Civilization Game

Mad Dog Zeros

When I met Zeros, Lord was confident.

‘When I became Chaos World, the hero I wanted the most was Zero. ’

In the chaos world, the data I had accumulated during the lung days was still in my head. Among them, I could barely remember the moon as much as the hero Zeros.

Here's Lord's plan: When faced with Zeros, he sprinkles pastry rice to enhance his mood, revealing the truth in front of everyone. Zeros puts a wedge in a decisive, embarrassing word.

At this point, it is to amplify the emotion of pure anger that Zeros will reveal, with the power of 'emotional amplification’. Though Lord Himself thought so, this power was vicious. Even a great hero has a scar on his heart and can move his opponent with intent by selling it.

Zeros exposed to emotional amplification will surely be blinded by anger and rush towards the neck of the rod. Otherwise, it is not Zero. Lord was able to tidy up.

And in response to Zeros' charge, six people emerge from the shadows long ago. Even Zeros, who has a strong sixth sense, cannot sense the ability of the shifters to bury "being" in the shadows. Two with Aaron Diet to protect Lord and four with Zeros.

As a result, Lord succeeded in inflicting a fatal injury on Zero.

‘... Okay, so far, we're good. ’

When Zeros sees blood spilled from the blades of the Chasers, Lord turns his back and flees, unawares of victory. It was obvious why.

Here comes the rush! ’

If you don't run, you'll die.

“Lord Polentia! ”

A wet voice of anger erupts from behind my back. My whole body is full of fur. On your spine, something stings up to the back of your neck. Rod runs without looking back.

“... Huff! ”

The soldiers who saw Zeros screamed in fear. Madness flashed in both eyes, and tendons protruded from the muscles all over the body. The red magic surrounds your body, and a choking breath gushes out of you. The only instinct left for him to be unable to make a rational decision was to assassinate Rod Polentia.

The nearby chesters quickly fall out. A berserker rushes to take Lord's breath away.

“Well, what are you doing? Shoot!”

Lord flees to his advancement, and the Roseanne army advances their shields and fires arrows.

“Don't be stubborn! ”

Zeros lunges at the shield like a chariot. Quaquaquaquaquaquaquaquaquabang! It was like a silly cartoon scene with soldiers flying everywhere. Every time I swing the spear, the sturdy shield is torn apart like a signpost, and everything blocking it has been destroyed.

‘… Soldiers. ’

Rod sticks his tongue out.

“Those Abyss bastards are playing tricks on me! ”

“Save General Zeros! ”


Subsequently, a full-scale battle began with the courageous Argonian forces charging in. Roseanne, who was watching this scene from behind, asked the commander with a nervous face.

“… Lord Rod must have escaped safely? ”

“Yes, you'll be fine. ”

“Good, then I'll move on to the next plan. ”

“…… General. ”

There was some hesitation on the director's face.

“... Are you sure you want to do this? I'm a little worried... ”

“It's okay! I trust you, Lord! ”

Roseanne sends a distress call, and the soldiers move in a panic. They set fire to the dry grass in front of the march, preventing the couriers from entering and spraying the prepared tear gas forward.

Finally, I put out all the torches. Roseanne's advance has fallen into complete darkness.

“Spread out! Spread out and run!" ”

“Ignore Jean and save yourself! Even if your colleague gets stabbed, run! I'll meet you at the designated point! ”

The awkward scene unfolded. The Roseanne troops throw their shields away and start to scatter. It seems as if a wolf entered the ranch and the sheep fled unsuspecting. The couriers burst into laughter in the vicious appearance of the Abyss army, the continent's strongest.

“You think you can outrun us on a Drake? ”

“Go after him and kill him! ”

The courageous have begun pursuit. An infantryman with his back is only the prey of the cavalry. It's impossible to run away from the cavalrys.Responding is the way to save lives.

Of course, it was common sense when the terrain was flat and time was daytime.

“You rat! ”

“Chase them to the end! ”

The courageous men looked for the escaped soldiers shining torches in their hands, but it was not as easy as I thought. The combination of dense rainforests and dark nights disturbed people's vision terribly. The Abyss can put out the fire and venture out into the grass, but the braves have to see and track the opponent precisely. In the process, the drake flips over when it hits a tree. Moreover, even Zeros, the commander who was supposed to be in command, disappeared, so some of the deputies ordered a pursuit and some of the deputies ordered an atmosphere to add to the chaos in the command system.

“... Huff, huff! ”

On the other hand, Rod, who was thrown off the battlefield faster than anyone else, was still in a frenzy.

“Heehee! Your Majesty. The king's strategy was unbelievably exhausting! ”

Aronite shifts into a sword. The Lord smiles cheerfully, knowing that she is not malicious in nature.

“I don't think it's a good time to be polite. ”

“Then why did you run away when Zeros was critically wounded? Too bad.”

“It's when he gets scariest after that fatal wound. ”

Zeros' unique abilities are among the strongest. If you are critically wounded and in a frenzied state, you can gain more than three times the power of your normal state. It is not unusual for Zeros, who is an ancient being and who has lost his mind, to beat them all. Even during the beta test, a picture of soldiers being slaughtered on the other side of the road while trying to overkill Zeros is not bad.

