Chronicles of The Hardships of Komachi in The Sengoku Era

Late September, one thousand five hundred seventy-two

She had an appointment with the Oda family and was forced to stay in the hospital until about the fourth month after the baby's neck was twisted.

I thought that life was easy and good for both Mitsuru and Occasionally, but soon I understood the mistake.

I wonder how I've ever lived alone. It became normal to get a family and live together, unable to recall a lonely life in the past at all.

"You hate being single."

"Old man, if you're in love, deal with Oda's lord"

"I thought Tajin pot was a demonic dish that didn't add water while also shaping the vessel, but it is really delicious. I didn't know vegetables could be so sweet."

I talked to Satisfaction, Goro, and Shiro I recently met. However, the response from the three of them was not entirely satisfactory.

"They seem to say terrible. You haven't even heard Shiro."

"I've been listening, but I don't have any advice I can give you."

"Right. Or does the old man have a hobby of falling in love? I'm embarrassed to hear that."

"I don't have any conscious symptoms. I'm relentlessly falling in love with you when you say it's a woman's life."

It is a pleasure. Then the pan prepared by Mitsuzuo was the three people who would not hesitate to eat it.

"But you're all surprisingly close"

"You formed a friendship. I wouldn't be a bad person. Well, I didn't do anything as stupid as the first Goro."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Satisfied. What did you think of me at first?

"A non-cook who turns an ingredient that can still be eaten into a critical presence, whether it can be eaten or not"

"Awful! Cooking fails!

"It's weird. When I taught you the vinegar stewed fish, you said it was a little good, but you can't let it just be stewed with vinegar."

"Ugh, that's... that"

"Ma, that was a bad way to teach us, so yes."

Add about a teaspoon or two of vinegar to the stock and simmer the fish for a much better flavor.

Similar to vinegar-tight fish, the raw odor fades and the clotting action of the protein prevents the simmering of two birds with one stone.

But Goro only remembered the name of the dish, and went into the outrage of pounding fish into cold vinegar and boiling it.

The sourness was strong enough to be swallowed over the raw odor, making it difficult to swallow even when carried in the mouth. I forced Goro to eat it.

"Yeah, booze! Bring the booze! If you're not drinking, you're not doing it."

"Yeah eh...... well good"

Mitsuruo gives a puzzling expression to the tossing words of contentment.

"Oh, old man. I'll make something, I'll borrow the cook."

When Mitsuruo stood up sighing, Goro asked me to lend him the kitchen if he had even come up with a booze knob. I have no reason to say no. Mitsuruo grins and nods.

When they left, it was only Satisfaction and Shiro. Shiro, who has a short relationship, thinks up stories. Satisfaction is not that much of a chat, so silence dominates the place.

"... the Lord of Satisfaction has changed."

It was Shiro who broke the silence. He speaks of questioning the satisfaction of eating in silence.

"Do I look that way?"

"Even at meals, you won't be taken off your hands."

"Is the boulder a turbulent wave or something? Normally, you notice things you don't notice."

Moment after moment, Shiro's expression hardens. But I don't care about satisfaction, and I keep saying things while I eat.

"Not surprisingly. The story of the turbulent waves that fled Takeda reaches my ears. I don't know why I ran away, but I'm not interested."

"Really? You knew who you were from the beginning. But why would you miss me?"

"I have no reason to kill. It's none of my business whether you're looking into Oda or not. Even if Takeda doesn't want to run away. If you want to be slaughtered by me, give your hand to my friend. The moment I show you my bare hands, you'll snap my neck."

"That's a story you can't do. My lord Mitsuki is doing well. I'm not going to be ashamed to pay you back with a vendetta."

"Again, is taxes heavy in merit"

Satisfaction has modern information about merit. The merit of making a name for itself as a powerful nation proud of Lumpur was also heavily taxed to cover the cost of war in relation to what it did every year.

Particularly famous are Shingen's father, Shingen Tiger and Shingen's common son, Seung-chun. Regardless of the squandering of the Shin-tiger, because the Golden Mountain was depleted, we had no choice but to divide the tax, which turned out to be a heavy tax.

Also in the Takeda family, the minister collected the tax, and the minister was given the discretion, so he could not speak whether it was Shingen or not.

