Civilization Game

Last Island

“Your Majesty! Here he comes! ”

Immediately, the battle began as wild flying monsters rushed at a processing speed.


As the daemons swing their arms, the space distorts and a claw-like effect of the beast's fingernails explodes. The monsters shredded like paper.


A flying monster, similar to the Wyvern, smashes the shoulder of the beast on the road. But thump! I couldn't do her any harm just by making a sound. Monsters fall behind the daemon's counterattack.

‘Good. You're holding up. ’

Chimera is limited by its simple release of black magic, but its upgraded version of the daemon now has the power to refine and materialize black magic. The key skill is the barding. It takes out the black magic around the body and operates it in the form of armor, so it is always defensive but does not consume magic.

In the opponent's position, it is only possible to directly attack the daemon's body after depleting all its magical power. A perfect defense system with no weaknesses.

‘Monsters are no longer the opponents of Specialty Diseases. ’

“Sa, help me! Your Majesty!"

However, the aroundite next to him had a bad situation. Monsters attack her hung by the daemon with their beaks and claws. She turns her feet into blades and struggles, but her wound grows more and more. My clothes were torn and my skin was exposed.

“Aaron! Return to the sword! ”

“Hah...! Heheh! Maybe this won't be so bad... ”

“Stop talking nonsense and hurry! ”

Aaron Dyte turns into a sword, half relief and half regret, and enters Lord's hands.

“Excuse me a moment! ”

Lord grabs Damon's waist with both legs and wields a golden sword with both hands. Aaron's length extends to a few meters and lightly slices the oncoming monsters into the air. When the daemon sees him, he says,

“Master, may I leave the rear? ”

“Of course!”

A daemon and rod soar through the air, covering both front and back. The corpses of the flying monsters splinter and scatter down. The daemon that was burning the aroundite is now fully committed to the attack.

Lord cries out, looking at the daemon holding Mine in its arms.

“You focus more on protecting Miney than attacking! ”

“Yes, Master. ”

Her rear barding cracks open like a robot and covers her body. It became like carrying a bag and wearing armor on it.

“Wow, Devil Sis! Can't we do that? ”

Aaron gives you a nod. The barding twitched and began to shift. The backrest opens, supporting Rod's buttocks, and grabbing his legs firmly. It became like sitting on a chair. It was much more comfortable and stable than before.

“Oh, that's amazing! ”

You whisper as the road grows.

The battle went on for a long time. The monsters were wary of whether they recognized these prey as an unlikely foe. While the efforts of the Lord's party have increased in killing a single monster, the number of monsters is constantly replenished in the forest. This was physically disadvantageous.

‘This must also be part of the ancient quest, right? I feel like I'm interrupting you on purpose. ’

Lord turns his head.

“Meiney! You ready? ”

You hear a voice in the daemon's armor as Lord asks.

“Yes! That's it! ”


A momentarily distracted road swiftly tilts its waist. Blood spatters as the claws of the monster touch your chest. I felt crumpled up by bitter pain.

‘Ugh, should I have just stuck to the basics like Eve said? ’

“Your Majesty! Behind! Back!”

At the words of Aaron Dye, the rod twists its waist and swings its sword vertically. The golden light shifts and the two monsters split at the same time, but it is only a small blow compared to the total number.


The daemon suddenly summons Lord.

“What's the matter? ”

“The barding's shape changes as the Black Magic Power has dropped below a certain threshold. Be prepared.”


The appearance of the Barding is starting to change. From the helmet to the boots, the full-plate armor has shifted to a relatively lower level of defense in the form of a chain mail. The armor of the chair that had perfectly supported the body of the rod turned into a tight iron pedestal and exposed its head and torso as if it were wrapped around a pouch of minerals that were safely protected inside the armor.

“... Ugh, I can't. ”

Barding is the magic of the daemon itself. So if the daemon consumes a certain amount of power through attacks or flying, it changes its appearance. It is a full plate armor that was initially worn to the helmet, but the more magical it consumes, the lighter it will be in the order of chain mail and leather armor.


“Yes, I'm ready!

Rod quickly put on his mask and told the daemon to cover his nose and mouth with a change in shape. Then she spreads her wings.

- Pheromone shower.

Blue powder spills from Mine's wings, glittering in the wind. The monsters approaching were terrified and retreated.

“Great! It works! ”

Aaron Dye cheers with his upper body out of the sword. And then I wonder if he was exposed to pheromones. ’I closed my mouth and went back to the sword.

