Chronicles of The Hardships of Komachi in The Sengoku Era

Early October, one thousand five hundred and seventy-four


Sun Yi inquires in a surprising voice. When Reliant agrees with Sun Yi's query, he continues to speak.

"We were always watching Oda's trends. Wearing tiny pieces, he gathered information and kept hitting what seemed to be the best hand on the spot. And how about reality? Whereas the situation has improved, it has been pushed into a position where there is neither binary nor ternary (that way). In other words, Oda knew that his ears and eyes were gathered together, and by moving flashly to make it look big, didn't Oda make him hide his fateful measures (oh)?

"I see... we were going after our heads, but they grabbed our flashly decorated tails. But is there someone, such as Oda, who wants to make up his own mind about anything and leaves no one else in charge of what matters, who can entrust him with the measures of his destiny?

"Normally, he's not here, but he's the only one around. A person who is competent on top of no ambition of birth, absolutely no betrayal, because he is not a man, and who can read the major muscles behind the order and roll the measures alone, even without giving detailed instructions. Be sure to bite one for this miscellaneous disaster."

"... the daughter of a Kingsguard"

Sun Yi muttered bitterly as he broke the twig in his hand and fell into the central burning fire.

Among the forces belonging to each of the three, the damage suffered by the Miscellaneous People to whom Sun Yi belongs stands out. A group of well-known artillery mercenaries in heaven, even though they were not human beings, had now become a shadowless crowd of the UAE.

Moreover, the return of many of the Miscellaneous people to merchants spread to the nation with terrible momentum through the mouths of the merchants in charge of distribution. As a merchant, the rumored Miscellaneous had been treated as devastated in an attempt to provide an interesting and strange topic and buy the interest of the counterparty.

When this happens, nothing wants a miscellaneous crowd as a group of mercenaries, and they become increasingly inclined to commerce. In exchange for the individual forces of the Miscellaneous People moisturizing individually, the Miscellaneous People's reputation fell to the ground.

"It's a good way of putting merchants in charge of information, not the forces of Oda. There is no way that we can put a door in everyone's mouth and scatter merchandise all over the country. Those who fought thoroughly have also lost momentum as the situation becomes unfavourable. The only people who are willing to fight are the ones who can't eat in business because they don't have the business talent."

"What do we do with praise for our enemies! If you hit something, the Miscellaneous People your ancestors created will collapse?

"You can't. Under the decree of the building beam, if it was a system in which everyone would move, it would still be a system of consultation, but therefore it would not collapse. Everyone has begun to aim for a different point, and it's not easy to put it together again."

Sunichi understood the situation by the time he was ruthless. Personally, I hate Nobunaga and Shizuko, who grew up on hand salt and led the miscellaneous people they have fought together to collapse. But if we're going to think about the survival of the Miscellaneous, personal emotions have to be eliminated.

The time had come to abandon the fleet, which had begun to move in different directions for each of them, and to bind only ships aiming in the same direction as themselves. Spare your former glory and lose everything if you missee the opportunity.

It is an impossible loss for a regular person, but Sun Yi was able to do it. If you put your life and the lives of others on the scale and think that others will survive for the sake of the Miscellaneous, you can abandon your life without hesitation. Such inhuman cleanliness was in Sun Yi.

"Besides, the people who were instigated by Oda have a reason not to."

"May I ask why?

Yee-jung (eh), who had been a thorough listener until now, expressed his doubts. Sun ichi answers Ee-jung's question once he exhales loudly.

"They didn't know that the Miscellaneous People hated each other. I fell because I believed that getting back to the merchants would be good for the Miscellaneous. I believe in my own thoughts but will therefore try to become mainstream in an attempt to guide everyone. Thus the resistance is driven to the minority and decays in warm water. When we lost our fangs, there was no way to resist Oda..."

"But then shouldn't we reveal everything to everyone and try to get back on track?

"There is no way that anyone who tries to be prepared so far will grant such a respite. Be sure to strike the second and third arrows, and let them compete with each other. That's how Oda calculates where everyone's exhausted."

