I just grumbled and swung. Such attacks could not have been accomplished and were easily avoided.


A long stick can be tapped against a long torso that has been exposed to gaps. Long enough to kneel after pain, but Kasei relentlessly throws a long enough hand with a long stick.

The result of the battle was a victory that anyone could see. Nagako himself could not hide his shock, of course, nor Shizuko himself, who had imposed training to train him.

"You have good arms, but cunning is half-hearted"

After picking up the long rod that has been dropped, Kasei speaks of his feelings of matching.

Somewhat, although there is disturbance in breathing, I still felt spare. On the other hand, he can breathe on his shoulders and hear that he is draining his strength badly.

"And I rely too much on moves. Seung-zo, you have scorned the basics too much. Then no matter how many meetings you have, you will not defeat me."

Long can be hacked by the words of the seiicheng. As he pointed out, he used a lot of moves along the way, and for that reason, he realized that he was stuck in the mud with his next move.

Kesei smiles slightly when he arrives at the answer with a few pointers.

"Okay, Seung-zo. Don't scare the soldiers with your moves. One thrust, no weirdness whatsoever. Just thrust and scare the soldiers. If I could do that, I'd be alone."

"... Yes"

With a satisfying grin on Nagaka's reply, Kasei helps him wake up. He was pleased with the growth of the longevity while paying off the dirt on the longevity clothes.

But Kasei will never say anything about it. On top of being mouthful, it is easy to stay on track when praised. However, even without putting it into words, thoughts were conveyed in a long way via the hand of the semblance.

Eventually Kasei, who removed all the dirt, slaps the longable shoulder several times.

"Over my back, Seung-zo. I can be you."

"Dad... dude, I don't know when, but I'm sure I'll let you go over my dad's back!

In reply to Nagako, Kasei smiled small and nodded many times.

After training Nagako, Kasei Mori visited Nobunaga.

Even if he pulls himself off the front line and lets his eldest son take over as governor, he is the right arm of Nobunaga and remains the most trusted person.

He has had busy days as before his injuries, including political and diplomatic aids, negotiations using his connections, and fostering the next generation.

That doesn't change Shizuko either.

Various things can be delivered whether she tried to finish the items she requested by the end of the year. The last one arrived at the end of the year was three.

The first is a glass chalet.

Chalet is a glass plate used in microbial culture experiments, and was conceived to use cold weather medium as a flat plate medium.

Since its invention by the German bacteriologist Julius Richardt Petri, it has become widely used in scientific experiments as a common container.

The reason we need this container involves the manufacture of penicillin. Although the mill is small, the manufacture of penicillin has begun.

The easiest way to see how well manufactured penicillin works is to make cold weather medium in Chalet.

However, Chalet was not able to keep up with production because it was made of glass. Still, Shizuko has requested production many times in order to align the required number.

Now it is a penicillin eluate, but if the purification degree increases, it will crystallize with the dehydrating action of alcohol, and static seeds will also be considered to be powdered.

This natural penicillin, today called penicillin G (benzylpenicillin), is essentially utilized for Gram-positive bacteria.

But the first indication is syphilis. Penicillin G is more effective than other antimicrobial medicines when treating syphilis spiroheta.

Syphilis is sexually transmitted by the primary route of infection, but there is also congenital syphilis caused by mother-to-child infection during pregnancy and at birth.

Due to the impossibility of culture, although the DNA sequence of all genomes was determined in 1998, the pathogenic mechanisms have hardly been elucidated even in modern times. However, it can be cultured in the rabbit's testicles for some reason.

Syphilis first appeared on record in Japan in 1512.

Given that syphilis appeared in Western history at the end of the 15th century (but not definitively because of various theories), it would have reached Japan in just a few decades.

Syphilis, spread with horrific momentum, has no cure until penicillin is discovered, and celebrities such as Kiyoshi Kato, Hideaka Noboru Noboru Noboru Noboru Nobunaga, and Yukio Asano have died of syphilis in Japan.

Until penicillin was discovered, there was also mercury therapy for syphilis and a very unsafe treatment: deliberately infecting malaria to make it hyperthermic, and after confirming the killing of syphilis treponema in the body, administering quinine to kill the malarial protozoa.

However, since the discovery of penicillin, such treatment has disappeared.

Syphilis treponema has not even gained resistance to antibiotics in modern times, so depending on the stage, it is cured by administering penicillin G for a maximum of about twelve weeks.

For the record, government agencies conducted biological experiments with syphilis for 400 to 600 needy blacks in Tuskegi, Alabama, United States, for 40 years from 1932.

The world-famous Taskigi syphilis human experiment was conducted for the purpose of studying various serious complications that occur at the end of syphilis, not informing the patient of the disease and leaving it untreated.

It should be noted that after the medical examination, humans in the healthy body lied about the presence of a malignant disease in the blood, injecting syphilis in the name of "treatment" and deliberately infecting it.

