Chuan Qi

Seventh blood flow into the river

"Luotong, you hurt?" A hoarse voice sounded. He also shared a black dress, a face mask, on the left, and a quiet green snake, a pair of small eyes fierce. This person is a big place in the Herridge of Heroes in Heroes.

"Yin Mountain is there!" Luo Tong faces soil, "all dead, all are dead!"

"How can it be!" Wu Tian is obsessed, "Who is dry?"

The previous day Fire Cloud Tang, eight major rudder rudder owners a few yin miles, the rush is recently, Wu Tian is assigned. And because of the things, Wu Tian gave Luotong to go, did not expect it.

"I!" The figure of proud wind appeared in the crown.

Wu Tian is shocked, then smirk, "It's so biliary!"

His voice just fell, there were more than 100 black shadows to pull out from the branches of the dragon blood. These people wear black hanging soaps, wearing a families, hand-held spikes, and grab the speakers. This scene seems to be a defragmentation of the proud clouds as long as the Wu Tianyi has made it.

The proud clouds dismissed, he did not put these jumped beams at the eyes at all.

"Boss, torn him!" One person is called.

"Speed ​​speed!" Wu Tian is gloomy.

"Yes!" The figure of dense Ma Ma, like a gloom, there is a column, hit the proud of the cloud.

The proud cloud body shape is moving, turned into a humanoid shadow, and the branches are in the branches, and the blink of an eye has killed more than 30 people.

These body laws, swordsmanship, really unexpectedly. However, after the reaction, these people have begun to start a hood, and the Lingshui is attacked in the distance.

The proud cloud eyes have been swept away, and eight hidden masters have been locked. These masters are the big monks of the real first level, as if hiding in the hick in the stone group, ready to sacrifice the deadly hit. Today, he is Taihua, which is twenty-five, which is enough to hard to resist the remote attack of general spiritual monks. However, if it is a real monk, then you can't prevent it.

I saw that he was as good as the arm, and there was a circle of green masks when you got it. He was all blocked by the opponent's raining pear.

When a shocked suction, the mask is born to make a layer of green light, the arrogant cloud is a vertical, the void is rushing, and the sword will be killed. Trick a twenty-four bridge Mingyue Night. The green bronze sword is like lit, the bright eyes, and the blood is full of blood. Eight real experts, even in a sudden defense, even the stunts have never been to show, all of them are fiscal.

"Good Sword!" Wu Tian was shocked. Almost at the same time, the bamboo leaves of his shoulders have turned into a green shadow, flew to proud.

The arrogant clouds were shaking, holding a sword, and smashed the green shadow into several paragraphs. Unexpectedly, the snake head is still biting on his arm. Only in an instant, the blood on the proud cloud arm has a bride.

"I know that your flesh is powerful, but my red eye-catching virus is that the stone can also erode a layer of skin!" Wu Tian cold laughed, think that the victory is in the grip.

"I am afraid you disappointed!" The proud cloud arm is shock, the blood is retrograde, the blue line disappeared with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Who are you?" Wu Tian suddenly.

The proud cloud did not speak, just approached the past, raised the blood map in his hand, "Who is he?"

"If you can take a sword of the husband, I will tell you the answer!" Wu Tian is surprised, the sprinkle is transpired, and there is a gray black gossip pattern. As the gossip pattern drops, the long yin and yang is so long, and it immediately turns into a colorful sword, and cross the empty.

This is the first time, the first time encountered the sword system, not from the arrogance, and there is a mouthful: "There is a righteousness in the world, never given the shaped ..."

The two characters of the flow surface, the proud clouds are swaying, and the foot is full of Wan Zunying! Every sword is like an entity, as if the sword will be created.

"Hao Ren!" Wu Tian saw the shape, stunned, "" This place actually has the authentic Haoran? "

The two big parents are impacted together, and when I'm going to Huaguang, Jin Sheng Yuzhen.

The swords and swords, the branches of the dragon blood are flying. The Hao Ran of the proud clouds almost crushed, went to ruin, and completely smashed the other party's gossip.

Wu Tian fell from the surface of the dragon blood, and a blood was sprayed out of the mouth. If it is not arrogant, he is always a thousand holes at this time.

"It seems that you really want to know the answer!" Wu Tian laughed, "Unfortunately, I don't know!"

He joined his hand and took a shot on his own Tianling, and he didn't have a breath.

At this time, other black people immediately used as a kiwi. The arrogant clouds, the swords are violent, in an instant, the blood flow is like a waterfall.

The dead sway, the blood of the dragon, the blood tree is like a dragon, the green copper is on the wind, and it is rid of nine.

Dragon blood branches are flourishing, it is hard to imagine the trunk is empty. The whole tree cave is like a room, and there is a middle-aged woman. She is sitting in the light shadow, her body white yarn, graceful.

"Amount!" Seeing someone broke into, she was very surprised.

"Who are you?" The proud clouds saw that she was not like a black lotus, and she had a killing. I have taught him to look at the surgery, and the woman in front of him, there is no aura in the whole body, is it a mortal.

This is strange, a mortal lives in the secret room of the black lotus in the rudder, like imprisonment, is not like.

"Who are I?" The woman side faced his face, and it reflected a stunning face as if Dan Qing. However, her beauty is very quiet, just like a precipitate in the pen, there is no graceful color. Instead, it will give people a favorite feeling.

