When the moon of the calming calendar also changed, a request to return to Shizuko in August was received.

Since the scene had been vacant for a long time, there was a pile of things to check before returning to work, and Shizuko had been busily killed by way of example.

"Ah! With that said, I forgot I was waiting for this field exam. I don't know what to do... if I report it to you, you'll definitely want to ride it."

What is bothering Shizuko's head was a ruling on manned flight experiments by hot air balloons. Whatever you say, it's the first time in the world, and there's no way Nobunaga, the first time lover, can't raise his hand.

The hot air balloon principle is very simple: the heated gases increase in volume, decrease in density and become lighter because they swell.

When the lighter air rises upwards, the amount of air pressed against it floats if it exceeds the weight of the hanging object.

With regard to the pressed air, is it relatively easy to understand because it is the same principle that when you sink your body into the bath, you receive buoyancy proportionally to the volume of water pressed with your body?

This hot air balloon was developed with nothing on the road. Combined with another technology that we are developing in parallel, it becomes a weapon that shapes our strategy.

That said, the technical level required is not so high because the hot air balloon itself is not a free-floating thing, but simply a substitute for being floating above it.

Hot air balloons are divided into a gondola portion where the occupants board and a portion called a ball skin (cukhi) (envelope) where the heated gases are buoyed by pregnancy.

The spherical skin, which occupies the largest part of the hot air balloon, consists of a cloth with a peculiar weave called canvas (starch).

As you can read, it is a cloth used for the sail (hoe) of a sailboat (solder), and the durability is required anyway.

In this case, thick yarn with multiple pieces of cotton is used, and the vertical and horizontal eyes are carefully braided.

Even when wet as a feature of this canvas, water clogs the eyes of the fabric, making it difficult to penetrate the water to the inside.

However, even though it is knitted in some detail, there are holes that are too large when compared to the molecular size of the gas, and it is difficult to say that the breathability is rather good and therefore suitable for the spherical skin for which airtightness is required.

So Shizuko successfully applied the bioplastic made from hemp and rice, which was still more under development, to the canvas surface to increase strength and airtightness.

Since the thermal resistance of the bioplastic is about one hundred degrees Celsius with respect to the vicinity of the burner spout, the material of the vegan canvas (the ignition point of the cotton is near five hundred degrees Celsius), but the majority was made up of this resin-coated fabric.

Materials in the form of resin applied to these canvases are also used in fire hoses in modern times, so their waterproofing performance and airtightness are obvious.

The heat source employs an alcohol burner, which increases the output by igniting the pressurized mixture of methanol and ethanol by ejecting it as heated steam.

It is difficult to say that it is so dangerous because it has already been successfully tested for flights outside of manned people, but nevertheless there is always the danger of life: explosion of heat source devices and falling from heights.

Shizuko renewed her determination to ask Nobunaga to give up boarding at all costs, but her wish never came true.

"Oh no! Is this the balloon? It's a pleasure to see such an octopus and a moon fly in the sky."

"Dear Sir, are you sure you want to ride? We are fully prepared, but in case anything happens to you..."

"Damn it! What if I don't fly when I say for the first time in the world that I will fulfill my aspirations of going to the sky with no wings?

Shizuko and Nobunaga looked up at the expanding balloon in an airfield set up in the mountains.

As Shizuko was concerned about in the past, Nobunaga, who heard about the first manned flight test of mankind, rushed this far with only the least of us when it was convenient for his official duties.

Shizuko didn't feel comfortable living, even though she couldn't expose herself to the crowd, but combined it with a test flight in a valley surrounded by mountains.

At the very least, the salvation is that the application is close to the observation balloon, so it is always tied to the ground with mooring rope. In the unlikely event that something happens, besides the means of betting on a parachute device with less certainty, the mooring rope can be hung and lowered to the ground.

Even within doing so, it was ready, and a chief engineer man told Shizuko that it was ready. Against Shizuko, who patrols, Nobunaga walks to the balloon entrance with a large strand, snorting at Eagle Deep (Good Morning).

"What are you doing, Shizuko! Why don't you come?

"Huh!? Wow, me too?

"What if you don't ride what you've created? You deserve the honor of your first feat in this world."

