During the Warring States, tea water was an essential upbringing for martial families and public households. Nobunaga, who had an eye for tea water during the Upper Los Angeles period, later implements a policy called Mitsuyu Michido.

Simply put, it is a policy that prohibits the political use of tea water and the opening of tea water to ministers without permission.

Nobunaga pushed tea utensils to be of equal value to the land by granting permission only to those with great merit.

It is unclear whether the name Mitsuyu Mitsujido was actually used, but since Hideyoshi's letter states' I was first allowed tea water and I was impressed ', I can ask that tea water was allowed.

In addition, it can be inferred that Nobunaga has focused his efforts on branding tea utensils and creating value, such as by allowing tea utensils to be offered to those responsible for the conspiracy.

But for the princess, tea utensils were just vessels. For her, the tea didn't taste better where she was served a good tea bowl, but on the contrary, she was open to the breathlessness of her shoulders.

"The men are tea utensils of tang. What is it? May flies. Wouldn't it be nice to have tea and tea treats such as tea soup? No tough steps."

Close to the tea ceremony of the previous period, the tea water of the dark princess was also free.

When it comes to tea water, tea utensils, tea rooms, and all the way to the main customer, the tea water of the dark princess was a breeze blowing where unity and so on.

I don't have a problem taking a seat along the way, pinching tea treats and spending a moment chatting. If it was tea water that enjoyed the wind currents and so on, the tea water of the dark princess was something that enjoyed the time we spent together drinking tea.

It is forbidden for men to have dark princess flowing tea water. The reason is simply because it is also a place to 'crack your belly and talk'. You may speak of the grievances you usually simmer in the tea water of the princess.

Naturally, conversations are confidential and not divulged to others. If this cannot be protected, you cannot participate in tea water. Tell the truth, but it's important to end it on the spot.

It's a dark princess tea water that tends to get disorderly at first glance, but there were some strict rules. The same is true of the obligation of confidentiality to earlier conversations, but most importantly, tea and tea treats are delicious.

There is also a decision that "tea confectionery is suitable for tea".

Tea treats are important. Tasty tea, and a delicious treat that goes with tea, there are just two things that make the conversation bounce. Conversely, if tea and confectionery are unsavory, nature and conversation can also be negative.

It is still good if you feel seasonal, but it is too desirable, so it is only desirable to give a seasonal feeling.

"Today's tea and sweets are delicious"

"Diluted tea today, so we prepared sweets (beards)."

Although there are various Japanese confectionery used as tea confectionery, it is greatly distinguished between main confectionery (parrots), which is mainly filled, and confectionery with low moisture content, which is consolidated by mixing sugar, powder, and the like.

The trick to distinguish between the two is easy, with less moisture in the confectionery being the dried confectionery and more the main confectionery. It is assumed that dark eye tea is the main sweet and thin tea is a good dessert in that relationship.

"It's good to see the season represented by goose."

A dark princess pinches Japanese sweets served on a plate.

Goose is dried rice flour mixed with water candy, sugar, and then colored according to the condensed form. Later, after pressing and shaping, if it is roasted (molten) or naturally dried, it is complete.

There are fine processes, but the general flow is simple. However, because it is simple, it is deep, and the skill and taste of the craftsman are tested, such as the quality of the material, the formation of the wooden mould, and the way it is colored and appeared.

The flavor is not simply sweet either. As the name suggests, it requires just enough quality to enjoy an elegant and elegant sweetness.

"A painting of a little bird clumped into a branch of tsubaki. Beautiful. I can't help but feel like eating."

"Enjoy it with your eyes, enjoy the fragrance, and enjoy the flavor. It's not entertainment that men can do."

"Tea water is tough and troublesome."

"Dear Left, what is it worth to something that you cannot enjoy as entertainment? I think you need to entertain your shoulders, but you won't understand."

The princesses enjoy tea water as they blur about it. Drink tea, pinch sweets, and bicker. If they do, tea water is also entertainment, not a tool of politics.

Speaking of which, what happened to Shizuko?

"Mr. Oda called me and I missed my seat."

"To take away the pleasure of a concubine, my lord will also do unclean things"

Shizuko was also called to the Tea Party of the Dark Princess, but Nobunaga, who found out about it, summoned Shizuko this fortunately.

Either Nobunaga is forced to push the challenge, or the Dark Princess makes fun of me, Shizuko doesn't get all sorts of eyes, but it's a mystery which is better.

"But Shizuko's work has led to more entertainment for the concubines. If you think about it, what's not here right now is that if you think something interesting is going to happen later, you can put up with it."

"I wonder if it's good, if it's good. Not in other countries."

"Dear Left, I can't stand a world without entertainment. Sometimes it's important to get back to childhood and play."

They collude while eating tea treats. Every day, they protect the house, too. Sometimes they want to breathe. That's what made Shizuko so she could breathe all sorts of different breaths.

The fact that I was able to breathe moderately between jobs allowed me to relax every day, and now I even enjoy the tea party in this way.

"Speaking of which, Shizuko made" Ramen "."

"I've heard that before. Anything like tang noodle dishes. I wonder what it tastes like."

"You think there are already many stores in Shizuko's city that serve 'Ramen'?"

"Bye. Next time, let him make it."

They started to say whatever they wanted, not to mention how fortunate they were that they weren't there. By the end of the conversation, Shizuko's cooking of ramen had become a certainty among them.


At the same time, Shizuko, who had a chill in her spine, was sneezing big.