We were to head to our destination as soon as we had snacks. You might think of it as a meal for a long time, but it's very important.

When you are hungry, your thinking is dull and you are somewhat more likely to misjudge. Besides, Lehmay and Ron needed to figure out how to get around for more.

The car unfortunately did not exist on the menu list in the housing app. Even though I say there is something maniacal about auto three wheels......

I just added a bike, and there's no way you can drive without practicing even if you say "drive me" other than me.

Up to two Mr. Shirokuma... and there's only one left if we keep this up.

Troubled, Wagan, who was eating sandwiches looking yummy, said, "What's bothering you?" I whine in the way I said.

"If you've got more people, you can pull the luggage."

"I see. A carriage."

Replace the horse with the Hiraki. If it's a carriage for carriages, there should have been something on the app's menu with a front that I often look at in fantasy.

There were a lot of trolleys even if I didn't remember correctly, so the substitute works with him.

I just opened the menu on the tablet... there was. There's a flashy cream front on the red body.

I kind of want to see the body of the train, but it shouldn't be a functional problem.

Order now!



"Won't you come in..."

I can speak to Waggan who worried about me hardening, but he shook his head at him saying, "It's okay."

It's a crate size issue, and the luggage truck's not coming out.

For items as big as this, you can go into customized menu furniture… it's the type of item that goes out of the chest.

Refresh your mind and relax the Customized Menu Crate (Ultra Large) onto the screen…

"Sorry, could you move a little"



Ask Lehmay and Ron to pull over a little to the left...... more materialize the crate.

So be it...

Either way, now I can get my luggage out.

After we get the luggage out safely, we're going to use everyone's help to get it out of the crate.

I noticed after all the hard work I put out, should I just erase the crate?

I won't use it again, so it won't be a waste.

Well, that's fine.

With his head on, he now erases the chest. I'm sitting in the middle of the road, so don't interrupt.

Attach the chatter and luggage car to the Whirlpool and it's ready.

Ask Ron and Lehmay to get in the luggage and start moving slowly in the form of instructions from behind.

All right, you don't seem to have a problem.

Gradually increase speed and head to your destination all the way. The goal is a volcanic hemline.

◇ ◇ ◇

Even though I was pulling my luggage, the Hiraki had no speed problems because it was faster than a silo bear.

I was able to get close to my destination in no time because I went at a speed incomparable to walking and bicycling.

Unfortunately, it's sunset, so the work is tomorrow.

Today we will be spending the night building three Apollo-shaped buildings.

The Apollo shape is close to the triangle cone by its appearance, but it was an excellent home compactly packed with the necessary facilities.

Kitchen and bath on the ground floor. There are two beds upstairs. Hashigo stretches from upstairs and can go up to a little loft.

Ron and Lehmay, Rhutier and Waggan, me and Titania split up to go to bed.

Because of this, I thought I could be with Ron, but I decided it would be better with Ron because Lehmay is still feeling unstable.

"Take that to Rütier, I'll take this one to Lehmay."


To divide the dishes you can do into three parts and take them on a basin.

After transporting, eat slowly, take a bath and roll to bed… and relax.

As soon as he falls asleep, he utters, and Titania, who falls asleep in the next bed, whines where his consciousness is about to fly.

"Fireballs fall even at night."

From time to time, red light of various sizes, large and small, descends from the sky.

There is also a red light that hits the invisible wall, and more lava bullets rolling along our land.

"It looks good through the loft window, but go check it out?

"Yeah. Fuzzy needs to get some sleep soon."

"I've been moving all day today. Titania needs some rest."

"Yeah! If I had magic, I might add a little... sorry"

"No. Enough magic. No problem."

This is all I use Gorda, but it is slightly increasing rather than decreasing.

I can't sleep with my feet to everyone in Samarkand.

But Titania said something that bothered me.

"Can magic be given a share?

"I don't know the details. Mr. Crow said that."

"There's a crow... when I get back, I'll ask if I remember"


It's just a matter of interest. I don't have magic... maybe. I think Crow or Gbaa said that.


I fell asleep in bed with Goron.

"What's going on?

Titania gives you a face when you hear my voice.

"No, don't worry, it's just solitary"


Titania lowered her raised head and buried her head in the pillow.

You got out with your mouth on...

Steady, obvious, but I'm ignorant. Naturally, I don't know what I was on Earth about the other world.

There are too many disasters in this world. Something devastating, too.

If you ask the crow about the mechanism and magic of a disaster, will you be able to understand it somewhat?

I wish I could predict the frequency of occurrence or something by figuring out how it works.


If I was falling asleep and twisting my head, I'd be asleep soon.

When my consciousness grew hazy, Titania was gobbling while saying something bumpy, but what she was saying was no longer coming into my head.

It smelled fluffy and sweet before my consciousness broke......

◇ ◇ ◇

- The next morning.

There is no clear boundary between the wasteland and the mountains, and the slope begins from the desolate flats to the mountains… etc.

These neighborhoods are no different from the rest of the world. All of a sudden, I wonder if you've seen any terrain so far that makes you laugh at the climate such as the desert or the sprawling rainforest that seemed to be next to the desert.

Most of all... I've seen mysterious creatures many times in the prairie... like flying pyranea and snails springing from the ground.

I just remembered it makes my spine cold. Only watermelon turtles are welcome!

"The upper level of this mountain is the eruption."

Lehmay points to the top of the mountain and shivers his mouth.

I wonder how to pull the lava bullet off.

We can avoid lava bullets flying into the Dragon Man's settlement by stretching our land straight from here to become a wall.

But I was wondering if we should change the operation all over the place.

"Is the eruption limited?

"Maybe there's something else, because it's too dangerous to come close..."


As a matter of fact, if I covered it with my land so as to surround the eruption, I thought it would be faster and more certain than laying my land at the foot of it, with less area to buy...

If I hadn't been able to identify it, no, I'd forgotten another serious thing.

Just cover the foothills in the first place. Then it might not solve the problem.

"Dragon men don't just live in wasteland, they live in mountain ranges, right?

That's right. The Dragon Man doesn't just live in the wasteland.

"Yes, but the mountains are more vast than the wasteland. I hear it has little effect on the Dragon people's area of residence."

"Then don't you need to consider the dragon man in the mountains"

When that happens, can it be at the foot or at the eruption?