"I see... Oda does not labor to send down the miscellaneous, and Hondo Temple loses a stopover other than Maori. Kaga Traditional Sect gave Oda a pretext, the earliest light in front of the wind. If Kiimoto also loses the support of the Miscellaneous People, let's not be far away and disintegrate. The only way to survive is to cage castles, but only slow suicides such as cage castles with no reinforcements."

"The current situation is packed (...) Oops"

Reliability squeezed out a bittersweet voice. Plate surfaces are not covered with the earliest usual hands. That's what it takes to make something bigger and crazier like pointing twice at a single number.

However, in this situation, the reliable eye was not dead. He had the look of a cramped mouse (cucumber) waiting for a chance to win, believing in the hand of resurrection.

"That's why I said... At the time of the first siege, we had to destroy Oda no matter how big the pain..."

The two of them couldn't find the words to hang on to the whining that leaked from their reliable mouths just because they were ashamed.

"Heck... is someone rumoring? That's... that's a lot of trouble..."

Shizuko blurs when she sees a sentence delivered by Nobunaga. To summarise the contents of the sentence, "I will use Shizuko's tea room, so that I can wait when I am ready".

Instead of a tea room made by Nobunaga set up in Gifu Castle, it was deliberately said that the tea party would be held in a tea room located in Shizuko's mansion. To put it briefly, the tea room in Shizuko's mansion is a prime.

I know the golden tea room Hideyoshi made me make with historical facts, in addition to my originally low interest in tea water. For the reason that I couldn't rest my mind, such as a luxurious tea room, it was finished with the simplest tea room possible.

Minimum quadruplets, considering the size of the tea room. The so-called "small room" was adopted. For the record, an interval of less than or equal to four folds is called a small room and more than four folds is called a hall (hiroma). Quadruple halves can be both 'small' and 'hall'

The basic design referred to the Kusanagi Tea Room. The roof is covered with straw, and the walls have no bare dirt walls. The windows are also called basement windows, which look as simple as painting the walls there.

The interior was also extremely simple, with half a tatami furnace tatami set in the center and only a tatami surrounding it like a blade of a windmill, and there were other simple floors.

Between the floors was placed a hanging axis of Nobunaga wafer (Kiyoshi) 's "erratic behavior" and a pottery flower purse with no change of philosophy that had been bought on the market, producing grass flowers that had been noticed during the season.

The exterior was tiny, and the interior had a texture of something that was simple. Though he was proud to say that it was a medium tea room that smelled the fun of the grasshopper tea room completed by Chiriku, he received scattered accolades from all around him for "stinking" and "miserable".

"He wants to use a derogatory tea room until his luck drops... did someone even give him some weird indulgence?

In tea water these days, it was Higashiyama that often came to the forefront. Shizuko's tea room, known for its mere presence of Higashiyama objects in the tea room and its possession of many Higashiyama objects, was whispered that it would be a spectacular object.

In reality, Higashiyama was a sobering tea room where there was nothing of value other than books at the hands of Nobunaga himself.

"Well, since I'm talking about the above, I think you're stepping on it when it can be used for something... but I don't know the background, so it's useless to think about it. Time to go to bed."

Shizuko, who turned out the lights, dives into the futon. The area around the futon was slightly hot, as the Vitmans were already rounded around.

Occasionally, a cat comes on top of a futon, but when she gets her chest compressed in her sleep, she has a bad dream, so she tried to put a blanket-laid cage in one corner of the room.

I intended to provide a replacement bed for the cat, but it didn't look like it was being used.

The next day, Shizuko cleaned up the day's work in the morning after ordering the tea room to be ready. After lunch, I spent some time in my own room with the Vitmans.

It's not about doing anything special. Unmindful families also share leisure time with their fellow members. As long as Shizuko is in a position to do so, the use of these kinds of time can be extravagant. I enjoyed the vacation I visited a long time ago.

"It'll be cold in a little while, but it's a pleasant climate right now."


Kaiser responded with a shout to Shizuko's soliloquy. Shizuko didn't even know if she understood her language or if it was just coincidence overlapping. But somehow it seemed like you put your hands in the right place.

"Ugh... the Nanban fruits finally left my hand, and the dates I bought from the Nanban merchants are untouchable in the first place."

