I'll touch your forehead.

Place your palm against her little forehead.

...... hot.

This world? I don't know the standard, but if you're the same person as me, your temperature is too high.

I don't know exactly because I don't have a thermometer, but it looks like it could be over thirty-eight degrees.

No, the sun was shining this morning, and Japan was temperate enough to call it an early summer outfit.

Has she broken her legs and arms and stopped moving?

I don't see any replacement for a cane that supports my body nearby...


Elbows, you have abrasions on your knees because you tried to crawl and move on?

If you think about it that way, isn't her clothes dirty just because she was falling into depression?

Organize your thoughts.

I lost consciousness when I was injured, and after I woke up I crawled and proceeded to do something about it, but I lost consciousness again. And the temperature is high and the sun is shining, and she's hot.

The answer derived from this is -.

"Heat stroke."

How long has it been since she fell?

If you even look lightly at heat stroke, it's life-threatening.

Every year, it's a dangerous symptom to the extent that the summer news reports the number of people who die of heat stroke.

What should I have done at a time like this?

Either way, you better hurry.

Put your arms on your shoulders and hold them up, just like when you were in Cobolt, and let the girl sit on the trolley.

"I'm moving."

Groaning at her unconsciously, she pushed the trolley back to her home.

Well...... where do you put her to sleep.

Inside the straw roof house dismissed. It could be about my life. No matter how cute the girl is, you can't let her into my private space.

Shall we buy land and build a cabin like Nado, just like we did in Kobolt?

"I'm worried about the rest of it... that?

The current holdings are one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight goldas.

No, this amount is absolutely crazy. Obviously, there's been an increase.

I'm getting more money than I had before I built the Cobolt house.


Oh, can you browse history as well?

"Land purchase minus two hundred golda

Customized minus four hundred golda

Remaining Amount - Three hundred and twenty-seven Golda

Silver Bulk Plus Thousand Golda

Stone currency plus twenty golda


"I don't remember getting silver or any currency...... ah!

Really? There was money in the bag that the Kobolts thought was a relic.

I can't believe you turned into Gorda on your own when you put it inside your own land...... I've done something wrong, but I can no longer do anything about it.

Looks like there's no way to get it back from Gorda to its original currency.

Either way, I got the money.

◇ ◇ ◇

"All right, now"

If we take Cobolt's house north, we added it on the south side.

Meanwhile, land for this girl shall be secured by two squares on the southwest side, built exactly the same as Cobolt.

Let the girl sleep in the cabin...... we need to give her authority long before she does.

When I reflected her on the tablet, the name "Titania" came up.

That sounds kind of awesome... but it's something I can't help thinking about by my world standards. Let's not think deeply.

Let Titania sleep in the cabin and go back to her home alone to get some water in the bucket.

I twisted my head trying to remember all I could remember about heat stroke in front of the sink while storing water in the bucket......

Sure. Was it evacuating you to a cool place in the shade, cooling your body, or drinking sports drinks?

My awkward memory only tells me this much.

"Sports drinks are all about rehydrating sweaty... then salt water is okay"

Father, it's catalog gift time. Hi.


Salt 500 grams two goldas'

Either way, we need salt. You don't have to lick the salt though, as it seems to be a little in the bread.

You can't survive without water and salt.

And then, to cool your body.


hand towel two golda

bath towel ten golda

Soap II Gorda

Shampoo IV Golda

Corn Soup Vegetable Digolda

Hot pot three golda

Mug Two Gorda '

Buy a total of twenty-seven goldas, combined with salt.

Finally, I decided to order my soap. I need it after this.

Squeeze the towel and bath towel with water and hurry to Titania with a bucket of water strained.

"If you're awake, give me your hand."

Though I speak to Titania while I sleep on my back, I still have no response.

You can't let me take my clothes off when I tell you to chill.

That's where the wet towels appear.

Untie the string on her leather boot and remove it, she was wearing black socks underneath so this also rips off sultry.

Place a wet bath towel on your bare feet and fold the hair dirty with mud onto your cheek.

"I hope he drinks a little..."

Turn your arms under her neck and wake her head.

I leaned over to her mouth a glass containing only a little water mixed with the prepared salt.

But the salt water keeps flowing through Dalari and her jaw.

No way.

"I'll touch it a little bit."

Pinch her cheeks with her thumb and middle finger and let her mouth open slightly.

I just flushed some salt water and I could see her throat moving.

I give her a little bit of salt water so she can't take a breather where the glass of salt water has been emptied.

"I wonder how it goes later..."

I left the water with salt water beside her head and left this place behind.

By sundown, we need to finish the grave.

◇ ◇ ◇

Dig dirt, moat, and dig with a shovel at best. Rest the body and cover the soil.

Just like the monster's grave, he stuck out a long spear and made this a grave mark.

Hands together and pray. By the time I had finished it all, it was sunset sky.

"It's over... my arms are already pampered. My back hurts too...... I may not be able to move tomorrow due to muscle aches"

Put the artifact on the trolley at heavy foot and return to the boundaries of your land.

If you keep putting the artifact on the lawn like this, the currency disappears.

"Do you want to just put the artifacts in line outside? I'm worried the sticky blood won't call the beast... I just want to wash it, but give me a break today..."

I was just about to put my foot on the lawn, and I can hear the dog howling.


Dog chirping next time, ha-ha-ha, to respond to my words.

The voice comes from a barn with an injured cobolt.

"I wonder if it's happening"

I'm the only one setting access to the door, so I can't open it to Cobolt.

For once, safety is ensured, but just in case, we go into the lawn and head from the inside to the barn with the cobolt.

"Is anybody there?

"Hmm? Is that Japanese now? What, that?

I heard words that made sense, but the Lord of Voices is definitely Cobolt.

What the hell. I wish you could do that from the start if you could speak Japanese.

Cobolt responding to my voice puts his hand on the window frame and raises his head out of pain or groaning.

Me and Kobolt with eyes through the window......

"How's the injury?

"To, he said he was human...!

I stroke my chest to say I'm glad I kept it safe in the cobolt's shitty atmosphere.