-Over the Symphonia, on an airship.

"Would you like to go to the country of water, Juliae ...?" "We shouldn't see you anymore ......" "I'm going to see you." "... Fool." Sakurai-kun and Juliae are playing lunchtime at the bow of the ship.

Me, Lucy and Sae looking at it a little further away. "Hey ne, Makoto. Are the princesses you protect and the brave of the light farewell?" "Is that a long-range relationship?" "Hmm" "Sakurai-kun is always popular" Lucy Tosa-san is looking at the stunned wind.

By the way, Princess Sofia seems to remain in the royal capital because there is still work to do. The same goes for Prince Leonard.

"Tackey, I'd like to leave soon ...." Fujiyan came with a troubled face. In the direction of glance, there is a courage of the light brave and a moon couple.

"Oh, Sakurai-kun! It's about to leave soon." ""!? " Huh, now?

"Takatsuki-kun! I'm sorry, help me in various ways. I ask for Friae." Sakurai-kun with a shy face came. "Okay. We're in town, so come and visit me sometimes." Juliae is working with him as he continues to have a guardian knight contract. Since the moon shrine could not live in the land of the sun, she was to be exiled to the land of water.

"Sakurai-dono, how are you?" "Fujiwara-kun, you too." I remembered the story I heard from Princess Noel at that time.

"Sakurai-kun, don't overdo it. When you come to McAllen, I'll bring you a delicious rice shop. (Fujiyanga.) There's also a hot spring, so I'll take a rest." . I'm serious, but I have to do it moderately.

"Oh, thank you," Sakurai-kun replied with a slightly tired voice. Is it okay ...

The Royal City of Sinfonia moves away. Even at long distances, the huge Highland Castle has exposed its magnificence. "It's a big castle, that's a big deal." "It's really an ugly castle," next to him was Juliae, who had unraveled the colors. I don't like Highland Castle. Do you hate the country of the sun or itself?

"I'm away from Sakurai-kun. Lonely?" "U, noisy. I won't see you anymore! So what kind of town is McAllen going to be?" I'm thinking about it

“Makoto!” “Takatsuki-kun!” I heard the nervous voice of Lucy and Sa-san.

At the same time, a large shadow passes overhead. It's a huge wing shadow. (What? Hiryu?) With Sta. Someone jumped off the airship.

Glistening golden armor on the shining blonde. Ultra-blue eyes with sharp eyes. "Hey, Roses brave. Why go so fast?" Said lightning brave Gerald. A fine flying dragon is circling over the airship.

"I'm just done and I'm just going home," wrinkled Jella's eyebrows. "Is it a win or a run ... hey, it's a martial arts party in the country of fire, or a rematch in the previous game. Next time I win!" I'm full of a rematch. I hate it. Can we somehow avoid a rematch?

"In any case, let's win if we defeat the Demon King a lot in the next year's North Camp plan." "... Ah?" But she turned to a convinced face, as if she had come up with something. "Okay, that's okay," he said and jumped back to the flying dragon. It was good, I could persuade.

"Is it true you could say that?" "Takatsuki-kun, can you defeat the Demon King alone?" Lucy and Sae worried. "It's good, I just didn't want to fight Gerald, I just said it." From such a thing, I want to train and treat the great spirit "Undine". But since then, I haven't been able to call it once ... I'll talk to the goddess.

"Takatsuki, you're close to the lightning hero ...?" "Did you bother to follow?" Nina and Chris suddenly came and left immediately, and Jera left. I was looking curiously.

"Maybe you've come to see him off ..." Fujiyan said quietly. "Is that so?" Is that Tsundere? Well, the character has changed, Gerald.

-For a while, a peaceful air travel continued.

"This is the view of the airship ..." Juliae looks out with long hair. "Are you the first airship?" I lined up next door.

"Because I was born and raised on the ruins of the land of the moon ... I was the first time I got out of the country and was forced to be brought to the land of the sun." Do you want to go back to your country? However, the ruins of the lunar country seem to have the worst security, so don't go home.

When I was thinking about that, I was heard back. "Hey, my knight. What was your country of origin?" "I?" Explaining Tokyo? It's difficult to explain to people in this world.

"There are buildings about three times as high as Highland Castle, and huge blocks of iron are running all over the place. Then, hundreds of people on the ground can ride a carriage that can ride hundreds of people, "I guess it's very different from what I heard from Ryosuke." Juliae has a difficult face.

"What is Sakurai-kun?" "There is no monster, peace, and you will not be killed by racial discrimination." "..." Well, that's right. There was no magic, no adventure, and it was boring. For me.

"No, Takatsuki! Tokyo is a place full of sweets." Sae interrupted the conversation. Sassan seems to be unsatisfactory in the sweetness of this world.

"Speaking of which, are you from another world? Warrior," "Hello! Hi, Princess!" Sae responds with a smile. "You don't have to be called a princess. It's only true that you've signed a guardian knight." Is that so? Are there such rules?