Furthermore, between July 1946 and December 1948, it became apparent that the same insurance institution was conducting human experiments with syphilis (known as the Guatemala Syphilis Human Experiment) in Guatemala in Central America.

The terrible thing about this human experiment was that it was done in a time when the cure was well established, even though it was known how the disease would be infected.

Chalet is for penicillin, but the second one that arrives is fucking carrots. The scientific name is Artemisia.

It is a Japanese name that can be used in the mouth, but it has a unique smell of yomogi and lavender, rather than the stench.

It is said that the English name is Sweet Wormwood (Sweet Nigayo Mogi) because the fragrance becomes stronger when dried.

However, the fertility of the fucking carrots is so great that they deserve to be classified as herbs. If it's a grass for a year but the basement stem remains, it can sometimes breed from it.

This fucking carrot ether extract (artemisinin) has an amazing effect whether it is a kinine-resistant malaria. Easy to cultivate, it is a relatively easy special effect among medicines of natural origin.

When it comes to malaria's special effects, Kinine is most famous, but it is impossible to cultivate Kina in Japan.

It was necessary to have antimalarial medicines during the warring countries when European merchants came to Japan via South-East Asia.

The first time malaria infection is confirmed dates back to about 8,000 to 10,000 BC. A human bone was exhumed from an ancient city in Turkey, believed to have fallen on malaria.

Around the first century BC, Cleopatra, the queen of ancient Egypt, has also been plagued by malaria, and relief has been unearthed about it. This relief is said to be the oldest malaria epidemic record in human history.

Furthermore, malaria is not a disease specific to the tropics.

Thousands of people were also infected at the beginning of the twentieth century in Finland, close to the Arctic. Infection has also been recorded in the United States and Canada, and Japan cannot be said to be out of range of infection.

For many years, the cause was unknown malaria, but in 1880 Charles Lavallan, a French Army medic stationed in Algeria, discovered the Plasmodium malaria from the patient's blood.

And British physician Ronald Ross proved that malaria was mediated by mosquitoes in 1897 and relatively recently.

The last one arrived was the most important one taken to Shizuko. It is a cold suit set.

Specifically a set of four: gloves, socks, belly rolls and ceramic hot tubs. It's not Shizuko who uses these, it's the soldiers defending her stronghold.

Shizuko's place of residence is always manned by Nobunaga's considerations.

But they are all alone in the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Despite how much work I do, this breaks my body.

Winter cold control with summer heat is a must. We can't talk about the soldiers we're escorting when their hands are caught in the cold and they're critical.

Therefore, it is important to take measures to ensure that soldiers remain in perfect condition, even in cold weather, whenever possible.

"Uh, attention! I'll hand out two more cold-proof points than this, so I can wear it from the recipient. Please note that this time, the field verification is also combined, so I will ask you what you think of the user-friendliness"


Using Shizuko's proclamation as a signal, two baths with a four-point set are given to the soldier at a time. He immediately wore tummy rolls, gloves and socks, and put water in a pottery hot tub.

"There was... Me, I used to belly down a lot this time of year, but with this, I think I can handle it"

"This would be perfect if you had booze, huh?

"Come on. If you do that, Oda's thunder will fall."

Soldiers chat everywhere about whether the cold has eased and spared. It would have been perfect if we could have deployed cold shoes, but the current situation is too costly to afford to turn them around to soldiers.

Celebrations, talents, chanceries, colors, etc. can be passed nearby. The performance includes origami, and even if you walk along the water or snowmelt path, the water won't stick like deep shoes (fuzz).

"Yes, the chat is good, but please return to work sequentially from the recipient. You will be asked to wear four points during the winter. Sometimes I go to ask how comfortable I feel to use it, so be prepared to answer right away."

"Oh, yes!

Soldiers wrapped in loose air rush to reply and tighten their expressions at the burst of Shizuko.

The soldiers who are finished wearing them each return to their predetermined positions with a spare bathing area in one hand. When everyone finished receiving it, Shizuko stretched a lot.

"All right, we're done by the end of the year. Well, I have things to do early next year, but I can take it slow for a few days."

Turn your arms around and Shizuko relaxes her stiff shoulders. But after New Year's, work will come out again. Sometimes I wondered when my busy body would settle down.

"Next year, I'll live with my left fan."

Shizuko forgetting to whine about that. I decided to do the same at the end of last year.

And unfortunately, the situation in the world does not give her rest. The hitherto unnamed Shizuko Army played the first line of shock in the Battle of Usayama Castle.

As soon as the world became famous, countries were surprised at the destruction of Hexagon, the champion of Omi, releasing many moments in an effort to obtain information.

Her surroundings, which have been quiet until now, are also gradually getting noisy. No matter how quiet she wanted to live, Shizuko's turbulent life would continue for a while to come.