Of course, it did not last long enough to exert a transcendent power. Once you have reinforced your troops, you will be able to counterattack at the end of Zeros' rampage.

“Your Majesty! Up ahead! Forward!”


Lord awakens. In front of you are monster-sized wolf monsters.

“Tsk, no luck. ”

Rod runs straight for the wolf.

“…… Your Majesty? ”

“It's okay.”

As the wolf leaps over the road, a black line is drawn on its torso. Then he fell to the floor after being hit in the head precisely.

Two chasers follow you around the road.

“How many of the six survived? ”

Chaser spread his finger and let me know.

“Four? Thank goodness.”

Two Cultural Specialty Diseases were sacrificed in exchange for forcing Zeros to fall. It was a total bummer.

“Your Majesty! You're all right now! It's not popular!”

Aaron Dyt, who was studying the surroundings, said: Rod stops walking.

“Back to square one. Aaron.”


Paad! The golden light echoes through the sword, and she returns to her human form in armor. Rod sticks his chubby butt to the floor.

“Protect me. From now on, I'm going to concentrate on the benefits. Don't let anyone get near them. ”

“Of course! You can do whatever you want! ”

The Lord manipulates the commander's spear under his palm.

'Activate Bandegas' eyes. '

I was saving it for when this happened. Bandegas' Eye is an Abyss player's spear skill that can be viewed remotely from anywhere on the continent.

The rod activates a skill and examines every nook and cranny of the Rainforest before escaping its effects. The forest is so dense that we couldn't find Zeros on our own, but we've confirmed that the rest of the allies are on the move. Zero, by this time, his powers would have been unravelled. Lord reaches out, looking at the chasers.

“Crystal Ball.”

A chaser swells up, and the communication crystal ball plunges out of the body and falls into the palm of the rod's hand.

The rod immediately actuated the crystal ball.

“Roseanne, can you hear me? ”


“General! General Zero! Where are you?”

Zeros' commanders and deputies roamed the woods in a frenzy. Their goal was to find Zeros rather than chase the fleeing Abyss. I haven't been able to find him since Lord Polentia's provocation.

“I don't know what the hell is going on! ”

One of the deputies vomited and said.

“General Zeros is stunned, but he wasn't reckless enough to run around like a provocation! ”

“…… I hadn't thought of that either. ”

The manager sighed and said. It was full of questions. Zeros, the veteran among the veterans, was assaulted and, above all, ambushed by an enemy hiding behind a tree with a beastly keen instinct.

‘I've never seen those black things before...... What are they? ’

“Senior General! I found General Zero! ”

“… Oh! Take me to him now!"

The messenger reports indicate that the commander drove Drake at full speed.

“ ……! ”

And when I arrived on the scene, a terrible scene unfolded.

Zeros stands, covered in blood from head to toe. Around him are piles of corpses of Abyss. The fallen one on the ground, the one leaning against the tree, and the torch illuminates everywhere, only dead bodies and blood.

There are probably more soldiers that Zeros has killed alone than there are in the pursuit.

“General! You're all right...! ”

“Stand down!”

The commander shouts in front of the soldier.

“That general is dangerous. If you annoy me, I'll slaughter you too! ”

Zeros is on the move. Wherever he was headed, there was a wounded and crying soldier.

“Sa, sa, save me! ”

“ …… ”

“Please! Help...! ”

Kwaek! Zeros thrust his spear into the soldier's body. You pull it out, stab it, pull it out, stab it, and whack it with a spear. Suddenly, the soldier's body is a mess of chopped meat. Zeros plugs his spear into the ground.


A loud shout erupted that shook the entire heavenly forest. Everyone stuffed their ears. The surprised drakes hiss. After a short while, Zeros remains motionless on his knees. The manager shouted.

“What are you doing? Go get the General! ”


Medics examined Zeros' condition in a shower of blood and cleaned him up. He was immediately loaded onto a stretcher.

“Senior General! What do you want to do now? ”

“Fall back.”

The manager answered without hesitation.

“Chasing the enemy in this darkness is reckless. And the monsters in the forest will take care of us if we don't. ”

One of the deputies protested.

“Hah, General Haona! We disobeyed and marched. If I return to my obscure specialty like this, His Majesty... ”

“Is this the time to study? ”

The manager was in mourning.

“Our top priority is to get General Zero back to the mainland alive! I won't listen to your arguments! ”

“Yes, General. ”

Deputies scatter and prepare to retreat.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I can still feel my friend's eyes on the other side of the Temple.

Rod, is that a paddle? '


taitan/It really does ㅋ ㅋ It seems to be written once every time forgotten

If Zeros catches us...

you're about to face the second hurdle of your life. Cheer up; Psst;

MoriyaSuwako/Yes? Not at all; a falsehood that can be denied! Good job on the conspiracy! Here's your résumé...

Mass Merong/Indeed...?!

If you were on the same side as Schmerzs, that would be a terrible pad.) without insulting the class. Surprisingly, Cammy would be nice.

My husband is Loricom MK. Sorry about that.

Nialla totep/Menbung + Sword Bread = Destruction!

... (-1).../blah blah blah blah blah to kill Zeros twice!