A date is a fruit of a nut palm. Shizuko was interested in buying what Nanban merchants brought in as a preserved food.

The history of nutmeyer cultivation by mankind is ancient and, in a passage, is believed to have been cultivated in Egypt and Mesopotamia around the sixth millennium BC.

It is not so familiar in Japan that it seems like a single variety, but in fact there are more than four hundred varieties, food that was so important that in areas where nutmeg was once the staple food, many varieties of nomenclature were given depending on the maturity of the fruit.

As can be seen from its high distribution in the drying zone, it is resistant to drying and temperature changes and grows well in withstanding harsh growing environments. In the Japanese climate, it is rare to wither as long as the humidity is not significantly below zero degrees, and there was no need to take care of it in a static environment where greenhouses were available.

"But I didn't expect it to germinate even after it was processed into dried fruit... that's a terrible life force"

Shizuko thought that only heavenly sun drying, which was not subjected to an industrial heating treatment, did not reach a temperature where germination capacity was no longer available.

At first, I soaked it in the water to find out the date seeds after eating it, but after one night, it was about 1.5 times bloated, so I thought I'd plant it in the soil and it germinated.

Not all seeds germinated from boulders, and the germination rate was less than 10%, but Shizuko was very happy.

We need to watch out for low temperatures until we grow trees, so we are switching to bowls to continue cultivating them. The problem lies in the fact that Dates has solidity due to the female and male strains.

Without the alignment of female male strains by this nature, we cannot expect fruit harvest, but we cannot discern female males unless flowers begin to bloom.

Shizuko looked at the article on dates introduced as dietary foods in modern times, so she only remembered that female strains were flowered downwards and male strains were flowered upwards.

I now grow about ten seedlings, but only pray that they are all not biased by one strain or another.

"Well, it doesn't have to be that the fruit can't be harvested, but if the fruit can be harvested, there's a chance I can make a 'tonkatsu sauce'... Fortunately, the Nanban merchants thought that dates would be for sale, and they could buy them regularly in the future."

Nutpalms are a popular food in the Middle East and germinate well if you leave seeds around after eating raw dates. As mentioned, however, many people do not intend to raise them because it takes years to discern female males.

If there is one male strain, it is possible to pollinate about fifty female strains, because the competition principle, which is extremely unfavourable for later onset, works because of the overall low value other than excellent male strains.

Because of these things, dating is not important for Nanban merchants other than as a preserved food, and will be turned preferentially to Shizuko, where the transaction price per weight is set high.

Shizuko plans to use this to collect seeds from dry dates in the future and continue growing them.

In the ears of Shizuko, who was enjoying a cool afternoon's temp, a footsteps approaching stepped on the laid gravel. When Shizuko closes the book in her hand, she strokes the heads of the Vitmen who are up and on guard.

"Dear Shizuko, the horse arrived earlier than the superior." We'll be there after noon tomorrow. "

"Okay. Tell Xiao to clean the tea room tomorrow morning."


To avoid letting Shizuko sit on the edge, she goes around the garden and tells her life to the lowest surname she came to report. Shizuko puts the closed book on the edge and gets up and stretches her whole body out.

The time of regret but serenity is over. Tightening her expression, Shizuko took up what she needed to do.

The next afternoon. Shizuko was waiting for Nobunaga to arrive in the tea room where Xiao and the others took care of it with care. It's a little chilly for the October climate, albeit just a quadruple.

And placed five virtues in a furnace set in the middle of the room, lined with charcoal, and hung a cup of tea over it. This will keep the whole room warm and allow guests exposed to the outside air to warm up indoors.

Shizuko's tea room employs a method of cutting part of the tatami and placing the cauldron in the furnace sandalwood (Rodan), which is an enclosure provided under the floor. Incidentally, the manner in which a cauldron can be hung from a furnace placed on a tatami is called a wind furnace.

Shizuko, who in modern times had communicated various practices and procedures but knew only the least to be ashamed of the folds she had been invited to, thought of keeping the room warm as a side of entertainment.

When the room was warm enough, a small surname to refrain from outside announced the arrival of Nobunaga. Ordered to guide him, Shizuko waited for Nobunaga's arrival.