For this reason, taxes were small for each territory, and heavy taxes were so distressing in some places.

I'm satisfied that Shiro wasn't interested in where he once was, but I was hitting him that he probably lived on land ruled by Takeda in recent years because of how he was running away.

This is not limited to Takeda alone, but also goes to Jiayang and Nobunaga. Hence, the test area was sweet at the knee of the national lord, and the tax rate was kept low.

However, it was common for newly ruled land to be subjected to harsh checkpoints and heavier taxes to compensate for the war costs spent.

There are some aspects that we cannot help but impose heavy taxes on newcomers because it is more costly than revamping the system of dominance, and they are often subjected to harsh taxes (just fine) required even for other services such as labor and military service.

In the minister's territory, where he tried to fall back from Tokugawa to Takeda, there are also stories of people opposing him who understood that taxes would be heavier than they are now.

"If you give me taxes, I'm going to have to starve to death, and if I were you, I'd bet on my hopes. You know what I mean?

"Newcomers are treated harshly in every world. but subtracting it is too heavy a tax, because gold production is still falling"

Speaking of Shingen, the Golden Mountain Development is famous, but it is said that the gold it produces has been depleted in late life.

But this is inaccurate. Kurokawa Kanayama and Yunooko Kanayama, Shingen's golden mountains, continue to produce gold even in the Edo period.

Therefore, gold was not depleted from Kanayama, in fact mining was frustrated by the Takeda family's financial difficulties and technical problems.

Digging gold in the Golden Mountains costs a lot of labor. And the gold ore I dug from Golden Mountain is not worth it as it is. It needs to be refined and shaped as gold. Now we can finally use it as gold.

Kofi's golden mountains often had exposed mineral veins, so just digging back into the surface produced gold.

But digging deeper into the ground changes convenience. The mine is accompanied by a fall, collapse, and fall. For this reason, it has been necessary to continue digging while reinforcing the pit.

Profitability deteriorated as the pit stretched, and the Takeda family needed gold at a pace greater than mining, so the wages paid to the golden moat gradually fell short.

It was accompanied by a vicious circle in which the golden moat ceased to obey orders and the gold output fell. In other words, Golden Mountain is not depleted, financial difficulties and lack of technology are responsible for gold depletion.

In the Edo period, Kofi's Golden Mountain was revived because of dramatic advances in mining and refining techniques in mines, including how to dig pits and gold and silver blowjobs.

The most advanced is the "horizontal pit" approach.

Traditional mining methods dig diagonally downward. For this reason, when groundwater gushed, it could not drain, and I had to give up whether it was an excellent mine vein or not.

But the horizontal pit digs ahead of time to explore certain parts of the mine vein and dig horizontally. This made drainage easier even when groundwater exited when excavating the pit.

This mining method cannot be taken unless the running direction of the reverse mine vein can be investigated by digging. It can be said that mining methods are based on advanced surveying techniques.

"Guys, I couldn't pay taxes and I starved to death one after another. There was no need to get here, and one of them took his mother and wife and ran away. We fled to Oda because we thought it would be so easy for us to lose the momentum of flying birds."

"That was a little sweet. They didn't hesitate even in Oda territory. Thanks to the increase in the number of experiments, it turned out to be in my interest for you to behave in a turbulent wave."

Experimental objects, Shiro has fears that he might say. Satisfied to see through the matter, he just smiled small and said nothing more.

"Thank you for waiting. What is it, this subtle air? Satisfaction, you must have threatened me by saying something scary again."

The silence, which conceived a little nervousness, had fallen, but fogged once and for all with the words of the unmalicious mistress. Shiro lowered his chest in a ho, and Satisfaction drew in an earlier grin.

"You're a rude guy. I know that I can turn the place around."

"Yes, yes. I'm not the old man who leaves us alone to make a world just for his wife and me."

Goro also returns after Mitsuruo. Goro had some knobs on a large plate. Placing the large plate at the center of the table, he lowers his hips.

"I'm sorry about that, didn't I?"

"I forgive you once, but not twice. I will not go out with you in the Golden Wheel."

"Ho... is your mistress so loving?"

Shiro raises his doubts as he pours the liquor placed beside the table into the cup.