Shizuko, who realized it was useless to say anything at the earliest, embarked on a balloon gondola with Nobunaga.

Designed for four passengers over the former, Gondola will have one technician man aboard as a pilot besides Nobunaga and Shizuko, and these three will remain named as the first manned flights in the world.

Elsewhere (approx.) Nobunaga watched the technician manipulate the alcohol burner intriguingly, Shizuko and the remaining technicians on the ground untied some strings with sandy heavy bags bracketed on the gondola to adjust the weight.

A decisive moment finally arrived while doing so. The buoyancy and gravity of the balloon coincided, and the lower part of the gondola began to slip, losing friction with the ground, finally floating completely off the ground.

Once off the ground, the balloon goes up to the height of the sky you see. Upon reaching a height of about 100 metres from the ground, the mooring rope stretched and the rise of the balloon stopped gakung.

"Ha ha! This is the world from heaven! Behold, Shizuko, the people on earth are like sesame seeds!

"Yes. We plan to reach about five times higher than this in production. I think it's pretty chilly here, but even more so, the sky is a world of extreme cold."

"If we get to that height, surely the arrows won't arrive with artillery either. Is it because he looks down upon the earth from heaven and shows his true worth?"

"Yes, its usefulness and innovativeness will be demonstrated in the Eastern crusade. There is no way to take after our Takeda, who has the eyes of heaven."

Within doing so, a man from the technician has finished checking the operation of another piece of equipment and told him to return to the ground.

Nobunaga nods when he confirms the view of the Quartet from Gondola, and the technician man pulls the rope, known as the lipline, hard. Then a valve called a lip panel provided at the top of the spherical skin opened.

The balloon gradually begins to drop altitude as the heated gases fall out of it. After that, nothing happened and the altitude of the balloon dropped, and the technician made a slow landing decision by skillfully operating the burner.

After a manned flight that caused immense damage to Shizuko's stomach, Nobunaga returned to Yasushi with the same abruptness as when he arrived.

Waiting for Shizuko, who is in the mood to say even as if it were a typhoon, was a report on Aichi water that Ozhang is working on by mentioning the country.

"How's the water supply to the Chita Peninsula going?"

Aichi water is a modern waterway that boasts an uninterrupted total extension of 112 km of the main waterway starting from Oozhang Hill and continuing to the southern tip of the Chita Peninsula.

Due to delays in the procurement of building materials, the coast protection works have been realized at an unusual speed in terms of supplying water anyway, although there are inferior points compared to the historical Aichi water everywhere that the size of the adjustment pond has been reduced from the original plan.

There was also a problem with the depth of the water. In addition to the objective of agricultural water and water supply, it was planned to be used for water transport as well, but a depth of about one metre must be ensured if the passage of ships is to be expected.

However, if the depth of water is deepened, the construction period required will rise exponentially. From the outset, Shizuko had therefore abandoned the plan of a waterway that was expected to be transported by water, and had first reviewed it to the minimum depth available as agricultural water.

"Finally, the construction of the waterway has come to a halt, so we went through the water from the Kiso River together with the conduction test, right? Of course, tributary waterways are of difficult quality to say that even trunk waterways are sufficient, but for once the goal of supplying water that can be used for irrigation could be achieved."

Shizuko, who can't hide her disappointment in the current difference with it because she knows the finished shape, had a completely different impression for the residents of the Chita Peninsula.

The Chita Peninsula has a generally gentle slope of land, with few flatlands. There are no bigger rivers, and the slope drains too well, so it is an area that is constantly plagued by water shortages.

The securing of agricultural water was a reservoir request that accumulated rainwater, and only water mixed with seawater was obtained from the influence of the location of the peninsula or from digging wells.

Even though non-agricultural industries have also grown as a result of the economic policy spread by Shizuko, the majority of the inhabitants are still engaged in agriculture, and it was the rice turnover that shaped the whereabouts of life.

There, Shizuko busted up an inexorable plan to pass the waterway to the southern tip of the Chita Peninsula. Initially, the residents did not believe in such a dream story plan.

However, residents who witnessed steady southward waterway construction after each year gradually began to expect.

Until now, the exchanger only takes taxes in the name of annual contributions from a small harvest, and he was not so much a contributor to improving the lives of the inhabitants.

