
When I heard from the crow about the means to expand the tablet, I found that there were two plans I could use in real terms.

One is a proposal to dedicate my body to the tablet.

Remember when the crow first met me, he said "mixed up"?

The crow says the tablet is made from my body and the magic in my body. Seems like there's actually a finer breakdown, but it doesn't matter to me there.

The idea is simple and clear, so I'm going to use more of my body to give the tablet more power.

The advantage is that I solve everything myself. The downside is that it has a huge impact on my ability to exercise.

"I don't recommend using your body."

"Ugh, right. I knew there was only one more."

I read your thoughts.

I'll use my body. The plan is unknown until I can specify where to use my body and how far it will damage it. Besides, the effect was permanent.

"If that doesn't work, make it a liquor pond meat grove."

Let's not do that, shall we?

Other than using my own body... it becomes a ritual.

Sake pond meat grove is one of many rituals......

Slight crow guy, I saw how much you liked my reaction.

I go out of my way to come down from above my head and look resentfully at the crow jumping on the bed.

Then he whimpers happily, "No."

"All right, I'll get everyone together and smash it. If you don't go any further..."

"From Titania and Aisha first?

"Get away from that idea!

Totally... I'm trying to get my thoughts together, but I'm interrupting.

Yes, the crow's ritual is a means of gathering magic from a subject.

There's literally everything from a personal offering to a prayer that's light.

Expanding your tablet requires a tremendous amount of magic.

It's rituals that can gather enough magic to make it happen.

I know you can already imagine, but the stronger you force the subject to do it, the more effective it is.

In other words... the smallest number of human beings is required, and more than tens of thousands of people are required to cooperate in prayer.

And my ritual of choice...

"Hmm, you, Dragon Man woman, you want?

"That's why you're not! How do you even know about Lehmay?

"I don't know. I just said it right."

So don't interrupt at the perfect time.

No. I don't care about this one, I'm going at my pace.

"I'll talk to the Maluburgs first. Then call on the inhabitants of Samarkand. He asked me to help him with my crisis."

"Prayer is not enough."

"I know. Choose an offering."

"Call me when you start the ritual."


When I tried to say thank you, I already flew out the window.

◇ ◇ ◇

All right, you want to talk to Titania and Waggan downstairs first?

To keep you in the mood, slap your cheeks with your hands on Pern.

- Pimp.


You're early. Are you here yet?

Going downstairs, Titania had just welcomed visitors from while opening the entrance door.

I'm here... the boy with the adorable blonde face. However, the contents…….

"Have you thought about something weird before you get back?

"Ha, I'm home"

"Welcome back. I heard you were tired, but are you feeling well enough?

"Oh, yeah. Well, you're healthy."

Bring an ambiguous smile and guide Maluburg to the couch.

If he sits down a bit elegantly, Titania puts the tea on the table with Cottori at the perfect time.

"I wasn't expecting Maluburg, so I was a little surprised."

"Are you unhappy with me?

"No, that's not what I'm saying. Uh."

"Klaus and Frederick were just leaving the job to me. I had the most free time. That's all."

"Oh, my God."

Puffy, cheeky and distracting.

A waggan with a glass breaks in so as to cut through the subtle air.

"Maluburg was worried about you. So I just came first."

"Huh? Really?

The opposite Maluburg turned away puy and included tea in his mouth.

He also seems obstinate in heart.

If this guy goes any further, I feel like a snake...

You shouldn't step in for fun.

"Uh. What was it like over there? Because the crow said goblins and stuff."

"Well, it's no big deal. Goblin's farm is going well. I asked Klaus to come and see how it went."

"Heh. Are those guys seriously plowing the field?

"Yeah. I don't know much about tools making techniques or farming, but if it's just motivation, I guess it's much more expensive than a farmer in the Principality"

"Wheat, don't you chant like wheat or some sleepwalker...?

"You understand very well. Are you gonna tell me? Their aggressiveness lurks completely, and instead they worship wheat so much that it can be called bigotry"

"Oh well..."

What was that... "Glory to the wheat"? I think I was repeating those words.

Goblins don't seem to storm out for this minute.

"Yes, yes. I'm sure it'll get to you soon, so I'll tell you first."


"Do you remember the Goblins who came to Samarkand before?

"Lütier and Frederick fought for me."

"Yeah. From those who were on reconnaissance, one of them? I'm getting reports of disturbing movements."

"That's not a good situation."

"Well, it's not hard to get rid of no matter how many big armies you attack. It's not a problem to be twice as big as I used to be. And you."

"Well, that's the thing..."

Right here. I'll just have to say it here.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Suddenly."

You look like I was in too much of a hurry, return the words like Maluburg was a little confused.

"There's something I want everyone to hear. I'll tell you later at the rally."

Eyes on Waggan and Titania as well as Maluburg.

"What's going on?

"Sit down, Titania. Sit down."


Titania sits next to me with a mug that stands hot, just like Waggan.

Wagan, on the other hand, had already sat down next to Maluburg.

"In conclusion, the magic is no longer available."

state faintly to avoid giving as much seriousness as possible.

The three opposing people just snorted back in silence. Their faces are all equally serious themselves.

"I'm not depleted of magic, but I can't use it anymore because I think I've used too much magic."

"Fuji. I'm sorry."

Titania in tears and shakes her head when she sieves.

"Because everyone has no responsibility whatsoever! I hope you don't look at me like that."

I didn't think they'd ever say "you unusable bastard," but I never imagined you'd be driven by self-blame.

I've been using tablets for myself. There's no need for everyone to get sick.

"Fujichima. Can't I do something to get you back together?

"I have the means... but it's a little troublesome."

In response to Wagan's inquiry, I begin to explain the ritual.