“Let's keep going! If the daemons fly too fast, the pheromones will scatter, so try to fly slowly. ”

The daemons slow down and fly low, just as Lord said. After that, many flying monsters followed closely, but they were unable to attack because of the pheromones. All you have to do is watch out for an individual who can occasionally fire a Bress.

“… Ugh, we're at our limit! ”

Minnie, who is moving her wings endlessly, screams with a heavy expression.

“… Just a little longer, just a little longer! ”

As you make your way through the trees, you see a cave in Lord's view.

“That's it! Go at full speed! ”

The daemons immediately fly at full speed as Lord shouts. As the pheromones weakened, monsters swooped in with their teeth.

The daemons safely enter the cave while the Lord keeps them from swinging the aroundite backwards.

“Kick it!”

“Glug! Glug! ”

The monsters can't get inside the cave, so they wander around.

“What's wrong with them? ”

Aaron frowns. Roads have identified a blue barrier visible only to the player's eyes. It looked like there was a quest-related device.

“You've come to the right place. ”

Rod smiles and looks inside the cave. There was a wavy skeleton symbol.

‘Quest is almost complete. Drinking is about to be committed. ’


Ancient forest.

As Serena instructed, the girls were sitting on the floor, ready to talk. What was the nature of the explosion, what was the fate of this country, what would happen if we lost the war, and what everyone feared and feared.

“Tsururu ru!”

That's when the Waiburn's cry echoes from the sky. Serena's red wyvern flies to where they are.

“The king is back! ”

The Wyvern lands in the courtyard in front of the altar, raising dirt, and Serena leaps in. The Witches came and asked.

“Your Majesty! What the hell happened? ”

“It's nothing. The Abyss breaks through.”

It's no big deal! And the bitches shouted silently with one mind.

“Never mind. We will resume the next ceremony. ”

“But now is the time to be unconscious.... ”

“Shouldn't we go protect the Dragon Castle? ”

Serena shakes her head calmly.

“The ritual is the way to save them. Hurry up.”

“Yes, old! ”

Serena went straight to her seat. A member of the Silver Dragon Clan approaches her as she prepares to lift her magic.

“Reporting! An army of Abyss is coming this way. The opponent is Runfang!”

“ ……. ”

She raises her eyelids as she slumps.

“I'll tell you a trick. From now on, do as the Overlord tells you. ”

“… Got it! ”

Serena teaches the Silver Dragons the trick and looks up at the sky.

Kuku ku ku ku ku ku ku!

As the clear sky became darker and darker, clouds poured in like rain. It was an ordinary cloud, but it looked different to her.

‘Coming down soon. ’

The dragon's jaw flickers.


A small ferry approaches Argon Island.

It was a dangerous land ahead of the war between the two countries, but the boatmen rowed indifferently.

They wore gray cloaks all over their bodies and rounded Sagad on their heads. Two men were rowing, and a small woman sitting in the middle, three were on the ferry.

The masons row cautiously, placing their ships on the low cliffs. A man looks up at the dark sky and mutters.

“Hardly in time. ”

A small middle-looking woman rises up and climbs up the cliff. One side of the hood comes up jagged.

“That's all we have to do. ”

The two knights bowed politely on the ferry without going up.

“Oh-ho-ho. Are you sure you're going to be okay alone? ”

The other knight asks, and she nods. Every time she moves her head, her dazzling silver feet come down from under the hood.

“I can feel it. Where is it……. ”

A black azrang blooms from her body.

“… Master. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm sorry I'm running towards completion.

We need to match the amount of concurrent smoke on the platform...

From 02.10 to 02.19, the main temple is a holiday. You're back after the holidays.

We're always sorry and grateful. We look forward to welcoming you back. Best regards,


Loricom MK/Hahaha; Hahaha; Is this how you feel thorns in your horse? Cock my chest.

A worm/god made. Like the Gaia of Gaia.

Waiting/Preparing, I just told you, I'm so lazy and lazy that I'll write it as I finish when I can.

Master Column/Thank you!

Hellgrap/meds escape..?!

-Lielken. -That's too much! I am a person with normal and sound sexual values!

Coolera/I see. Serena has a gap between the shamans and almost human & mechanical. As you said, if she was a soldier working under a king who had the power to control the throne and not the king herself, how frightening would it be?


... (-1).../Hiic! It was Unibell's fault, but I'm the one who got robbed by Kim Doo Han.