Eventually I noticed something odd when I was blurring my ears because I heard footsteps treading on the ground.

The guide's last name is supposed to be for one person in order to wait along the way, but you can hear multiple footsteps no matter what you ask.

Surprised by who it might be, Nobunaga was followed by someone who had never seen him enter the tea room.

From the outside, there are no signs of suppressing anything else specific to the samurai near the fiftieth road, so I thought Shizuko might be a merchant. I also considered the possibility of being a public house, but then it would be unnatural for Nobunaga not to order decorations according to his opponent.

If you are demonstrating against a public house, Nobunaga, who owns many Higashiyama objects, can't possibly not use it. Shizuko also knows the face of a person who can be seen directly by Nobunaga, and thus frowns (hissing) without knowing the origin of the person at first sight.

"Throw it away."

Nobunaga, who noticed Shizuko's gaze, ordered him laughing. Since Nobunaga has decided that there is no problem, there is no reason to say anything different about Shizuko, and she starts with tea as planned.

(... hard to do)

As for Shizuko, I know a certain amount about the method on the invitee side, but I don't know about the method on the pavilion owner's side, so I remember the scene I saw in the drama of history and so on, and light the tea with the appearance imitation.

Away from Nobunaga, who sits squattingly on the noble tatami in front of the floor, the person seated on the guest tatami observed that Shizuko's every step of the way could not be missed.

Shizuko, who made the tea room but did not envisage sitting on the pavilion owner's side, was, to put it better, our style and, to put it worse, she lit the tea with naive work.

From the attitude of the pavilion owner not to observe the movement (crushing), I thought that the guest might be a tea man, but in that case, Shinagawa, who knew Shizuko's skill, did not say anything.

In this case, Shizuko's misconduct leads to her husband, Nobunaga, and it is Nobunaga who shames her. Both Nobunaga's intentions and the Guest's thoughts were uncertain, and Shizuko had a little anxiety.

"... go ahead"

If it was the way it was supposed to be, I would recommend tea confectionery first and serve tea in anticipation that the guests had finished eating it, but Shizuko, who thought it would be better if they each ate it at the right time, offered both at once.

"Hmm, is it a new one again? Whatever it looks like, it tastes good."

Nobunaga didn't care about the lawlessness, first flattening the tea treats, then reaching for the thin tea. And once again, Shizuko goes on an outrage.

I recommended the tea I had lit in another tea bowl to my guests, along with the tea treats.

I am a Guest who has lost her temper to behaving too shapelessly, but when she receives it, she gives me a bowl of grace and mouths tea and thin tea, imitating Nobunaga.

He opened his eyes slightly and then glanced at the flowers decorated between the floors.

"I see... this is imitating a shooting ball. A glossy black, tea treat reminiscent of the autumn night long, while creating the season, the taste is also first-class. That was a good tip."

"Yes. I'm sorry for the compliment."

Shizuko, who had no such intention, was perplexed by the state of praise killing.

Looking forward to seeing how Shizuko was doing, Nobunaga revealed the character of her guests.

"Good for you, Shizuko. Looks like it's a good fit for Zooey's glasses. Sometimes it's unusual for a soul not to say a word of praise to let go."

"Zong... Yi...? Ah!"

Shizuko, who understood who the person in front of her, accidentally said the name she knew and hurriedly swallowed the words.

He was one of the three heavenly masters of tea water, known in the name of Qianzoyi and Qianli Holidays in modern times.

Nobunaga was employed as a teahead along with Sakai (Imai) Soku (Tsuji), Tsuda (Tsuji) Sousuke (Tsuji) and others.

For the record, it was a short time ago when I named the name of the usury that would be passed on to future generations. He had spent most of his life acting as Zoe, his legal name.

In 1585, Hideyoshi gave an end to Hideyoshi's intention to hold a banned tea party in return for his inauguration in Kanbai.

Since Zoe's identity as the pavilion owner of the Tea Party was townspeople, the Emperor of Zheng Parent Town gave Zoe a living degree called "Leisure" so that he could enter the palace, making him a namesake as the teaman of the heavens in both fame and fame.

"Soui did not like Huamei, and was tired of tea parties where such specialties as the luxurious tea room and the Higashiyama Monument were honored. Therefore, as far as I can tell, it is the most elegant tea room I have brought here."

