Civilization Game

Warrior Country

'If you lose in the Weather Ground, you will be bitten by the troops.'

It's a tempting story. The warriors have been in bad shape or in bad shape because they haven't been able to eat or sleep. It was just hanging in there.

However, Jamuka stepped up and defeated that weak girl and ended all this pain and this war that was not like this one.

Moreover, Bible vowed to bet on the "soul of the ancestor." Putting the souls of the ancestors in the hands of the warriors of Arogenes was an absolute promise that could not be changed. The weight of the promise changed just by putting it in.

Of course, there was no concept of 'the soul of the ancestor' in the white paper. All of these were written scripts that Lord told Ray and directed him, but the impact was great.

The chiefs flew in and gave the good news to Jamuka.

"There's no chance of this! You're the best warrior in the world, aren't you? The chances of the greatest of us being defeated are not as good as our eyes!"

"Let's be honest! The captain's skill is guaranteed by everyone here!"

"This is clearly the way of the people. Betting the ancestor's soul on a fight that won't win! I can't miss this opportunity!"

"Let's go, Captain! Let's end this war by destroying that miserable bitch!"

Chiefs were thrilled to see Jamuka go to war.

On the other hand, Jamuka, who was listening, played a bold expression, but inside she was shouting.

"Am I crazy? You crazy bastards! '

In the opinion of Jamuka, the player, Sujita San did not fit.

The Bible was a class B, powerless hero of the White Age, a real talent that was widely known in the Chaos world like Bayan. At the same time, monsters are considered superior to Bayan in simple one-to-one combat. But what are the chances that Jamuka himself will beat her at a disadvantage from her own abilities? No matter how generous it was, it was less than half.

Besides, I can't believe a white man who has only mastered cunning strategies is walking around offering a one-to-one diary! The stink is gone. Isn't this a ploy to draw out who you are openly? I was enriched with the possibility of something more tricky.

And most of all, as long as you can rule out all such situations and defeat criticism, the white powder will stop unless you simply retreat the troops. It would mean nothing to the White Sage, like the soul of an ancestor.

Jamuka also had this level of judgment. In the end, he concluded that all this was nonsense. Jamuka opens her mouth after clearing her mind.

"I refuse to accept the weather proposal."


The chiefs who were already celebrating the victory with a loud smile were struck by lightning in the dry sky.

"... You said no?"

"Why are you standing? I don't understand! “

”This is the best chance I have ever had!"

Jamuka thought of the reason for rejection for a moment. I had to speak up in front of the chieftains.

"The Weather Ground is most likely a trap for the white walkers. And as long as I win the diary, they will never let me take the army."

"They risked the souls of their ancestors! He won't change a word!"

"Captain! Please reconsider!"

The council chairman is in a commotion. The chiefs can't convince Jamuka of his decision.

1: 1 battle between the top UAVs. Why do you want to go through so much trouble on such a simple and honorable path? Even after biting the weather chance and continuing the war, I was only drawn to the white powder. Food was scarce, stamina was scarce, and mental strength was the limit.

"Wait, wait! Calm down!"

Then, a chieftain with a pointed head and a snoring around his nose stood up and noticed everyone. Jamuka's gaze was also drawn to him. I remember being a chieftain of the Amir Clan.

"Let me put it this way, Captain."

He lowers his head politely.

"…… Tell me."

"First, the diary will land fairly off both sides, away from the arrows. You can't even set a trap in the first place! Even if they stop the weather and send troops, we can send troops as well."

Jamuka frowns. You can't set a trap. You don't know what you're talking about. If only we knew how cunning the players of the planet are, that sound would go in like that.

"And the white walkers who were defeated by the diary won't have to bite the troops. Capture that Vivall bitch and take her to the Wall and humiliate her in front of them! Their morale will be greatly reduced as they say their name is the best unmanned white paper. It's a chance to demoralize the enemy and capture the mastermind at the same time, even if they don't back off! Nothing to lose, Captain!"


"You're right!"

The chiefs cheer violently. Especially Amir was standing up and applauding. It seemed like his subordinates were having a good time.

'…… why are those ignorant people talking so logically today?'

In fact, if it came to that logic, there was not much to argue against in Jamuka's view.

The surest logic to reject the diary is' I am weaker than the Bible. I acknowledge that. However, this choice was not possible. In Arogenes with a warrior culture, women had a slightly higher authority than livestock. In Arogenes, it meant that women were just giving birth to new warriors, and that was the kind of perception that relieved sexual arousal, or working at home.

In this bottom-feeding Arogenes society, do you acknowledge yourself as a blacksmith to be weaker than a woman? Authority will not fall to the ground and holes will be made. In the end, there was only one way Jamuka could take it.

"Everyone is noisy!

Jamuka shouts.

"Don't make me repeat my decision! Just to be clear, I don't intend to keep a diary. If that's your problem, ask for a duel and take my crown prince's place!"


The council chairman cools off at his work.

If you push them out, no one can resist. This is Arogenes. 'These are the only ones.' Jamuka left the conference room with a sneer.

Even after he left, the meeting room was deeply static for a while.

"…… I'm disappointed, Captain."

Amir mutters, biting his lips.