There is no need to pull the waterway to the Chita Peninsula at enormous expense than the plains of Ozhang have already firmly established their status as barn zones.

Nonetheless, Nobunaga and Shizuko accomplished the first phase of the plan, arguably its recklessness.

Naturally, it can't be philanthropy, and Nobunaga and Shizuko are pushing the plan in anticipation of needing that much food production in the future.

That is not the difference between a people who can only comprehend up to about three generations of parents and children, including themselves, in the long run, and an exchanger who plans to portray a Japanese book a hundred years later.

Still, the existence of Aichi water was only a hope for the residents. Priority is given to opening, but the flow rate is also small compared to the original plan, and tributary waterways and so on are untouched.

For Shizuko, it was not entirely satisfactorily made, but for the inhabitants it was reflected as a path of hope for spinning life. Residents of the South offered to work together on a blood warrant in respect of the work that would continue.

"We always need more manpower than we do civil engineering, so honestly, it helps. Carriage at the hands of people is no more foolish than automobiles."

It is only now that the first phase of the plan has been completed, and besides the main waterways, it will take an interminable amount of time to widen the tributary waterways and stretch them out like capillaries, until all the inhabitants are able to drink genuine water as normal and also have no anxiety about agricultural water.

"Until then, I'm alive... don't you see?"

Construction machinery existed as a factor that even historically required a period of 1957 construction and 1961 completion, arguably reducing its size by more than 400 years.

Beginning with wooden lathes, advanced tools were gradually developed after iron was manufactured, and since the practical application of the sterling engine, industrialization has been promoted sequentially. As a result, it should also be said that it is the running of heavy machinery for civil engineering that cannot be self-propelled.

The efficiency of civil engineering work increased dramatically as a result of the introduction of the power shovel "In Wang (Odor) Ceremony", which employs steam engines as power and is equipped with a multiplier mechanism by hydraulic cylinders.

The base of the first Jen King was a substitute with only a power shovel attached to the base of the complete fixation, so that it could be turned horizontally in a ceremony.

With the addition of further improvements, it was finally possible to move the foundation onto the trolley, which made it possible to put it into actual civil engineering work.

That's not to say, it has no flaws.

Because the weight of the huge arm part drives the center of gravity, it is necessary to disassemble and carry it every time when moving, and the trolley with the foundation of the metal frame is too heavy to be moved by manpower.

Each time it is installed, a fixed pile is punched into the ground, and the sound of explosions made by the steam engine reaches such a volume that the conversation between the workers is irresistible.

Still, King Jen's presence to dig up and be able to move rocks that reach hundreds of kilometres became a revolution in excavation works.

As a result of being actually put into the construction site, a number of faults due to defects and wear and tear also continued in the Ren Wang Ginseng ceremony.

However, maintenance and improvement is under way by technicians who supported the construction of a simple maintenance site on the site.

Further development will continue by reflecting the information accumulated in this manner into the Jen Wang Wang (shi) formula, which will be the successor.

For the record, the main model names and their models are added in numbers by technicians who received Shizuko Kaoru (Kunto), who lacked the sense of naming according to the times.

Shizuko, who lived in an era where horizontal characters were commonplace, is not really familiar with warring people because he tries to give them names of German or English origin if he is alarmed.

It was this naming convention that the machines we created at all were bitter measures by the technicians who wanted them to be loved and accepted by the people who used them.

"When I get back to work, I can see that the world keeps moving, even without me."

Naturally, the public moves steadily forward, even while Shizuko stops.

It was no other static child who sprayed the seed to be so, and once sprouted the seed would never stop growing without the static.

Even without someone to look after them properly in anticipation of the growth results, the difference in the growth rate made it painful that organisms had the power to grow themselves.

"I have to work hard to get my lag back so they don't leave me, too."

Shizuko reached for a pile of paperwork to say that she was going to start with when she got one temper.

Only when you're working in momentum, you get caught up in strange disturbances. Don't you have a jinx like that for yourself? and Shizuko thought the current situation was extremely confusing.

Two girls were seated in front of her with their hands behind their back in Arakorn. The girls are struck with hips, and the tip of the rope is gripped by a powerful soldier to make them look good.