"Well, what are you calling? Is it Friae?" "Everybody, wait a minute. It would be dangerous to call the name of Friae in McAllen as it is. The name of the moon shrine maiden is famous. I think it would be safer to say myself. "Fujiyan came and advised. Indeed, certainly.

"Do you know my name so much?" Juliae said with a disgusting face. "If you ask about its appearance and name, most people will be reminded of the moon priestess and show," Nina came.

Certainly, if 10 people pass each other, all 10 will look back. The moon shrine maiden Juliae whose name is known. Barre in one shot?

"Is there a good pseudonym?" "Even if you say suddenly ..."

――After thinking a lot.

"Then, let's name it 'Fourry.'" "Okay, foo-chan," Sae lost her name with haste. Isn't that nickname meaningless?

"What, what are you talking about?" "Lucy, Princess Friae has become a Princess Furi from today." "What?" That's why I tried that setting. If you call me a princess, it's good. Explain the background to Lucy.

"I understand! Thank you, Fouri!" "Yes, thank you, the wizard." Do you dare make a wall?

(Well, should we gradually break it down?)

I saw the outside scenery from the airship. A countryside landscape that lasts forever. A vast and fertile earth. We can nod that the country of the sun is rich. It's different from Roses with only forests and lakes.

Well, but. Water country is what i like. I can finally return.

"It was a problem ..." Fujiyan's voice resounded while having dinner in the cafeteria of the airship. Magic communicator in hand. Next to it is Chris with a blue face. "What happened, Fujiyan?" "Tacky. Apparently, a meeting to decide the next lord of McAllen will be held soon."

Lord McAllen has three children. All women. Christiana is the second daughter.

"I think it's probably because my sister and sister have colluded. I guess my husband thought it was an opportunity to stay away from the city for a long time," says Chris with a disappointing look. "Return to McAllen early," Nina pulls Chris's sleeve.

"Tacky. I'm sorry, but we must return to McAllen at full speed and we'll have to prepare for a lordship election conference. ... "" Don't say watery things, Fujiyan. I'll do anything if you can tell me. "" Takatsuki Sama ... "" Braves "Even Nina and Chris turned my thanks to me. 'S reply is natural. Fujiyan has the benefit of being a friend of the evil god's apostle. I must return my favors with all my might.

But the struggle for a noble successor seems to be tough. I wish I could help.

――As a result of flying the airship at full speed, I arrived at McAllen in about half the time.

"Then, this is it," Fujiyan and others left.

"We're going to be on the adventurer's guild," I suggested, turning to my three friends. "Yes, I want to see Marie and Emily for the first time in a long time." Anyway, McAllen after a long absence! Let's go see the people after a long time.

リ ア Perspective of Juliae Naia Lafiloigue ◇

(... a beautiful city) When I arrived at McAllen, my first impression was such a normal one.

Well maintained road. A waterway flowing beside it. Brick houses are lined up beautifully. Many people, both races and beasts, walk along the way. The faces of the running children are all smiles.

(… Unfair. It ’s totally different from the land of this month)

Land of the Moon Ruined ruins-ruins. Sewage and garbage dumps are not managed, and girls and children cannot walk alone. The safest is underground shopping. I've been living in a basement of dingy dwellings since I realized. The people who took care of me were those who worshiped the goddess of the moon. I do not know who my parents are. There are no special things to enjoy, just days of life.

The streets of McAllen, the city of water, were too dazzling to me. While walking around.

(If I could spend in this city, I would ...)

"I'm in danger." "What?" "Ah" Apparently, I was falling into the waterway without noticing. What are you doing I was seen by my eyes.

"Thank you ... my knight" and "watch out, princess." He turns his back on me and moves on.

(Don't hesitate, touch me ...)

In the land of the moon, there was nothing approaching me, the curse shrine maiden. He was said to be afraid, but he was actually scared. The same was true of the Sun Country. No one came near, fearing the curse. That's why everyone manipulated it with magic.

My knight is different. My magic does not work. Don't hesitate to touch me.

"Makoto, McAllen hasn't been in a long time!" "Takatsuki-kun! Let's go to a hot spring together!" "A little !? My arms are heavy!" And my knight tries to escape while getting a little red.

My fascination magic doesn't work. It seems upset to fellow girls. Even though he is my guardian knight, he moves forward without turning around. Oh, I stopped.

"Hey, princess. This is the McGullen's adventurer's guild." I turned around my neck and looked at my eyes. I stared at the magical magical eye for a trial, but returned without notice. It's like I'm not interested.

(Something fresh ...)

The truth came into a big building in the city. "Soon, foo-chan" "Fourie, come," I hear Lucy and Aya calling.

(... this may be the first time)

I took a big breath and stepped into the adventure guild of the water city.