"Well done, Shiro. You asked. The old man, he's gonna leave us alone, he's gonna hold his wife, he's gonna talk about love, let alone forget we exist, it's scattered. Besides, it was the old man who asked me out."

"Because the secret to keeping couples together for a long time is smooth passage and skin touch. The touch of the skin, no matter how old it is, can help calm your feelings."

"This is it. I stopped dating for the second time. Goro seems to have dated, but the result was just as I expected."

"I wanted to kick my old man in the back, but I was scared of his wife's eyes, so I shrugged and dispersed"

"What do you say? Princess Tsuru is not such a scary person."

(No, this guy)

The three of them sigh about. Shiro has never met Princess Tsuruo, but the attitude of Mitsuruo shows that Princess Tsuruo is quite in love with Mitsuruo.

Not to mention that I couldn't say anything, but I poured liquor into each cup and pinched Goro's special knob.

"If you're a wife belt in the first place, isn't Shiro too?"

"I did not expose myself to something as naked as your lord."

"Shiro, Lu's not turning around."

When Goro pointed out that Shiro thought he rocked his body to the left and right, he suddenly stuck it at his desk. It sounded painful, but Shiro never complained of pain. Instead I heard a creepy sleep.

"Shiro, it's Shimodo! Old man, I'm gonna lay Shiro down."

"I thought you were strong for alcohol. Let them sleep sideways so that it's okay to throw up for one second...... oh, this was a high alcohol! It could be acute alcoholism! We have to make allowance!

"Oh, boy, that's so noisy"

Satisfaction tilted the cup as he watched Goro and Mitsuru rushing to Shiro in haste.

In late September, the Takeda army was already ready for how much. In the meantime, there was a line to Hamamatsu Castle, Jiayang's residence, with a few subordinates.

It's Nobuharu, one of Shiteno Takeda's kings. In the afterlife, he was hailed as "always crowning the generals of wisdom" and was told that he possessed the ability to become a nation.

As for the end of the period, it is also described as a warlord who worked unsurpassed in the Monsignor of Nobunaga. This is the same assessment as the last time Sanho (Miyoshi) succeeded (Okutsu) to the main house of Sanho.

More than seventy times, until the first battle of Nagashino, he was not even scratched by a scratch. In modern times, he is regarded as "Mino the Immortal Ghost".

Though he was born later than any other Takeda family, Shiteno is a highly regarded warlord in future generations.

As such, he arrives at Hamamatsu Castle, which is causing the Takeda family to recruit rebellion. Shingen only said zero when he heard the newspaper: "The boulder is Minomo Horse Farm".

Meanwhile, Jia Kang was relocated to a visit to the stable, where he stayed.

Nobunaga also instructed me, saying that I couldn't respond immediately, and the horse farm left after saying that it was in the root washing pine (Hayamama) at the northern end of the tripartite plateau.

In the Battle of the Tripartite Gahara, the place where Takeda Army is said to have been waiting for Tokugawa Army is said to be Newashimatsu, but it is the irony of history that Horse Farm designated it there.

"My lord, I don't need to see you. I've been working with Takeda for several years now, and there's nothing more to discuss."

One of the ministers advanced, but Jiayang was roaring in his belly. The Minister is right, there is nothing further to discuss with Takeda. Alliance destruction was also unilaterally done by Takeda.

It's been a few years since we broke the alliance and skirmished. The war was one step at a time, and it didn't seem very good that Takeda would form an alliance again.

"No, I'll see you. Running away here makes me laugh. I can't stand being called a coward."

"My lord... Ha!

After thinking about it, Jiayang decided to meet with the stable. If we escaped the offer of talks here, the Three Rivers were visible to the gathering of cowards and Takeda to brag.

These mockeries last a long time. It is also possible that the leading players in the region who have been on our side will fall back on Takeda.

It would be a creepy and horrible meeting, but Jiayang decided that the disadvantage of being told after saying no was too great.

Jiayang left Takeshi Sakai in the castle and instructed the Takeda family to carry out a hustle and bustle like a coward plotting an assassination in case anything happened.

I don't want to die hairy, but I only refuse to admit that Mitsugawa will be treated unfairly afterwards, it was Jiayang's will.