Talent has always refrained from escorting Shizuko because he recognizes his own escort, but he was joined by Nagako and Kyung, who listened to the disturbances and went wild, and even stomped to the satisfaction of coming to see how Shizuko was before his return.

It's a pitiful situation for the girls to say that they're on the verge of panic just to say they were pulled in front of their lords, but even more so to pamper their mouths like goldfish suffocated under silent pressure from famous samurai from all quarters.

"Uh, you sort things out. I stepped in to see if you were bringing in prohibited items because those two were trying to hide in the shadows and trade in something, and you said you brought them because strange documents came out?

In response to Shizuko asking to confirm, the soldiers affirm in an upright immovable position. As forbidden goods were traded in the first place, it is unlikely that Shizuko will come all the way over the treatment.

Treatment and sentencing are prescribed for each contraband, and they should have been removed after being investigated under the authority of an official who is otherwise equivalent to a town service.

The case has been brought to Shizuko, the lord, by jumping over them all at once, so it is predicted that the documents and items that came out are quite troublesome.

As a static child, I'd like you to give me a break from trouble when I'm not in the mood, but I couldn't overlook it from the point of view of national defense if you told me there was a possibility of espionage.

"We investigated the confiscated documents in detail, but the characters and pictures were in line in a way we had never seen. I assumed it was a cipher trying to keep some information out of our country, but the decryption is still underway."

"Is that such an unusual form of document? What, it was colored with ink but not by a brush, and it said it had fine letters like scratched with something sharp..."

The writing instrument most in circulation at the moment is a brush. Although ordinary people sometimes write letters directly in ink on wood pieces, the report says they are drawn in more delicate lines.

As for cryptography, he said that even departments specializing in cryptography that had brought together and educated those who were satisfied with the cryptography department and had taught them as many cryptographic methods as they could be satisfied with could not see.

Especially since cryptography is of the nature that meaning can be retrieved if the commitments made between the parties are followed, cryptography and analysis are nevertheless related to each other.

Still, beyond being Japanese who shared the same culture, only a limited number of people had the talent to create cryptography with no sudden flights, and most of them were able to grasp the threads of decoding because they were in line with the Theori created by their ancestors.

"I'm curious about cryptography that I can't grasp that much content. Can I see it for a second?

I wanted to read the cipher in question, although I don't think I can understand it from what Shizuko sees when she only thinks of things that don't leave the domains of the riddle, such as "I" unplugged words accompanied by an illustration of a raccoon when it comes to cryptography.

Shizuko's request was fulfilled immediately, and the cipher document was given to her. It also appeared that a toxicology test had been performed and there were traces of some of the documents being re-pasted after they had been cut out.

I somehow envisioned a single piece of paper from the word document, but what was placed in front of me was a book of ornamented Japanese spellings.

I can also nod that if it does become a book, it will have a lot of text and will inevitably take time to analyze. But it would be natural to have more material to hint at, and more clues to the contrary.

And as the soldiers have reported, I could see letters and pictures written irregularly by brushes different from the brushes. And the line was very similar to the handwriting by Shizuko's known fountain pen.

"Hmm... you do seem to be using special writing equipment. So what is it..."

When Shizuko thus began to read the contents in full, the men around him also expected it to be a knowledgeable Shizuko.

While we all had expectations that there might be some progress, only two girls in captivity looked up to heaven with a look like it was the end of the world.


Years had passed since I was in the warring age, and the letters were static children whose habit of reading from right to left in vertical writing was perfectly entrenched, but I noticed the law that this document apparently proceeded from left to right and further from top to bottom.

After reopening the book from the final page and proceeding with the reading in that order, Shizuko noticed her loss.

(This is not a cipher. It's just eighteen forbidden peer magazines. And both knives......)

In this era, it is in the form of a novel accompanied by a rare and larger illustration, and from what I have read at the beginning, it is that the owner of the young martial family leaves the house on the occasion of the house disconnection and travels to Japan at will.

So I enjoyed the flavor I saw, and it was painted in a discipline-like shape, but once I arrived at the lodging, the content changed.

Sometimes I spend the night with a traveler on the go, portraying a hot romance with a teahouse sign daughter, being ambushed by a tenacious jailer, and vice versa... portrayed through awkward but awesome calories until the popular expansion I said.