"... then let me know before--"

"If you tell me, you'll try to fix the place, but it's important to make you look as you are."

Nobunaga cut and discarded in a nutshell the protest of Shizuko, who later exposed himself to naive dots, in front of the tea ceremony landlord, also known as Tea Saint.

Nobunaga was right, if he had been informed beforehand, Shizuko would have summoned the power he could have to fix the spot.

That's how Nobunaga thought there was no point in having a tea party on the spot.

"Well, Soui. This tea party, which is the exact opposite of the fashion that has prevailed in recent times, I don't think you need to hesitate."

"... right. Tea soup is also very shape-breaking, and in terms of how delicious you can taste a cup of tea, it's ruined to serve tea sweets and matcha all at once."

"Yes. As long as you're ashamed."

From the point of view of Soui, who had to take a look at Nobunaga, Shizuko's dot was also equal to a toy game. But that was a limited story to the way things were done, and the essence of how to entertain customers held up, and there were many things to appreciate.

"You will not be so feared. I'm only talking about it in the light of how the world's 'tea water' works. Together with the tea room, I think this tea party is wonderful."

"Ha ha..."

"Flowering between floors, for example. It's not a specialty, it's just that it produces cypress fans (hitogi) that are common in common pottery. It seems to be alive at first glance, and brilliantly reproduces the seemingly different autumn times of its fruit (jitsu), leaves, flowers and fruit. And compared to the magnificence of that fall shift, the vessel is often less than elegant. There must be a scarcity of beauty, of beauty."

"... I'm afraid"

As if unintentionally praised, Shizuko silently decided to cloud her tea.

"I showed you something really good. Looking at your tea room, I think I see where I'm going."

That being said, Soui loosened the tannic surface that had been floating all along, and for the first time she smiled.

"I have been dissatisfied with the recent flow of biasing tea water, especially tangerine tea utensils. But just to be dissatisfied (...), I'm not showing you a new path. Anyone who speaks out of dissatisfaction can do it, if you don't think this kind of tea water would be better, you can't have someone else's consent without showing what you believe to be good."

Nobunaga, who watched the two exchanges in silence, asked a word when he grinned lightly.

"What do you say, Shizuko is funny? Have you been a little irritated?

"Yes, I was able to return to my beginnings without trying. Thanks to you, I was sure that the tea water I sought was not wrong."

"The beauty and doings of the dead unseen, draining waste to the extreme and removing vanity"

"You cut to the point that you can't sharpen anything any more, and you find fun in simplicity. No. Is it" Mizuki Tea "?

"This contrasts with the tea water of our people. That's good again."

You liked the word "tea", Soui had meditated and nodded many times. In his head, the direction of the shrimp tea is shaped.

Eventually he opened his eyes again and Soui turned to Shizuko when he corrected his residence.

"Dear Shizuko, I have one favor to ask you"

"Please, is it?

"With indignation, can we not give that flower purse away?

Understanding what Soo Yi's words meant, Shizuko glanced at the flower inlet. This is an eye-catching ceramic flower purse that has nothing to say about it.

Was it the masterpiece of a young craftsman or what Shizuko bought for only one remaining sale in the market?

You don't even use rokuro, the shape is uneven and distorted, and the shades are wild.

"Can you think about it as a sign (a servant) to get back to the beginning when you are lost so that you don't forget today? From Shizuko's point of view, I intend to offer you a small price, whatever it is."

"Oh, no. It's not that much of a value. If you like it, please bring it. No consideration required."

"Thank you. Happiness. Sooner or later this royal grace"

I didn't think anyone wanted what they bought in the market for ten yen (unit of new currency in Oda territory, about a few hundred yen when converted to modern prices), and I was stuck responding.

Shizuko spoke outdoors, calling people to wrap the flowers in, and handed them to Soui.

"If the tea water I aspire to takes shape, I will invite Shizuko first"

"Yes, we look forward to it"

Soui politely told her spare time and left the tea room behind. Nobunaga, on the other hand, was picking the contents of the confectionery basin while sitting idly on your tatami, not exposing himself to exit.