Tadashi, Yasushi, Hanzo, etc. take the proximity, and Jia Kang arrives at Neshomatsu. So the line sees an amazing sight.

The stable was indeed there. But the soldier lowered backwards, himself naked in his upper body, and the knife was also placed uncrafted away.

Soldiers in the rear also had their weapons on the ground in the front row.

Whoever saw it, it was round back, it didn't even belong to the escort, and the soldiers were at a distance they couldn't rush in case. That was making the horse farm creepy even stronger.

Because you challenge the talks with a round back, knowing there is hatred for Takeda.

"Oh, isn't the outermost hip light? I've been stepping on it for a few moments now. Oh, it's cold. I can bare my old bones on a boulder."

A stable noticed the arrival of Jiayang speaks with a floating attitude. When he shivers his body in the cold, he wears the jacket he was taking off.

"My lord, he's round."

Hanzo ears at Jia Kang. Even if Hanzo didn't tell me, Jia Kang knew. Jia Hang had no idea where he had so much guts and room.

One thing I found out is that horse farm leeway is not an insult to family health.

"Let's say no first. I called it a meeting, but I'm actually calling the other one on this occasion. You'll have to wait till the person arrives."

That's what the stable says, it leads to the tree you were keeping on your back. The polite tone was also on the contrary applauding the creepiness of the stable.

A little lost, Jiayang, but throwing a knife that was lowering to his waist, he sat in the shape of a tree on his back, just like the stable. The ministers panicked, but the moment they saw the look on Jiayang's face, they pressed silently because they understood his readiness.

"Ho ho ho, my liver shrugs if I have to. The person in the street has horrible eyes."


"Don't panic. We'll be wearing the waiters soon."

As the stable says, the sound of the horse's foot reaches Jiayang's ear. But all you can hear is one horse's footsteps. I couldn't hear anything else, and he initially wondered if even the early horses had come.

Eventually, when the Lord of Footsteps entered his sight, Jiayang realized that his thoughts were wrong.

"Oh, you are!

The first reaction was loyalty, not home health. Anyway, I showed up on a horse because I was satisfied. The others marvel at the horses that are satisfied, precisely satisfied.

Destoria, which is said to have ceased in modern times, is renowned as a famous horse that endures great stature and heavy armaments. But it was only the loss of pureblood species, and in the Middle Ages and recent times, crossings have also progressed.

Horse species were not also determined by modern DNA, but were generally defined by application. For this reason, several completely different species were sometimes treated as one horse species.

In other words, it is likely that the Destrian lineage remains in the horse species taken over to this day as well.

However, even at the time, it was a criticism that horses were not suitable for anything other than warfare (every wayside), and even if horses remained in the modern age when they ceased to be the floral form of warfare, it was a subtle place.

"I was being scattered down, but it looks like you can finally listen to me, Lord Satisfactory. No... Public."

public, the faces of the housekeepers stiff to the word. Satisfaction, however, does not go through the surrounding gaze at all, but goes down the horse and lowers his back to the right place.

"I'll listen to you."

To put it that way, Satisfaction shut up. It was a dignified attitude, but the stable just laughed bitterly without worrying.

I still can't drink the situation, but I didn't think there was an answer to the question, so I decided to take a peek at the way out of the stable.

"A few years after the start of Mitsugawa, resentment will swirl between Takeda and Tokugawa. But I know that, and I make a suggestion."


"We highly value your style and your ability to fight this long against us. So it's a shame to let you die."

"Come here and tell us it's a ruse?

"Exactly. I've come to invite you to give Lord Tokugawa to the Takeda family."

"Such a suggestion, it would be quite acceptable!!

Out of anger, Jiayang rejects the horse farm proposal. But Horse Farm didn't change his attitude when he saw Jiayang's anger.

"I know. If Lord Tokugawa confers on the Takeda family, the Oda family will not shut up. Is that what you're afraid of? But if that Oda family ceases to exist, there will be no more problems?

In that dialogue Jiayang notices. That Takeda's purpose is not Tokugawa territory, but Oda territory. And what that word means.

Understood Jiayang gives a stunned look. The stable, by contrast, has a pleasant grin.

Only satisfaction did not change a single expression.

"No way!

"Exactly. This time we will do it. But our purpose is not the neck of Lord Tokugawa. The Oda family... took Oda Bulletin Chung."