She didn't answer, just to the proud wind: "Young people, good murder! Do you kill them?"

"Yes!" Somehow, the proud wind is still quiet in front of her.

"They are also a poor person!" The woman sighed.

"I take you out!"

"Thank you!"

The arrogant winds and green copper, and they cut out a door on the wall of the tree.

Dragon blood is made, mix with the blood flow outside, seems to have a half sky.

"Young people, can you have a hatred with the black lotus?" The woman's eyes swept over the outside horizontal and eight bodies and asked softly.

"Don't wear a day!" Proud clouds lifted.

"Amount! Now you can report hatred?"

The arrogant cloud shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, I haven't found the culprit!"

"A person is fighting against the black lotus, always tired!" The woman smiled, "Holding this, go to the southeast, Yunyuan! Someone can help you find the people you want to find!"

After the woman is finished, he will refread from the left hand, and wear it in the fingers of proud clouds. "Remember, try to lose it!"

Under blood, the ring is divided into crystal, the ring is transparent, the shape is a bit like Hongshan Yulong, and the Longkou is equipped with a blue bean. On the sphere of the beads, there is six star. Where is the eyesight of the proud wind, naturally it can see this quitter. However, a mortal, how can there be such a god! It is not right to reach the realm of dripping water, which is not right. If she is so high, how can she be trapped here?

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Proud clouds did not refuse.

"Go, young people!" The woman turned and disappeared in the moonlight, "Yes, if you see Chu Chu, ask her to be careful of a Bi Dai!"

In the blood hole, the spirit rolled down, there were thousands, the proud cloud column sword, and the clouds were steamed.

"Little girl! You can't escape! Gigle!" A stroned laughter, from far and near, as if night shellfish.

When I said it later, I saw a red shadow and arrogant, with the proud clouds, with the clouds of the clouds, blinking. If it is a person, you should never be so light!

Almost at the same time, a fragrant wind is coming, and the grass is slowly coming to a rumored shadow. The clouds are turned off, showing the beauty of the beauty. The coming is a thin spoon, faded, flying, melon face. Flying on the sky, insert a golden step, the pearl treasure, the glass is booming; the melon face is half covered with a thin yarn, and the eyebrows are Cui Yu, and the moon is like. A group of colorful butterflies are surrounded by her waist, just like a long trace. More amazing is that she will leave a lotus emulsim of a water spirit everywhere.

"Hey!" The woman's eyes fell on the proud of the cloud, and a pair of briquette was a little amazed. "Juvenile Lang, you can see a little demon woman from this!"

"No!" The proud clouds indifferent, his eyes did not look at it.

The woman is even more amazing, the demon smiles, uses extremely tempting sound: "Junior Lang, mountains and evil, why bother shadow, do my servant, what do you want, what do you want!"

Many people have serviles, but the proud clouds are not half point. "I heard that there is a woman in the world called a disaster, it should be a woman like you!"

"You!" The woman is stunned, the flowers have distorted: "Looking for death!"

As her arm fingers, the colorful butterfly flew to the proud cloud.

How is the proud of the proud cloud, how can we care about these pink butterfly. The green bronze sword is swinging, and it will be scaled at time.

"Toxic!" Soon, proud clouds feel that these scalys are not common.

He quickly closed, but he didn't want to be too late. A powerful enthusiasm is rising in his body, the more beautiful in his eyes. It is said that he is laughing, his blood is just, he is top-standing, he murdered like hemp, but he did not resist a group of powder butterfly.

"Butterfly love flowers, die, your blood is getting angry, the more it is," the woman's mouth raises, "when you can support it!"

She laughed and went close, and her eyes were in proud of the clouds almost half naked body, and the yarn was half faded, long hair waist, "Don't I don't be beautiful?"

The butterflies are lying, fascinating. The proud clouds have the advantage of their own strength, but they can't have it.

"Hey!" The proud clouds whispering, and the decisive operation is too proud. He wants to hit the twenty-sixth change at this time. Shuhua Zhizheng once launched, the patient started the last large weekly cycle, from the upper and lower Sandian field to Ren Decous, and then twelve, and finally flow between each inch skin. In the blink of an eye, the red thunder ball in a lap is coming up. All butterflies are annihilated in electro-light.

"Rolling landmines!" The woman's flowers were out of color, screaming, with a colorful light wing, and fled it.

At the same time, somewhere in the forest, a pair of beautiful eyes are staring at the proud clouds in the thunder.

After the electric light, the proud clouds are heavy into the ghost grass.

A girl, if you draw a roll, goose egg face, far-faced eyebrow, Yao nose teeth, double , lavender long hair, pomegranate red dress, eyebrow, chest, there is a greenhouse chain, bright light According to the heart, it is more exciting of the skin. The wonderful place, a pair of spirits like a dream, crystal shoe, 10 toe, Dantas, Want to peach. When Yao Huang Wei Zi Zhao powder is beautiful, the four words of non-national color Tianxiang are not enough.

When the girl is big, I will slowly get close to the arrogant clouds in the grass.

Suddenly, a little waist of a girl was in a small waist, got her into his arms.

Life and death, I can't wash the pure yang of the butterfly.

"Hey!" The girl was shocked, did not enter the grass.