I didn't even notice that Nobunaga was still there, but I walked away early enough.

"... a cup of tea? You stink so hard, you're invincible. I'm not saying it would be nice if it was flashy, but if it weren't for the flavor of tea, it would be dull."

When Zoe walked away and set aside the temp. Nobunaga uttered words as Shizuko swallowed the roasted tea brewed in hot water.

"It must be located opposite your favorite tea party."

"... reasonably good. If Zoe is inclined to admire you, it's convenient even here."

"What is that..."

In uttering the words of inquiry, Shizuko came to understand. Soo-Yi's aim is to have the opposite direction to Shinnaga's preferred "Tang Numerology (Suki from)".

If Zoe's idea of not needing a specialty (Tang's tea utensil) is penetrated, he thinks it will be easier for him to get it. For some reason, Nobunaga seems convinced that Shizuku tea cannot become mainstream, but Shizuko, who knows history, could not wipe away a little anxiety.

"It's a good thing you don't care. More than that, I suppose you can make your way to Yamato?

"Yes, sir"

"Then good. Stay in Kyoto for a few days and then head to Yamato. And do your part."

Nobunaga told him so, leaving the tea room behind without waiting for Shizuko to respond.

Shizuko was busily killed from the encounter with Soui. Shizuko had filed a petition with Emperor Masakura requesting permission to view the treasure of Masakura Warehouse.

That was what caused the disturbance in the morning court. The beginning lies in the fact that the public house, which contemplated incorporating into the Oda family, has consigned itself and has ignored the Emperor's intention to allow Shizuko to view it.

The emperor, informed as an ex-post consent, was angry and blamed for the transcendental actions of the public houses, who kept in their diary their dissatisfaction with the emperor: 'It is foolish to miss the opportunity to hold onto the formalities when the public households should join together in government'.

Why is it that the public house and the emperor are in contention, because this year the sun continued to shine and the drought was so devastating?

The barn zones directly under Nobunaga's jurisdiction, such as Oozhang and Mino, were always drought preparedness and were well equipped, so the impact was negligible, but this was not the case in other countries.

A repeated rain-begging ritual took place, inviting the Yin Yang Master to perform the divination (at best). The result was a rare and seemingly heinous affair, with the morning court making a huge upward and downward commotion.

Modern people laugh at what is "unscientific," but the credibility of Easy-Occupancy (esprit) in this era is high, and prayer (esprit) will flourish everywhere.

And this is a continental idea, but when heaven is greatly disturbed, there was widespread belief in the theory of astronomical correlation that heaven blames the immorality of the heavenly child that governs it.

Therefore, if there were to be a massive drought, there would be a succession of painful imperial criticisms, as heaven blames the immorality of the emperor, and there would also come out those who do not obey the life of the emperor.

For the record, in historical fact, there is a theory that Nobunaga pressed the Emperor of Masaki-machi to give way (and vice versa). That's the year when banned monsters and catastrophes disrupted the heavens a lot.

In other words, Nobunaga did not work disrespect for the emperor of time, but only offered it as a natural value at the time, giving way also to heal the natural mutations and catastrophes.

For this reason, the emperor of Masatochi withdrew Nobunaga's desire to give way, and he continued to refuse to give way until the end of his strangulation at the main temple weird.

These disturbances also occurred only a few days after Nobunaga arrived in Kyo, when he was officially granted permission to enter Masakura Yard.

Of course, while Nobunaga sat and waited, Shizuko worked for her adoptive father, Sakihisa, and asked her to mediate in the courtroom, and managed to celebrate the day.

Nobunaga thought it was a troublesome story, but there was no reason to ignore what had tried to make it convenient for him, so he apologized for causing the disturbance and put both sides behind him.

After that, he entered Yamato without a thing and arrived at the Todaiji Temple. Nobunaga then gave the whole army a 'strict ban on lawlessness'.

If this ban was broken, the person who broke it would, of course, be held accountable in unison, up to his team mates and his immediate superiors.

Furthermore, it was forbidden to lay formations in the territory of the Todaiji Temple, and a fine prohibition was imposed even to the point of treatment of fire when laying formations in and out of the country.

