Civilization Game

The Kingdom of the Abandoned

The next road away from the girl merchant was a residential area on the other side of the commercial district.

Rod had just entered the entrance and was in a different shock than when he came to the commercial district.

"…… What's all this? Is this your house?"


I felt like I should be called a hut or a dead end. After digging the ground into the plot of land and erecting a pillar, houses in the form of dirt, branches, and cloth were all neatly erected. The designation was lower than the Temporary Field Tent. Are you saying it was this bad?

The road slows down along the road in the middle of your residence.

Here, Lord feels once again that Abyss is a wasteland. It didn't rain, so there were all these cracked lands. There were traces of a field nearby, but the hole was already punctured as if it had ruined the farming.

You can also see the watering pits around your residence. After they all dried up, of course. Even basic drinking water was hard to come by.

I can see the children of the Underheim sitting on the floor playing. I was wearing a rag cloth that was crude and overlaid and twisted on my face, but the children's innocence was the same in any situation. But Lord's gaze was not on the children's smiling faces. His ribs appear to be grossly exposed, and he generally looks badly nourished.

"Hmph, that's worse than I thought."

Underhaim's commercial district was a well-lived neighborhood.

The place where the majority of the people of the country lived was in such a bad environment. If you live in a place like this and spin a spinning bottle, it's over. I had to find ways to improve my living environment and food situation.

"But Eve,"

Lord turns to Eve and says,

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Why are there only children and women at home? What about the men?"

"Oh, you noticed. All men are at work."

"… a place to work?"

The question mark comes to mind in Lord's eyes. In other countries, men would be farming at this hour. Agriculture is the most important industry of the Middle Ages. However, proper agricultural land in these wastelands will be hard to find. So where do all these people work?

"From now on, I'll go there."

Eve said.


Eve took them to a cave at the far end of the residential area.

"…… What cave all of a sudden? This is a place to work?"

"Huhu, come with me first."

The cave passageway was strangely downhill. The steep section was grooved in a staircase, which was easy to climb up and down in the middle.

How far down they went, enduring toe pain. As they finally passed the last point of the cave passage, the great underworld unfolded before the eyes of Lord.

"Wow, wow…"

The road was momentarily overwhelmed by its enormous appearance.

"You said there was a place like this in the Underhaim?"

The top floor where the road stands. And I saw so many basements underneath that it was so deep that I felt so dizzy.

"This is the Terra Mine of Underhaim." "

Eve explained.

"Well, that's a lot of size."

Rod's party decides to take a slow look around the mine. There was a lamp running in the middle of the basement, so there was no difficulty in identifying the surroundings.

"How could people who were gathering in the middle of a tough wasteland live on their livelihood? And the answer is this mine. The minerals that are commonly found in iron and copper are, of course, very few places on the continent where we can mine special minerals called terras."

Lord nods. He knew about Terra. It was a fairly expensive mineral, sometimes referred to as God's mineral, and also into various armor, magic equipment, architecture, and even food.

"It's ironic. because the wasteland left behind by the great powers was actually a place where terra, the most precious mineral on the continent, was mined. The ancestors of Abyss made a living exporting terror to other countries. And then, as rumors of mines started to come and go that people had nowhere to go, a country called Avis was born."

Lord nods. I finally understood the overall situation of the country as the fog lifted.

"So all the men who were not on the ground were working in this mine?"

"Yes, most men in the Underhaim are miners. They work in the mines during the day and then go up to the ground at night to rest at home or go to the commercial district to have a drink and soothe a weary day."

"Well, that's how the nightlife developed. There are night markets... But can't it be a mine at night?"

"It seems dangerous for monsters to wander around the mines at night."

Rod stopped listening to the story.

"Huh? There are monsters?"

"I think there's a dungeon underneath the Terra Mine. I haven't been there myself. Adventurer parties like to earn money come here sometimes."

"Hiya, the mine is so big, there's a dungeon."

Along the way, you see a huge forge in the middle. The sound of the smiths pounding on the iron resonates faintly. Next to him are the women with towels wrapped around their heads, working on their bellows. Every time a large foothold creaks, the fire across the street burns strongly.

"Oh my, you've been through a lot."

Lord steps forward and talks to the women on the platform.

"Ugh? Why are you here if you're such a young man?"

"Can't you tell by the fancy gin accent? Upper world."

Lord replied with a good smile.

"Hahaha! That's right. I just wanted to stop by for a moment. Oh my, you've suffered so much. Look at your skin. Now, come out for a minute and get some rest. I'll do it."

"Kiya-young has become very tough-hearted!"

"Don't they know I'm pretty?"

"Enough nonsense, Hatsako Bikira! It's done by a man."