Take Nobunaga. That wasn't exaggeration or anything, the Takeda family had the power to just make you think it was possible.

Therefore, the idea of whether to really take it away comes to mind in Jia Kang's brain. But soon he kicked it out of his head, and Jiayang stared at the stable.

"To discuss our Oda, we first need to do something about Lord Tokugawa, who is behind us. But I don't want you to die because of me."

If you change the way you perceive it, the Tokugawa family will not be dealt with in the Takeda family. Even if it's a lot, it's a word that comes out because I'm confident that I can take care of my family at any time.

But Jia Kang could not deny the words of the stable. How much we've been skirmishing, but there are a few that can be described as victories.

And if you're going to discuss Oda, the Takeda family is likely to wage a total battle. As before, it is unlikely that the Takeda family will pull a soldier in because they served their purpose.

There was no confidence in Jiayang that he could beat the Takeda family in that state.

"If the public kills us at all costs, we will be slandered by traitors. Therefore, I came to invite you to the Takeda family."


"And we have Mount Bee. Our righteousness is immovable."

To sum up the words of the horse farm, for the Takeda family to discuss the Oda family, they must first deal with the Tokugawa territory located behind the Oda territory.

However, the Takeda family valued Jiayang highly, so they thought it would be a shame to take it away at all costs.

Then bring Jiayang to your side. The worrying Oda family will not get lost in becoming the edge of the Takeda family if the Takeda family promises to take over.

The same is true of satisfaction. In case you kill the public, for whatever reason, the honor of the Takeda family, and Shingen's hegemony, will be scratched. So he wants me to hide somewhere for as long as I can or as long as I can.

"Shall I draw on what I say? If you give this to the Oda family, you will continue to suffer the slander of a man who has allied himself with the evil men of heaven until the last generation."


"Anger clouds my eyes. Think calmly once now, but good. Did the Oda family ever do anything to you? The Oda family is enough for you and Sangawa to take care of the future."

The family well-being of the expression of haste and anger, the stable of calmly imparting against it, in this occasion satisfaction was not as present as the air. No, I can also say that I simply didn't give it a presence like air.

"Looks like we're done here."

That's all I tell you, Satisfaction rises quietly. When I pay the dust on my body, it crosses the horse.

"Where are you going?

"I said first: I'll listen to you (...). There's no better reason for me to be here than after this conversation."

When you hold the reins, your satisfaction exhales small.

"For once, I'll only give you an earlier response. The way you say it is dead. The squeeze is still in this world. But it's trivial. And I don't trust Oda."

The stable pays back its satisfaction. So I finally realize that there is. Satisfied eyes were cold as ice, and pregnant with the colour of madness. It's not the eye that people do. Horse farm instantly thought it was a monstrous eye.

"There is only one person I believe in in in this world. And I will fight him, if he will, against ten thousand enemies, and I will slaughter him on the spot, if he will die. Live for that man, die for that man. And everything but that person is worth using or not, that's all."

When you take your hands off the reins, Satisfaction points to the stable.

"And you are not worth using. There is also no possibility of value for money being used. At best, it's the mountain of Sekiyama that's funny because it's hilarious."

"What is it?"

Now the look on the horse farm changes. It's not just the stable, it also changes the complexion of the soldiers behind the stable. Satisfaction can be a provocation or an insult. But receiving a piercing gaze doesn't change the look of satisfaction.

"Hmm, there's a fool who doesn't know the world. Return to your kingdom and tremble, if you do not wish to leave shame in the world to come."

When you hold the reins again, Satisfaction changes the orientation of the horse. Where he turned his back on the stable and Jiayang, he whined a word.

"This much, we won (...)"

Satisfaction did not hear a response from the stable and ran the horse away. All that remained were the Horse Farms and the Takeda family, which were badly hurt by their possessions, and the Kakang and Tokugawa families, which did not understand the situation until the end.

With the subtle air flowing, Jia Kang also declines the horse farm offer. The stable didn't look particularly concerned, and when I heard Jiayang's response, I walked away lightly.

More than the stable is gone, Jia Kang doesn't need to be in Root Wash Pine either, and he takes his minister back to his castle.