On top of that, while waiting for Nobunaga to return, he offered to cooperate to the fullest in maintaining security around the area, rather than just waiting.

Upon completion of these instructions, Nobunaga took only minimal confessions to visit the Todaiji Temple.

Neither at that time did he wield power, but he followed the formalized procedure to enter the main warehouse and wished to browse for Huang Mature Kaori (with the name "Luxury").

Instead of entering the treasure trove himself, he was asked to take out only the leisure money and cut off the sight, view and two places of the Grand Priest.

Speaking of Nobunaga, it was a dehumanization of bystanders, and the monks of the Todaiji Temple, who had a preconceived notion that neither God nor Buddha were fearless barbarians, had to be impressed with courteous and dignified behavior in front of actual Nobunaga.

Nobunaga's biggest purpose in Yamato was to show that Yamato had been placed under control, and he behaved courteously all the time towards Todaiji Temple and Haruhi Taisha, who did not dispute it.

As for the exchangers ruling Yamato, he made them go to him again and declare that he would fall under his control. While he learned of Nobunaga's arrival, he sent an envoy who led a small army to those who were late in greeting him or had no voice.

He also showed those who went to greet him the information he had collected in advance and the information he had mentioned, pointing out the differences one after the other.

He then told them that if there were no signs of improvement in the management of the territory and that it would not be helpful if they hid something, they would be stripped of their status.

More than the rebellious Yamato luxuries can swear absolute obedience to Nobunaga, but they can't see victory even if they defy the status quo, the exchangers will join us for fear of Nobunaga's inquiry.

The first to greet him was none other than Hideyoshi Matsunaga. The other leading players visited after Nobunaga laid the formation, while Matsunaga was ready from the time Nobunaga left Kyo, waiting nearby, and welcomed Nobunaga's arrival flat.

"It was a welcome daemon. Long time no see, Matsunaga, but was it a breath disaster?

"Ha, no body words. I will stay healthy with the people."

"It is the castle that we have called up, but if we do not rot and work faithfully, we shall see the day after day. Now, that's a different story, but you know you keep a record of your specialties as part of the artistic protection entrusted to you by the court of morning? The flat spider (Hiraguchi) is also heard to be a famous delicacy in heaven. If you are willing to cooperate, you can always say it and never make it worse."

"Ha ha!

"Hmm, you seem to be really encouraging. Your only concern is to stay back so that you can behave with Tatsui or be cautious."

Matsunaga was so flat that her forehead reached the ground. Nobunaga knew Matsunaga's temperament, and therefore, although he would not be forced to do so, he had darkly demanded that he touch the fold and offer a flat spider.

That said, give me the flat spider and there is no guarantee that it will be returned safely. I don't know a few of the specialties Nobunaga held up in his specialty hunt, and I don't hear a whole lot about it being returned to its owner.

If you speak of rejection toward the face, it was certain that you would be punished as an enemy in the morning, and ironically there was also the aspect that the presence of the plain spider protected Matsunaga's status.

This is not limited to Matsunaga, but if you become an enemy in the morning, you will be waiting for the rootsticking of all the clan members to kill. As a Matsunaga individual, I don't want to let go of Hirakaspider.

But in this era, personal emotions could not have made the choice to drive the clan to ruin. As Matsunaga, we will be forced to let go of the flat spider at the most effective time.


"Isn't it gratifying to see people's faces and scream?

After worshipping Nobunaga, he was also Matsunaga, who tried to make his way to Shizuko with his feet, but he faced the person he most missed after turning the corner of the building.

In the wake of his unconscious gaze, Matsunaga was in a living, uncomfortable situation, like being pushed with a blade on his neck.

"Are you going to say hello to Shizuko too?

"... Oda's trustworthy and entrusted with the protection of the arts by the court. I would like to wish you all the best if it were to come true, naturally as a minister to the same lord."

"Ho ho, that's a special concern. I thought I heard the phrase," How can you take it in your hand, you worldless little girl, "but it must have been my fault?

Matsunaga's expression freezes on her satisfied words. While sweating, Matsunaga desperately turns her thoughts around. The previous words were never whining out loud, I even suspect I could hear them right next door where the samurai (Habe) was.

