A pigeon follows from the front door I left open, from behind Waggan and him.

"Good Chen. Feed"

This is the first word since the return of the pigeon who stuffed his body at the door door.

You're really the guy who doesn't brace. This guy.

Even as I smile bitterly, I push the pigeon out of the door with both hands.

Order buckets (20 litres) and whirlpool seeds (business) and remove them from the chest.

"I'll help you!

"That'll help."

Ask Titania to support the bucket and pour the whirlpool seeds into the bucket with the dovadoba.


A pigeon buries his face in a bucket as soon as he takes his hand off the bait bag.

"Wagan. Thanks for reconnaissance"

"No. I didn't see anything particularly unusual. Something bothers me."

Waggan, who was standing beside me and looking up at me, turned his eyes to Rhutier.

"Do you have something for me?

"Are you glad we're planning to keep going straight?


Rhutier and Wagan exchange two or three words.

You noticed the intent of Wagan's question. Rütier grabbed his fist like a hack.

"Lord Fujichima. We've come straight ahead, but we need a detour."

"Is there something?

"As I told you, there is a river on the boundary between the wasteland and the meadow, but if you keep going, the river width is wide"

"I see. There's no bridge or anything like that."

"Yes, we know the right place to cross the river"

"Does the detour increase the distance quite a bit?

"Yes, I'm freaking out with the Great Mage (Maygus) Way, and I'm sorry"

"No, let's keep going"

Toe ahead, slapping Pont and Rütier on the shoulder.

Just fine. I just wanted to give it a try.

There is one constraint. It's just that we have to keep the river from flowing.

It doesn't seem like there's a problem stopping the weir for a short time, but the water that was flowing stays means that the water is going somewhere.

If that causes the basin to change, the impact on nature is too great.

Except after a topographical survey of the basin, but I don't know what's going to happen.

Anyway, this is a different world where snails face off the ground.

I've never gone beyond caution.

"I understand. Let me show you straight ahead."

"Thanks. I'll change the story, but it's time for dinner"

Titania's eyes are changing when she sees a pigeon sticking her neck in a bucket.

Sounds like it's time for her halibut timer to sound the siren.

I'll have Wagan and Rhutier set the fire, and me and Titania will prepare the dishes.

Even when it comes to cooking, all you have to do is cut the vegetables and meat into large pieces and stab them on the skewer.

Shake salt and pepper on a skewer set with vegetables and meat to the fire... wait for it to cook up after.

It's just this simple dish, but I had fun because I ate it with everyone in the open air. It doesn't taste too bad either.

I saw plenty of food and wondered if Rütier's dietary tendencies were slightly different from those of humans. He may have a strong carnivorous tendency as the tiger looks.

Was Wagan a dog eater or an omnivore like a human?

Titania? She's human, isn't she? It's just a foodie banzai.

I always smile at you for breaking your face looking delicious and eating it!

The overnight revelation, the second day, the rhutier's suggestion made the speed faster than Don's.

What he proposes is a division of roles.

Get out the two-wheeled carrier and have the silo bear pull it off.

I'll leave you to Lütier, and I'll concentrate on buying the land.

Titania is asked to ride a bicycle and Waggan rides a pigeon and exercises vigilance from the sky.

By doing this, I can focus on buying land and increase speed.

As a matter of fact, I had the same suggestion from Maluburg during my last expedition. But I decided I wasn't used to being inclined or obstructed, and I couldn't keep up with speed.

At first, I was on foot and I started riding my bike...

I was anxious to see if I could do it again this time, but getting used to it is amazing. I can go if I try to get you to gradually increase your speed. I can go.

Whatever wasteland it is, it will turn into a flat ground as long as it becomes our land.

All we have to do later is have the courage to keep the speed going, whether the big rock is forward or not.

It is significant that the tablet was already operated to the point where there was no problem at all.

That evening he revealed that he had built a tacheno-shaped house and had spent the night building it.

Before lunch on the third day...

Finally we arrive at a river that separates the prairie from the wasteland.

"You look like a nice river when you swim!

Titania crouched with her knees aligned on the bank of the river shrugged water at her fingertips to wet her cheeks.

I do think it is a river that is transparent, with slow flow and suitable for swimming.

Fish are going to be swimming, and fishing could be fun.

With our land roads we've built so far, we can arrive in two days by carriage.

If you're this far away, you can go hang out every once in a while.

Great river.

However, it is annotated that it is about playing.

"The river's wider than I thought."

If you don't stare, you'll sweat from your forehead over to the invisible shore.

Yes, it is.

This river is too wide. It's good to play, but it's tough to cross...

"Find out where the river is narrow"

Waggan tries to get into the pigeon, but he raises one hand and waits for him.

"No, I have hands. If it doesn't work, I'll ask you to explore it."

"Okay. Your magic is everything."

Although this happens, Wagan doesn't look particularly surprised.

He and Titania agree that it's no wonder what happens with tablet power.

But the tiger's great husband isn't.

"Lord Fujichima. What the hell are you gonna do? Speak of the great magician (Maygus)... not flying in the air."

"I'll try. If it works, it means banzai."

Copy that, sir.

"Get your hips down around there and wait for me."

Well. It's unexpected that I can't see the other shore, but shall I just try it?

Remove the tablet and reflect the landscape.

Set up a cobblestone climbing staircase just to meet the riverbank. The height of the stairs was set at three meters from the ground. I feel a little low... but with this terrain the water level shouldn't rise above two meters even if there is a flood.

If you get to a water level above that, you must be superior to the height of the shore and a major flood.

Stretch the cobblestone path straight from the stairs for about fifteen meters. The cobblestone height is about fifty centimetres, so I guess the height from the water to the cobblestone path is about two metres fifty.

"I wonder if I'd be lucky if it worked."

Tap a decision once at this point to reflect the building in the real world.

"Hey, what..."

Rütier raised his surprise.

Titania and Wagan are also circling their eyes.

I've ignored too much gravity myself. Do it to the power of the housing app. What... I pull it off a little.

The cobblestone path stretched from the stairs does not even show how it collapses and looks very stable.

Normally, there is nothing to support, so the cobblestone path should fall due to its own weight.

"Looks like we can get to the other shore like this."

It was me climbing up the stairs and gazing across the shore.