Jiayang refused the offer of the stable because he did not trust Nobunaga. There was meanness and pride, but above all satisfaction was creepy.

Jiayang remembers the last words that Satisfaction grunted. 'I won,' not 'I won,' he said. Where the Takeda family had the element of 'winning', that was a concern for Jiayang.

Clear possibilities were considered. But it didn't seem very clear from the attitude of satisfaction.

"Hanzo, the public... No, find out why Lord Satoshi was so sure."


Hanzo received his life, but I feel it's not easy. But it was an important task to determine the fate of the Three Rivers, and you can't be weak, I put myself alive.

Satisfaction, on the other hand, was immersed in his hobby every day because he did his part. I reported it to Shizuko, and the effect of Kusuri was also improved. Everyone's actions, including Takeda, were proceeding as expected.

Since the chess from here is Shizuko's hand number (Yakushi), and my role in the future is to gather the gaze of the intersex, I had no problem playing.

The harvest period also coincided, and a banquet was held when various ingredients were brought into your house. Although we each have a job, no, it's because we don't usually see each other at work that we start having a good banquet.

"No scratches, no scratches."

"Drink and make a scene tonight, we'll dance and sing -"

Singing an odd song, Satisfaction puts his shoulders together with Goro to perform a mysterious dance. Shiro and Mitsuruo take the tone and stand down. They were all brilliantly drunk.

In a few moments, Mitsuruo's daughter's neck will shrink, and Princess Tsuru will return to the house with it. Therefore, there are times when we can only make foolish noises right now, and the noise between the four of us was lively.

Because of the ranch, the neighbors don't complain about the noise of the four of them.

"Eh, eh, eh, more and more. The treasure will come out. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh."

Now Mitsuruo and Shiro hold each other with their hands and dance while digging the ground.

"Good, old man!

What a surreal sight, but it has nothing to do with drunken people. If it's funny, everything else is ignored.

Afterwards it became a chaotic banquet of sorts, with Mitsuruo falling in love and the three of them booing, dancing strange mime mime dressing and everyone vomiting.

"Well, it's time for the sun to set. Send Mitsuko to the hospital?"

If you look outside, the sun will set in a moment. Even when it comes to banquets, unlike modern times, they start during the day, so when the sun sets, the banquet is over.

Mitsuruo spends the night here at Princess Tsuru's hospital, not at home. In the early morning we go back to the house to do our work, and in the evening we head back to Princess Tsuru.

For the first time in my loving wife's house, Shizuko laughed bitterly, but there was no reason to stop, so I prepared a bed for her. So far, it doesn't look like it has been used.

"We're done cleaning up. Shall we go then? Me and Goro are going to cool down Hell Street afterwards, but what will Lord Shiro do?"

Hell Street refers to a street where so-called amusement contours have been gathered. There are a number of stories in Yukou Street where payments are outrageous because they did not choose the right store for their length and all their property was taken with them.

Rumors around it caught a tail, and whenever Yuguo Street failed, Hell knocked him down, so he became known as Hell Street with the meaning of admonition.

"It's my invitation, but I forbid you to have a wife, Hell Street"

"Oh, yeah. Me and Mr. Satisfaction are gonna chill out."

While we have that conversation, the four of us who are ready to go out aim for their respective destinations. We were together all the way in, but when we entered the city, we split into two groups: Mitsuro and Shiro, Satisfaction and Goro.

Satisfaction and Goro go straight down Hell Street after breaking up with the two of them. I can speak a lot, but the two of them listen and walk as they are.

Travel through Hell Street in a cool enough place and onto a street lined with restaurants. I'm going to grab a drink and then go home.

I'll see you later.

"Yeah, be careful and go home."

Satisfaction broke up with Goro after a glass of booze and a light pinch at the right stall. After dropping off Goro's back with a thousand birds feet, Satoshi was on his way home with a foothold he didn't think he was drinking.

Shizuko, who received a report from Satisfaction, was convinced that Shingen was more involved in the measures. Shizuko also knew that Shingen was releasing an interlocutor to Oda territory to investigate.

Based on the information in Oda territory, it was possible to change the timing of Shingen's ascent. However, satisfactory reports have eliminated the possibility of a change in timing.

