Civilization Game

Serena Winslett

Zeros' body stretches out without ready, striking the blade of Beatrice. Arrrgh! The shock of whitening in my head spread to my brain as I climbed into the palm of my hand. Her face stiffens.

‘... became stronger. ’

Cough! Cough! Cawing! Two weapons strike at incredible speeds and fire blazes out. Zeros' spear has now transcended the landscape of martial arts. Every attack and evasion, foot movement, waist angle, and knuckle movement were instinctively responding to the situation and the enemy's response. Beatrice is pushing, not even close enough to strike back. The wound is stretching.

‘Beatrice is pushed from the simple attack force. Is that what Zeros is like……. ’

Fortunately, Zeros has not been mindful of anything other than dealing with Beatrice. But as long as she was tied up, she had to deal with the courageous crowd of three. The crisis was slowly coming. Bible was bleeding from the waist to see if she was injured, and Unibell was also gasping for breath with a recoil that had spilled too much magic.

‘I can't hold on much longer. I have to do something. ’

Glug! Bress, shot by Drake, flies to Lord. You roll down like a ball in a hurry, throwing the dagger as the dodged rod rises. Taeyne! She aims for Drake's eyes, but bounces off the scales.

Lord pulls out his next dagger and touches the waist dance, but he has already used a full dose. A courageous man in a drake lunges right behind you, swinging his sword. As soon as Lord stood up, he had to duck again.

This is driving me crazy! If only I could get out of here for just a little while.... ’

Immediately, Kelvin's "Warp Gate" appeared in Lord Lord's head, but if you try to summon him in a chaotic situation like this, you will be destroyed by an enemy attack immediately.

At that moment, Rod's eyes were filled with the tree trunks of the world's water that were blocking the front. He immediately opened the commander's window and entered a new signal into Tia's Magical Signal Device, thinking he should try anything, not when he was bouncing back and forth. The green signal meant "utilization of utility." Tia has already continued to use the utility, but Lord has sent this signal once more.

‘If Tia realizes this intention.... ’

Cough! A log rises high as it pierces the ground. It rests motionless, thinking it will bend like a whip. Lord smiles at you.

“Everyone come this way! Hurry up!"

At Lord's shout, the Three Musketeers rush out from under him. Beatrice uses fluidization to escape Zeros' aggression and Unibelle throws a bomb to create smoke. I can feel that I'm being trusted by them on the battlefield, coming and going in seconds.

“Here he is! What are you gonna do now? ”

Unibell continues to create smoke and obstruct the sight of the couriers.

“Come over here and stay close! ”

He said so, hugging the body of Unibell and Bible beside him with his arms tightly attached to his body. Surprised Unibell's reflexively smashed his chest, but the harvest from the two women's heads was dazzling. Rod had the latest joining Beatrice placed on the front, fending off the containers.

“… what the hell are you doing? ”

Unibell moves his trunk in fear of asking.


Huff! As the trunk swings, the body of the four men on the end of the trunk rises high in the sky. Beatrice raises her magic to act as a cushion in front of you.

Four people fell a few hundred meters from the spot.

“Everyone okay? ”

Lord asks. The gods are scrambling and scrambling. The confused couriers circle around and find them screaming for whales. Then a new trunk rises up in front of them.

“Come on, I'll fly again. ”

“…… Riding sucks. Is this really the only way? ”

You flew the same way. And the couriers ran this way as they rearranged their lines. Tia summons a few more stalks to set up a barrier in front of her.

“Just a few more minutes! ”

Unibell mutters.

“But if we did, we'd all be dead in a minute. ”

“I do. Your Majesty saved me. ”

Bible jumped up and said. She shreds her collar and ties the scar around her waist.

“…… and probably. ”

Lord looks back. Two, two, two! Dust is rising behind you. Your cavalry has arrived just in time.

“Defend the king and the generals! ”

As Argon's courageous men turn away from the moving stalks, their cavalry continues straight ahead at full speed.

“What are they? It's too fast!”

Unibell crawls into the back of Sloane Road.

“Stay right here, don't go anywhere. ”

A horde of allied horsemen splits apart in front of the Lord's party and passes by them. It was quite thrilling for the horses to be standing in the middle of a full-speed race. Meanwhile, even the courageous opposition seems reluctant to stop the charge. The distance between the two cavalries is rapidly decreasing.


And the cavalry of the two countries collided in the middle. The cavalry clashes differently from the infantry clashes. The dragon monsters were essentially stronger in their breakthroughs, but the long distance charge attacks were equally devastating to both drakes and horses. The army is in turmoil and the situation is in chaos. Lord and the Gazins were barely able to breathe.

‘…… Wow, I almost died. ’

I was lucky to have my life in front of me. In the situation just now, I had nothing to say even if I died.

The Argon side is slowly retreating upward as the opponent's cavalry struggles to hold the rod. I think I've decided it's difficult to make it up to Tia's infantry.

“Does anyone have a loudspeaker? ”

Of course, Lord didn't intend to leave it alone.

“Push it to the end. If we stop the attack now, they'll head straight for Wigdrasil. We have to stop that from happening. ”

The deputies shout at Lord's command, "Blow your throat out."