Shizuko almost sighed because of her weakness, which devoured her shoulder watermark in a grand way, but I was still concerned about the writing device that spinned the story.

"... were there any elongated rod-shaped objects made of glass or metal in these two possessions? I think the tip is probably pointed and the groove is carved. Later a container with something like ink in it. Find it."


Shizuko ordered Cai, a same-sex as at least a pity, to explore the two personal belongings. In no time, Colour searched for the items specified by Shizuko from the luggage of the two men and brought them.

I don't know the hard pen. I can't seem to imagine what it would be used for colors, but it was an obvious substitute from Shizuko's point of view. There was a pen there made of glass with a practical, flimsy, boneless design where all the decorations were omitted.

Considering that the tip is not missing, it was wrapped around with a cloth, but the marks used can be seen from the ink marks.

"Both of you, be honest with what I'm going to ask you now."

"Yes, sir"

"I told you earlier, I understood what this was not a cipher. I ask after promising not to blame you for the books. You're free not to answer the question, but be prepared that an understander like me will turn to the enemy."

Staring at the two faces after slightly excessively threatening them, they both nodded over and over again as they remained pale.

As Shizuko made clear earlier, the document itself has no ethical problems, anyway. The presence of a glass pen used as a writing device is a major problem.

"I'll ask you straight in. Where did you get this?

Shizuko poked the glass pen so that it could be seen by both of us as she mouthed the question.

A glass pen is a writing device devised in 1902 by a wind chime artisan named Dijiro Sasaki.

A capillary phenomenon occurs due to a groove carved on the tip of the pen, which automatically replenishes the ink if the tip of the pen is dipped in the ink kettle.

Unlike a fountain pen with a metal tip, it is a revolutionary invention that also has the advantage of being able to run the pen in any direction, up, down, left or right.

There is no need for a special ink. Anything can be used if the body of aqueous solution (such as ink or watercolor paint) is used. Until the ballpoint pen became popular, it was a delicacy treasured as an office item in Japan.

Although there is a problem that glass is used in the material, making it vulnerable to impact, and repair is not easy if the tip wears off, its smooth writing taste is great, and in modern times there are some ways in which the tip of the pen can be replaced.

Naturally, Shizuko knew about the existence of a glass pen. Instead, it was Shizuko who told me how to make this.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the physical nature of the glass pen is here, but adding to the fact that the glass pen has not yet been (...) distributed to the market changes the circumstances.

Why is it not on the market, while there is enough in kind to write up a book? That's because the craftsman who told us about the glass pen manufacture is based in Nagahama, not Ozhuang.

"I bought it from a suspicious open-air merchant for a visit to Imahama (now Nagahama) at my parents' house. I was a suspiciously windy merchant, because it was not so expensive to see how letters could be written when I did it as if it were witchcraft..."

Within the two trembling and leaning against each other, an old girl revealed how she had bought with her mouth open.

Something that hit her as well as a bad feeling, Shizuko looked up to heaven with her eyes covered with palms after hearing her testimony. I had a mild headache knowing that this was beyond my discretion.

"What's up, Shizuko? If you're saying it's forbidden, aren't we talking about taking the real thing and killing everyone involved in the distribution?

Nagako, concerned about the distressing state of Shizuko, spoke of an abusive solution. Sarali and the two of them, who were told they would kill themselves too, are waxy looking through the blue.

One heavily sighed Shizuko ordered the two girls to be left behind to pay. Soldiers who handed over the two figures satisfactorily walked away, in a situation where only the sides were indoors.

Shizuko opened her mouth after waiting for her talent to snort at the signs that her popularity (Hiraki) had ceased from around her.

"Should I say it was good or bad? I think this is a prototype of a glass pen that Hanzawa-sama is trying to sell as a specialty of today's beach."


You couldn't stand the fact that Shizuko told you about the shock, the two girls fell and fell in.

She was satisfied with her pulse with her hands on the two neck muscles, but when she put them to sleep on the spot because there was no abnormality in breathing, she turned back to Shizuko.

"Hanzawa-sama has been out of order for some time now, and she hasn't been able to make a good report. In sowing, Mr. Akamatsu is burning his hands at the resistance, and I don't feel comfortable considering the current economic situation on the beach and the fact that the cost of war is high."