They give you an anticipated look and gently step out of the pool. Lord took his place. And like they did, they grabbed the rope connected to the ceiling, one foot on the ground, and one foot on the platform.

'Ahh, even as a king, you are leading by example! My heart is full of my own sweetness!'

The congressman, who was driving on his own, suddenly took the old man's luggage and carried it to the front of the subway. He took a verification shot, and he said to his SNS, "Today the old man is carrying his luggage, so I carried it to the front of the house. My heart aches and I will burn this body to get through the Senior Care Policy! 'It was such a pretentious feeling to be proud of posting, but what do you think.

Even hypothetically, good deeds are good deeds!

Here we go! '

Rod sets foot on the platform.


And as soon as I stepped on it, I said, "This isn't it. 'I thought. It's heavier than it looks, so the foothold snaps down. Lord tries again. It seemed like I needed some know-how, but it was hard to try it for the first time.

"Oh, boy! It's Idakai who does gorgeous things."

A lesser woman approached and showed me a demonstration of pressing down on the platform.

Lord didn't understand. I bet her legs are so much thicker than hers. Why does she squirm when she's doing it? Ah, this is a trap. It's a trap.

"Why is the firepower so weak all of a sudden? What are you doing out there? 'I heard a shout. Beatrice walks next to Rod, who has been failing again and again, trying to figure out how to break this day's embarrassed atmosphere.

"Well, I'll leave the rest to you! Hahaha..."

Beatrice gives thanks to Beatrice for making an unwitting hole in her escape, and Lord makes swift progress. Eve smiles bitterly, watching from behind with the women.

"Why did you do that? Your Majesty."

Lord turns his head and mutters.

"…… an experience. Or the sharing of pain."

"Yes, your shame was well shared."

Today's hero was Beatrice, not Lord. As she steps on her footing, she goes down, poof, poof. The movement was much bigger than when the three women were hanging out. Even the forge says, "Ta-da!" Who can do such a good job? "'It was a compliment. After finally clearing the hourly workload in a few minutes, she was surrounded by women and bitterly complimented.

Rod's group makes their way back past the forge and around the mines. This place was also a symbiotic place for various factions. There were gnomes and dwarves that matched the background of the underground mines, and crocodile humans that didn't fit in here at all. They were carrying minerals in carts without entering the tunnels. The roles were also well distributed according to the characteristics of the species.

Rod wanted to get into the tunnels where the miners work, but authorities stopped him saying it was too dangerous. They had no choice but to wander around the outskirts of the mine.

Rod sees himself preparing a meal for the miners on his way. I ate a ladle of Lord's own, and it was almost overwhelming. There were only two or three points of meat in the big pot, and the people who appeared on the plate were literally the carriers.

'The food difficulties are serious.'

I needed measures.


The group returns to the palace. Rod was complicated in his head. It was a short time when I saw many things and felt many things.

Lord was momentarily reminded of Eve's hot coffee.

As a country of outlaws, the people who lived here felt roughened, rugged and liberated overall. Many were criminals, but they were all well guarding order beyond the imagination of Lord. It's called the "rule of the outcast." 'A kind of indigenous custom was taking the place of the law.

No matter what happened in the past, the people all cherished and loved this country, the last home, and were grateful for the place that embraced them with nowhere to go.

I thought it was worth protecting. Abandoned people settled on an abandoned land. A nation of equality that transcends all races and nationalities. Even in difficult and difficult environments, there was still love and warmth in living people in their own way.

However, there were many problems. The majority of the people were struggling at home, with food and water shortages and serious hygiene problems. Men in this country who work as miners while eating raw fish soup, but their living environment was too poor for their efforts.

And then I thought to myself, "Well, why? 'I have questions. As Lord knows, Tera was an extremely valuable mineral. If you could mine terra, you wouldn't have to be so desperate for food, would you? Shouldn't you be in a more humane environment? Lord asked Eve why.

"There's only one terra mine on the continent, but it's good for terra all over the continent. It's basically mining in small quantities. There are limits to the amount of mining, so I don't think I can collect more money than I thought. And umm..."


"... Oh, it's nothing."


Lord felt Eve was hiding something, but he didn't rush to guess since it was just his first day in Eden.

Lord has opened the Commander's Window.

The Commander window is a dedicated screen that contains the most important functions of the players and is comfortable to think of as a kind of 'controller'. With this commander's spear, you can enhance your troops, direct your construction, and give orders to the Psychics. Not to mention domestic affairs and diplomatic activities. At the top left of the screen, various figures of Abyss' current resource retention, population, and support rate were readily visible, with buttons on the right or the other. Rod entered the 'Research' tab, among others.

'Now we can decide.'

Before entering the Study tab, a new pop-up window came to mind.