The next morning...

Had I had breakfast in jersey, there would have been a happening where a grinning Titania would have brought an example outfit to reveal on the spot.

I tried to get back in my jersey, but they pulled me off because I might be here soon... leaving me looking that flashy.

Nothing else in particular, a relaxing morning just like when I was in Somerkand.

It's my morning feeling that cloak is quite disturbing......

Then I watched the crystal palace on the roof and Pickle and Waggan's ears move.

"We're moving."

"Finally, Josie"

Following Wagan's voice, he gets pounded on the shoulder with a pong from Maluburg, where he was next door.

You arrived earlier than I thought. I wonder if Frey made it.

I sit alone on the couch and close my eyes and turn to Frey, who was concentrating.

She stood up on the spot faster than I could speak and turned her body to this one.

"This one is also coarsely prepared. Fortunately, the country was waiting for my report."


Let's do a final check.

Check the power of the speakers installed next to the monitor.

Reinforce Frey and Maluburg on how to operate... well, there was no leak only between these two. It's a big deal because I was worried I wasn't telling you by mistake.

"Waggan, fest, shall we go? Titania asks for Frey's assistance. Maruburg, I asked you to stay here. Frey's waiting in front of the monitor."

Instructions were given to each of them, which finally coincided with the start of the situation.

Wagan and I break up on the ground floor and go outside with Felix.

He's going to work with the Beast Warriors. I also envisage having them go out into the sky with the pigeons depending on the circumstances.

Now, when are you coming?

◇ ◇ ◇

The light sound of the hooves kicking the ground approaches us.

This time it's a dragon ride. Then it looks like a horse ride. Given its user-friendliness, I feel like a dragon rider would be better.

Perhaps it is rare to ride dragons or horses, depending on their identity and format.

What this means is that the soldiers who come this time are not what they were last time.

I hold Felix's hand, which is nervous and beefy.

He looked at Chirali and this one with a strong grin and shook my hand back.

"The number of horseback rides is three. I can't confirm that my face is still my eyes. The distance is roughly two hundred meters, no, a little more. A horse would be a short distance away."

Do you want to surprise me?

Select a land purchase area to reflect the landscape, including horses, through tablets.

Make your settings public... Tap Purchase.

Then, in an instant, the cobblestone path connects me to the horseback riders.

Not only the horses but the humans stop in surprise, but soon they moved out again.

"Ernst van Crystal Palace"

"Rubook Allen"

"Alexei Quadra"

Three names confirmed.

This is why I made my way all the way.

Oh, Ernst, are you in person?

He was wrapped in shiny silver armor with a red cape and a flashy military outfit.

I know he's the Duke's son because he's Maluburg's brother, but he's kind of a knight.

Hold on, Ernst himself is coming, as Maruburg expected.

Somehow Maluburg had all sorts of Ernst down, but I just said your son had a cool face on Sarah's blonde hair.

Are the Dukes all handsome?

Three people descend from their horses as far away as the last dragon ride.

A good man out front or Ernst, and I wonder if the soldier who refrains behind him is his escort. No, maybe they're knights because they're wrapped in full-body armor.

Stop Felix with his right hand who tried to greet him first and see Ernst to eagle without changing his expression.

We have to figure out how he gets out here.

Ernst stopped at a distance of about a meter from me, and a knight who refrained behind the left and right gave a salute.

"I will see it with your mentor. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Ernst holds his right hand in front of his chest with his palm open, shaking his right arm up at the top of his head.

At the end of the operation, a meeting is held with a disturbance.

What, this guy... Something's going on. Oh.

I'd like you to keep this kind of thing only in the play.

Let's see how it goes first.

"Let's put aside who I am. You wanted something from me, didn't you?

Yabe. There's been a lot of plays over here.

"Say hello first"

"No. Good. You must be Ernst Van Crystal Palace.

"Did Felix tell you? I'm afraid you remember my name."

"From Felix? I don't need that. Loubook Allen on the right. Alexei Quadra on the left, right?

I just say it would be natural without changing one expression.

By being named, the three breathe. Especially the two behind him opened his eyes, so much so that his fingertips were trembling.

"The mentor knows everything...... I am impressed. Please forgive me for my immorality without realizing that introductions are unnecessary."

"What do you want?

Ignore Ernst's apology and just tell him what he wants to say to bluff.

"I would like to have the help of my mentor."

"Weapons, or do you want gold coins? You want a magic trick?

"No, you don't need 'things'. I just want to borrow Wei."

You mean you want to borrow the authority of a tiger.

If the mentor is absolute, if he hears that he is his friend, there will be many who will befall Ernst.

I know what this guy wants.

Maluburg's right, you're an easy fool to understand.

Drive Finn, his eldest son, out of a successor fight, and he becomes the next Duke. I'm only thinking about that.

If we rebuild the Duchy of Crystal Palace, we'll have no next term or shit.

I can only imagine "now" and "happy future" for this guy. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a convenient future.

The Principality of Crystal Palace is a dead body.

It was clear what he was thinking.

I'm glad I didn't say anything about the power to destroy the demons.

Then shall we begin? Have a festival.

"Fest. Ask for their guide"

"Yes, sir."

I'll leave Ernst and the others to Felix, who was keeping an eye on things.

I'm going to move on, so I'm going to have Felix lead the way so he can follow me.

Put the tablet in your right hand and reflect the landscape.

"Felix. What did the mentor do?

"We are in a state of concentration. You can use more magic than this."

"Oh, oh. Can you show us more" Wei "?"

Ernst looks impressed, but I don't know about that.

"Frey, I'm gonna need you from here on out."

Whisper in a whisper toward the pin microphone you planted on hand.

Select the floor coverings and create terrain in the tablet footage.

Tap a decision.

In an instant there was no sound, and a path five metres wide appeared ahead.

The path is made of crystals and is colourless and transparent.

The road stretches straight from the small high hills towards Crystal Palace.

"Ugh, it's floating"

Ernst gave a startling voice.

We have to go down a nice slope to get from the hill to Crystal Palace.

But our path literally stretches straight.

The path made of clear crystals formed a path while floating in the air.

"We will be built our way like this. Follow me."

When I start moving on, Felix leads the Ernsts.

Let's move on.

Even Crystal Palace.

Stretch out the crystal path. Proceed through the sky.