Shingen is distressed to agree with his ministers. If you say the more satisfied you are, the more provocative you will be, and change the time to attack, the ministers are likely to rebel.

(Pull from here... because this is mostly what happens... I figured the root wash pine area would be a fabric position)

Looking at the map created from the topographical survey data, Shizuko considered the location where the Takeda army would form a formation as root washing pine.

Modern root wash pines leave not a single shadow of the time. However, the hills of Keita ahead (known in modern times as the old hills of Keita) left a shadow behind at the time.

The legend ignores Hamamatsu Castle, where Jiayang cages, and the Takeda army changed course towards Triangahara. Tokugawa Army, which learns that there is a Keita slope on the move, changes its measures to launch from Cage Castle to Takeda.

However, Takeda troops traveling along the hills of Keita are said to have suddenly flipped and collided head-on as soon as Tokugawa troops tried to raid their backs.

There are a number of strange things about this legend. First, Keita's slopes, which still leave remnants of the day, are dim and narrow enough to approach the exit.

It is impossible to invert simultaneously in such a place and lay a formation of fish scales without further 30,000 troops messing up a thread, given the military circumstances of the time.

If Shingen allowed a simultaneous inversion, it doesn't make sense to choose Keita's slope for the battlefield, close to the terrain to be avoided described in Sun Tzu.

It is also inexplicable that Sakuma, who plays a backpacking role, is following along when he suddenly changed his tactics from Cage Castle to attack.

Though a hindsight, I disagree, unless Jiayang is in the interest of the Oda Army to aggressively attack the Takeda Army. However, there is no material stating that Sakuma and the others disagreed with the slapping behind Takeda's army.

The fact that the reinforcements are three thousand is puzzling. Sakuma, Hirakami and Mizuno, the reinforcements' generals, are each powerful warlords.

Sakuma, in particular, is in the position of the most powerful warlord in the Oda army until Mitsuyuki and Hideyoshi rise.

While dispatching so many faces, I won't allow you to assume a cage castle with a total of just 3,000 troops. In the first place, Nobunaga did not mention the number of soldiers, and the other materials do not match the number of soldiers.

Taking them into account, Shizuko came to one conclusion.

(Originally dispatched in 10,000 units, but I guess I was laying down a double measure so that there was no problem with caged castles in castles dropped by Takeda or even bare streets without even attacking castles)

That means there was more than one packing after Oda. Nearly 20,000 were dispatched to pack after the Oda army. However, it is believed that it was divided into several castles, including Hamamatsu Castle, rather than one Hamamatsu Castle.

Takeda Army needs to be constantly concerned about Tokugawa Army behind them even if they attack Ozhang and Mino if they don't drop Hamamatsu Castle.

Therefore, as a Takeda army, it was necessary to beat Jiayang to such an extent that he could not easily take military action. However, Hamamatsu Castle cannot be easily dropped if it is caged because of its robustness.

If the castle was attacked, a backpack was dispersed so that the Oda troops in the other castle could rush for rescue.

And it is believed that it was Nobunaga's operation that Takeda's army, who understood the situation, failed to act and put it in a nailed state to buy time.

No matter how equipped you are over the winter, the Takeda Army doesn't have the strength to keep fighting for extended periods of time. If armaments are depleted, we have no choice but to return.

In this case, backpacking was dispatched on a 10,000-unit basis. There are materials from the Koyang Army Book and the Tokugawa family minister, and Tsuji. In just 3,000 units, there is also a certain explanation for the warlords' presence in Hamamatsu Castle.

There is no reason for Sakuma and the others to disagree, even if Jiayang mentions an operation to storm the Takeda army on Keita's slope from behind.

With fewer soldiers, that would reduce Nobunaga's burden of being in Gifu, and it would be difficult for Takeda to move.

It sounds pitiful to hear you endure even and wait for Takeda to run out of time.

But for Nobunaga, who is surrounded by enemies in all directions, this operation is the safest. The pitiful state of affairs is less likely to hurt Takeda's retention poorly and attack him again with a rush of excess.

It's safer for Nobunaga to be lifting and fluttering when he's snarky and his opponent is strong.

(Hmm, that's hard on boulders)

Shizuko moves the pawn as she thinks. It is likely that the Takeda army will lay a formation of fish scales. Shizuko thought it was an operation that would crush him at once while his opponent, who he thought could slap behind his back, was surprised.

