Civilization Game

Tax Period

Soon after, rumors spread throughout the Abyss. It was a story that everyone had to hear once.

'Opectus will attack from the west.'

Everyone in Underhaim has spoken of the rumor. Why do the wizards who have been silent come to this place? Are you looking for a terra for making magic armor? Wizards use the enemy's slaves as magical experimental materials!

Rumors are getting bigger, stronger, and more stimulating.

In the wake of such rumors, Vibo arrived at the royal palace, where Martin personally led the Mafia and headed to the Drug Farm, the second territory of Abyss.

"Your Majesty! Martin really did move!"

Eve opens the door to the office, leaning back. Lord greeted her with a relaxing sip of coffee.

"Is the source of this rumor true, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, it is. I told the informant. I leaked it on purpose."

"Did you expect Martin to move, too?"

"If I hadn't anticipated that, I wouldn't have to do such a troublesome thing to use foreign countries."

Laughter spread over Lord Lord's mouth while looking at the continental map through the commander's spear.

"Unfortunately, Opectus has to take the route through the Drug Farm to get into the Underhaim. Drug Farm is Martin's real home and a major supplier of drugs, right? It's the second most important place to him after the Terra Mine."

"You knew that already. The mafia's number one earner, number two drug dealer."

"Hehe, I've been studying a lot about Martin. Anyway, now that Opectus has deployed troops near our borders, Martin should never have left the Drug Farm nearby empty. And I would have to climb up myself to make a difference between Opectus and his troops."

"I understand."

Eve nods.

"The only chance is now."

Lord smiles bitterly. I thought it was a country that really needed difficult operations. He used the entire continent to buy time from Arogetsu and mobilized another army to buy time from domestic forces. Even the time to act had to earn a day, which was truly a golden time for Lord.

"Let's do everything we can before Martin returns to the Underhaim." "


Today, the Phoenix Darkfire was very unhappy.

Yesterday's payment didn't meet his expectations and he couldn't buy the '100 Sweet Bears Limited Edition' he had been looking forward to.

He wanted to express this intense anger to someone.

So now he had to make the appeal that this anger would not go away easily unless he was angry and hurriedly brought his favorite cold strawberry.

With this logic, he kicked the butt of his right arm 'Chili' standing still beside him.

"Ahh! Ahh, brother! Why did you hit me again?"

Chili grabbed her ass and made a tear.

"Shut up."

"Brother Phoenix has a strange temper sometimes. Tsk."

However, his idiot servant Chili did not seem to understand the true meaning of this violence. The angry Phoenix is about to kick Chili's ass this time...

The coup d 'etang!

"Brother Phoenix! This is bad!"

A man rushes through the door, falls on his legs, rolls his cave down, and pounds his head on a chair where Phoenix sits! I stabbed him.

Phoenix decided to add a spoonful of vanilla ice cream to his strawberry juice as a way of unwinding himself.

"... What's the commotion?"

"S, it's a raid! Enemy incoming!"

Phoenix's face distorted nicely.

"Where are you this time? Steel or bronze?"

"This is not an organization!"


Kuang! Soldiers roar through the gates of the building.

Phoenix jumps to his feet, his eyes wide open. Looking out the door, his brothers, who were already guarding the area, were rolling around on the ground. I don't know who this opponent is, but I can't believe most of my brothers burst in at this time of payment. Phoenix exclaims under pressure.

"No, but this nonsense! Who do you belong to, Oryhalcon? Mythrilpa?"

The incoming junk didn't reveal itself as a silent answer. That made Phoenix angrier. The ice strawberry juice no longer seems to be able to release this fierce rage.

"You bastards! No matter how different you are, you can't even tell me how long you've been eating on the floor. How are the kids educated these days? I feel like shit!"

"Th-think, brother. As I said before, they are not an organization..."

Phoenix is shoveling his man's back! I hit him.

"Bite me, bitch!"

Phoenix took a good look at what they were wearing. A well-oiled suit of armor holds a sharpened sword and spear.

This part touched Phoenix's mind again. A gangster should never pick up a good weapon. The tools were meant to scare and scare people, not kill them, but to make them bring their own money.

An organization whose fundamental philosophy of tyranny cannot be found. Where the hell is that organization?

Besides the soldiers, there were more odd things standing around, dressed in black with a dagger. About half of them were women, and they were dressed in tights with obvious curvature on their bodies.

Phoenix was startled by the sparkling masculine presence on his lower lip. I hate to admit it, but it was true that I felt good. But in broad daylight, I can't believe you let a bar girl walk around dressed like that! The boss of that organization must have been a ridiculous pervert.

"How dare you condemn yourself to tyranny! Don't you hear the authority of the tyrants falling to the ground? As the boss of the First Dynasty Clan, you can't just walk away!"

"What are you doing? You're still not fighting?"

A man in a black robe walks through the door of the building. In response to his appearance, the soldiers retreated to the left and to the right, bowing with reverence. Phoenix was able to guess that he was the leader of that organization.

"Huff! Is that him?"

