Cohabiting Husband, Go Find Your Ex-lovers

Chapter 256 My name is Mei

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the President’s Contract Wife!"Xixi, where did you go!" Mother Lu was sure that it was her daughter. At this time, she heard her suppressed crying over there, and her heart was pulled together.

Lu Yuxi couldn't breathe anymore, he was already so big, and he hadn't left the house before, but he didn't know why this time, which made people cry.

"I, I..." I couldn't say anything.

Oliver parked the car on the side of the road and looked at her like this, a little distressed and a little funny. In just two days, he had seen so many kinds of hope, melancholy, charming, rational, and alienated. , Lively, and now look like a child in love.

How many faces does she have?

There was so much tenderness in his eyes, he pulled a tissue and handed it over, and opened another bottle of water to her.

Lu Yuxi glanced at him gratefully, took a sip of water, and calmed down.

"Mom, it's me, sorry." Although the nose is still sour, it can be controlled anyway.

"Where have you been? How are you?" Mother Lu asked repeatedly.

"I just want to go outside and relax. I'm abroad now, with friends, don't worry about me." Lu Yuxi lowered her head slightly, stirring the tissue in her hand with one hand, her tone dull.

"Let me say, let me say."

Lu Yuxi suddenly heard the sound of arguing over the receiver. Lu Qiming couldn't bear it already, and hurriedly took the phone, "Daughter?"

"Well, Dad, it's me." Lu Yuxi couldn't help laughing, but tears fell again and sniffed.

Oliver looked at the appearance of such a young daughter, with his hands on the car window, his mouth also smiling.

Fearing that she would be embarrassed, her eyes deliberately looked at the busy traffic outside the window, but her eyebrows couldn't help but recalled in her head.

Lu Yuxi hung up the phone, wiped away her tears, and pulled Oliver's sleeve.

"Let's go." His voice was a little hoarse.

Oliver saw her small face pouting, and suddenly wanted to squeeze it with her hands, just like her lips were red just now, so he wanted to try to see if she had put on lipstick.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?" Lu Yuxi thought that she had already cried for a while, all makeup was spent, it must not look good.

Can't help his cheeks flushed.He turned his head to avoid his gaze.

"It's very beautiful." Oliver seemed to see her thoughts, bent his lips, said intentionally or unintentionally, put the gear in, restarted the car.

"Where did you go, did you just say you want to eat barbecue?" Oliver changed the subject, such a beautiful night is not suitable for being too hurt.

"Yeah!" Lu Yuxi nodded heavily, "Is there any delicious barbecue here?"

"Of course! LA is a very tolerant city!" Oliver said and cheered, and the whole person was filled with excitement to the cheerful and warm music in the car.

Lu Yuxi was also infected, letting go of all the unhappiness in her heart and tried to devote herself to this enthusiastic city.

The barbecue restaurant he said was a casino named Fish. It was on a thirteen-floor open-air top floor, surrounded by colorful light bulbs, young people wearing vests, shorts and slippers, with big waves, long hair and red lips. The charming and beautiful people, as well as the New Zealand air-lifted beef and lamb roasted on hot coals, a large glass of iced draft beer, and the latest and hottest songs played in turns on the stereo.

"Hey guy!"

Oliver seems to be an old acquaintance here. Walking from the outside to the center, everyone along the way gave him a warm smile, and even the newcomer she was kind to her.

"They are all my friends, it's okay." Oliver explained that she was not used to it, for fear that she would not like it.

"It's very good here." Lu Yuxi shook his head and smiled.

Although it is true, when she first stepped on the steps, seeing the crowds here, she felt a little timid, this was a place she didn't know well, and all around were strangers.

But she didn't want to sweep Oliver's interest.

So far away from the crowd, I walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked out from here. The night view was bustling, and down was the bustling street market. Cars and people lined up. Looking into the distance, there were tall buildings, silently conveying the prosperity of Los Angeles.

What a great place.

Lu Yuxi held his head and looked a little fascinated.

From time to time someone came forward and wanted to strike up a conversation, and Oliver would push them all back with a smile.But there are still many pairs of eyes staring at Lu Yuxi with malicious colors.

Oliver deliberately stood close, standing beside her, the difference was that she was facing the outside, and his back was against the railing.

"It's great here." Oliver suddenly heard Lu Yuxi's admiration.

"It's very good," he said, and turned around, looking at the neon lights outside with her.

But before, he didn't think it was so good, probably because the city where he grew up always felt better outside.So go out frequently and go to various places in the world to see what other people live in.

But tonight, perhaps because of the differences in the people around him, Oliver actually felt that the place he was used to in this bored city had something new.

It’s good everywhere, if you have her around, you can go anywhere.

For the first time in his life, Oliver realized the true meaning of depression. It was like this. He didn't want to do anything, didn't want to say anything, didn't want to go anywhere, just wanted to guard her, even if he looked at her like this, he felt extremely satisfied .

"I'm crazy." Oliver cursed in a low voice. He thought he must be crazy to think about a woman who had only known him for two days.

"Can I have some wine?" Lu Yuxi turned her head, and the night breeze whizzed by, blowing her long hair up, and his eyes always contained emotions that he couldn't see clearly.

"Of course." Oliver shrugged, leading her to the side bar.

The short-haired girl with dyed pink hair shook the cup neatly in her hand.

"Asian?" Lu Yuxi heard her mutter to herself in a low voice, and was suddenly surprised, "Are you Chinese?"

The pink-haired girl also froze for a moment. The next second she smiled without grudge, "Yeah, yeah, I rely on."

Because of her last emotional expression, Lu Yuxi couldn't help but smile.

"My name is Mei, what's your name?" Mei's face was red under the shining of the colored light bulbs, unconsciously because he suddenly stopped and the wine in both glasses leaked out.

"What's up!" A big-and-bad man came over from behind and began to criticize Mei.What was said was unbearable.

Lu Yuxi frowned, and Oliver immediately stepped forward and said to buy the glass of wine just now and the twenty glasses of wine after he ordered Mei.

The man took a pile of green dollar bills, and then left contentedly.

"Fuck you so much!" Mei cried furiously.

"My name is Lu Yuxi." Lu Yuxi smiled while holding her domineering fingers, and said softly.