In contrast, it is often said that Jiayang laid a formation of crane wings, which is a good mistake. But Shizuko didn't necessarily think it was a mistake.

Because the Tsuruwings are an excellent team for both offenses as long as they can take out enemy attacks in the front. Whether usually the disadvantaged side takes the crane wing formation is only a fool.

It is a narrow path that can limit enemy movement, and considering that after the Battle of the Tripartite Gahara, we will play Cage Castle at Hamamatsu Castle, it is not the best choice that can reduce wear and tear, but it can be called Better.

(This one's in this kind of operation... like this... ok, now it's done)

After finishing writing all the chess scores, Shizuko collects them and sends them to Hanbei Takenaka. A few moments later, I get back what contains the indication of Hanbei Takenaka.

I have repeated this over and over again to increase my chances of winning the Battle of Triangahara. I don't even remember how many times I repeated it.

"Oh, I'm tired. I won't do it again. You know what?"

The same goes for physical fatigue, but it was a spiritually tiring static to think about maneuvers where people die a lot. But what results will be achieved in the battle of Tripartite Gahara, and that will determine the future of the Oda army.

For Nobunaga's sake, and for his own sake, the battle of the Tripartite Gahara is inevitable. Shizuko sighs heavily when she puts on her cheek wand.

(If things go as they were, things change. It's not just outside. Various things change in the Oda family as well. Huh, if you go back to modern times in your current state, it's probably a dangerous person course)

Shizuko had already given up returning to modern times. Nevertheless, he also thought that the possibility of suddenly being drawn back to modern times was not zero. But it's already been seven years since I've come to Ozhang.

I don't even think about wearing clothes right now, and if it's not a kimono, it won't stick. And if I hadn't lowered my knife to my scalpel and hips, I wouldn't be comfortable going anywhere.

No problem in the Warring States era, but if you had lowered your knife to a kimono in modern times, you would definitely be in police trouble. If you do poorly, they suspect you of a mental illness and you are hospitalized.

"(I didn't think about it because I worked for Cancer, but I wonder how everyone is doing) Mother, I wonder if you're worried"

"What's wrong with my mother?


Suddenly, Shizuko, surprised by what she had heard in her ear, raised her bare voice. Turning to those who spoke in haste, there was a thick princess whose flirtation was successful and enjoyable.

"It was the sky above, but what do you think?"

"Please do not enter a person's room without permission"

"I've called many times, but I've always heard back from you. It's dangerous that he's falling in the room. If I came in, I'd be whining, so I wouldn't have just been listening."

"Ha, that's enough. It's become silly to worry."

Looking at the princess, she was Shizuko, whose problems seemed trivial. Shaking his head gently and kicking out the clutter, he turns again to the dark princess.

"So, what can I do for you? Also, did you want something to eat?

"I'm not here for dinner. I'm here to ask Shizuko to join me for tea."

"Can you say no to that?

"You can say no. In that case, you can't just drag him away."

It's essentially the same if you can't say no, Shizuko stuck it in her heart. As a matter of fact, I thought I would waste my time looking at it like a child, but I thought of it because I would have trouble being carried in a weird way.

"Okay, I'll go out with you. So please don't get stuck."

"Shizuko's words, Uzumizu," he said.

Soon a dark princess turning behind Shizuko gently hugs Shizuko. The princess was scraping her cheeks like a cat when she put her chin on Shizuko's shoulder.

"At first I thought what a fool, but this is good for it. Are you ashamed, my lord? I could never let you do it again."

"Well, that's a direct expression of affection. I'm ashamed of myself."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. My concubine likes Shizuko. Well, I thought of my mother earlier, but if you're lonely, you should think of your concubine as my mother."

"... That's not true, to the princess. But my mother doesn't look anything like the princess, so that's an impossible consultation."

"Shizuko started saying it, too. Well, shall we head there?"

Stepping away from her back, the princess rose and headed for the teahouse. To move too quickly, Shizuko was stunned for a moment, but as soon as the understanding caught up, she stood up and followed the dark princess.

"Today's tea treats are of some kind"

The princess shrugged about that as she heard Shizuko's footsteps coming after her from behind.