As Shizuko put it, Hideyoshi's situation in recent times persisted that he didn't sound or fly. In the sowing invasion, we rushed to work, but for this reason we allowed the rebellion of the Akamatsu clan, and even Regent was taken in by anti-Oda forces.

For a while, Araki (Akira) Murakami (Ayama) also showed suspicious moves to respond, but fortunately, he never flipped the anti-flag.

There is perhaps a trend in the situation that Ishiyama Honshoji Temple succumbed to Nobunaga, and it does not depend on Hideyoshi's struggle.

Hideyoshi, who had achieved nothing in the sowing invasion, had also strained the economic situation in his possession, Imahama.

Originally, he said he was in debt management, but he was stuck in the flow of funds because he couldn't push it and sprained war money.

Without the glass products Shizuko would have dropped into the poorest part of Oda territory.

Hideyoshi in a hurry overlaps with further failures. The most important thing was street maintenance. The development of the streets of the territory is a project recommended by the Oda family, and it is an issue that must be handled at any rate.

Infrastructure projects such as street maintenance require huge costs without exception, but it takes time for their investment effects to become available.

Nonetheless, Hideyoshi embarked on the development of a major route from the East to Kyoto via Imahama through Kangahara, in anticipation of the movement of people after the Eastern Conquest.

It wasn't that painful here alone, but it was fatal that I also got my hands on the route from Sekigahara to U.S.A. in parallel with the road from Sekigahara to Imahama.

Hideyoshi's prospects were supposed to produce a stream of people heading north from the U.S. Plains to Nagahama. As soon as the road was connected from Sekigahara to U.S.A. Hara, there was a direct southbound flow to Yasushi without going through the beach.

Hideyoshi, who played the big fault of spending less money falling into territory on a quote he spent a lot of money on, again held up consultations with Shizuko through Hideyoshi.

It was the glass pen that Shizuko gave Hideyoshi, who had been cornered by the time he couldn't get older if he took any immediate measures.

There are already many workshops dealing with glass products in Imahama, and luxury glass products have gained popularity in Kyoto. A revolutionary product that harnesses its technical skills is a glass pen.

Many of the reports available to Nobunaga, who understand the importance of information management, are still described by brushes.

However, the brush really takes up a lot of space around a letter relative to the recording area, and the number of reports is spoken for.

Given that paper that records information and maintains as much quality as it can store for a long period of time is expensive, it is not possible to gauge how much potential demand there will be.

"So they were trying to revive the economy by offering a glass pen as a practical product and the finest glass pen as a work of art, and distributing it to a large extent within Oda territory. I wonder what happens when you get there and the prototype leaks out? Do you want a product with someone else's dirt on it? Well, they'll be profitable when it comes to actual supplies."

No one could say that was impossible for Shizuko, who pointed her gaze at two people who still did not regain consciousness, including pity.

For Hideyoshi, who is already in a leeward state, this glass pen is a product that cannot fail. That's why I can't admit anything to the scandal that the prototype has been spilled, etc.

It is not hard to imagine that, in the worst case scenario, even if we leave the two deceased, we will try to seal our mouths and request that we remain silent with our collaborators, Shizuko.

"I don't have the name to just shelter the two of us if we stay like this. If they ask you to hand it over, you have no choice but to respond."


"It's pathetic, but I didn't know. So I can't be done. The fact that the prototype was actually sidelined is more than not able to put a door in a person's mouth, although it is not handy for Hanzawa-sama and there is no downfall whatsoever for these two..."

Whatever Shizuko said about the fate of the two couldn't be pleasant. I don't want to see a beautiful young girl who doesn't have to be a static child to have feelings for people.

Those two of us are losing our minds, and those who feel sorry for those two had a dark look on their faces that I couldn't think of any help saving them.

Shizuko hit the Kashiwako big time in a place filled with heavy air as everyone pressed him into silence.

"Well, that's the worst case scenario, but it's a shame to let a talented woman who finds value in a product she's never seen before and uses it to make her die. I've got some help I might be able to do, but why don't we all bite one?

There was no such thing as an attempt to block Shizuko's secret of opening up a clogged situation.