"Sweet... so sweet and fragrant and delicious..."

"This one is fluffy and sweet, and it feels like I've never eaten it, but yum!

I'm glad Lehmay and Ron seemed satisfied.

Come on, eat more.

Recommend sweets to them in mysterious great tense.

but I decided to split up the treats because I couldn't get Lehmay's hands on it.

I really want to throw a party and pick popcorn or something, but if you can't eat it, you should split it it.

They also put their mouths on coffee and tea, Lehmay had coffee, and Ron seemed to like tea.

Lütier, who watched calmly as everyone ate, also begins to eat where the air in the field has been soothing.

I was a little relieved because I was wondering if I didn't like sweets.

That you might be eating me because you can't?

In the case of the Beast Man, I knew my ears would speak more than my face. No matter how faceless your face is, your ears can be easily detected.

But it's cool to read the air. I don't want to rutier my feelings as an elder.

I think Wagan found out. He can't imitate anything like that either.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Thank you. Calmed down."

Lehmay stands up on the spot and bows with a peck.

"I'm glad you like it. I'll make it a decent meal this time when I get the next chance."

"I'm just amazed at Master Messiah's magic."

"Oh, yeah."

I can't count how many times I've been told already, but I'm still not used to being praised for letting go of me face to face.

The housing app can only be used by me, but you really don't feel like you've worked hard on your own.

So I feel extra subtle.

"So may I talk to you about the rest of earlier?

"Yeah. Please."

"Yes! Then -"

Dragon men advanced to the wasteland with guidance from tribes interacting with the Beast Man. That number is about eight thousand.

How dare you be more than twice as good as the Beast Man.

There are only three thousand beastmen in total. Indeed, they individually are less capable of combat than dragon men.

But if you fight as a group, the difference will be filled, and depending on how you do it, there's plenty of chance that the Beastman side will win... It was Lehmay's power to talk about the Beastman.

One question comes to mind here. Why is the population of the beasts only three thousand? Even though the Dragon Man boasts a population of 30,000 in the mountains.

The beast man's ability to live is inferior to the dragon man's?

No, it seems to me that the degree of culture is the same as from their stories. Rather, for grazing, the Beastman may be better at procuring food.

I've just heard about Lehmay so far, I'll hit Lehmay with my doubts.

"Some things like illness, natural disasters, birth rates, so it's hard to guess why the numbers are so low?

Population is not a simple thing.

But what I don't understand is why Lehmay started explaining this before she talked about her troubles.

In response to my question, Lehmay shook her head wide left and right. Her face was full of gloom.

"No. We didn't care about the difference between the number of dragon men and beasts until we came to the wasteland."


"It could only be three thousand. Wastelands were not rich..."



I thought after Lehmay told me all the circumstances, I don't understand this then.

"Rhutier, what was your life like when you lived in the wasteland?

"I had a semi-nomadic life. His land is also barren."


I see.

Things may change if we improve our technical skills.

But in the business of the beasts at the time, it was best to support three thousand?

They live semi-nomadic lives. What about the dragon man against you?

"Do dragon men settle and live in one place?

"Yes, the wasteland is tough indeed, but we are bringing goats, sheep and berry trees from the Dragon Valley"

"So you can support 8,000?

"Yes, dragon men endure coarser food than beasts and can sleep without food"

"Have you adjusted your food and lived by hibernating?

"Yes… because sleeping can reduce food consumption to less than a third"

I don't know how many times this will be a scream, but the environment in different worlds can be tough everywhere. There's no stable land, is there?

It's not just wasteland.

Living in the prairie throughout the year would also be impossible without the power of the housing app.

The Principality may still have better technical skills than the Beastman or the Dragonman combined. But as you can see from watching Titania, the food situation is very hard.

The Principality is exposed to constant struggle... far from peace.

In the end, the principality, the beast man... and the dragon man are the same at all. I wonder what.

Do you fight to live or run away? Whatever the difference is.

The dragon man could hibernate, so he could support eight thousand people, even in the wasteland.

Three thousand beasts against each other can live in the wasteland.

It was impossible for them to coexist in an environment called the Wasteland.

What a sad world.

Their cry can't be inferred from here on Earth by me from a dream world.

But... at least I want you to smile as far as I can reach.

Arrogant and selfish, but this is my honest thought.

"Lütier. You don't have to ask ahead. I can grasp the circumstances of the Beast Man and the Dragon Man"

"Roger that. The Great Mage (Maygus) didn't need an in-depth explanation."

"No, that's not true. Lehmay, thanks for explaining. And Rütier."

I hold meetings in the order of Lütier and Lehmay.

In contrast, Rütier nods back deeply. Lehmay, on the other hand, "I don't know what to do," he said. Bumbling his neck in the wind.

It's fresh for me to see a resolute, pitiful beauty bewildered. That's kind of cute.

"Can I just say one thing first?

Stand up and turn your body toward Rhutier.

Then he stood up immediately too, facing straight with me.

"Rütier, I want to praise your decision."

"Lord Fujichima..."

Depending on what you do, you could have driven the Dragon Man back. Then there must have been some rebellion from the beasts claiming "you can fight".

But he asked for New Heaven and Earth.

I don't even know if there is. I chose an uncertain path.

What tough mental power.

What a tremendous charisma to push your will through and let the beasts follow you.

"Lütier's pride, his lofty thoughts, his presence is by no means reprehensible. Please don't despise yourself."

"Yes, sir"

Sounds like a touching Rhutier.

He is shaking his broad shoulder with tears of tears from his eyes.

I'm shrugging my own embarrassing line, but I just want you to say one more thing.

"I'm proud to be friends with you. Keep up the good work. Rütier."

"Lord Fujichima!

Shake hands with Rütier and Gatchilli.

I put all my strength into my arms, but for him, it seemed like a mosquito was enough.

Just a little stronger than me, and he's appealing to me, "Come on, I'm going to grip you back harder," but I can't do this any more.

At the end of the day it didn't tighten like me...... haha.

"I just found out what's going on. I'm sorry in front of the Lehmays, but that's not the kind of guys you rock. Rütier, Waggan"

"I know what you're saying."

"Fujichima. Me and Rütier are at your disposal. It doesn't change there. We know more about what happened with the Dragon Man than we did before."

Slap Wagan and Rhutier on the shoulder...... said Rhutier's shoulder is a bit far......

He's over two meters tall.