Despite that, the man in front of him repeatedly showed jealously. My spine got cold when I wondered if Su had really gained the power of the evil brake from the afterlife.

"Whew, Matsunaga. I'm wondering if you're making any mistakes. Do you think it's because of your talent that you're still connected to your life?

"Yes, no... never such a thing..."

"... reasonably good. Something untied to a man's heart. But Matsunaga. When you bow to Shizuko and then to Oda, don't worry. That's when you'll know the real hell. Don't think it's easy to die and get away with it, huh? As I have done (...), you will continue to blame me even if you beg me to pull you back from the afterlife and kill you again and again"

"Hih!? No, no, no!

Truly contentment was a demon who returned from Hell to Yellow Springs. I suspected it was unusual, but it finally showed its true nature. If he hangs it in his hand, he says he will die and he will not gain peace.

That's how Matsunaga received the words of contentment, dyeing her face pale, making her crawl and rushing to a glance. Satisfaction, who missed Matsunaga's back with cold eyes, returned to Shizuko's formation when he returned his heel.

The bad luck for Matsunaga had already given Shizuko a heads-up. We have to get to a place where the escaped opponent can wait.

Even worse luck overlapped, and for some reason (...) Ginzo was alerted outside, so a satisfied soldier under guard was consolidating his guard inside Shizuko's formation.

"It gives me great pleasure to meet Ozhang's famous gentleman and the famous Shizuko. Compared to Ozhang, it is a despicable Yamato, but the people of our land are equipped with a geography of the area, building arrangements, lifestyle, etc. 'Survey' is misused) will sit down. What can I do for you?"

Matsunaga said a greeting that was worse than necessary to be rude to Shizuko while enduring literally an arrowy gaze that could be thrown from all sides.

"Thank you for caring for youngsters like me. Since we are not guided to Yamato, we may also be able to help. Thank you for your time."

"Ha! It is a presence that does everything in its power"

Matsunaga held her belly down with her hand, which had begun to hurt severely earlier, trying to drag her legs away from Shizuko's formation.

It was the first sight with Shizuko that sounded rumored, but Matsunaga, with many enemies inside and outside, noticed its heterogeneity at a glance. The more soldiers you have, the more disturbed your thoughts, the harder it is to move towards a single goal.

However, all the soldiers guarding Shizuko's formation were equally heartfelt by Shizuko, and if for Shizuko, they were ready to throw out their lives.

Feeling the signs that also lead to religious fanaticism, Matsunaga became terrified and overwhelmed by Shizuko alongside his satisfaction.

(Heaven forsake me... Kill yourself and hope only Matsunaga survives)

The master who once assassinated him came back more evil than hell. And the woman whom the devil guarded was an evil woman of the inclined kingdom, who bewitched men all over the land.

Killing ambitions, killing oneself, only to find out that the Matsunaga family would be missed if they were only foolishly encouraged to govern.

I even thought about becoming a throwaway bowl and letting all of Oda's craving and unstoppable flat spiders escape fruit (oh) into the afterlife and give them back their intentions, but according to the words of contentment, it doesn't even come true.

Matsunaga lamented her bad luck and regretted that she had made a mistake in the time she was born.

Yamato's fancy families, who have seen Matsunaga's perfectly depressed appearance, will be blamed for his reputation as a relatively moderate ruler, and will come to the frightening sight of what kind of tricks await them.

As a result, Nobunaga was greatly satisfied with the results of his inadvertent and unintentional efforts to subjugate Yamato's leading men.

At the Todaiji Temple, which visited the sun again, two places were cut off from the indulgence in the presence of the great monk. One will be his own and the other will be given to the Emperor of Masayasumachi.

In that fold, Nobunaga explained to the Grand Monk Zheng the task of protecting the arts he had undertaken from the court, and asked Shizuko to facilitate it. I vowed not to let it be lawless by hanging in my name, and I undertook that I would give Shizuko's character a direct mandate from the court.

Nobunaga did not ask for an on-the-spot response just to require a political decision, and Nobunaga was always in a good mood to leave Todaiji behind. Even Haruhi Taisha, who then visited, was corrupt in pursuing a similar attitude and seeking understanding about Shizuko.