“Keep attacking! ”

“Bite and stretch! Hang in there until the infantry comes! ”

The battle between the cavalry has escalated.

Zeros, who always demoralizes his soldiers at the forefront of the enemy, also did not show up for health relief, and the three princes of Lord were resting. While a pure struggle is taking place, a black shadow falls over the heads of the fighting soldiers.

“… what is it? ”

As the soldiers lift their heads and look up at the sky, a fierce cry echoes through the heavens and the earth.


Lord quickly plugs his ears.

‘…… What? Dragon Pier?

Alerts of soldiers' morale dropping beneath his sight and panic rise above him.

After the Dragon Pier, a green waterfall rains down from the sky. The Abyss soldiers, who fought the Argons, hurriedly retreated. This green liquid was a nasty poisonous substance that emitted hazy smoke. You melt the bodies of the world's water and create a lake of poison between Argon and the Abyss soldiers.

Rod raises his head, sniffing the stench of nasty acidity. It was a ‘dragon' in the air. Not a dragon monster like Drake, but the image of a pure dragon that Lord imagined. A pair of giant wings reminiscent of a Pterosaur were larger than the body when they were all spread out, and the skin was covered by a green scale with saliva flowing. A thorny mane protruded from his back.

Surprisingly, Serena was on top of it. The third master of Argon, Yria, was also with him. He falls from the dragon and returns to his advancement.

‘…… why is Cerestina there? ’

The rod's pupils are shaken with shock.

His gaze quickly shifts towards the argon formation. Surprisingly, there were two of her. Serena commands Serena and her soldiers on the dragon.

You can see Serena taking off her robe hood on her command side. The white hair was the same, but his face was slightly different when the hood was revealed. She finally takes off her hat and her wig. Under the white hair came the wavy blue hair. She was Roen, Argon's military.

‘…… Damn, that was a stand-in. ’

Serena just requested a one-on-one conversation. Lord accepted.

“Hello again, Lord. ”

Serena, on top of the dragon, smiled lightly. Lord smiled and pretended to pick up the phone.

“What is that dragon? Ancient Quests?”

“That's right."

She took it easy.

‘Action Class Quests’. Among gamers, this is called ‘Ancient Quest’, something that players can hold after the Cultural Age. As a reward, you can get ancient A-grade heroes and magical armor, but notoriously on a difficulty level as extreme as a luxurious reward.

“...... Now I see. You marched on an ancient quest with only escorts, and sent your battalion and the rest of the troops to the Wigdrasil to wage war for your safety. It's too big for a trick, isn't it? ”

“… or you wouldn't have been fooled. ”

Serena's outfit caught my eye again. On the day of the festival, she revealed her outfit to Lord in a 1: 1 conversation for a reason. From that moment on, it was a plan rigorously prepared to deceive Lord.

I send my entire force up to Wigdrasil to fight to get Lord's attention. All these battles and the lives that were lost were a lie. Wigdrasil's gravitational inversion was an attempt to take the life of a gymnosophist Lord, but it would have been Serena herself, not as a replacement, if she had really intended to put all her strength into this operation. Ultimately, the real goal was that ancient quest.

Lord checked the dragon's information. Even if I was in the air, I could see the Status from this distance.

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Name: Needhog

Affiliation: Argon

Title: None

Race: Dragon

Power Rating: (A) *

& Channel Grade:

& Outline Rating:

& Political Grade:

A class of helplessness.

Unique Ability: Poison Inverter.

Needhog is an extremely toxic mutation among the green dragons, and his whole body is toxic. Continuing to produce new toxins in the body, detoxification is also known to be tricky. You cannot harm the body unless it is a special attack because it can be recovered only by producing poison. The most powerful weapon is Poison Breeze, which comes from your mouth.

< Cursed by the World Number. If you lift this curse with the power of the artifact, you will have more power. >

< This hero is an ancient being. You have a dragon contract, but you are not blindly loyal. >

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‘… A class. And an ancient creature like Lilith. ’

She came all the way to Wigdrasil to get this dragon. Lord thought it was worth it.

“Lord, do you intend to continue fighting? ”

Serena asked.

“Any more battles are meaningless to each other. ”


Lord stretches his finger into the air and moves the commander's spear.

“I've been through all the embarrassments thanks to you, so I'll have to repay this one as well. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- T-stone. - No, no. This is an item. It's a Purification Spear... It makes you feel really bad when you touch it.

Altenia/Yep! I haven't done one yet (?) He's going to be a part of this episode.

That's how I got to Rokmee-eup, but at least the Temple of God has to be completed in Jorah.

- The Wolf of Geological Mountain. As the concept itself is a duel between elite soldiers, look forward to another big battle in the next episode! By the way, at the end of the day, it's a fucking Viwaldis.

etb08222/For home

Clojane, if you search for "Game of Kings," it will come out.


One day/Hi-ye...

- Roaria. - What are you talking about? I'm a healthy person, not a very healthy man who likes both beating and beating.

Loricom MK/blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah him

Doremi Pasol/Haha! Viwell!

- It hurt. - Oh, it's been a while! Thanks for your comment ^ ^

Kencheru/Well, I see. Because taste should be respected! Haha!