The chili next to him flinches.

"Don't you know who that is?"

"Aldamada! The king! He's the king!"

"A king!"

Phoenix stomps his feet to the ground.

"The name of the organization should be united as you, or Big Brother! Who the hell is the king? You think you can go beyond the rules of weaponry and attire and even change the name of our old tradition, Inoum? Don't get me wrong, you'll be taller than us if I call you the Prince!"


Rod, who was momentarily stunned, talks to the soldier next to you.

"What's he saying?"

"I-I don't know, Your Majesty. We were fascinated by his strange nonsense for a while."

Lord waves his hand as if annoying.

"Now, I'm going to refuse and announce. We're going to be censoring the Brawlers from now on.If you don't want to get hurt, please run away quickly."

"Inoum! Are you saying that gangsters are censoring gangsters?" What right do you have? "

"Oh, shut up. Just hurry up!"

Immediately after Lord's command, the Royal Guard and Assassins rush in screaming.



"Hey, let go of me!"

The Brass have become chaotic in battle on all sides. The members struggled with their best, but it was difficult to endure soldiers who were fully trained in the military. Of course, even the members of the organization had a few excellent fighters, but they were only a minority and did not interfere with the trend.

Specifically, this battle sparked the assassins' skills. They took care of the members simply and neatly. Lord didn't order the hit, but the assassins were well versed in subjugation. Of course, the main reason why the difference in performance with the members of the organization was overwhelming.


Woof! A group member who relied on his strength to wield a club fell to the ground slammed by the handle of an assassin's dagger. She pulls the dagger away and plunges it into her waist.

"Why don't you do the sales call at night, miss?"

A black shadow suddenly appeared behind her. It was Phoenix.


Her pupils are loosened and she falls side by side next to the group member she collapsed on earlier.

There was a rumble around me. I can't believe you took down an assassin! So far, not one assassin has been killed.

"Oh no, it was my style, but I didn't ask what business it was."

Phoenix scratches his cheek and mutters.

"That's the boss!"

"Grab it!"

Three soldiers rushed in at once. Phoenix looks at them relaxed with a metal bat on his shoulder. He then pushed the wooden table in front of the crown with his foot.

Qadangtang! A soldier is pushed against the table and hit the pillar. Phoenix dodges the swinging knife from the other side by bending his knee, then pulls it out and stabs the soldier in the foot.

"Shhh! Shhh!"

Phoenix gets up and smashes the soldier's jaw with his head. Phoenix swung his bat backwards and slammed the spear as he watched the soldier fall. His natural movements seemed to have eyes on his back.


Suddenly, he jumps onto the table, slaps the face of the soldier sandwiched between the table and the column, and then flies over the column. He holds a metal bat in both hands and holds it overhead.


A soldier on the ground raises his spear in a hurry.

Bang! A metal bat slammed into the spear. However, the force transmitted was weak compared to swinging the spear with both sides.

In fact, it was the metal bat that Phoenix was wielding. Phoenix, who landed on the ground, ran as though it had always been a connecting motion, still punching the frozen soldier in the face with his window raised overhead. The soldier groans and rolls the floor.

"You're good with gangsters."

The assassin who was watching the scene came forward with his dagger drawn. Phoenix stares at him and says,

"Bullshit! What are you talking about, the same gangster?"

That's what the assassin said.

"What the fuck? A lot of them have been running around trembling when they see us."

"A lot? Our brass have always been the top dog! Idiot!"

"Oh, stupid? I left these bastards alone and they don't think I'm afraid of assassins!"

"You want to use an assassin? You guys are gangsters, too? Fight fairly!"

The two men fought hard without knowing why each other's conversations ran parallel lines.

"As I thought, social evil like you must be rid of the Abyss... Huff!"

The assassin never forgets a word. It was because Phoenix's jacket flew in a flutter. The rate at which the shirt was taken off was equivalent to that of a skilled prosecutor.

With the jacket attached, the assassin's vision turned black.

"You talk too much! Misrilla!"

Now it's all about misrella, and Phoenix grabs the end of the metal bat and starts stabbing the assassin in the jacket. The assassin is beaten and swung at the dagger, but the distance is too short. Moreover, the jacket was a material that rarely fell off when it was attached to the fibers to see what was processed on the outside.

"You scum!"

An assassin with a nosebleed in his hand tore his jacket with a dagger. At the historic moment when the fight began and he had his first vision, a metal bat flew in front of his nose.

"... Huff!"

Rawr! His body rolls to the ground with a tingling pain spreading from his nose. Phoenix rushes in and grabs the thrown metal bat from the air and gives the fallen assassin a steamed club.

"Die! Oryhalcon!"

"Mythrilla, you said!"


Finally, Phoenix, who defeated a noisy assassin, turns his head in satisfaction.

"Huh, huh? '

But the situation was getting serious. I pushed, but I thought it was going to hold. The brothers across the street were almost annihilated, rolling around on the floor.

And in the middle of that stands a girl in a silver-haired maiden's clothing with blood on her face.