Jamuka leaves, and Amido leaves and returns to the walls. He hasn't received the good news yet, but he still has an idea.

When I came up to the wall and looked down, I could still see the criticism standing there waiting for an answer.

"Listen to the white lady!"

Amir clamors and shouts.

"The chancellor has declined your offer! However, it seems unlikely that you will challenge the greatest man on the continent, so defeat this armageddon and prove your worth before the one! I accept your challenge!"

Warriors raise their weapons and shout for joy in Amir's Declaration.

"…… I made it clear to her."

Bible said without a blink of an eye.

"The girl stands here as the proudest unmanned white man in the world. And yet you are willing to test our White Empire by sending a second faction, not the same greatest unarmed?"

Bible opens his eyes in a genuine rage, placing his hands on his chest.

"I am maddened! I can tolerate your whining, but I cannot tolerate your disregard for the Great White Empire!" "

"... Hehe!"

Amir winces. I could not say it was an honorable deed as a warrior. The two countries are equal. On the other side, you come out with the strongest warrior guarding Yew. On the other side, you shouldn't talk like you're testing your opponent's skills.

"If you won't accept the battle, so will the girl."

He turned his back and said.

"If you change your mind about Jamuka, tell me again then."

As she begins to walk into the swallow formation, the sound of nightmare-like bells and whistles echoes echoes around her. Amir and the chieftains' faces harden like stone.

Hell was about to begin again.


On the other hand, Jamuka came back to the office pouting, raising her voice with the screen up.

"…… that's how it turned out! Viwald asked me for a diary! This is definitely a target! Sunbeam, you filthy son of a bitch!"

The man on the screen was just smiling and listening to Jamuka's story.

He had freely wavy brown hair, dark eyebrows and eyebrows, a favorable good look, and a good smile all the time. He was Casar's player, 'Arc the Round'.

"… a diary, jeez. Oops."

Arc was playing chess alone. The white horse and the black horse were both his. Arc seems more focused on chess than Jamuka.

"Maybe? I don't think it's Sunbeam."

"What do you mean?"

"The one who came up with the trick."

Arc grabs the black bishop with a white knight and picks it up and bites it slightly with his teeth.

"The cunning of one who understands the country of Arogetsu. It's not a person in the world, it's a player."

"No, that's not the point! There's an army of white men in front of the Foot Hillland!"

"Who's better? As expected……."

Tsk! Bishop's head, which Arc was biting, falls to the ground.

"… Are you a self-declared gaming bankrupt?"

"Hey! arc! Are you listening to me... Huff!"

Jamuka was furious. Beyond the screen window, a girl with a large green head appeared and climbed over the arc's knee.

Arc kisses her without hesitation. She also closed her eyes and accepted the arc.


The meeting of the two kings discussing the government was suddenly transformed into a live kiss time broadcast. Jamuka, who became a sleepy spectator, looks dazed.

Over time, Arc slowly opened his lips. Then he touched her cheek and laughed.

"You look beautiful again today, Miss Lily. You did your hair."

"... Heheheh heh."

She laughs shyly. The arc kisses her forehead again lightly.

"By the way, who were you talking to? Why are you looking at the air with nothing...."

"Hehe. It's no big deal. I'm sorry, but I've got work to do, so are you gonna be out there playing?"


I saw a girl get up on her knees and get off the screen. Arc looks back at Jamuka, smiling as if nothing had happened.

"Carry on."


Jamuka was so frustrated that she was not angry well.

"What are you doing when people are talking! Besides, I don't think she was a priest before, so should I be so careless?"

"I can't even see it anyway, and this side is more...."

The arc winks.

"It's exciting."

Jamuka was instinctively trembling. I didn't know why. It really creeped me out.

"Anyway! The White Army is closing in on us! When will his reinforcements arrive?"

"This will only take a moment. Don't worry too much."

Arc suddenly said. Jamuka asked.

"Just now? Is that what you're saying? This time it's really urgent! Do you even know what's going on with us?"

Arc nods as if to keep talking with a smiling face. And then I played chess again. This time black looks grabbed the white phone.

With Arc's aesthetic attitude, Jamuka ignites. I was so sorry.Who made me look like this and now I can talk like Namil?

"I took your word for it, hit Abyss, and here I am! Is it really necessary for an alliance to feel this responsible?"


Arc's jaw suddenly rises.

"That's an interesting thing to say."

"What's so funny?"

"At that time, Abyss' regular troops were exactly 500! It's not my fault..."

Arc's expression, which was making a good smile, froze cold for a moment.

"Shouldn't we blame Jamuka's foolish army for 'feeding' them?"

"... Ugh!"

Jamuka's face is red. That horse would have destroyed Abyss long ago if it were me. It had meaning.

"… I never imagined that Bayan would agree to retreat."

"Well, I don't blame Jamuka."

Arc spoke softly again.

"First, I have to solve the misunderstanding. It took some time for us to get close to the border of Arogetsu because we were at war with Glacieon. It won't be long now to Foot Hillland."

'… d, finally!'

Casar is coming.

As soon as the Knights of Casar come, we can destroy every last one of them, whether it's Baekjae or Abyss! Now if you really just hold on, you can win.

Arc smiles brightly.

"Just bear with me a little longer. My dear allies."