Looks like Gargoyle noticed me and Titania.

But his condition was too unexpected. How dare you kneel on the spot and sit still with your neck dripping.

Gargoyles were definitely the ones who attached to the goblins and encouraged them to evolve.

The aim is to strengthen the Goblin's power of war and annihilate humans.

I'm assuming they fought together because Goblin's purpose was similar.

Gargoyle knows as far as the Demons are manipulating with magic, but it's unclear what motivated them to cooperate with the Goblins.

In Maluburg's discussion, was there a theory of coincidence and a guiding theory of the Principality?

Since I heard about Ernst's work on Felix, I've come to believe that the Duchy's theory of guidelines, which I thought was "There's no way to blow myself up", is also frowning.


"Oh, I'm sorry"

Titania pushes me around my fingertips a little bit and I look at the gargoyle again.

As always, I don't want it to move slightly with a faint posture.

I don't know what's going on, this.


"Why don't you talk to me?

"Gargoyles are puppets, aren't they? of demons who wage war on principalities and empires without question."

"Yeah, but. Fuzzy would."

Titania smiles furiously that she may have lost her colleagues and relatives in the battle against the Demons.

"So, but"

"You tried to talk to Gargoyle once! I know a little bit about Fuji's deep thoughts, too."


"Yeah! Fuji taught me we could get along, no matter what hateful enemies. So I've decided not to hate anyone, either."


"You were lost about me, weren't you? It's gonna be okay, okay?

"Okay. Thanks."

"Eh heh."

Pound Titania's shoulder and walk slowly to Gargoyle.

Operate the tablet and recreate the path currently in Gargoyle.

Reassemble into a concave shape, put the gargoyle in the middle of the concave, and I'll stand in front of him.

"What can I do for you?


Gargoyle answers nothing and doesn't move with his head down.



"Raise the table. Permission to speak?

"Thank you. I'm happy. I can't be honest. Thank you for your disrespect."

"Oh... so, what's going on? Suddenly he came."

"Demon King's Palace. Apologize first for the sudden visit. I'm sorry."

"Oh, no."

Is this gargoyle the same person who manipulates with the gargoyle who had the conversation before?

I don't know who the devil's king is, but I'm totally mistaken.

"F, fuzzy"

Grab my clothes like Titania was scared.


Half a step behind her, my spine gets all hairy.

There are only two of these overwhelming signs, as far as I know.

I don't have to see where he is.

Right forward.

They're still far away, I can't confirm it with my eyes...

One, two.

Here we go.

Magnificence, raw to describe as calm, its overwhelming standing behavior.

Every single piece of gray feather that lags in the sky has more dynamism than a lined organism.

A giant bird that, if manifested, can also be seen as fearful.

"What can I do for you? Gbaa."

'I heard the word Demon King. Lord, were you the Hand of the Wizard King?

Where were you listening? This guy......

No, it's no wonder they say that Gbaa can even hear the slightest twitch of a little bird, whether it's on the back of the world.

"Who is the King of Magic?

'Right. Don't you know? Right, right.'

It would be nice to shake your wings with delight, but the ground is turning. Because he's giving it to me.

I thought this guy was a jerk. I bought the land at the top of the recess and locked the gargoyle inside.

Shortly afterwards, dirt sand was applied to the wall behind the gargoyle and bounced against the invisible wall.

"Are we done here? Well, I'm home. I'm home."

"Lord, has the King of Magic been turned?

"... don't go wild. Don't ever get mad at me."

When did you get here?

It wasn't Gubaa who called me.

It emerged at such a rate that it was unrecognizable to humans, no, maybe it came metastasized.

Either way, it was another giant dragon with divine pure white moffy hair that suddenly appeared on the other side pinching me from Gbaa.

This guy's name is Gwayne. Make it stand alongside Gbaa and rarely clash with Gbaa to wreak havoc on the prairie.

"Gwayne. Is this where you know the prairie and the wolf?

Isn't that right? Yeah.

Seriously, don't do this. Because the terrain will spill.

I tried to make you wait for two superorganisms out loud, and Gwayne gets ahead of me.

'I'm sorry. Gbaa. I really wanted to make sure. Forgive me.'

'This is another pleasure that the Lord will apologize for. Let's just forgive this time.'

Oh, oh.

I don't know what it is, but you stopped bumping into each other.

All right, that's good. All you have to do is welcome home.

'Yes, good Chen. Actually, what do you say?

Moff, the dragon. Gwayne asks again.

"Like I said, I don't know. Who are you talking about, the Magic King?

'Right, don't you know. Right, right.'

Screw the same line.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The ground will turn.

I don't want you to imitate it to destructive power. Can't you be happier? Both Gbaa and Gwayne.

"If you're satisfied, that's enough, right?

'Turn to me, such a lame thing.... That's not bad'

"It's Gwayne. He's in my prairie."

Gbaa eats and hangs on Gwayne, who is satisfied on his own.

"Ahhh. Wait, wait."

I rush into a stop because the disturbing air has drifted.

Yeah, yeah, what am I gonna do? We need to say something appropriately and delude it.

"Yeah, yeah. Oh. Yeah. Who is the King of Wizards?

"It's called Thesius. He's the ancestor of all sorcery, the one who calls himself a one-belly pain bullshit."

Guba answered my question.

Now I can manage to distract you...

"An ancestor of sorcery? It's like a crow."

"It's different from crows. He's an explorer. I have it now with greedy intellectual greed. But Thesius is different. He's close to us."

Gubaa talks pale, but I have no idea what it's about.

I don't even want to know much...

"I don't know..."

'Unfortunately, my lord, you're meeting with the stone statue, aren't you? Then you will also have the opportunity to meet with Thesius'

"Because you don't have to worry. I don't even want to get close to superorganisms."

"Hmm. Crows, pigeons, all I asked for."

"Oops. Because the crow takes care of me a lot. Thank God."

'Huh. Right. Right. It's the first time in the last hundred years that he's attracted interest. Funny.'


'Bye. Good Chen. I'll be back.'


You don't have to come.

What if the fields are destroyed?

Oh, my God, of course I can't tell you, it was me dropping off Guba with a dry laugh.

When Gbaa walks away, Gwayne also disappears neglectfully.